Grasping Evil

Chapter 1238

It’s hard to hear Ning Fan, and Lei Ze Ancestor suddenly complexion big change.

At the moment, the Stone Room Mountain has a square of Pure Qi rising from the sky, and there are also infinite turbidity like the dragon awaken, rolling. Pure Qi is intertwined with the turbid air in Stone Room Mountain’s Little Heaven and Earth, and each time it hits each other, it will be a comet-like roar; there is a Great Dao pattern that appears between Heaven and Earth, in the roar They have collapsed one after another; there are also different fragrances scattered between Heaven and Earth for unknown reasons.

“Not good! Stone Room Mountain Little Heaven and Earth is crashing, Little Martial Uncle is involved in this crash and will be injured!”

At the moment, Lei Ze Ancestor also refused to talk to Pure Yang Founder and Fish Lord, and he took a look at Stone Room Mountain.

Unexpectedly, he just stepped into the Stone Room Mountain range, and suddenly there was a Purple palm print between Heaven and Earth. This palm print seems to be directly on top of the Great Dao context. At the push of a button, the crash in Stone Room Mountain suddenly increases, and then it will have several Great Dao cracks with weak Purple Light from all directions, tearing all the way. Heaven and Earth, attacked by Lei Ze Ancestor.

“Fellow Daoist Beware!” Pure Yang Founder and Fish Lord were shocked to remind you that it was one step late.

Those Great Dao cracks were tearing forward too fast, and Lei Ze Ancestor couldn’t dod it at all. Only when he had a little open defense, he was hit by it, and when he came out, he was torn apart with countless blood marks.


Although the bloody tears around him were only minor injuries, Lei Ze Ancestor was shocked and took a breath. At a critical juncture, he launched the Title Strength, and it was dangerous to open a thousand feet of wind wall, so it can withstand the vast majority of the collapse. But if his defense is slower on Half-Step, there will be no better end!

“This Purple palm print, is it…”

Lei Ze Ancestor has a faint guess, and the heart suddenly rises to a very bad feeling.

When I looked up again, I saw three arrogant faces with Purple Light on the sky above the collapse of Stone Room Mountain.

damned! It was actually the face of Heavenly Dao Soul, which directly appeared on the sky, overlooking innumerable living beings, with a contemptuous look in the eyes!

And this is not the ordinary Heavenly Dao Soul, it is still the extremely rare purple face Heavenly Dao Soul in Imaginary Dream World!

Even more frightening is that the Purple Facely Dao Soul is actually three!

“Old man, ginseng fairy!”

“Old man, Spirit Mushroom!”

“Old man, deer antler fairy!”

“Fengtian carrier, Immortal Sovereign 诏曰: Here Heavenly Dao is now taken over by my Dao Soul Sanxian, this child is the prey of my Dao Soul Sanxian, unrelated person, roll! Intervene in this matter, kill!”

The three purple face faces are silently sounding, and the three Purple Heavenly Mights in the discourse are merged together, and they are overwhelming, and turned into a Purple Qi sweep of 30,000 miles!

Under the impact of the Purple Heavenly Might, even the North Sea True Monarch couldn’t stand the figure and fly straight down countless distances; the other Old Monster’s same figure, the Wolverine, was swept away by the Heavenly Might and could no longer be Close to Stone Room Mountain!

“A terrible pressure! This feeling is actually a little pressure that exists in this world!” Quasi-Saint is a big shock, non-Saint, it is impossible for anyone to withstand this pressure It is even less likely that someone will break into Stone Room Mountain with this kind of pressure!

Just because this is Heavenly Might, and it is a very special Purple Heavenly Might!

In Zi Dou Imaginary Dream World, this Purple Heavenly Might has a very unusual meaning, that purple, representing Immortal Sovereign Zi Dou, naturally not 2nd step monks can compete!

The three Heavenly Dao Souls in front of us are both purple and can borrow a little pressure from Immortal Sovereign Zi Dou. Without a doubt, they are the legendary purple face Heavenly Dao Soul! It is a special presence of the Immortal Sovereign Zi Dou in the dark, and the identity is above the ordinary Heavenly Dao Soul!

Historically, Purplely Heavenly Dao Soul has only appeared seven times, and all of them have met non-killing people, so they appear! The person who led the purple face soul, there is no shortage of Quasi-Saint, which even Bao Kuo a Second Level Quasi-Saint, but without exception, they are killed by the purple face soul!

