Grasping Evil

Chapter 1145: Lei Yingwei

At this moment, the real body of the Xuanweidao people, the poisonous fire is burning more and more. After the sacred reminder, the poisonous fire spread throughout the body, and the whole person turned into a green fire.

Under the poisonous fire, the Xuanweidao people's ancient body, the appearance and cultivation have all changed greatly.

The first is the appearance of the real body, and many more features of the monks. Originally, it was just a giant giant with ten giant tails. At this moment, it became the appearance of the flame giant.

The second is the change in cultivation. With the addition of poisonous fire, the breath of Xuanweidao people has once again skyrocketed, and it was only able to reach the level of the first-order quasi-holy. At the moment, it is at least a quasi-holy of 14,000.

"It is actually the second change of the ancient body of the ancients!" The great dragons and other powerful strongmen looked shocked.

Ning Fan’s eyes are equally condensed.

As far as he knows, there are only a handful of people in the era of the end of the law that can make Wan Gu’s true body reach two stages. But for the ancient monks, the people who did this were not in the minority. I didn’t expect Xuanweidao to be one of them...

Before facing the Xuanweidao people, Ning Fan said that repairing as a realm is at a disadvantage, but because of the particularity of his practice, he actually takes advantage of the mana. The total amount of mana for the 133,000 robbery is more than the mysterious tail. This is the fundamental reason why he can play back with Xuanwei.

But at this moment, Xuanwei overpowered him for the first time in the total amount of mana, leaving his weak advantage to be gone, and then fearing that it was really hard to fight.

Perhaps it is Ning Fan's killing technique that evokes the fear of Xuanweidao people about this technique. At the moment, facing Ning Fan, Xuanweidao people did not dare to have any hands, and really launched their full strength.

"The ancient Buddha lost the skill, the flames rushed!"

The Xuanwei Dao, who had a big breath, stepped out in one step, and the whole body was full of fire, like a burning stone, directly hitting Ningfan.

He is colliding too fast!

The fire that was coming to him had just emerged. Ning Fan had already been hit by him, and the devastating collision spread. The world was the loud noise of the two strong players.


Ning Fan's real defense is so powerful, even though the Xuanweidao people's breath has soared at this moment, this collision still did not make him break the defense, but he flew out.

But if you want to think that the attack of the Xuanweidao people is only this degree is wrong. The collision is only an aid. The real purpose of the Xuanweidao people is to weaken Ning Fan’s body surface Jinyan with great force, and to use the impulse to directly smash the body virulence into Ningfan.

Applying poison is the key!

If you don't use this technique, Xuanweidao people want to break through the unbreakable true body defense of Ning Fan, and it takes a lot of effort to poison the inside of Ningfan.

In other words, this flame is actually a kind of poisoning technique supplemented by collision. It can avoid the enemy's surface defense and directly attack the inside. It is extremely rare.

"With the rushing force, will the virulence hit my body? The poisoning techniques I haven't seen yet..." Ning Fan's eyes covered the green mans and saw the essence of the ancient Buddha's magical power.

In the midst of the flight, Ning Fan’s body, which was unscathed, suddenly sighed and hurt.

The injury was not caused by a collision of Xuanweidao people, but because of poisoning. The collision of Xuanwei Dao people will directly hit the virulence of the blue blood fire poison into the key position of Ning Fan. Once the violent blue wave fire poison entered the body, it immediately destroyed the ancient blood of Ning Fan. If the damage of the blue wave fire poison to the ordinary person is one, then the damage to the ancient devil is ten, is one hundred. Ning Fan's ancient demon identity, a favorable factor of the matter, has become an unfavorable factor at the moment, making him quite passive when facing the blue wave of fire.

Fortunately, he has the power of poisonous yin and yang, and he uses the fire of the body to fight poison, and finally suppresses the blue-wave fire poison that invades the body.

But it is only temporary suppression. If you want to remove it, it will not be done in a moment!

In terms of quality, this blue-wave fire poison is far less than the inheritance of the holy sacred sacred sacred sacred; but in terms of quantity and purity, it is far better than the ancient holy scorpion that has more than one power.

