Grasping Evil

Chapter 1239


Ning Fan took a sigh of relief, and then his Divine Sense was pulled away from the Umbrella. The process was slow, and it was clear that his Divine Sense was too deep into the merits, so it was not easy to withdraw.

Ning Fan is a person, and the Umbrella is an umbrella. Of course, people and umbrellas can’t act directly. Therefore, Ning Fan just released Divine Sense, invaded the spiritual world of Gongde Umbrella, and made a spirit with the merits of the Umbrella. The unity of the level.

In Spirit World, Gongde Umbrella is no longer an umbrella, but a beautiful young female.

Ordinary people can’t get into the spirit of the umbrella World, can’t see the mental posture of the umbrella, but Ning Fan can, because he can communicate with Myriad Things, the World he sees, others can’t see it!

The normal person and the meritorious umbrella are united, and there is no need for long-term communication and sacrificial refining in order to obtain the recognition of the merit. Because Gain’s umbrellas are familiar with each other, it takes a long time to improve understanding, and then gradually shorten the distance between them.

Ning Fan directly used the most primitive method to conquer the merits umbrella. Well, he started to understand the merits of the Umbrella from a negative distance, and once he entered the soul, he went straight into the depths…

“300 interest, this little ants actually used only 300 interest, they conquered the heart of the merits umbrella! This is impossible! This child is distinctly vulgar shameless, but it has done affair that countless Saints can’t do! How can there be this in the world? The enchanting existence!” The Ant Lord was messy, and the three views were severely criticized. The moral ethics of the past were all collapsed at this moment!

“You criticize me in my Sea of ​​Consciousness, is this really good…” Ning Fan is not satisfied.

He worked hard to cultivate 300 interest, and finally succeeded in refining the merits. The Ant Lord lends him the power of merit and refines his umbrella. Because of this success, he has received huge returns, and the power of his merits has been returned almost several times.

The Ant Lord, who had benefited, actually accused him of losing his grievances. Oh, he still didn’t like the ant. He clearly had a vested interest and wanted to pretend to be a moral model.

“wait a minute! You can even have an umbrella. This Palace Master is in your Sea of ​​Consciousness, if you enter the wolf’s nest, isn’t it equally dangerous!” Ant Lord suddenly realized this and suddenly felt a sense of crisis.

True, she lives in Ning Fan’s Sea of ​​Consciousness, Ning Fan can’t kill her, she can’t beat her, she only uses Bewitching Art to attack her and torture her.

She never imagined Ning Fan also other means to deal with her.

But at this moment she finally got a panic!

Ning Fan can still sleep with her!

A person who can sleep with an umbrella, why can’t I sleep an ant!

It is true that she lives in Remnant Soul at Ning Fan Sea of ​​Consciousness World. There is no entity, there is no way to touch it directly, and it is also possible to switch between human form and ant form.

But all of these, is not the reason why she can sit on Wuyou!

She has no entity, and Ning Fan can choose to invade her spiritual world and make friends with her! I bother! A good word, even by this child played an ambiguity, this child is really a beast!

“I just saw Remnant Soul living in his Sea of ​​Consciousness. The Spirit World is quite broken. If he was really invaded by him…” Ant Lord complexion tangled and bitten his nails. This is her habit, only when she is extremely uneasy. Will bite the nails.

Even though she had been fighting with Ning Fan and was forced to enter the Ning Fan Sea of ​​Consciousness, she had never been so upset.

But at this moment, she is really upset. Her family, Lord Hong Jun, said that starvation is small, and it is a big mistake…

“Hey, little ants. You shouldn’t really start with me, you are not hungry to eat this to this extent…” Ant Lord faced Ning Fan, and he was less emboldened.

“Oh, it depends on your performance in the future… You are Saint Remnant Soul, even if you can’t play any cultivation base, after all, I can’t see the eye experience. If you are willing to help me when you need it, right? I am very good, I naturally won’t start with you. Like this one time, you help me to refine the merits, this is a credit. This Ning is very clear, you help me one time, I will remember you one time Love, the previous enmity, can be written off, but from now on, if I need, you have to continue to assist me, otherwise…”

Ning Fan slowly pulled Divine Sense out of the Utrecht umbrella and threatened it.