Today, it is the 8th appearance of the Purple Facely Dao Soul, and one time has attracted three, which is absolutely nothing. The goal of these purple face souls is no doubt Ning Fan. So the question is, can Ning Fan survive from the three purple face souls? Everyone is skeptical! Even Lei Ze Ancestor, who has seen the strength of Ning Fan, does not think that Ning Fan can block the 诛Extinguish of three purple-faced souls!

North Sea True Monarch gaze Gloomy, looking at the mighty 30,000 miles of Purple Heavenly Might, like dissatisfaction, reaching for a photo, want to take a photo of Purple Heavenly Might and press it. As a result, he used his last line, but he could only take a look at the small Hairlyly Might.

Just a look at Heavenly Might, it’s heavy in the hands, it’s not the weight of the material level, but the weight of the road! This is…Immortal Sovereign Zi Dou’s Inverse Saint!

Can’t take it, it’s too heavy, it’s too heavy…

North Sea True Monarch is not convinced! He can be found in Second Level Quasi-Saint in such a barren land as Imaginary Dream World. He is naturally a proud person. He did not believe that he would lose to an old guy who had died for countless years. He did not believe that he could not surrender even the other side. He has to do this!

“Rain Huaxian!”

But see the words in the mouth of the North Sea True Monarch, the force of the Rain Master’s Title suddenly gathered in the palm of the hand, such as the rain, want to directly remove the silk Immortal Sovereign pressure.

As a result, he completely angered the pressure! This silk Immortal Sovereign pressure does not want to be compared with all living beings, but the North Sea True Monarch wants to smash the arm as a car, so this silk pressure suddenly swayed and turned into a raging Purpy Fire!

If Ning Fan is present, you will definitely recognize the Purple Fire, which is the same as the Purple Fire in Heavenly Wasteland Immortal Sect, which is the Divine Ability of Immortal Sovereign Zi Dou!

With the skills of the strange eyeball, when I broke into Heavenly Wasteland Immortal Sect and hunted Yin Mo, I couldn’t resist the damage of Purple Fire. At this moment, the North Sea True Monarch angered the Purple Fire and it was a natural drop.

But seeing the Purple Fire flames, the North Sea True Monarch didn’t even have a reaction, and the palm of the palm was burned directly into the fly ash! Then the Purple Fire re-created as a Purple Heavenly Might and returned to the team in Purple Qi 30,000.


North Sea True Monarch The tragic, complexion is already pale, and the heart is even more frantic.

At this moment, he regretted it! I regret that I am not self-sufficient, to provoke the majesty of the purple mountain. At Imaginary Dream World, he is really a frog at the bottom of the well. He is too far from Immortal Sovereign Zi Dou. He can’t beat the Immortal Sovereign for countless years!

After this test, the North Sea True Monarch has been tried. There is indeed a residual force of Immortal Sovereign within the Purple Fire. If the Purple Fire is willing, the things burned by it cannot be recovered by healing. Fortunately, this Purple Fire is after all his mercy…

“There is a long-lasting Fellow Daoist for me to treat one or two!” North Sea True Monarch stretched out his wrist and talked to Mulberry Growing Daoist.

“This…Immortal Sovereign’s injury, I am not sure…” Mulberry Growing Daoist witnessed the scene of Purple Fire hitting North Sea True Monarch, and the answer was not at all suffocating.

“relax, that Heavenly Might didn’t kill me, so this wound can still be healed. Probably in the eyes of 4th step, my provocation is not worthy of anger at all, it is like I am waiting for Immortal Cultivator not to be braved by the breeze It’s anger, so he’s still in his hands.”

“Well, I will give it a try, but I can’t guarantee success. Sansang blossoms!”

Sure enough, as North Sea True Monarch said, almost in the blink of an eye, Mulberry Growing Daoist cured the North Sea True Monarch’s injury.

The palm can be restored, and it is a blessing in the unfortunate. Only after this incident, the North Sea True Monarch people are afraid of the unpredictable Purple Heavenly Might, and the three purple face Heavenly Dao Soul who control these Purple Heavenly Mights are not too afraid. Overhauled.

“The three purple-faced souls seem to want to kill Ning Fan children by themselves. I don’t want me to wait for them. So, I don’t want to disobey them and get involved in this game. Even the old man ate under the Purple Heavenly Might. Loss, it can be seen that the purple face soul is very powerful. With this Three Immortal Souls, Ning Fan children will die, I just need to pay attention to block the surrounding Heaven and Earth, let this child escape from the mountains.” North Sea True Monarch commanded Road.

