Grasping Evil

Chapter 1144: The battle of the ancient devil!

"Three percent, it's too low! But let's try it. Let's try it. This is a very strange way. If you can make this child an undead ghost, give it to the big gods, you will remember the first effort! If you miss, you don't live. It’s necessary to go on!” The Dragon King said coldly.

Ghost flower lady heard the words, suddenly pale. In order to survive, she is determined to succeed in any case...


On the battlefield, Ning Fan seems to wear a butterfly, and in the fire of the alien army, he evades the leap, and comes and goes freely.

The Emperor who tried to besiege him had been killed by him. Although there are still two or three million interracial strong people constantly attacking him, but there is no Xiandi to participate in the offensive, not enough.

One of the celestial kings who are high in weight in the aliens, was smashed by Ning Fan, and even the waves could not be stirred up.

One person has crushed millions of alien army!

The more the aliens around the world, the more uneasiness of Ning Fan. At this moment, he is more and more convinced that Xuanweidao and the Dragon King have some sort of backhand.

Gradually, between the water and the sky, there was a smog.

The floating body on the surface of the water gradually changed slightly. Among the flesh and blood of those who are strong, the dark red plant roots began to grow.

The roots of those plants have small thorns on the surface, which are like thorns. The longer the number, the more the water surface of the entire battlefield is covered. At first glance, it is like a surface of the water, a large dark red thorn bush grows.

The thorny jungle seems to take the flesh and blood of the deceased as a nutrient and grow fast. There are more and more thorns in front of you, and there are more splendid giant flowers in the thorns.

Those giant flowers are pale in color, and the abnormal white is like the dead skin of the dead. There are strange aromas, scattered from those giant flowers, with the strength of Ning Fan, accidentally smelling the aroma, they feel dazzled and secretly scared.

"what is this flower…"

Ning Fan does not recognize these giant flowers, but vaguely perceives that among these giant flowers, there is a breath of a lady with a ghost flower. I want to come to these giant flowers, which are made by Mrs. Ghost Flower.

For Mrs. Ghost Flower, Ning Fan is not deeply impressed. I only remember that when he first came to the boundary river, the woman had eagerly invited him to the spring breeze and was rejected by him. He only knew that the woman had betrayed Dongtian. As for the beginning and end of betrayal, she was unknown.

Mrs. Ghost Flower is just a seven-royed emperor. It is reasonable to say that such existence cannot threaten Ning Fan. However, the strange flower made by Mrs. Ghost Flower made Ning Fan feel a threat...

Reminiscent of Xuanwei and Wansheng let him kill the Quartet. This giant flower can take the dead as a nutrient. Ning Fan has speculation.

It seems that Xuanwei and the backhand of Halloween are these giant flowers...

Seeing that the more the giant flowers grow, the more Ning Fan will let these giant flowers grow, the gap in the battlefield, spurting the fire and thunder sea, want to burn all the thorns and flowers in front of them.

After the self-destination of destroying the Tao Leiying, and collecting it as Leitu Leiling, among the fires of Ning Fan’s Yan Lei, the Lei Li is stronger, making the fire of Yan Lei more powerful than before, the vast majority of the end of the era The congenital middle-class flames must be powerful.

Ordinary vegetation, absolutely can not stop the burning of the fire of Yan Lei.

However, these thorny giant flowers are unscathed in the fire and thunder sea, and it seems that they are not afraid of this level of flame thunder...

"Even the fire of the thunder and lightning of the innate product, can't hurt this flower?" Ning Fan was a little surprised.

He also sacrificed the seven treasures of the tree to brush, the sun, the moon and the stars to go to the plaque, and even used the power of the wooden gods, want to directly extract the vitality of these thorny giant flowers.

However, the attack of congenital products can not effectively harm these giant flowers.

What is even more bizarre is that these giant flowers look like plants, but they are not plant structures at all. The giant flowers and the roots of the thorns are actually composed of the flesh and blood of the dead. It is not a vegetation, and nature is not restricted by the **** of wood. This matter also surprised Ning Fan.

Seeing that the longer the giant flowers, the more they can't stop them. Ning Fan's eyes are covered with green eyes, and they want to see the details of those giant flowers.