After this one time event, Ning Fan found that if Ant Lord was used properly, the benefits were great. This woman is a Saint, even if it is just pointing from the side, it can bring great help to Ning Fan. Just like this one time, if there is no such woman, Ning Fan can’t have a merit umbrella in 2nd step.

In the future, if the woman is willing to cooperate, he does not mind a little tolerance for the existence of this woman.

But if this woman continues to be hostile to him…

Oh, forcibly invading this female spirit World, it seems to her like this, it is also a kind of counterattack…

“Damn! You threaten this Palace Master to do things for you!” Ant Lord is not good, very upset!

This time she helped Ning Fan to practice the Umbrella, but it was because the matter was profitable.

If it is unprofitable, she will help Ning Fan if she is broken!

She is not willing to help Ning Fan, 100 are not willing! But she has a choice…either, sleep by Ning Fan; or choose compromise!

“This Palace Master understands! Ning small ant, as long as you promise not to ruin this Palace Master innocence, this Palace Master can give you some help without violating the principles of Hong Jun Saint Sect in the future!” Ant Lord was a little silent, and finally he was helpless.

“This is a wise choice…” Ning Fan nodded with satisfaction and said, “also, you changed my name…”

“What! You still want me to change my name and call you a master! You can’t think about it!”

“You think too much. You and I have the same connection. I know very well about your loyalty to your Family Master. I have self-knowledge, it is impossible to have a Lord Saint surrender, but it is impossible to let you take a bite. The ant ant is quitely saying.”

“Then you want this Palace Master to call you…” Ant Lord again compromised one time.

“It’s still Fellow Daoist.”

“Hey, this Palace Master understands. Fellow Daoist Ning, you have a hard job with umbrellas; Fellow Daoist Ning, you are thirsty; Fellow Daoist Ning, if your old man is tired, just sit back and say goodbye…”

Ant Lord arrogant and pampered, no longer talking to Ning Fan, turned his head to check the power of the great merits gained from Ning Fan.

That is, only this matter can make her a little comfort. Even if I work with this child in the future, I will give some strength to this child, and it may not be really good at all. Hey, take one step and see one step.

Ning Fan also does not intend to continue to talk nons with Ant Lord. He has entered the Divine Sense of Gongde Umbrella and has already withdrawn most of the time. The remaining Divine Sense can only withdraw all the more.

Look at the Ning Fan, which is close at hand, Ning Fan can feel the closeness and dependence of this umbrella.

There are hundreds of kinds of merit umbrellas. The one he refines is the heavy treasure of Hong Jun Saint Sect. The name is not good, the umbrella is on the umbrella, and the ancient mountain pattern is covered with the mountains. The illusion of the butterfly flies in the umbrella surface, only the edge is visible, the Butterfly, is the proof that Ning Fan conquered this umbrella, is the owner of this umbrella, the imprint of this umbrella.

This umbrella is no longer the jade texture of Heaven Battling Jade Umbrella. It looks more like an ordinary oil paper umbrella. Only when the ray of light is released can you feel the extraordinary momentum of this umbrella.

“This is the perfection of Heaven Battling Jade Umbrella. From the infinite scenery to the ordinary, the closer to the 3rd step, the more intriguing it is, the more difficult it is to measure…”

Ning Fan muttered to himself. With this umbrella, he can feel a kind of mighty merit, and he is extremely powerful.

The only regret is that in order to refine this umbrella, Ning Fan has used up the has Mers obtained from the Ant Lord. This is the case. The merits of his refinement umbrella can still not reach the standard of real merit. It is the weakest umbrella in history.

Of course, the weakest is relatively speaking, and the merits of Saint are compared to, this umbrella is of course weak, but if it is used 2nd step Immortal Cultivator, it is more than enough, it is Far Ancient Great Cultivator also wariness this umbrella three points .