“It’s very extreme, it’s very! Ning Fan is afraid that it is going to die without a burial place. I just need to wait and see what happens, I can take advantage of the profit. There is no need to tie the relationship with the three purple-faced souls!” Mulberry Growing Daoist echoes the road.

“Death without memorable place can not! esteemed me but for devouring this child Ancient God Bloodline, if this child is killed by the purple face soul, the Floodlines are destroyed, esteemed me is not to return without success!” Great Immortal is not happy.

“Fellow Daoist is impulsive! Can it be you want to grab the first level and swallow its Bloodlines before the purple face soul kills Ning Fan? Unwise, unwise! In case this angered the Three Immortal Souls, Fellow Daoist is looking for a big disaster, but I will not be with you!” Exalted Immortal Ji Bing 1st speaks against it. As a former Immortal Zi Dou’s cultivator, his presence on the purple face soul is deeply wariness, rather than on the Far Ancient Great Cultivator, and not on the encirclement of the purple face soul. After all, he also protects himself from the Far Ancient Great Cultivator. There is room for it, but it is not dead to the purple face soul…

“Hey! Reason esteemed me understand that esteemed me will not be stupid with the purple face soul for enemy, and it is not a bit unwilling.” Great Immortal snorted coldly.

“Speaking, if this child is killed by the disaster, does North Sea Fellow Daoist promise to pay for it?” The Land Monarch also frowned, and he was concerned about the reward that North Sea promised him.

“Oh, the Fellow Daoist can be relaxed, even if Ning Fan is killed by Purple Soul, the old man will not rely on the previous promises, and will not teach you to suffer. As for the affair that Fellow Daoist is worried about… If Fellow Daoist really can’t devouring Ning Fan’s Ancient God Bloodline, the old man will prepare another gift with Fellow Daoist, how?” North Sea True Monarch is relieved.

“It can only be so. I just don’t know what Fellow Daoist’s other gift is…” In the second half, the Great Immortal was asked by sound transmission.

The North Sea True Monarch responded with the same sound transmission. It was not inferior to the ancient God Bloodline’s treasured, and the Great Immortal complexion eased.

Due to the command of three purple face Heavenly Dao Soul, the North Sea True Monarch group did not dare to intervene to kill Ning Fan, only to look at it.

But this by no means represents Ning Fan’s situation is getting better.

Lei Ze, Pure Yang, and Fish Lord complexion are all unprecedentedly dignified. They prefer Ning Fan to be stared by North Sea True Monarch and others, and Ning Fan is not targeted by Purplely Heavenly Dao Soul.

The purple face Heavenly Dao Soul itself is not terrible. The trouble is that this special Heavenly Dao Soul has used the pressure of Immortal Sovereign Zi Dou, so Divine Ability is no small feat. Didn’t see the unbeatable North Sea True Monarch, all of them bowed their heads in front of the Purple Facely Dao Soul, and the seriousness of the problem can be seen…

A trace of Purple Heavenly Might can damage the North Sea True Monarch. If 30,000 miles of Heavenly Might come at the same time, Lei Ze and others have no life saving.

In the face of the three purple face souls, Lei Ze and others did not have a slight chance of winning. Even the ancient Emperors of Constellations brought by Lei Ze Ancestor are hesitant at the moment, without the courage and the 30,000-mile Purple Qi for enemy. Let them and North Sea True Monarch for enemy, they dare; let them and this unsuccessful Immortal Sovereign for the enemy, they don’t want to…

It is human nature to fear death. If it is for their own beliefs, these Ancient Emperors of Constellations may not be really afraid of death. They can let them die because of the Ning Fan who has never met the guardian. They are still reluctant after all!

“Ray Ancestor! Subordinate I don’t know what you have to say with Far Ancient Great Cultivator Zhao Jian, but it is public, private and private! Subordinate is an Ancient Emperors of Constellations, who is willing to die for Four Oceans Sect, not willing With the Purple Face Heavenly Dao Soul for enemy! If your old man insists on intervening, then subordinate under one step to leave!”

“Please Ray Ancestor think twice!”

“The three purple-faced souls are the power of Immortal Sovereign. See the three people. If you see Immortal Sovereign, I will wait for the Four Oceans Sect monk to be Immortal Sovereign, you can be disobedient!”