On the other side, Xuanwei and Wansheng, seeing Ning Fan’s incompetence to the ghosts of the underworld, are disdainful.

It’s right to be helpless!

The famous ghosts of the underworld, even the quasi-sacred to see the temporary must avoid the edge, Xiao Ningfan if possible block!

"The flower of the ghost flower has already been born hundreds of times, and the old man can almost shoot it?" Xuanweidao laughed.

"Well, the sub-flowers have already become a reality, and the mother flower will not appear for a long time. I will wait for it to be shot and destroy this one! Only in this way can the ghosts of the underworld absorb this power..." Smiled.

"Do you shoot together? There is no need for it! The old man said that the old man wants to kill this one!" Xuanweidao said.

I have seen the power of Ning Fan clearly, but Xuanwei Dao still believe that I can easily destroy Ning Fan.

The King of the Dragon has a wrinkle and wants to stop. He knows the character of this Xuanweidao, and he is very good at it. This person does not want him to help, if he helps, it will lead to this person resentment.

The ancient devil is really troublesome, it is a group of brain full of muscle fighting mad!

"In this case, the old man will stay aside and rush for the Taoist friends."

"Very good! Let's wait for the ants, all of them to retire, the old man wants to fight alone in white clothes!" Later, it was said to the alien army.

After the Xuanweidao people ordered, they shouted, and the whole body turned into a heavy shadow, and Chaoning was forced to come.

The alien army saw the Xuanweidao people personally, and they all retreated, and they gave the battlefield to Xuanwei and Ningfan.

"The other party clearly has two and a half holy, but only sent one person to fight me. This is why..." Ning Fan glanced at him, and Jin Yan looked cold and looked at Xuanweidao.

He is used to the calculation of the truth, and does not believe that the other party will be fair to him in one-on-one situation.

The other party has two and a half, but only one person is coming to fight him. This is a doubt.

The other party clearly and painstakingly summoned countless strange flowers, but those giant flowers only self-growth and do not attack him. This is doubtful.

Smart people sometimes get a spurt of the horns, and this is the case at the moment.

Suddenly, Ning Fan seems to understand something.

From the eyes of Xuanweidao, he saw the deep conceit and disdain!

The other party summons the giant flower, there may be calculations, but only one and a half of the holy to fight, but there is no calculation.

Just because of contempt!

In front of this ancient demon half holy, I look down on him! Even if he showed a lot of strength before, in this person's eyes, it is still worth mentioning!

"Old man Xuanwei. Kid, listen to my brother said, you are also an ancient demon?"

Xuanweidao people disdain, laughing.

"You are a messenger of ancient times. It is not surprising that you can cultivate ancient devils in the end of the Dharma era. Unfortunately, you don't know that there are noble and low-lying points among the ancient devils. The old man was born in the real world, no matter how noble. The identity, or the ancient devil lost magic, are not like you, such as the cold ancient devil! In the old man's view, you are such a final demon, not even fart! The old man can kill you with only one finger! With two fingers, the old man loses!"

Mania, how arrogant!

The Xuanweidao people put up a finger and shook it toward Ningfan. The contemptuous attitude was like looking down on the most despicable ants.

For monks of other races, being a semi-holy is still so arrogant and underestimated, it is absolutely brain-destroyed.

But the ancient devils are different! The ancient demon is a born mad warrior. The more arrogant, the more arrogant, the more the world is, the stronger the combat power.

The phrase "The ancient demon is full of muscles" is absolutely not a talk.

Only those ancient demons with their brains filled with muscles can still choose to compete with Ning Fan one-on-one in the case of taking advantage.

Ning Fan frowned, but was not irritated by the contemptuous words of Xuanweidao. How profound he is, although it is an ancient demon, although it is also embarrassing, it never flows on the surface, but expresses it by action.

Jin Yan’s giant body shook a little and disappeared directly from the place. He wanted to preempt the person and attack the Xuanweidao with the ancient devil.

Seeing that Ning Fan disappeared, Xuanwei Dao laughed and disappeared.

In the next moment, there was no sky somewhere, and suddenly the sky shattered, and two figures fell from it!