Without this umbrella, Ning Fan faced the siege of North Sea True Monarch and others, and most of them were fighting hard. Even if you can retire, you have to eat a lot of losses.


As the last trace of Divine Sense is removed from the Uttar Pradesh, Ning Fan eyes flash with a cold light, disappearing from the same place.

It’s time to entertain the guests!

The world has said that before a person dies, there will be a return to the light, and the memory hidden in the heart will be remembered like a lantern.

Lei Ze Ancestor did not believe this in the past.

But at the moment, he believes.

In order to suppress the Purple Heavenly Might of the Purple Face Soul, Lei Ze Ancestor spared the power of the Title to exchange valuable 1000 time.

He can only be surrounded by Purple Heavenly Might 1000!

He must kill the ginseng in front of him in a thousand breaths!

The time is too short, too short! Do not say that there is only 1000 interest, even if he is given 1000 days, he may not be sure to kill ginseng.

Quasi-Saint is hard to kill, everyone knows! Although the strength of this ginseng is weak, it is very good at self-protection. Although Lei Ze Ancestor can suppress ginseng and ginseng, it will kill countless injury. Whenever ginseng is dying, it will activate Divine Ability. Out of the five brilliance, an injury in a sudden recovery.

Five gas Chaoyuan!

This damn ginseng fairy, actually knows the five-dimensional Chaoyuan and other Ancient Monster Lost Divine Ability!

It is obviously Dao Soul Clan, which is opposite to Ancient Monster. This ginseng can actually use Ancient Monster Divine Ability to protect it. It does have its power!

“Damn! This is actually such a tricky life saving! The Ancient Monster, which is a five-dimensional dynasty, is said to be inexhaustible, 10,000 Tribulation Inextinguishable! This is the same as Three Flowers Gather on Crown, Rank’s Great Divine Ability, Actually, I was trained by this stinky ginseng! This is troublesome. I want to kill this stinky ginseng with my Divine Ability. It is impossible! Little Martial Uncle, sorry! Crane Uncle Master, sorry! Martial Nephew did his best! Martial Nephew’s comprehension road , can only come here!”

Lei Ze Ancestor is getting weaker and weaker. Gradually, some people have been unable to suppress ginseng, but they have been suppressed by ginseng.

Losing is only a matter of time!

As long as the power of the Title runs out and the Title collapses, it is when he is killed by Purple Heavenly Might!

He sighed, before the death, the picture that appeared in front of him was actually the memory of the Yin-Yang Sect era, all of which was the scene where Crane Uncle Master took him to the kiln.

Those memory, he thought that he had forgotten, but now he is dying, he just remembered that he was deep in his heart, and also the 1st Stage is so sweet and bitter, the memory is hard to let go.

I still remember that when he was first time, he was taken to the kiln by Crane Uncle Master. He was received by a girl named A Green.

It’s a pretty little girl, that time, he’s first time, Ah Green is also the first time.

“Do you understand men and women?” Ah Green.

“No, don’t understand… You teach me how good, I have money, a lot of money, all given by Crane Uncle Master…” Young Lei Ze.

“You don’t understand, don’t you understand?” He didn’t notice at the time. When Ah Green said this, expression in the eyes is what kind of 狡黠.


“Very good, this is fair. You are first time, I am also first time. But I am in the brothel, I have a wide range of knowledge, so I will teach you well. The so-called men and women are actually…”

Then what happened to affair?

Then the awful A Green, actually lied to him! Actually lie to his so-called men and women, is self-proclaimed!

It was a pitiful day. At that time, he was young and ignorant. He spent a lot of money and entered the Yihong Building, but he did not taste the woman’s taste at all. Instead, he spent the whole night! Pick up your legs and get soft!

That is his first time self-proclaimed!

He thought that it was all about men and women! He is still stupid thanks to Ah Green!

“The sex between men and women is so happy! Ah Green actually taught me such a wonderful affair. Next time I go to Yihonglou, I will order her to serve!”