“Ray Ancestor, can’t be impulsive! The building will be tilted, the woods will be difficult to support, and if you have the heart to save, it is the opponent of the three purple-faced souls. Perhaps the Far Ancient Great Cultivator Zhao Jian, which may have attracted the purple-faced soul, may also have its own tricks. …”

“Subordinate heard that Senior Zhao had saved countless Immortal Emperors in Fierce Wasteland, but Subordinate is not one of them. It doesn’t owe Senior Zhao Karma, and there is no reason to die for Senior Zhao!”

The ancient Emperors of Constellations made a lot of remarks, trying to discourage Lei Ze Ancestor from continuing to intervene in this matter, and all of them wanted to pull back and avoid the catastrophe.

Seeing this scene, Lei Ze Ancestor’s heart suddenly cooled in half. He wanted to scream at these ancient Emperors of Constellations without courage. He could think about it. If this trip is not helping Little Martial Uncle, it is irrelevant. Other people, he will definitely pull back. What qualifications does he have to blame these people…

“But, no, you all go back. This is the old man’s business. This is the old man’s Little Martial Uncle. You don’t need to save, you can’t save you, the old man, save yourself!”

Lei Ze Ancestor sighed and waved his hand and retired the ancient Emperors of Constellations.

The purple-faced soul is staring at his Little Martial Uncle, and he naturally can’t sit idly by, even if his opponent is replaced by a purple face soul! Otherwise, what will he see in the future to see Crane Uncle Master! Yes, also Crane Uncle Master, if Crane Uncle Master take action …

Lei Ze Ancestor shines, split second sees hope to save Ning Fan. Now I don’t hesitate any more, I want to use Secret Technique to give Omniscient Old Man to gossip, which is in the forefront of Light Clan.

Unexpectedly, he just had the meaning of to gossip. Omniscient Old Man seemed to see his thoughts. Directly from the light Clan outside the countless Starry Sky, the sound transmission was in his ear!

“Don’t use sound transmission, the old man looks at it! The old man should look at it, these ginseng deer antler’s stuff may hurt the old man Junior Brother half! If they can hurt the Junior Brother Ning half finger, Hehe, the old man will掀 这 这 这 这 , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , 这 这 这 这 这 这 这 这 这 这 这 这 这 这 这 这 这 这 这 这 这 这 这 这 这 这 这 这 这 这 这 这 这 这Revenge for the Junior Brother! Junior Brother, Junior Brother, Senior Brother Sorry for you, sorry for you…”

Finished! Crane Uncle Master is going crazy again! At this moment, it is crazy, but it hasn’t come up yet, but if Little Martial Uncle has a half-point difference, Crane Uncle Master will definitely be completely crazy, killing in the Purple Mountain!

Lei Ze Ancestor suddenly wants to cry without tears. He is not afraid that Little Martial Uncle is hurt by the purple face soul. He is afraid that Crane Uncle Master will be crazy and no one can hold it! Compared with the crazy Crane Uncle Master, the purple face soul is simply a cute baby treasure, not terrible!

“Forget it, don’t rely on Crane Uncle Master first, I will take action myself and help a bunch of Little Martial Uncle. Those Ancient Emperors of Constellations have something to say, with my understanding of Little Martial Uncle, Since he has attracted three purple-faced souls, he must have been prepared, and there is no way to help. I just need to help one or two from the side, maybe I can really repel the three purple-faced souls…”

Lei Ze Ancestor took a sigh of relief and secretly activated the power of the title, stepping on the wind of one world and approaching the three purple souls.

At the moment of Lei Ze Ancestor’s departure, Pure Yang and Fish Lord also acted.

What shocked Lei Ze Ancestor was that the two did not choose to leave like the Ancient Emperors of Constellations, but chose to fight with him three purple souls!

This unscientific!

This is too unscientific!

Ning Fan is his Little Martial Uncle, so he is willing to save his life, but what is the relationship between the two people and Ning Fan? Why are you still willing to continue to lick this drowning, can it be not sure about the scary purple soul!

“Do you have a relationship with my Little Martial Uncle?!” Excited, Lei Ze Ancestor finally asked the doubts.

Upon hearing this, Pure Yang and the Fish Lord were both a glimpse, and then they looked at each other and laughed.

“Life is a friendship? Hahaha, Fellow Daoist. This is a businessman. The old man is a businessman. He has no friendship with anyone. He only has friendship with money. But even if it is money, there are things that can’t be bought. Even if it is an old man, I have thoughts. When I am in a hurry, the old man is a person who doesn’t like to quit halfway. If he has already intervened in this matter, there is no reason to withdraw himself. Otherwise, how can he be worthy of the name of Immortal Zi Dou’s cultivator! If the old man pays irreparable costs for this matter, Fellow Daoist Ning has been compensated for the good life! I only hope that the old man will still be alive at that time, and he will search for Fellow Daoist Ning…” Pure Yang Founder laughs, not ashamed because the words are contaminated with copper, not because Fear of death.

