Grasping Evil

Chapter 1142: A husband is off!

There are actually two half-sacred invasions, and one of them is an ancient demon... Could it be the ancient demon that re-emerged as the konjac?

Wen Yan, Ning Fan's eyes changed slightly, did not dare to neglect, immediately flew out of the Xuanyin world.


Outside the Great Pass, the waves are soaring.

Among the mad wolves, millions of interracial beasts slammed the battle of the Holy Ghost.

The inferior strongman in front has just been killed by the glare, and the strong aliens in the back will be added quickly. These low-order aliens are born warriors, and there is no fear of death in their hearts. The blood of the deceased has reddened the waters of the Wanshengguan, but there is no low-order alien retreat.

There are also 12 emperors, occupying the different directions of the Wanshengguan, and jointly exerting the Ziwei magic to help break the battle.

Among the 12 emperors, nine were born in the ninth road, and the other three were Dongtian rebel.

Time is still white, but under the joint efforts of the twelve emperors, the entire Halloween gate was shrouded in an abnormal night. Above the night sky, countless magical stars of the Lagerstroemia, hanging high in the sky. With the 12th Emperor joining forces to cast spells, those Ziwei stars suddenly turned into countless purple meteor showers, and they fell to the lower part of the Halloween!

Falling stars are like dying!

This is an ancient method of breaking through the Ziweixian domain. It can gather the power of many emperors, and the evolution of the stars and rains is fierce.

Although the pattern of the Wanshengguan was powerful, under the attack of the Xingyu, which was jointly created by the twelve Emperors, it was quickly smashed with numerous cracks.

嚓, 嚓, 嚓...

Those cracks are like spider webs, and they are increasing. Finally, there is a place where the array is completely broken, revealing a gap of several feet!

It may be that the third road was successfully recovered by the East Heaven monk, which stimulated these alien strongmen. This time the aliens attacked, the situation was fierce than ever before, and everything was desperate. This is not a fragrant incense, it opened a mouth above the Wanshengguan big array!

"Not good! The formation is actually cracked! Block the gap soon, so let the aliens into the law!"

There was a terrible monk in the East, and immediately divided dozens of people to block the gap and repair the array.

After sacrificing more than a dozen lives, the Dongtian monks reluctantly repelled several alien beasts that rushed into the array of lights and blocked the gap in the formation.

But not long after, there were two arrays of methods, which were opened by the aliens.

The Dongtian monks rushed to repair the array and annihilated the alien beasts that rushed into the interior of the array. They were short of a hundred, and hundreds of Dongtian monks had fallen.

To make matters worse, an alien emperor took the opportunity to rush into the interior of the formation before the Dongtian monk repaired a certain gap in the formation!

Alone, into the Halloween!


It is a half-human and half-worm form of the alien emperor, the upper body is a human, the lower body is a water reptile, born in the ninth road of the otter family, the repair of the ancient six robbers.

Before the law of the Wan Guan Guan has not been completely broken, it is very dangerous to rush into the law. However, this Shuiyuzu Emperor did not fear this risk at all, because he did not put the Dongtian monk in Guanzhong into his eyes!

Among the guardians, there seems to be no rumored white robes?

So, why do you have to be careful and directly rush into the customs to kill, not to be more happy!

After the Shui Emperor Xiandi entered the customs, he immediately began to kill, even if a large piece of Dongtian monks was killed by him.

At first sight, this alien emperor actually dared to rush into the array directly. In the Dongtian monk, the Minghe boy, who was repaired by the eternal sacred martial arts, flashed in front of the otter, and threw it away. A rotten silver sand, attacked this emperor.

The rotten silver sand reveals the first weather, which seems to be a forerunner. Once it is thrown, it suddenly turns into a silver demon wind, and it is rolled up to the Shui Emperor Xiandi.

The Minamata Emperor is killing himself, and he is too lazy to ignore the attack of the Minghe Boys. He was hit by the silver demon wind.

The silver demon wind was quite powerful. Once he hit the Shui Emperor Xiandi, he immediately frozen him and frozen it into a giant ice man.

Seeing a trick to protect the enemy Xiandi, Minghe boy is quite proud, but the other side of the heart is not so, this ability will dare to directly into the enemy's battle.

At the next moment, the Minghe boy could not laugh.

But when I saw the ice above, suddenly the cracks were densely covered. The Shuishui Emperor of the Sui Dynasty had completely broken the giant ice and relied on the ice from the ice.