Under the offset of the two phases, the lethality of this poison is not inferior to that of the day.

In addition, this poison will cause huge damage to the ancient demon. Although Ning Fan reluctantly suppressed the toxicity of the infiltrated body, the pain and injury suffered by the body are still very intense.

His viscera burns unbearable, and the pain is like a mortal visceral, burned directly by a red-burning iron. This is proof of his deep poison in the moment.

Even though he tried his best to suppress the blue wave of fire, and did not let the virulence raging in the body, it still hurts under the attack of Xuanweidao. And if the poisoning continues to deepen to a certain extent, even if he is poisonous and yang, his life may be poisoned by the blue blood.

Ning Fan had to admit that the Xuanweidao people who released the poisonous fire and the second stage of the transformation, brought unprecedented pressure to themselves. The confrontation with this person is exactly like a direct confrontation with the old monster at the level of the blind.

Winning odds...

The strength of the ancient semi-sacred, it is not the end of the law and the semi-holy can be compared ... his immortal king repair, placed in front of these existence, still not enough to see. But it is impossible for him to conquer, but it is impossible!

"Hey! It turned out to be a false alarm! The old man still said that after you opened the killing, how terrible it was, this hurriedly made the strongest card. But unexpectedly, you did not realize the essence of the killing technique, far Far from consolidating the magical reincarnation created by the majors of ink... It’s the old man’s big problem. When you see you open the killing technique, it’s too much a bow and a snake shadow. To deal with you, you don’t need the blue blood fire! But since it’s used, it’s a poison. Kill you! Flames!"

Xuanweidao people disdain a glimpse, but also step out, but suddenly want to ignite the flames, and more virulence into the body of Ning Fan.

It is a pity that Xuanweidao people have just stepped down and the body has not yet flown out. He will spurt a poisonous blood without any warning. Under the poisonous intrusion, the essence of the body is a mess, and there is extra strength to hit. Ning Fan, no wolverine has fallen into the sky has been very lucky.

Before, he did fly into Ning Fan without a fake, and indeed injured Ning Fan with fire poison. However, at the moment when he hit Ning Fan, Ning Fan actually made a secret hand, and used the virulence of the fire sacred poison to break into his body.

The role of force is mutual!

Xuanweidao people can use the power of collision to smash the virulence into Ningfan's body. Ning Fan can also use the power of anti-seismic force to force the virulence into the body of Xuanweidao!

Xuanweidao people's physical defense is equally remarkable, but Ning Fan mimicked the poisonous way of the flames, directly crossed the surface defense of the Xuanweidao people, and penetrated the toxin puncture into the interior of the Xuanweidao...

"Impossible! You have seen through the flames of rushing through the techniques of poisoning and imitating, and counting on me!"

Xuanweidao people were unbelievable, and there was a sense of shame, which made him killing and anger.

Poisoning has always been a place he is proud of. I didn't expect that he would be a little fairy king, and it would be ridiculous to use poisonous techniques to reverse it. This is really ridiculous!

"It's a pity that you only use the micro-poisonous poison. Even the blue-bodied fire-fighting shoes for the old man are not worthy. The old man only needs half-interest and can remove your bad poison! There is one thing, and the monk who is waiting for the monk may not know, the old man is It’s the legendary [Million poisonous body]! You are poisoning the old man, it’s just a waste of effort!”

Xuanweidao people are full of disdain, and Shentong reminds them of the toxicity of the body, and they want to forcefully remove the fire toxins from the body.

Everyone in this place heard the Xuanweidao people are actually the legendary 10,000 poisonous body, they are all looking and moving. Wandu mixed body is a kind of congenital physique similar to natural bones. People with such physique are naturally poisonous and anti-amazing, suitable for practicing poisoning. If they have experienced the cultivation of the day after tomorrow, they can directly neutralize the vast majority of the world. The toxin, known as the poison repair star.

Everyone looked at the eyes of the Xuanweidao people and was even more awe. The heart of the Xuanwei Dao is not a famous old monster, even this rare physical constitution, it is really incredible. No one even believes that Ning Fan can use the poisonous technique to injure Xuanweidao.