“This is a great good, when it floats a big white! The fish once was only when you Lu Chunyang was a coward who was sleepy, greedy for life, afraid of death. I couldn’t think of a great husband, a real man! The truth of the Taoist retreat, and the most fateful owe Karma of the fish, who is determined to repay one or two, is not to say that the enemy is a sunny face, Heavenly Dao Soul, it is a more terrible existence, and the fish must also draw swords. With a long sword and a bow, the first body is not punishable!”


But when a cold light rose to the sky, the Fish Lord had pulled out his sword and killed one of the three purple-faced souls.

No more words, only the determination to fight here, the motive is not for the sake of friendship, just for their own principles!

“Sometimes hate late, meet each other late!”

Pure Yang Founder laughed loudly, stepping on a giant money like a grinding disc, and rushed to one of the three purple souls.

That kind of arrogance, deeply infected with Lei Ze Ancestor. From Pure Yang and Fish Lord, Lei Ze Ancestor saw the shadow of countless Zi Dou martyrs, this is the real Immortal Zi Dou’s cultivator, this is the real Immortal Zi Dou’s cultivator!

Compared with these two people, he is only too small to go to death for personal affairs…

“The wind is coming!”

Lei Ze Ancestor screamed and rushed toward the last person of the three purple souls.

While rushing over, I was also concerned about the internal situation of Stone Room Mountain, and wanted to see if Ning Fan was injured and killed by the three purple faces at the moment.

Unfortunately, at this moment, Stone Room Mountain’s internal Little Heaven and Earth are everywhere, and the turbidity is intertwined between Heaven and Earth. He can’t perceive anything at all. Divine Sense can’t be released even if it is too far away. Might smashed.

I don’t know Ning Fan’s life and death at all!

But he firmly believes that Ning Fan must not die yet, and must be hiding somewhere in Stone Room Mountain, otherwise Crane Uncle Master must be crazy!

“Hey! Hey big courage, dare to enem with the Heavens, obstruct me and kill the crazy child!”

The body of Dao Soul of ginseng was beaten by Lei Ze Ancestor, and he was so angry that he blows his beard and blinks.

A shameful shame, a shameful shame! He is a heavenly face, Heavenly Dao Soul. He is extremely noble in the Heavenly Dao Soul. He was shot by a monk and separated from Heavenly Dao. It was a shame!

The ginseng fairy, which was shot out of the body, is an old priest with white whiskers. The totem is embroidered with the totem of the ginseng. The cultivation base is about 10,000 1000 robbed Quasi-Saint.

Shenshan ginseng is one of the Soul Clan of the true boundary, by no means what is Great Clan, this ginseng is not an important figure in the family.

He has been away from clansman for many years, and he is trapped in the Zi Dou Imaginary Dream World, and there is no hope of returning to the real world.

He stole a small amount of pressure on Immortal Sovereign Zi Dou’s inside of Heavenly Dao. For this reason, his strength is not strong, but he has full confidence to kill Lei Ze Ancestor!

“It turns out that you are only a First Level Quasi-Saint, the cultivation base is not yet an old man!” Lei Ze Ancestor breathed a sigh of relief, as long as the purple cultivation base in front of him did not exceed him, this frame may also be played.

“Hahaha! For me to wait for Heavenly Dao Soul, cultivation base is what! This fairy does not need to use any cultivation base, just recruit Zi Dou Heavenly Might, kill you why you must!”

Ginseng’s hands and hands together, began to cast spells, and time, the turbidity between Heaven and Earth rolled over to Lei Ze Ancestor, and there was a Purple Heavenly Might, and anything that was affected by the Purple Heavenly Might was instantly burned. Become a fly ash!

Lei Ze Ancestor recruited the wind of the world and turned it into a wind, trying to withstand the Purple Heavenly Might, but only a little bit of interest, it was defeated by Purple Heavenly Might!

His complexion is ugly, and he also sacrificed the power of Immemorial Yin Wind, which was just acquired, but even Immemorial Yin Wind could not withstand the pressure of Immortal Sovereign Zi Dou, and lost more than ten.