The Minghe boy was shocked, and once again sprinkled the rotten silver sand and turned it into a silver demon wind to the enemy.

The Shui Emperor Xiandi disdained, and his eyes shot two purple awns. The purple mans swept away. The silver demon wind of the Minghe boy suddenly vanished, and the magic weapon of the rotten silver sand was returned. It fell from the air and the power was greatly damaged.

No matter how the Minghe boy is urging, this rotten silver sand can't be used for a while!

"This is the lost treasure of the ancients! You have actually made a trace!" Minghe boy's face changed greatly, the other party has this ability, his rotten silver sand will not be used!

"Oh! Although it is Dongtian ants, the eyesight is not weak, but unfortunately the ability is weaker!"

The Shui Emperor Xiandi sneered, screaming at the flesh and slamming toward the Minghe boy.

The Minghe boy was defeated by the other gods, and he almost went to Jiucheng, which is the opponent of the opponent. However, in a hundred rounds, he was seriously injured and vomited by the Shuishui Emperor.

"Ming River Road Friends, I will help you!"

The seven-robbery repaired by the Red Camel Emperor saw the situation of the Minghe Boys unfavorable, immediately turned into a **** light, and rushed away.

But in the middle of the road, he was cut off by another alien emperor and stopped.

Another alien emperor rushed into the law and invaded the interior of the Wanshengguan!

This is a sand sorcerer emperor who was repaired by the Seven Robbers. There is no trace of flesh and blood in his body. His body is completely composed of crystal flowing sand. It is like a humanoid sand monster. It is very strange.

"Red God Gun!"

In front of the eyes, the alien emperor invaded the Halloween gate. The red camel emperor dared to keep his hand, and immediately released the innate magic weapon, the red-gun, the blood-colored gun mantle shrouded thousands of miles, and a shot stabbed to the sand soul family.

The sand spirits of the emperor sentimental guns in front of him, only ridiculed a smile, did not evade, let the guns run through the body.

"Hey! It’s really stupid to take a shot from the old man without even avoiding it."

The red camel sneer. His red gun is a magic weapon. The attack power is not the strongest in the world, but it is a kind of cherished spirit called "Blood Mantra".

It is very dangerous to be stabbed by a red gun. As long as the enemy is drunk by the Red God to the blood that has just been removed from the body, he will be cursed by the gun and repaired as a seal for 50%.

At the same time, the seven-year-old robbery was repaired, and the red camel emperor could vaguely perceive that the opposite of the sand-soul emperor was slightly stronger than himself.

In front of the battle, he may not be the opponent. But if the other party has his red blood gun curse, and he is repaired as a seal of 50%, it is another matter!

"You have been repaired as a seal, it is no longer my opponent! To die!" The red camel emperor waved a shotgun, and another shot stabbed to the Shah family.

The sand soul family Xiandi face disdain, his repair is not half-marked by the red **** gun, because there is no such thing as blood in his body structure, it is impossible to be cursed by the red gun!

"A bit of skill, unfortunately, not enough! The sand is smashing!"

This time, the Emperor of the Shah, the Emperor of the Shah, did not hardly pick up the gun attack of the Red Camel, but directly changed the body of the ancients and became a monk of sand.

One hundred and eight sand rosary beads came out of the air, only one hit, they smashed the red camel emperor and blew the blood, eclipsed.

This is so great! Non-eight robbers can not take it!

In a few rounds, the Red Camel Emperor has already been wearing a number of wounds, and he has been bathed in blood, and he is not worried about himself. Where can he help the Minghe boy?

"Voids, friends, help me!" The Red Camel had to cry out for help.

It is a pity that this call for help is now, the void, the gods and the two gods, the situation at this moment is more dangerous than him, these two, each of them were surrounded by several alien emperors!

At this moment, more alien emperors directly entered the interior of the Wanshengguan. They were the three traitors of Capricorn, Dongling, and Ghost Flower. They also entered the Wanshengguan and participated in the siege of the two emperors. .

The Emperor and the Emperor are placed in the East, but they are considered masters. However, in the face of several times the siege of the Emperor, where is the opponent, they are self-protected and complain.

Poor ninth road in the Wan Guan Guan, only the four emperors sit in the town, the four emperors were dragged by the enemy, and the rest of the East Heaven monks immediately suffered.

More and more Dongtian monks have been torn into pieces by the aliens who flooded into the Great Pass.

It is Lu Xun, Yun Lei and other immortals, and in the siege of a large number of alien immortals, the danger is like a ring.