However, the facts are always unexpected. The eyes of everyone are quickly becoming a bit weird because of the next detoxification behavior of Xuanweidao.

"Solution!" is the detoxification ability of Xuanweidao people to launch the toxic and toxic body, and to dissolve the sound of the holy poison in the body.

However, this poison can't be solved!

"Weird, your poison is a little doorway, half interest may not be enough, but at most it only allows me to spend two or three more... Solution!"

Two or three interest rates have passed.

Two or three hundred interest rates have passed.

Xuanweidao people still can't get rid of the body's fire and holy poison, but they are too tired to sweat. Because of the excessive use of the detoxification ability of the poisonous body, it wastes a lot of physical strength.

"It's a bit interesting... just the old man used only 30 million toxic, this time, the old man has to use 50%...solution!"

Still can't solve it!

"If it is 70%..."

Still can't solve it!


Can't solve it!


Can't solve it...

"Twelve points of mixed energy beyond the limit..."

Still can't solve it!

Rao is Xuanweidao, and his face is thicker. At this moment, he can't help but feel a trace of embarrassment and embarrassment.

He is an ancient half-sacred man, and he is so devastated that he can't solve the unnamed toxin of the end of the king! How can this be!

What is this broken! The quantity is not much, the purity is not high, so the poisoning caused to him is very limited. However, the grade of this poison does not seem to be low, it seems to be like the bones of the skeleton, entrenched in his body, more difficult than his blue wave fire poisoning, has exceeded the detoxification limit of the million poison mixed body!

The toxic mixture can only neutralize the second step of toxins.

This nameless little poison, is it the third step of toxins! No, this is never possible! At the end of the district, Fa Xian Wang, how to have the poison of the third step!

"You hit me, now it's my turn to hit you! The magic is rushing!"

Ning Fan's eyes blinked, and instantly imitated the flames of the Xuanweidao people, creating a kind of ancient magical magical power, the whole body was poisoned and smashed, turned into a poisonous rainbow, and the people of Xuanweiwei rushed.


The Xuanweidao who distracted and detoxified, I expected that Ning Fan dared to attack him. He was rushed out by Ning Fan, and his chest was full of blood. There were not many injuries, but he was very embarrassed.

And there is more fire venom, and Ning Fan crashed into his body, and the residual poison in the body is more difficult to solve.

"What kind of understanding of this son, in such a short period of time, copied my ancient Buddha lost technique, created a similar ancient demon magic!" Xuanweidao people face upset.

It wasn't because of Ning Fan's collision that caused him a lot of impact injuries and poison injuries. He was shocked by Ning Fan's resentment.

Ning Fan temporarily created the magic of the rush, the grade is of course far less than the genuine flames, and it is impossible to lose the level. Ning Fan’s understanding of the heavens is high, and it is impossible to create a lost level of magical power in an instant. However, it is a slight mimicry of the venomous techniques of the flames, and it reverses the ancient Buddha’s intentions and simplifies a set of ancient demon poisons. Skills.

The simplified magical rush is not so brilliant and powerful, but it is a very practical technique for Ning Fan at this moment.

You can use the power of collision to penetrate a defensive force and penetrate directly into the enemy. Even if the enemy turtle shell is hard, it can be poisoned, it is very practical!

More because it is the ancient magical magical power, you can join the ancient demon to understand the ancient demon to break the road, into the crit of the righteousness, the effect of the poison attack is quite a group, the effect of crit, make up for this surgery just created, the grade is not high Defects.

Assume that the poisonous wound effect of Yan Jinchong is ten. The Xuanwei Dao, who is an ancient demon, forcibly uses this ancient Buddha lost technique, which can only play one or two poisonous injuries, even though the blue wave fire poison can cause additional damage to the ancient demon. Ning Fan 挨 记 一 一 一 一 一 一 一 一 一 一 一 一 一 一 一 一 一 一 一 一 一 一 一 一 一 一 一 一

Compared with the flame level of the lost level, the magical force created by Ning Fan may only cause one or two poisonous injuries, but if the ancient devil breaks the road to crit, one or two points of damage can also be crit. One or twenty points of damage...