“Damn! Without this Purple Heavenly Might, you are an old man!”

Lei Ze Ancestor had a hard time and had to sacrifice the Wind Dominating Pouch to make the power of the Title Void Space come out, trying to breathe the ginseng fairy’s Purple Heavenly Might into his pocket.

Fortunately, the ginseng’s Purple Heavenly Might didn’t kill Lei Ze Ancestor, so he was sucked into the pocket by Lei Ze Ancestor without much effort.

Unfortunately, Wind Dominating Pouch couldn’t accommodate the pressure of 4th step Immortal Sovereign. As soon as Immortal Sovereign was inhaled, the internal Space suddenly collapsed!

According to this crash speed, at most only a thousand interest, his Wind Dominating Pouch will be completely scrapped, together with his Wind Dominating Title, will always be destroyed!

Only thousand interest nothing more!

Lei Ze Ancestor can only use the Title Void Space for a valuable 1000!

If it is within 1000, he can kill ginseng, extinguish the Purple Heavenly Might in his pocket, and perhaps also save the hope of Title.

If you can’t do this… Damn, you can’t do it! After all, this matter is the life of Little Martial Uncle!

“You are crazy! You have been using the Title Void Space to control the 4th step of Heavenly Might! Can you be it to abandon the hard-fought Title Void Space! Sacrifice Title Void Space, just to fight against this fairy Lost, simply foolish!” Ginseng fairy was shocked. At this moment, his Purple Heavenly Might was sucked away by Wind Dominating Pouch. Without Purple Heavenly Might, his one by by means is the opponent of Lei Ze Ancestor. After all, Lei Ze Ancestor is a Title Quasi-Saint and Magic Force also Stronger than him!

Lei Ze Ancestor ignores the ginseng fairy, he only has a precious 1000 interest, there is no time to talk nonsense! 1000 kills a Quasi-Saint, even if he is slightly stronger than the ginseng, this thing is almost impossible to do, can not do, he has to do!

Eternal True Body, now!

Fengshen sword, give me a burst!

Gale drum, give me a burst!

Blow out the fan and give it to me!

Disperse the wind whip, give me a burst!

All Magical Treasure, all of them burst into bursts!

With all the blast of the wind, with my own three-in-one blood, the wind that has been destroyed for thousands of miles, kill, kill, kill!

Lei Ze Ancestor seems to be crazy, and at the cost of detonating the acquired, Innate Magical Treasure, this is all his family, but at this moment all sacrificed, it is his blood is madly sacrificed, and finally blasted a Forbidden Technique.

So on the scene, there was a violent ginseng being smashed by Lei Ze Ancestor. Without Zi Dou Heavenly Might, the ginseng was not the strongest in Quasi-Saint, and it was the opponent of Title Quasi-Saint.

But seeing that ginseng was hit by Lei Ze Ancestor, Blood Essence continued to scatter the sky. North Sea True Monarch and others initially only silently look at this showdown, waiting for Lei Ze Ancestor to be killed by ginseng.

But when everyone inadvertently splashed into the ecstasy’s Blood Essence, suddenly realized that simultaneously gaze brightened, with greedy idea.

“Good terrifying medicinal power! Although this ginseng fairy has the identity of Heavenly Dao Soul, it is still root ginseng, if you can swallow it…”

That greedy idea is fast, and it is fast. North Sea True Monarch and others can’t rush to gamble. If the benefits are not greedy, the result will be killed by Zi Dou Heavenly Might, which will not be worth the loss.

On the other hand, Pure Yang Founder and Spirit Mushroom were handed over.

This Pure Yang Founder is not revealing in the mountains on weekdays. It is like a waste man hidden in Heavens Evading Coffin. At this moment, it is the Spirit Mushroom, and finally shows his strength in the world.

Spirit Mushroom Fairy Heavenly Might is amazing!

The old man sprinkled money to you, Seal!

Spirit Mushroom’s Escaping Technique seems to have a clever point. Without a relationship, the old man continues to throw money, giving you Escaping Technique and Seal!

What! This Spirit Mushroom fairy will also spurt fire, and the spray of spits out can actually burn the money he sprinkled!

It seems that there is not enough money to scatter!

Then spread it ten times more!

Money fell, and Spirit Mushroom was not the opponent of Pure Yang Founder. It was actually pressed by Pure Yang Founder, and even the resistance could not be done!

He is also a 10,000-500 robbed Quasi-Saint!

Is it so much weaker than Pure Yang Founder!

By what!