In the distance, the two dragons, the King of the Dragon and the Xuanwei Dao, were sitting outside the town of Wansheng, and they even dismissed their shots.

Weak, too weak! The East Heaven monks in the Wan Guan Guan, the troops are too weak, there is no need for them to shoot!

They thought that Ning Fan had already mobilized the ninth road, so he planned for a long time and prepared a lot of backhands to attack the Wansheng Pass.

However, it seems that Ning Fan does not seem to be here at all.

As a result, the many means they have prepared seem to have no use.

"Hey! The old man took a huge price to open the magic chamber, and he came directly from Beitian to Dongtian. The old man came for the child of Ningfan. Unexpectedly, this is not here. It is really disappointing." Xuanweidao people are dissatisfied.

"Oh, that Luo Luo children, most of them know that our army has dispatched two and a half holy, so they escaped secretly, it is a sly boy!" The Dragon King did not smile.

"Hey! He can't escape! The Taikoo Leiding on this son is what I saw in the konjac! After this, the old man went to other places to trace the whereabouts of this child, and he must take it back!" "Xuanwei Dao is awkward."

"Taigu Leiding? It’s said that this kid’s body, as well as the sword of the sea **** of the East Boundary River, the sword of the edge of the sea... Unfortunately, it’s a pity. If this son does not escape, the old man and the Taoist team join hands to win this son. It’s not difficult. The great work of getting there is so flying away.” The King of the Dragon is a pity.

"Join? Is there a need? The old man is enough to kill the kid!" Xuanweidao said.

The Dragon King shook his head, and the ancient demon in front of him was all right, too arrogant, making it difficult to get close.

However, this person does have arrogant capital. Although it is only a semi-cultivation, it is also a famous figure in ancient times...

The Dragon King is remembering the ancient record of the Xuanweidao people in his mind. Suddenly, the difference is steep.

The battlefield of the Wanshengguan, which was originally called to kill the sound, was suddenly quietly quiet.

Millions of interracial strong, suddenly one by one, fried hair, cold sweats, as the enemy.

The alien emperors who originally besieged the emperors of the East Heavens all stopped their hands, and their eyes changed dramatically. They suddenly saw a figure in the battlefield.

It is a white youth!

He did not vent his anger, did not release the pressure, just tore open the space of the Xuanyin, and returned to the battlefield of the Wansheng, so that all the enemies felt a great sense of oppression!

Ning Fan is here!

As soon as he received a call from God Air Emperor, he immediately rushed back to the outside world. He only had a big offensive against the aliens, and he should be dragged by the formation. However, there have been a lot of aliens forced into the law!

"Ning brother! You are out! It's great! You are here! We can hold the Wanshengguan!" When Shen Air Emperor and others saw Ning Fan appear, they all seemed to find the main heart, and they were overjoyed.

"White clothes! He, how could he be here! He is not in the Wanshengguan! Before it was clearly absent, why would it appear out of thin air!" Those who are immortal kings of the level of the inferior strong, see Ning Fan, each sucking Air conditioning.

Ning Fan’s fierce name is too strong, and they are not afraid of them!

The alien kings who were still besieging Lu Wei, Yun Lei and others, immediately quit the scope of the Universal Seal Law and returned to the battlefield.

Those emperors who besieged the emperors of the East Heavens also want to escape one by one, and want to escape the pattern of the Wanshengguan immediately!

They dare to attack the Void Emperor and others with the formation of the law, but they dare not betray the Ning Fan under the suppression of the formation!

It’s a pity that I want to escape the battle at this moment, it’s too late!

Under the flash of Ning Fan, he immediately chased after the name of the immortal Emperor of the Shuihu people, and called out the sword against the sea.

The moment before, the Shuiyuzu Emperor also had a high-profile attitude, and the Minghe boy could not find the North.

At the last moment, he was scared to escape by Ning Fan, and he did not even have the courage to face Ning Fan!

He hated that he was unlucky, why so many emperors rushed into the Halloween system, and Ning Fan only chased him! There is no reason!

Seeing that the anti-sea sword is incomparably stunning, the heavens and the earth are submerged by the water blue sword light. This water scorpion fairy emperor dares to harden Ning Fan a sword, and does not hesitate to make a loss of the gods, desire Break the power of Ning Fan's Tao soldiers and save a life.

Unfortunately, he underestimated the grade of the anti-sea sword!

His Luobao Shenguang only repaired a fur, and he could only weaken some of the innate treasures of the inferior.