After the Crane Uncle Master took him to Yihonglou every one time, he would be accompanied by Green, and then under the guidance of A Green, he would spend all night…

What an awkward woman.

He has visited more than 300 times of Yihonglou, and he has never tasted the taste of green.

What happened then…

By the way, Yin-Yang Sect had a big disaster, and he was involved in this disaster.

At that time, Yin-Yang Sect had a catastrophe, and his future was uncertain. Life and Death was unpredictable, but he went to Yihonglou on his own night.

It wasn’t brought by Crane Uncle Master. For the first time, he went to the kiln alone and ordered Ah Green.

That night, he did not swear, but just stupidly said a word to Ah Green.

“If I am Undying, I will return and redeem for you. I heard that the redemption fee for your female immortal is very expensive and expensive… but I will definitely get enough!”

What was the reaction of Ah Green at the time?

By the way, he saw the expression of the green in the eyes, saw the sly, saw the panic, saw the blush of the first time in the history of the green.

“Sorry, Azer, I lied to you. Actually, we don’t have it at all… But if you really want to redeem for me, I will wait for you. When I get there, I will really teach you one time.”


He can’t go back in the real world, can’t go back!

A green, are you okay… that long time has passed, to your cultivation base, perhaps already passed away.

Lei Ze Ancestor is a Wind Cultivator. He has a feeling of wind and sand in his first time. Yes, it must be the wind and sand, but why would he have old tears?

Lei Ze Ancestor The windy became Armament, a long shout, once again rushed to the ginseng fairy.

The blood that falls in the sky, some people who are sensational, have his, mixed together, can no longer be separated.

“Hahaha! This old guy can’t support a few times, dare to wait for my face, Heavenly Dao Soul for enemy, and teach you this!”

The ginseng fairy released five qi dynasty yuan, and the body injury instantly recovered. He sneered at the look at the bloody Lei Ze Ancestor, shaking his long sleeves, and suddenly there were countless Monster Qi rushing out of the sleeves and piercing Lei Ze Ancestor’s body.

Lei Ze Ancestor Supreme Void is weak. He can’t escape this one time attack and is attacked by ginseng.


More blood spits out from the mouth of Lei Ze Ancestor, he expresses in the eyes 恍惚, seems to see the legendary Styx, seeing the end of the Styx, there is a green shadow against the flowers.

The green shadow did not want to enter Samsara, but waited for him at the end of Samsara, waiting for him to fulfill his promise and take her away.

“A green, green…”

Lei Ze Ancestor’s consciousness has been somewhat blurred, he screamed, shocked smash into pieces, and handed a bloody wind blade, and smashed the ginseng fairy!

That is the wind blade that sacrifices its own life to condense!

The madness in the bloody color shocked the ginseng fairy! Crazy, crazy! This old guy with Lei Ze as Dao name is completely crazy!

“Unfortunately, you are crazy, but you are crazy this day! The old man behind, standing on God! Heaven wants you to die, no one can stop it!”

The ginseng fairy re-opened the five-dimensional dynasty, and the broken arm was instantly restored, and then sneered.

But this time he hasn’t finished laughing yet, and suddenly there is a rush of Heavenly Fire, and he will be burned in the outside world.

Among the fire, there was a youth in white clothes and walked out.

“Little Martial Uncle, you, you’re fine…” Seeing that Ning Fan finally ended the retreat, Lei Ze Ancestor seemed to have recovered a little consciousness and smiled excitedly.

Laughing, Ning Fan is safe.

But then he cried again!

The crying is that the ginseng in front of him has taken away his green!

At this moment, Lei Ze Ancestor is probably broken by ginseng, causing confusion in memory.

When I saw Ning Fan, he suddenly went to Ning Fan with tears in his face, thumped and threw it down, hugged Ning Fan’s pants, and painfully wiped his nose and tears.

“Little Martial Uncle, revenge for me, revenge for me, this is the ginseng fairy, he killed Ah Green, it is him, it is him!”