Why is this Divine Ability unable to make it out of Money? It is all through Seal!

Even Magical Treasure can’t be used, just use it, by what!

“Because the old man has money, he can do whatever he wants. This is the old man’s way, money can pass the god!” Pure Yang Founder Wang Zhizhao looks at the Spirit Mushroom Xian, a pair of Laozi rich world invincible nouveau riche gesture, before the death The temperament of Immortal Zi Dou’s cultivator was thrown into the clouds.

“This Pure Yang is so strong! If I change it to me, my Divine Ability will probably take him no more…” North Sea True Monarch was really scared by Pure Yang Founder.

Pure Yang Founder’s dominance is terrible. The performance on the battlefield is not like a First Level Quasi-Saint. It is the dominant force of the Far Ancient Great Cultivator Rank!

After all, First Level Quasi-Saint faces the Second Level Quasi-Saint and can’t be suppressed without temper, at least it can be countered.

The only thing that can suppress First Level Quasi-Saint is the Far Ancient Great Cultivator!

“I don’t think this Lu Chunyang is a great repair! This old store is too deep!”

“I can’t think of it, I really can’t think of it!”

“It’s not the person who invented Heavens Evading Coffin, it’s not a leisurely…”

The helpers of North Sea True Monarch are all internally shakes, see Pure Yang Founder like Monster.

These people don’t know, it seems that Pure Yang Founder is invincible on the battlefield, and his inner stagnation is only known to him.

Pure Yang Founder is arrogantly arrogant on the surface, but the heart is hurting in the flesh: Is he fighting? He is saving money. This is in disguise with money. Everything needs to use countless Dao. Crystal, countless Heavenly Dao Silver, Heavenly Dao Gold!

Then the question is coming, when the money is useful…

When the money is used up, he will return to the original shape and return to the strength of the ordinary Title Quasi-Saint…

“According to this speed, I can support up to 2000 interest rate… 2000 interest rate 2000 interest, Ning brother can let me wait! I will finish affair to help! Also, after the event must make up for the loss of the old man! Otherwise, the old man will eat you in this life, drink yours, and the dead skin will depend on you to earn these money back!”

The last battlefield.

The Fish Lord is faced with a deer antler of 10,000 two 1000 Tribulation Magic Force.

This deer antler is the strongest of the three purple face souls, but it is the most timid one. I am afraid that the Fish Lord also has some means to take away his Purple Heavenly Might and then hang him, so he will always be Purple Heavenly. Might was taken care of by the whole body and was afraid to use it to attack the Fish Lord.

After all, with Lei Ze, Pure Yang compared to, the Fish Lord’s external cultivation base is the strongest, but the Second Level Quasi-Saint!

And Fish Lord is also a sword cultivator, the sword cultivator is known for its powerful attack. Without the protection of Purple Heavenly Might, deer antler has 100% confidence that he will be killed by the Fish Lord!

Fortunately, he has Purple Heavenly Might body protection, so this assumption is not true at all!

“Hey! Your companions can’t support it for too long. When they are defeated one by one, my companions will come back to attack you. At that time, you will only have one way to die!” Deer antler and Confucius confronted the Fish Lord and spoke to the Fish Lord. heart.

“relax, the fish will kill you before the fall of two Fellow Daoist, even if it can cost a lot! Soldier Melting Style !”

“You are crazy! There is a sword cultivator. At the beginning, Soldier Melting himself, sacrificed his life to kill the sword! Don’t kill me, ah, don’t kill me!”

Soldier Melting Style is almost a sinister sword technique. It is clear that Fish Lord has helped Ning Fan’s determination!

Not only deer antler was scared by the Fish Lord, but also with the camp’s Pure Yang and Lei Ze.

After the shock, it is a self-satisfying admiration. The urgency of the people, can be Hao Xiongzhisi, in the world of the word cultivator, can no longer find 2nd Fish Lord such as the hero.

Ning Fan is silent.

He did not expect that the last one step of his own practice of the Umbrella would lead to the encirclement of three purple face Heavenly Dao Soul.

Not to mention, there will be three people blocking the attack of the purple face soul for themselves.

Ning Fan is holding a close-to-full body of Umbrella, standing in the collapse of Heaven and Earth.

He quietly scatters Rain Technique and looks at everything silently. While he is emitting Rain Technique, the North Sea True Monarch frowned slightly and apparently noticed Rain Technique.

Also the master of the rain, Ning Fan’s Rain Technique is still not close to the North Sea True Monarch.