The Xuanwei Dao people fell out of the void, and the manners were more calm. They still kept the shape of the index finger. It was just the finger. At this moment, it was slightly red and swollen. It seemed to be shocked by the giant force, and the face was slightly ugly.

Ning Fan was a little embarrassed. He and the Xuanwei Dao people first met, and they were shot by Xuanweidao. The Xuanweidao people didn't have a big talk. Although he only used one finger, the power of one finger was stronger than the punch of many of the last law.

This person's body is terrible! This is the power of the ancient devil who lived from the ancient times to today!

Ning Fan did not want to admit it, but he had to admit that even though he took the ten lions and ten elephants, he was still inferior to the Xuanweidao people in several levels.

He acknowledged the existence of this power gap.

But it does not mean that he can be willing to admit that he can not beat a Xuanweidao with a finger.

At this moment, he clearly has more choices to play, you can use the anti-sea sword, the seven treasures of the tree, the sun and the moon star monument, the sword of the edge of the edge, the fire of Yan Lei, the needle of the sea **** ... but these, he does not want to use.

The opponent is an ancient demon, and Ning Fan is also an ancient demon. The pride of the ancient devil does not allow Ning Fan to take advantage of the positive challenges of the ancient demon. He must break the enemy and fight back!

With the Gangke Gang, it is called the ancient devil!

If the strength of a punch is better than the other side, then the second punch, the third punch, the fourth punch!

The ancient devil breaks the mountain!

Ning Fan Jin Yan’s giant body whistling out, and it was a punch that destroyed the earth and destroyed the land.

Xuanweidao people have already experienced the greatness of Ning Fan's ancient devils. The opponent's boxing power is not as good as his own finger force. However, the ancient devil breaks the crit-like injury, but it still makes his phalanx pain...

Reason tells him that Ning Fan’s second punch, he should not continue to be arrogant, only use one finger to fight Ning Fan.

The pride of the family can not allow him to take back the big words.

Since he said that he only used one finger to deal with Ning Fan, he could only use one finger!

If the second finger is used, he will damage the face of the family! You must know that the other party is only the immortal ancient demon who returned to the third place of the ancestors, and he, but the half-sacred ancient demon who returned to the ancestral hall!

With so many realm suppression, if he can't win with one finger, then it is really shameful!

"The ancient devil lost, the star refers to!"

At this moment, the nine magic stars in the right eye of Xuanweidao people, spinning at a rapid speed, launched a lost ancient magical magical legend.

Then, with one finger, he and Ning Fan’s ancient devil broke into the mountains and smashed in one place.


Ning Fan was once again bombarded by Xuanweidao, and the phalanx of Xuanweidao was swollen even more because of Ning Fan’s second fist.

It is impossible to fly to Ningfan, and the Xuanwei Dao is not a semi-sacred comparable in the end of the era. Although he is a semi-sacred master, his strength is no less than that of the first order.

Ning Fan was bombarded by Xuanweidao people. It is not strange at all. It is replaced by Wanshenglongwang and replaced with Wanxingzi. It will also be bombarded by Xuanwei!

Everyone was shocked by the strongness of the Xuanweidao people. The strong aliens are also good, and the Dongtian monks are good. Everyone is actually seeing the Xuanweidao people for the first time. No one expected that the former invincible Ning Fan At this moment, it will be completely suppressed by Xuanweidao people with one finger.

The ancient devil who lived from ancient times to today is too powerful! In the era of the end of the law, no one can suppress the ancient monks without relying on the realm!

The ancient devil breaks the mountain!

Ning Fan's more ancient magic iron fists hit, on the surface, he was bombarded by Xuanweidao people again and again, very wolf. But in fact, he is taking advantage of the increasingly powerful body of the gods, not how many injuries were caused by the Xuanweidao.

Occasionally, he was accused of a little shock, and with strong resilience, Ning Fan often recovered in an instant.

He is embarrassed again, no damage!

Although Xuanweidao people have a high-profile attitude, but the phalanx, but the injury is getting heavier!

Ning Fan's ancient devil broke a punch and punched a punch, only a few dozen breaths, and the Xuanweidao people smashed eight hundred rounds.

Eight hundred ancient devils broke the mountain, and they have begun to show their fangs, but when they clicked, the phalanx of Xuanweidao was smashed by Ning Fan!