Under the influence of many factors, Ning Fan and Xuanweidao people can barely divide the autumn.


Xuanweidao, who was caught off guard, was hit by Ning Fan again. His face is ugly, and the feeling of being stolen by the enemy is uncomfortable.

Playing poison, he can not only rush to this kind of technique, seeing Ning Fan still want to hit him again, Xuanweidao population 诵 诵 , , 周 周 周 周 周 周 周 周 周 周 周 周 周 周 周 周 周 周 无 无 无 无 无 无 无 无 无 无 无 无 无 无 无 无 无 无 无 无 无to.

"The ancient Buddha lost, the Brahma shine!"

It is clearly the magical power of millions of fires, but in the name of light, it is strange.

Ning Fan's body shape is so agile, although there are many million fires in front of him, he can't be hit by these fires, one by one to avoid the past.

He can see that these fires and rains contain violent blue-wave fire poisons. If they are hit directly by fire and rain, they will be poisoned.

The weird thing is that Ning Fan clearly avoids all fire and rain attacks, but it still hurts both eyes and shed two lines of black blood.

The blue wave of fire in the body is aggravated!

"What happened! I obviously avoided all the fire and rain, why is it poisoned? It is not the venom of this technique, not just fire, but other..."

In the eyes of Ning Fan, the green mangling flashed, and under the guidance of Heaven and Man, he quickly figured out the details of this technique.

It turns out that it is no wonder that this technique is called the light of Brahman. The poisoning medium of this technique is not the fire itself, but the light!

Light attacks are hard to avoid! Ning Fan can see the fire in the sky because he saw the fire, and those fires are poisonous. If you see it, it means poisoning!

Ning Fan had to admit that Xuanweidao's poisoning technique was amazing. Before the collision, the method of poisoning, and the method of radiant poisoning were all unheard of.

"Vatican shines!"

Seeing Ning Fan’s trick, Xuanwei Dao’s smug smile, once again making the Brahma shine.

This time, Ning Fan even closed his eyes in time, but he was poisoned again. He understands it, not just not watching those poisonous fires, he can avoid poisoning, as long as it is illuminated, it will be poisoned!

If you want to be not illuminated by the light, it is actually very easy for Ning Fan.

When the Xuanweidao people used the third time to illuminate the sacred sacred light, Ning Fan immediately urged the power of the dark yin and yang, and made the dark illusion that had not been used for a long time, so that the surrounding heaven and earth fell into the darkness.

No trace of light can shine under the darkness controlled by Ning Fan.

Those flaming fires are extinguished in the dark world.

"Hey! Glyphs and small tricks! Compared to the dark people, your dark roads are a bit low!" Xuanweidao people disdain, he has other means of poisoning, can slowly poison Ning Fan.

"Glyphs and tricks... ancient magic, dark magic!"

At this moment, Ning Fan had stolen the technique of poisoning with light and incorporated it into the dark illusion, which made the dark illusion that had not been completely stereotyped poisoned.

At this moment, the boundless dark world, suddenly there are millions of magic fires burning, those magic fires turned into fire and rain, hit the Xuanweidao people, and even spread the poisonous fire, shining on the Xuanweidao people.

It is the turn of Xuanweidao people to get poisoned!

"Damn! I have stolen a poisoning technique by this kid!"

Xuanweidao people are even more ugly, he tears the dark world, breaks Ning Fan's dark illusion, and makes other ancient Buddha poisons attack Ning Fan.

There are techniques for poisoning with aroma.

There are techniques for poisoning with sound.

There are techniques for poisoning using natural wind, thunder and rain as a medium.

There are even more bizarre poisons.

Xuanweidao people seem to open a brand new poisonous door in front of Ning Fan, so that Ning Fan realized that there are so many strange techniques in playing poison.

The original poison repair, only one look, a Taoist thought, can poison the enemy.

The world of poisons he had touched before was too superficial. The poison repairs in the era of the end of the law cannot be compared with the ancient poisons!

Stealing! Stealing! Stealing!

He is the rare second man of heaven and earth in the end of the real law!