This sword is ultimately unstoppable!

The Shui Emperor Xiandi seems to be surrounded by eighteen comprehension stars. He is as hard as the iron and steel of the stars. He can't stop the cut of this sword. Even in the moment when the sword breaks, thousands of days of jade looks like thousands of suns. , bursting in his body!


The Tang dynasty and the six robbing the emperor, can hit the Minghe boy can not find the North character, was actually a Ning Fan sword explosion, take the demon!

At the moment when the enemy was defeated by a sword, Ning Fan’s emptiness and self-motivation took action, and from the essence of the water and the essence of the Shui Emperor’s Emperor, he took a trace of the cultivation of the gods.

This is to let Ning Fan slightly glimpse, did not expect this to get rid of the first alien emperor, there will be spoils, and this spoils, it seems to be somewhat useful

"My opponent who has struggled against it has been defeated by Ning Daoyou."

The Minghe boy was stunned and almost lost his self for a moment, and his mood could not be explained.

The Void Emperor, the Emperor of Heaven, and the Red Camel Emperor were also shaken by this scene.

All the alien emperors were shocked by the supreme power of this sword, and they escaped faster. They took advantage of Ning Fan’s killing of the Yisong Emperor and fled the Wanshengguan array.

If the enemy is weak, they dare to kill the ring with the formation.

But in front of Ning Fan, they dare not be so big, do not dare to stay inside the law!

Only those low-ranking aliens who attacked the formation did not escape. Although they were afraid of the heavy oppression of Ning Fan, they still rushed to Ning Fan.

After being killed by Ning Fan, these low-order aliens could not hurt Ning Fan.

Counting the interest, there is no enemy of invasion in the Halloween system!

"This is the white robes! Actually, I can do a sword and emperor. I can't even do this!" The Dragon King rushed to the top and looked at Ning Fan's eyes as a monster.

Xuanweidao people laughed loudly and fought high spirits!

As an ancient demon, he never fears to fight against strong enemies. Ning Fan is a very amazing sword. Xuanwei asks no poison, and can't do it. If you had a slight contempt for Ning Fan before, it will be taken seriously at this moment!

Just want to be like this!

It is so strong, it is interesting!

In this way, this child has the value of hunting!

"Not good! White robes are one person and one sword, and they are out!"

"He actually gave up the protection of the formation, he actually took the initiative to leave the scope of the law!"

"He wants to fight with millions of other giants alone! We lost an emperor, but there are eleven emperors, two half-sacred!"

"Nobody in the eye! This white robes is simply no one! He has gone out of the way, I am waiting to kill him!"

The aliens suddenly screamed, but it was Ning Fan who used the refining of the gods to succumb to the death of the Shui Emperor, and directly chased the rest of the alien emperor, out of the pattern of the Wanshengguan.

Other Dongtian monks did not dare to go out of the law in the hands of the alien army.

Ning Fan dared to do this because he had this confidence. The alien army that he has destroyed has more than tens of millions. Although there are millions of alien troops in front of him, they are not afraid. Although there are many enemy emperors, they can't make him jealous. Only the two half-sacred ones can make him pay attention to it, but that is all.

His mana of 133,000 robbery, the more the semi-sanctification of the end of the law, can be compared with the quasi-holy!

He is certainly not an opponent of the quasi-holy, but he is not afraid of the semi-holy! Even among the two semi-sanctories, there is an ancient demon!

When the different emperors saw Ning Fan out of the battle, they immediately wanted to surround Ning Fan.

Ning Fan glanced at him and suddenly saw the emperor of a different ethnic group. There was a wooden emperor, and this surrounded action seemed to be based on him. He immediately sneered and smacked directly toward the wood fairy.

That is an eight-royal emperor, the strength is stronger than the empty emperor and so on!

But as long as it is a wooden line, it is not his enemy...

"I will join hands and fall with the stars, killing this cockroach!" Ning Fan rushed in front of him, the sacred emperor who was repaired by the wooden line, biting his teeth and killing the machine.

Ning Fan certainly brings him a heavy sense of oppression!

However, in his view, if he is the center, combined with the power of the emperors, the stars that release the Ziwei star from Ning Fan fall, even if you can not kill Ning Fan, you can make Ning Fan hit hard!

When I think of killing Ning Fan, I will be able to get a great deal of power and get the opportunity of the sacred sacred sacred sacred sacred sacred sacred sacred sacred sacred sacred.

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