Under the chaos of memory, Lei Ze Ancestor determined that ginseng immortalized the beloved, and the sorrow in the tone was sent from the heart and the sorrow.

“A green, what is green?” The inexplicable ginseng fairy, carrying a big pot.

Uninformed Ning Fan, also when this ginseng fairy is really the Xiu Family of Lei Ze Ancestor, the original gaze of the dead water, suddenly got 凛冽cold light!

Once upon a time, he was only a joke when Lei Ze Ancestor called him Martial Uncle. With Lei Ze Ancestor Life and Death, he finally began to face up to this matter, from the depths of his heart, Lei Ze Ancestor as his own.


The tradition of Black Demon School is to protect the short!

The tradition of Yin-Yang Sect is precisely the short!

Since this Lei Ze, when he is Martial Uncle, he will protect this short!

As a result, originally only Ning Fan, who had a seven-point kill on these purple-faced Heavenly Dao Soul, suddenly rose to 12 points!

“You, you are the lunatic of the refining umbrella! You have succeeded! How is this possible, how is it possible!”

The ginseng fairy was on the cold gaze of Ning Fan, and the body was suddenly erected. It was shocked and more fearful.

Others don’t know what Ning Fan is doing. They know the purple face souls. If they don’t know that Ning Fan wants to refine the merits, they won’t show up to kill Ning Fan!

Ning Fan is the enemy of the sky, and these purple-faced souls can sit on Ning Fan and get Supreme Treasure!

So they came out to kill Ning Fan!

Unexpectedly, Ning Fan actually succeeded in refining the umbrella! An Imaginal Dream World 2nd step monk, actually refined the 3rd step power of the merits umbrella, impossible, how is this possible!


Originally, the arrogant ginseng fairy, on the spot, smashed, facing the Supreme Treasure such as Gongde Umbrella, how dare he contend, and once he sipped, he would evacuate the place with other purple face souls.


Ning Fan only raised his hand and freed the ginseng to make it impossible to return to Heavenly Dao.

At the same time as freezing ginseng, a turtle and a snake two Sword Glow broke out, only one stroke, the ginseng fairy became two paragraphs, blood spattered!

Black Tortoise Remnant Sword !

Black Tortoise Remnant Sword is two swords, two swords, comparable to Innate High-Grade Magical Treasure, the North Sea True Monarch face attack on this sword, all must deal with it, a ginseng fairy who is freed by Heaven Locking, can Block this sword edge mans!

“Dead… dead! A killing Quasi-Saint! This matter, how could this be…” Lei Ze Ancestor was shocked!

Everyone who saw this scene was shocked!

No one expected that Ning Fan would end the retreat at such a moment, suddenly appeared, and when the party appeared, it was so amazing!

“Don’t be stupid, this ginseng is weak, but it is not what I killed with a sword… At least 100 swords must be cut to defeat it!”

Ning Fan shook his head, and he didn’t think that the ginseng fairy who was Quasi-Saint would be so easy to lose.

Sure enough, Quasi-Saint is hard to kill!

Ming Ming has been cut into two halves, but the ginseng fairy is Dao Soul not broken, the whole body is full of five volumes, and the body broken into two halves is re-closed in a flash.

Injury again!

Of course, although ginseng fairy escaped One Tribulation, it did not pay no price. He cultivated a total of 5,000 roads to Origin Energy for body protection.

Before being killed with Lei Ze Ancestor, all the way was suppressed by Lei Ze Ancestor, and only lost three more than 10 times to Origin Energy No more.

But just to resist the damage caused by Ning Fan’s sword, his direct consumption of Origin Energy directly consumed six more than 10!

This shows what!

This shows that the damage caused by Ning Fan is twice as much as that of Lei Ze Ancestor!

“Innate High-Grade! This child’s sword, power is comparable to Innate High-Grade!”