It is impossible for him to completely understand each other's magical powers at a glance; but if he only steals some of the strange poisoning techniques, and then combines and creates some low-like poisoning techniques, he can still do it!

Once in a confrontation, once and for all poisons!

The blue wave of poison in Ning Fan is getting heavier and heavier, and the breath is getting weaker and weaker. The Xuanweidao people are not easy. The fire poison in his body is also getting heavier and heavier, and the breath is getting weaker and weaker!

Xuanweidao people are almost mad!

He and Ning Fan confronted hundreds of rounds of poisoning, and did not poison the death of Ning Fan, but instead struggled to lose both sides, but also the other side plagiarized a lot of ancient Buddha's poison...

Losing big!

This is simply annoying!

The kill! The kill!

Before Xuantu Taoist chose to fight with Ning Fan alone, it was due to inner pride, disdain and people besieging Ning Fan.

At this moment, he was furious and angry. How can he remember the glory of the ancient devil, what is the righteousness of the rivers and lakes, and he can only wait for the death of Ning Fan, and he would mind the intervention of others.

"This is difficult to kill, the Wandao Daoyou does not join hands with the old man at this time, but when to wait!" And Ning Fan played a poisonous technique, and after returning without success, Xuanweidao was angry and roared.

The Halloween Dragon King looks strange: before the Xuanweidao people refused to let him intervene, and asked him to take the shot at the moment, it is a difficult to serve the Lord.

But who wants Xuanweidao people to have high strength, the Dragon King does not dare to ignore the request of Xuanweidao, and he also quickly pinched the death of Ningfan. It is time-limited to know the call of the ghosts of the underworld. If it is impossible to kill Ning Fan within the time limit, it is impossible to make Ning Fan an undead ghost...

"The Taoist friend is in a hurry, the old man will help you!"

The Dragon King is the half-dragon and half-human body. Although the two dragon horns above the faucet are broken, they do not cover their half-sacred field.

He drifted to the end, joined the battle circle, and was extremely high-profile.

He is preparing to attack Ning Fan from the side, suddenly black eyes, was pulled into the dark illusion world of Ning Fan, millions of fires hit the head, the poisonous light shines on the whole body.


The Dragon King is dangerously tearing open the darkness, escapes the illusion, but only one face, it is hit by the virulence of Ning Fan!

He changed his face and changed his mind. He only looked at it from the side. He didn't feel the danger of Ning Fan and Xuanwei's poisonous spells. Only by personally joining them, did you know the poison attack of these two people, and how terrible the power is.

He is half-sacred, and he will be hurt by Ning Fan!

The poison of these two people is too terrible, and he regrets joining the battle circle...

"What are you doing! Help the old man to drag this one! The old man must smash him with a smuggling smear!" Seeing the King of the Dragon, he was hit hard by Ning Fan, and he was afraid of it. Xuanweidao was extremely dissatisfied. .

"Forbidden mantra-level poisoning! No! That level of supernatural powers, is not a mass killing, if used here, I am afraid that there will be many strong people of my family involved in it..." Wan Shenglong Wang Wenyan, his face changed .

"Hey! The old man can't manage that much, the old man can't kill this one!" Xuanweidao people are indifferent, completely indifferent to the life and death of the alien army.

Lost surgery, cursing, are the division of supernatural powers in ancient times.

Lost surgery is strong and weak, and all need special blood to use. If the threshold of cultivation is lower, the monks of the dynasty can begin to cultivate, but it is often necessary to have the cultivation of more than a thousand years to truly exert the power of lost power.

It can be said that the lost level supernatural powers is a card for the special ethnic monks above the ancient times. Awesome magical powers can even serve as the third step for the saints.

The curse level is higher than the level of loss. The lowest curse of the threshold requires the repair of the ancient overhaul level in order to fully exert its power.

Not all ancient superb supernatural powers can be included in the curse level. First of all, the curse must match the blood of a particular race; secondly, the curse is more complicated than the loss, and often needs to sing a lot of spells to improve the power and kill range.

It is very cumbersome to display, and the power is equally impressive.