“Hey! Coward, friends for your resisting tribulation, but you are hiding aside, not showing up quickly!” North Sea True Monarch said to himself, everyone around him is wrong, do not understand North Sea True Why did Monarch say these words?

However, North Sea True Monarch is convinced that his words, Ning Fan must be audible. If this child is unexcited and shows up on the spot, it would be better, so that you can join the battle, and the Heavenly Dao Soul will lose both sides. At that time, whether it is Ning Fan or three purple face souls, they will becoming him. The profit of the fisherman…

Ginseng fairy, Spirit Mushroom, or deer antler, seems to be very good.

If there is no chance, they will not take action on the Zi Dou Heavenly Might, but in case there is a chance…

Ning Fan heard the words of North Sea True Monarch, but did not give any response.

He is not a fledgling girl, and he will not be stimulated by a few words. Of course, this by means means his inner peace is like water.

On the contrary, at this moment, Ning Fan has a temperature in the blood, and it has a hot, like boiling water, like a burning fire.

It seems to be infected by the blood of someone.

It seems to be in anger, angry at the sacrifice of Fish Lord at this moment, angry at the dangers faced by Pure Yang Founder and Lei Ze Ancestor!

But he can’t leave this place!

At this moment, the meritorious umbrella is only close to the whole body, but it is not really refined into. This kind of merit umbrella has already possessed the huge strength of the real merit umbrella, but because its shape is not solid, once Ning Fan stops refine, the umbrella will burst. Then release all the power.

Release in the form of an explosion!

Gongde Umbrella is a 3rd step. If this item pops open, the entire Time Sea and the entire Lost World Palace will be involved…

“I am alone, so no matter where the retreat is, it doesn’t matter, and I don’t fear the enemy. I don’t even fear the consequences of this incident. But unexpectedly, someone will resisting tribulation for me… Well, it seems that it should not be so in the future. Sex, I can’t let the unrelated friends get involved in their troubles…”


At the moment, Ning Fan has become a friend of Lei Ze, Pure Yang and Fish Lord.

Even if he has only a stake in Pure Yang, he can’t even talk to the Fish Lord.

But at this moment, he still made his own claim and regarded these people as their friends.

His friends are few and very few, but if this is a friend who can entrust Life and Death, he by no means mind paying more.

No one likes loneliness, only when they want to protect themselves, they choose loneliness.

“Well, Gongde Umbrella, let’s finish the last one step, I am in a hurry. Speaking of it, people umbrella to blend this affair, I should not have to teach you. Even if it is an umbrella, it is also Spiritual Nature is not weak. Magical Treasure, you should also know what it means to be harmonious. Um? You don’t want to, you are not willing to combine with my master? This is not good, very bad, after all, you don’t really combine with me, you can’t be real people. Umbrella, I mean you understand? Oh? You were just shy. Have you ever had this experience as Heaven Battling Jade Umbrella? In fact, by no means is very repulsive? So good, I am I really don’t like to use strong, you can take the initiative to do better.”

Nobody perceives the hidden corner, the magical scene appears.

Ning Fan actually started talking to a shy conversation with an umbrella. Then, some unspeakable affair happened…

The Ant Lord, who is in the Ning Fan Sea of ​​Consciousness, is simply shy of the image of this god of anger!

“There are countless kinds of people in the world, and he chooses this one. How can there be such a different kind in the world!”

I don’t know how long it took, standing on the Dragon Sea above the calm and composed North Sea True Monarch, suddenly there is an induction, and then vomiting blood!

He is so angry that his face is green!

The more angry anger rushes to the crown, right, even the anger that rushes out of Heavenly Spirit is green!

Green, green, green…

“Shameless children! You damn it! Damn! You haven’t even let go of the umbrella! You dare to do this to the fiancée who is destined for the old man! I killed you! I killed you this beast! ahhhhhh, Ning Fan I don’t kill you, I don’t want to be a man!”

At this moment, the North Sea True Monarch was so vomiting, everyone was scared by the horrible blood of North Sea True Monarch!

Fu Suchen, who stands silently behind the North Sea True Monarch, is inexplicably looking at his own master.

He had already secretly learned that his fiancee, Bei Xiaoman, was succeeded by Ning Fan.

It’s true that I’m green by Ning Fan.

How can even the master respect be like Ning Fan green, actually said that Ning Fan grabbed his wife…

Wait a minute, when the teacher has a wife, and when his wife was snatched by Ning Fan, it is inexplicable…

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