Ginseng fairy is gone! If you are in the real world, encountering a treasure of Innate High-Grade is not a big deal, but you know that Imaginary Dream World is here, and this Imaginary Dream World has been isolated from the real world for countless years, lacking Spiritual Qi, lack of resources. !

In the barren land, the treasure of Innate High-Grade is very rare, even his purple face soul is difficult to own, Ning Fan has!

“Damn! This child is too strong, can’t compete! Zi Dou Heavenly Might, fast return!”

But see the ginseng in the mouth of the mouth, the original is the Lei Heaven Anthor Wind Dominating Pouch Seal’s Purple Heavenly Might, suddenly Seal Breaking, towards Ning Fan rolled over.

no way! At this moment, the power of Lei Ze Ancestor Title is almost exhausted, and these Heavenly Mights can’t be saved.

Fortunately, due to the timely appearance of Ning Fan, Lei Ze Ancestor’s Title has not completely collapsed, but his Title damage is too great. If there is no opportunity, it will take countless years of hard work to repair the original power.

“Little Martial Uncle Be careful, this kind of Heavenly Might is so powerful that Far Ancient Great Cultivator doesn’t dare to pick it up!”

When I saw ginseng, I recalled Heavenly Might, Lei Ze Ancestor complexion big change, and pulled up Ning Fan to run.

At this moment, Ning Fan has been rescued. Of course, it is time to run. It is no longer necessary to play with these purple face souls!

“Lei Ze, don’t worry! This Purple Heavenly Might is great, but I am not afraid.”

Looking at the sky, Purple Heavenly Might, Ning Fan has a reminiscing color in his eyes. It is a scene of Immortal Sovereign Zi Dou who once studied in the illusion.

If you are a neighbor, you can’t take the pressure of Immortal Sovereign Zi Dou.

Ning Fan is not another people, he is an apprentice taught by Immortal Sovereign Zi Dou.

In the face of the sky’s Purple pressure, Ning Fan raised his finger again and pointed it down. This finger, the release of no means is Heaven Defying Divine Ability, just one finger of Smokewind.

[What is time, what is 韶华… Fenghua is a finger of Quicksand, old is 1st Stage, this technique can melt the time, make myriad things old, decay, the name is…Purple Technique,Smokewind ! 】

This is the time when Ning Fan Divine Transformation, the comprehension Divine Ability, this Divine Ability contains a scene of his learning from Immortal Sovereign Zi Dou.

This Smokewind Finger, from the power, may not be how powerful, but he is a proof!

His Ning Fan is a Successor approved by Immortal Sovereign Zi Dou!

A strange scene appeared!

Ning Fan’s Purple Smokewind blows through, and all the Purple Heavenly Might suddenly dissipates, disappearing into the invisible, such as the wind, like the waves!

Even if it is the Far Ancient Great Cultivator, the face of the Heaven Heavenly Might can’t be so calm, but Ning Fan can do it!

How could he be hurt by the pressure of Teacher Zi Dou, it is a strange thing to be injured.

“Wh, what! You actually smashed the Purple Heavenly Might, you actually…” The ginseng fairy was shaking and trembled, knowing that the biggest cuddling of these purple-faced souls was to hold the power of Immortal Sovereign Zi Dou. However, no one in Imaginary Dream World is afraid of Immortal Sovereign!


Ning Fan ignored the ginseng fairy, but turned to the other two fingers, and the Purple Wind’s Smokewind blew through it. This time, even the Spirit Mushroom singer and the deer antler singer’s Purple Heavenly Might could not work anymore. pressing.


Originally, the Pure Yang Founder and the Fish Lord, who have been struggling, are shocked. At this moment, Ning Fan suppresses the Purple Face Spirit Heavenly Might. They naturally reduce their pressure. When they fight against the Purple Face Spirit, they no longer need to play their lives!

Can stabilize the other side!

With a sigh of relief, Pure Yang and Fish Lord are all unable to believe in front of the scene. They are like the Purerce Tiger’s Purple Heavenly Might, which was easily suppressed by Ning Fan. Even if it is called Zi Dou descendant, Zi Clan can’t do it. Why can Ning Fan do it!