Seeing Xuanweidao people bent on their own way, insisting on using the curse to attack Ning Fan, the Dragon King is helpless, can only drag the scalp to hold Ning Fan, to fight for the time of the singer spell for Xuanweidao.

It is a pity that the Dragon King is not a Xuanweidao. He can't drag Ning Fan at all, and he can only be beaten by Ning Fan.

The fire of the holy poison made him want to die, the seven treasures of the tree brushed off his layer of dragon scales, the edge of the sword left another wound on his body, the sun and moon stars monument will make him again and again Hematemesis.

He is not an opponent of Ning Fan at all!

But I have to bite my head and drag Ning Fan!

The King of the Dragons will open the body of Wan Gu, and his body will be made up of white mans. In front of everyone, he will turn into a giant eight-headed snake.

"Eight heads? Isn't it that this Wansheng Dragon King repairs the seven-headed technique?" Ning Fan frowned, feeling that the information seemed to be inconsistent. The sword of the sacred edge was sacrificed, only one glimpse, and the two snake heads of the Dragon King were cut.

But the head of the dragon that was broken by the Dragon King, only a white mang, flashed again, and all eight heads looked at Ning Fan with sarcasm, and seemed to laugh at Ning Fan’s sniper.

Ning Fan attacked again and again, and severely wounded the Dragon King, but no matter how much the King of the Dragon was hurt, as long as the white mangling flashed, he could be healed instantly.

This is the eight-headed technique that the King of the Dragons learned after retreating. If only the former seven-headed technique, he has been killed by Ning Fan. Fortunately, the technique of the Eight Heads is more resistant, and although Ning Fan can press him, it is difficult to kill him.

After all, he still relied on the difficulties of the eight-headed technique and dragged Ning Fan.

The Xuanweidao people took advantage of this time and jumped out of the battle circle to sing their ancient spells one after another.

[Flying feathers, Van Gogh finch, chaotic creatures. The West of Lingshan, the bamboo sea in the south, the golden cloud in the north, the legal boundary in the east, this poisonous king is in the world, it is indestructible. Folding wings, quenching feathers, imaginary shadows, virtual bones like mountains, virtual souls Pudu...]

One thousand words are omitted thereafter.

I can imagine how long it takes to release a curse-level supernatural power.

Most of the magical powers of the spells, when they are first released, need to recite spells, but if you use them, you can usually sing them.

It is a pity that the magical level of the curse is an exception. It is not impossible to break the chanting. But for the monks who have not entered the third step, it is too difficult and too difficult to break the humming of these levels...

Therefore, for the second step monk, the one-on-one method of using this level of magical power is actually very impractical. But if there are teammates who are delaying from the side, giving you enough time to sing a spell, the curse will become a peerless killer.

With the more words of the Xuanweidao mantra, a giant flamingo with millions of miles appeared on the battlefield!

I have a lot of knowledge, and I recognize the shape of this firebird. It is one of the top ten Buddhas that the Buddha of the Last Law Buddha worships.

This flamingo is completely Xuanweidao people with pure virulence. The flames of the whole body are not hot, but they are devastating poisonous gas. They are summoned by the blue wave fire poison as the medium. If the flamingo is really slammed down, the waters of millions of miles will be leveled and poisoned. Within the scope of the monks under the Emperor's Emperor, they must be poisoned, that is, the Wanshengguan, which has the protection of the law, may be flattened by one stroke.

Even Ning Fan’s masters of such defenses may be hit hard or even degraded under such attacks.

Ning Fan wanted to kill the Dragon King with three or two tricks, and then stopped the Xuanwei Dao people from singing the mantra. It is a pity that the Dragon King is too difficult to smash, and it is difficult to kill.

Seeing that the giant flamingo is getting more and more solid, the curse of the curse is coming to an end, and Ning Fan knows that he can no longer drag.

Never let the Xuanweidao people finish all the mantras!

All enemies must be resolved before the release of this spell!

"There is no time. With my own strength, I can't beat the Xuanweidao people. At most, I just put together a tie. It is the limit. In a short time, I have not killed the King of the Dragon. If this curse is really falling, Even though I was lucky enough to save my life, the East Heaven monk in the Wanshengguan behind me was a life-threatening dream... and those thorny flowers that always made me uneasy... sure enough, I can only rely on external forces..."