This time, Ning Fan was not shocked by the power of Xuanweidao!

A man who is sullen and flies out has become a Xuanweidao!

"Hey! Such a powerful Xuanwei predecessor was actually bombarded by white clothes!" The aliens were all shocked.

On the side of the East Heaven monk, they are all very excited.

Xuanweidao people are very ugly, he used to say a swearword, saying that it is not necessary to use the second finger, but the cruel reality, but he slaps him.

He had to admit that he was too small to look at it. Although this person is not as powerful as him, the ancient demon warfare technique is so brilliant that it is incredible and makes up for the power gap!

"The ancient demon gods that I have never seen, is definitely the level of loss! Damn, my elder brother wants to tell me the magical tricks of this son. I still voluntarily refused, but unexpectedly, he was so worried that these magical ancient devils lost their magical powers. Recruiting boxing and forming a combo!"

"As a family of ancient devils, the vast majority of the ancient devils in the world have lost their magical powers. I have heard about them. I have never heard of this technique. It is very likely that this technique was created in the last days, not the ancient ones!"

"All the magical powers in the world have a certain degree of agreement. If you don't create your own magical skills, you can't get 100% fit. Because of this, our generation of monks need to constantly develop and create their own magical powers. The child casts this fist, and the fit is absolutely 100% of the highest level. There is only one explanation... This technique is created by himself! He created the ancient demon lost power by the status of the immortal king of the three ancestors! This is still an extremely powerful lost-level supernatural power, not my star is comparable!"

"Create a magical power, the old man also has! The ancient devil lost, the evil spirits air strike!"

The Xuanweidao people’s eyes sank, and the former madness without **** was thrown into the brain, and the iron fist blasted out, and another ancient demon lost the magical power to meet Ning Fan’s fist.

One punch against the bang, Xuanweidao people slightly prevail, but this does not mean that his own self-made sacred **** air strikes have surpassed the ancient devils. On the contrary, he is far superior to the ancient demon power of Ning Fan, but he can only slightly prevail, because his own technique is not as good as Ning Fan.

When Ning Fan’s number of combos continued to rise, his strength advantage was also lost a little.

Nine hundred combos, one thousand combos, one thousand one hundred combos...

It seems that there are countless waves, stacked on top of each other, and the waves are angry.

It seems that there are countless mountains, even the peaks are stacked, and the thick soil is boundless.

When the number of combos reached 2,000, Xuanweidao people obviously felt that their own has already suffered from the disadvantages, and they were being shaken back and forth by Ning Fan’s boxing force again and again!

When the three thousand ancient devils broke the mountain, the Xuanwei Dao was beaten by Ning Fan for the first time. The fists were flesh and blood, and they flew out.

The deep sense of shame occupies the heart of Xuanweidao, and his homemade magic is completely defeated by Ning Fan's homemade magic!

"The old man doesn't believe it! With my family's knowledge, I can't get a lost magical technique, more than your technique!"

Wan Guzhen, open!

At this moment, Xuanweidao people did not have any hands to keep their hands open. After the opening of the ancient body, his imposing manner can reach the level of the first order.

This is a ten-tailed giant, and the body is full of incomparably pure ancient magic. He is standing here, it seems to be a heaven, and it has become everything in the world!

Ning Fan's gaze changed, and I didn't expect Xuanweidao to open the real body of Wan Gu, actually can reach the level of quasi-holy. From semi-sacred to quasi-holy, although it is only a small step, this small step represents a huge gap, the gap between heaven and earth!

All the aliens are also shocked, such a Xuanweidao, give them an invincible sense of oppression!

"The ancient devil lost, ten steps to open the bow!"

Xuanweidao people turned the ten-tailed giant into a ten-step, ten-step trend, and evolved the magic bow. With the spirit as the arrow, one arrow shot Ning Fan.

Ning Fan Jin Yan is really powerful. Although he was bombarded by Xuanweidao, he was not broken, so he was not injured. He was only shaken by the giant force on the arrow.

"Hundred steps to open the bow!"

Xuanweidao people saw Ning Fan hardly pick up an arrow, but it was unscathed, and his face was even more ugly. Even a hundred steps, and an arrow shot, this arrow almost exhausted his quantity of essence.