“Impossible!” North Sea True Monarch both eyes, like first time, knowing Ning Fan, its behind helper, one by one, can’t speak.

Can it be this child What is Far Ancient Great Cultivator Zhao Jian ! Otherwise how can I do this! No, he is not a Far Ancient Great Cultivator. This is a sure thing, but why, why can it be Heaven Defying!

No one can answer their questions.

Ning Fan certainly won’t answer.

Although it defeated Purple Heavenly Might, it was a disobedience of the disciple to the teacher. Therefore, Ning Fan did not have any color on his face. Instead, he apologized and went to the invisible Zi Dou Heavenly Might.

“I’m sorry, teacher. These purple face souls are the ones you left behind, monitoring the messengers of Heavenly Dao. What they represent is your majesty. But now, the disciples want to disobey this majesty, kill them, ask the teacher. forgive!”

These words, Ning Fan is silent in my heart.

No one can hear it, only residents living in the Ning Fan Sea of ​​Consciousness can hear it.

Ant Lord heard it!

Ant Lord is gone!

She never knew what Ning Fan was or what Zi Dou was! I don’t know by no means. Although she can look at Ning Fan’s memory, the part about Immortal Sovereign Zi Dou, even if I have seen it, will be forgotten, because Immortal Sovereign does not allow her to remember these!

So she didn’t remember this at all, but at the moment, she learned about it again from Ning Fan’s words!

How can I not be surprised!

Zi Dou did not die, but there was also one person under the heavens. He inherited the Inheritance of Zi Dou Immortal Domain and was recognized by Immortal Sovereign Zi Dou!

Incense Fire is not Extinguish!

“Well, can you tell me now, why do you want to murder my Martial Nephew’s love. You should remember a woman named A Green, or you have forgotten…”

Ning Fan got up and approached the ginseng fairy step by step, ten steps treads the sky, and the Heaven and Earth’s powers seemed to converge on him, making people unable to look directly, such as fear of God!

“What, green, I don’t remember, misunderstanding, misunderstanding, and today’s business, it is also a misunderstanding…”

Ginseng Xian tried to explain what, but what he responded to was one time Heaven Locking.

Being unable to move by freeze is terrible!

When it was frozen, it was cut even more than Black Tortoise Remnant Sword of Innate High-Grade.

Ginseng Xian was once again cut into two paragraphs. Although it was saved by the body protection of Wuqi Chaoyuan, this time, it lost more than 60 times to Origin Energy!

“Injury me Martial Nephew So far, a misunderstanding, not enough!”

Heaven Locking!

Black Tortoise Remnant Sword, hey!

Heaven Locking!

Black Tortoise Remnant Sword, hey!

In the face of Ning Fan’s no solution attack, ginseng immortal has no resistance. Aside from Purple Heavenly Might, he is just a First Level Quasi-Saint, and only 11,000 robbed Quasi-Saint!

This Magic Force, even the normal state of Ning Fan can not match! Ning Fan can even crush this person without opening the Eternal True Body!

Ten swords!

Thirty swords!

Fifty swords!

Seventy swords!

100 swords!

Difficult to be like a ginseng, and only under the Ning Fan sword to support 100 swords, it was turned into a broken piece of medicine.

Why is it broken?

Because ginseng sin is medicine!

Is ginseng dead?

No, it is not dead!

Quasi-Saint is known for its hard killing, especially this ginseng fairy. It is also good for life saving. It is only his ginseng shell that is smashed by Ning Fan. As for his Dao Soul, even if it is played by Ning Fan, it is also a serious injury. Can’t really destroy Extinguish!

“You can’t kill me! My god ginseng family, there is First Ancestor Monster Saint Bloodlines in the body, want to kill my god ginseng family, like a delusion!” ginseng fairy Dao Soul was stunned by Ning Fan, knowing that escape is hopeless, but mad laughing out loud.