Ning Fan sighed, with the help of the heart and the gods, and ordered the death of the heroes who had been waiting for a long time.

In the eyes of outsiders, he can be proud of the fact that he is able to fight with Xuanweidao. But he himself is not satisfied with this record.

Want to guard the boundary river, want to guard Dongtian, his power alone, too small, just a Xuanweidao, let him fatigue, if a stronger enemy appears, how should he...

Can't be complacent because of a series of records in recent years.

Must calm down, continue to accumulate, continue to precipitate...

"What is the master's command!" In the mind, there was a reverence of the devil.

"Give me the firebird! Can you get it!"

"If the bird is completely formed, the baby can't do it; at this moment, the bird has only formed 60% of it, and it is not difficult to destroy it!" The words of the killing child Lei Ying have a strong self-confidence.

She, but she was able to get rid of the ten emperors of the emperor!

She, but the quasi-hoss sees the headaches of the road to kill the baby!

A cursed flamingo that has not yet been formed, count as a fart!

The Dragon King, or the Xuanweidao people, these are in her eyes, all counted as a fart!

She decided she wanted to help Ninh Van meritorious, Ninh Van going out all enemies, the only way Dark Big Sister will not continue to beat her ...


There was a sudden thunder in the heavens and the earth. In the depths of the thunder, the Thunder opened, and a giant Lei Ying, who was sitting in the center of the Thunder, took the ancestor Thunder and appeared in front of everyone.

But seeing Lei Ying raised the little hand of obesity, pointing to the giant firebird in the sky, suddenly there was a blood-red thunder column with a devastating atmosphere, and the flamingo that had not been completely formed was turned into a fly ash!

He also waved out the obese little hand and beaten two thunder pillars: one of the kings of the dragons was crowned and tender, and the eight snakeheads were on the spot. Seven of them were stunned by the body of the Xuanweidao. The tail broke five on the spot!

Everyone was detained by the strong demon of Lei Dao, and even the Xuanweidao, who was arrogant and arrogant before, was whitish at this moment, and had the urge to marry her.

"Fuck his ancestors! Why is there such a place to kill the Tao Lei! Which is the emperor in the robbery, so unfortunate, attracted this thing! Could it be the pattern of the Dongtian Xiandi playing in the Wanshengguan! But why this only Destroy the thunder and babies do not attack the emperor, but attack me!" Xuanweidao's popularity has smashed his mouth. He is an ancient demon, and his words are rough. Before he talked, he was disguised. At this moment, he was shocked. Really exposed to nature.

When I first saw the demon killing, Xuanweidao did not think of who the prisoner would be.

After all, he first came to see it. He didn't know that when Ning Fan was on the third road, Zeng Jun took a demon killer.

But the Dragon King knows!

Not just the Dragon King, many alien strong people have heard of this rumor.

Only most people don't believe this!

No one believes that Ning Fan can take the legendary demon killing baby; no one wants to get it, after Ning Fan can take it, he can also surrender the proud Lei Ying and make it help.

This is ridiculous!

Even the third step of the saints, it is impossible to make the arrogant annihilation of the heroes!

And why did the killing Lei Ying also ride an ancestor Thunder!

This combination is simply too weird! Unheard of!

"The curse has been broken, and I will kill the enemy!" Ning Fan screamed at the killing of the thunder.

"Yes! Master!" Destroy the road, Ying Ying, sneer, look at the strong people such as Xuanwei, such as looking at food.

With the destruction of the thunderbolt and the destruction of the thunderbolt, the strongmen such as Xuanwei and Wansheng were all drastically changed, even ignoring the ghosts of the underworld that were summoned by this place. After a confrontation, they tacitly seized the road. Can escape.

A Ning Fan is already very tricky!

If you add another killing baby, Xuanwei is afraid that he will fold here today! Although the name of the ghost flower in the underworld is ringing, the lady who summons it is too weak to be used.