This arrow power is almost double the previous arrow!

Ning Fan was once again shot by an arrow, and the real body watch, Jin Yan, was smashed by arrows.

"There is still no way to break the defense! This is how to repair the ancient body, how can it be sturdy to this step!"

Xuanweidao people are as sinking as water, and there are countless magic shadows in the whole body.

"Thousands of steps to open the bow!"

This is the strongest magic arrow he can shoot. It is the strongest attack he can release. It takes more than half of the spirit to release this arrow. The power of this arrow is enough to hit the vast majority of the first-order quasi-holy, he does not believe that Ning Fan can block this arrow! Never believe!


The arrow light runs through a thousand miles, tearing the heavens and the earth, and in a moment, it penetrates the defense of Ning Fan, and shoots into the depth of his ancient body!

Ning Fan's real defense is increasing day by day. It is a first-order quasi-holy, and it is very difficult to hurt him. However, this arrow was too powerful, but he broke his defense and shot him several inches.

The raging arrow smashed Ning Fan's body in an instant.

Ning Fan’s body is beyond the limit of the power of this arrow, and the body blasts and the body explodes.

"Death?" Xuanweidao people gasped and disdain.

However, the next moment, he suddenly changed his eyes, and some of them were mad.

However, after seeing Ning Fan’s body bursting, it did not turn into a **** piece of meat, but it turned into a tens of billions of broken raindrops!

Every raindrop is the tens of billions of rains that Ningfan practiced!

This is a life-saving magical power. When Ning Fan practiced this technique, he never thought that he would use this technique so quickly.

One hundred million raindrops merged and re-condensed into the golden flame of Ning Fan.

At this moment, Ning Fan’s chest injury position, blood flowing, difficult to stop bleeding, is the residual arrow is at work.

He was finally shot by an arrow from the Xuanweidao.

Fortunately, he was accompanied by the rain every day, and the one billion rains were used almost without traces. When the danger was dangerous, the technique was used, and the vast majority of the arrows were removed, only minor injuries were caused. .

The Xuanweidao people in front of me are really a very powerful opponent...

Killing, open!

Ning Fan's temperament suddenly changed!

Although the ink seal of the cross aura contains the ability of killing, but only when Ning Fan himself initiates the killing technique, his temperament will change instantly, above all ancient demon!

That is the former master of the enchanted scorpion, can have the momentum!

That is the feeling of oppression that only the ancient devil can feel!

"This is... the technique of killing! It is impossible! This technique has been wiped out with the major people of the ink, why do you have this technique!" Xuanwei Dao people changed their face, no longer calm and proud.

The technique of killing can be described as the restraint of all ancient devils! Can be the essence of the devil, the repair of the swallow!

Ning Fan himself has already made him feel awkward. If he adds this technique, he will be swallowed up as an ancient demon, and he will eventually lose in Ning Fan!

Using the magical powers within the ancient demon range, he did not have the confidence to win the Ning Fan at the moment.

So... only the sword is slanting, use [Blue Wave Fire Poison]!

This is not the means of the ancient devil, on the contrary, this is the means of the ancient devil's arch-rival Buddha!

To deal with ordinary people, this poison is very powerful. In ancient times, Xuanweidao people even used this poison to poison the quasi-sheng.

Dealing with the ancient demon, this poison can be even more than 30%, this is the special poison of the ancient Buddha repair and killing the martyrdom, taken from the poisonous feather of the blue wave, the ancient magic touch, the damage is especially huge.

"Ning Fan children, do not want to arrogant, the old man this poison out, you, will die!"

Xuanwei Dao refers to a scorpion, the ten poisonous tails behind the giant body, suddenly there is a green fire burning, the fire can not tell the beauty, but it gives Ning Fan a sinister feeling, poison Yin Yang from the flame, pass Back to the violent induction!

Ning Fan’s eyes are slightly glimpsed.

It seems that the tail of this Xuanweidao person is highly toxic... I don’t know, this person’s poison is better than the sacred sacred sacred sacred, how about...

The other party does not seem to intend to continue the confrontation of the ancient magic body. Even so, he will no longer keep his hands, and all the cards can be used...

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