The situation is not good, they can only temporarily retreat! Who is called the killing of the thunder and the name of the baby is so loud, with a full blow, even a trick to get rid of ten fairy emperors! The existence of such a natural disaster, should not be against the enemy!

"Master! That is killing the road, Lei Ying is actually calling Ning Fan children master! This is ridiculous, too ridiculous!"

The Xuanweidao people were so shocked that they couldn’t hide their faces, and they evaded and avoided several raids. They quickly escaped far away.

He did not escape with the King of the Dragon, but was separated. He thinks that the semi-holy Saint of the Dragon King is not an opponent of the desolation, but it is not difficult to escape alone. Escape must be able to escape, but it will inevitably be seriously injured because of the pursuit of the killing of the baby.

He doesn't want to be seriously injured!

He was behind the King of the Dragon, and he saved the idea of ​​using the other as a bait to attract firepower and help him rob.

Because he escaped faster, the Dragon King escaped slowly, and then the demon killer was chasing the King of the Dragon, and the thundering poles mostly greeted the King of the Dragon, not attacking him far away.

"Hey, you are a good friend of the world, and you can help the old man to attack. Anyway, your eight-headed technique is resistant, not afraid of injury..." Xuanweidao thought a little darkly.

In the oblique thorn, Ning Fan's figure is so dead and dead, suddenly came out and appeared directly behind his back, without saying anything, it was a stick down!

With only one stick, he almost exhausted all the remaining strength of Ning Fan.

Ning Fan always keeps his strength, no need to fix the sea **** needle, wait for this blow!

"Not good! Can't hide!"

The timing of Ning Fan’s sneak attack is too clever, and the cleverness to the Xuanweidao people only cares about killing the road, and it is completely too late to avoid this blow. It is only at a critical juncture, and it is slightly dangerous, and it has avoided the danger.

Dinghaishen was beaten on the left shoulder of the Xuanweidao people.

With only one blow, the shoulder bone of Xuanwei’s body was crushed, and the crush could not be cured and restored in a short time!


Xuanweidao people squirted blood, and Ning Fan hit the sky with a stick, but did not dare to fight with Ning Fan, only resentfully smashed Ning Fan, supported the soft left arm, and plunged into the bottom of the river, escaped .

"Kid, the old man remembers you! You wait!" This is the rumor that Xuanweidao left before leaving.

Ning Fan wants to chase into the bottom of the water, but Xuanweidao people fled to the middle of the road, actually opened the magic chamber directly, and there was no shadow for a moment.

I don’t know if I’m escaping from the East, or still in the East, still in the boundary river, just fled to other places in the border river...

It is a pity that Ning Fan sighs secretly and fails to kill Xuanwei. However, if you think about it, it is so easy to kill it. If you can kill this person so easily, it will be alive to the character at the level of the nephew.

But what... I ran the mysterious tail and couldn’t run Halloween!

Ning Fan ignored the rest of the aliens and only locked his eyes on the Dragon King.

At this moment, the demon lei infant is riding the ancestor Thunder, chasing the unfortunate Halloween Dragon King. The Dragon King only had the strength to escape and was unable to fight back.

Of course, you can't let the Dragon King escape.

The other two and a half holy strikes, if you do not leave one, Ning Fan this battle, is not all without gain!


This time, Ning Fan has long memory.

In order to avoid the Halloween Dragon King also ran away, Ning Fan launched a secret word, sealed the world, first broke the Wansheng Dragon King retreat, and then came to catch the cricket.

In front of the King of the Dragon, the Xuanweidao people abandoned him and fled alone, and he was so angry that he was screaming.

A Ning Fan, he can't beat it, and add a killer, he really wants to explain it here!

No, he still has ghosts in the underworld! Although the ghost flower lady who summoned this flower is too low, but after all, I still take those ghosts to save my life!

"Ghost flower friends, save me!" For the first time in my life, the proud King of the Dragon King spoke so kindly to the East Heaven monk, and the Dongtian monk was still a traitor he had always looked down upon.

Ghost Flower's pretty face is pale, she can't let the Dragon King die here, otherwise she will die with the King of the Dragons because of the prohibition.

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