His Dao Soul is a ginseng with a human face and hands and feet. The ginseng is covered with the pattern of the Shenshan people.

“Ning Xiaoyu…Fellow Daoist Ning, this ginseng is right, with your Divine Ability, you can’t destroy his Dao Soul, even your God Refining Cauldron is also Undying. If you want to kill this person Dao Soul, the best way is to smear an altar and smother it. This is the curse of the altar with the exception is Heaven and Earth. You are very lucky, this Palace Master happens to know a broken curse altar, there is no small The grasp can kill this person Dao Soul, but in this case, you need to collect seventy-two Types Heavenly Materials and Earthly Treasures to arrange the altar…” In order not to sleep by Ning Fan, Ant Lord finally took the initiative to help Ning Fan.

“It doesn’t have to be that trouble. The soul of Soul Clan is the tonic of my family Little Cat. Black Demon, are you interested in eating this Dao Soul?”

Ning Fan’s voice just fell, and a black shadow flew out of the Profound Yin world, falling on his shoulder and turning into a lazy black cat.

“The owner has a life, Black Demon has nothing to do!”

Black Demon grabbed the ginseng fairy’s Dao Soul and turned away and disappeared into the Profound Yin world.

She likes to eat fish, eat birds, eat mice, eat meat, and does not like to eat ginseng.

But if this is the command of the Master, she will barely eat it even if she doesn’t taste it.

“Nine, Nine Fox! You are Nine Fox! You are actually Royal Clan Nine Fox!” The ginseng fairy Dao Soul who was arrested in the Profound Yin world was desperate.

Although he has First Ancestor Monster Saint Bloodlines body protection, how can he resist Nine Fox Clan’s fangs!

Nine Fox Clan eats Dao Soul Ten Thousand Clan! It is such a dangerous existence! The others killed Undying ginseng, but Nine Fox said that ginseng is just a bit difficult to digest. It is not a problem to eat a few ginseng!


A scream, running through the Profound Yin world, is the scream of Quasi-Saint, even the Profound Yin world can not be imprisoned, directly passed outside!

This Quasi-Saint scream is too fierce, and the same is the Spirit Mushroom fairy, deer antler scalp feeling numb!

“How, what’s going on! Listen to this scream, ginseng Fellow Daoist can it be killed by the devil!” Spirit Mushroom 仙, deer antler 仙 is 骇然, Ning Fan even ginseng can kill, this The Divine Ability means is too terrible!

“Grab the ginseng! Grab the ginseng!”

The North Sea True Monarch and others were also shocked by the scene of the ginseng fairy. If the Ning Fan was shocked by the means at the moment, the North Sea True Monarch wanted to rush to Ning Fan and play with Ning Fan.

How can he not recognize that Heaven Battling Jade Umbrella, which he destined to be, has been completely conquered by Ning Fan, and refine has become other appearances.

North Sea True Monarch does not recognize the umbrella in Ning Fan’s hand. It is a famous Umbrella. This does not blame the North Sea True Monarch eyelids. It is really a long time for Zi Dou Imaginary Dream World to be isolated from the outside world. The North Sea True Monarch has never heard of it. It is naturally impossible to identify.

Seeing that Ning Fan easily killed ginseng, the North Sea True Monarch was shocked, and the anger in his heart was also awake.

At this moment, it is hopeless to recapture Heaven Battling Jade Umbrella. Do you want to avenge Ning Fan or two? Some compensation is to take some.

The ginseng fairy was blown up by Ning Fan and turned into dozens of huge ginseng pieces falling from the sky. The medicinal power of these blocks was too terrifying, and North Sea True Monarch and others would not miss this thing. Falling, North Sea and others have begun to fight for it.

Ning Fan didn’t stop the behavior of North Sea True Monarch and others. He still has to support Pure Yang Founder and Fish Lord at this moment. There is no way to collect the spoils.

“Hateful! The ginseng fairy is the little Martial Uncle, and the benefits are all let the rainer’s old man go away!” Lei Ze Ancestor hates, if there is such a block, Little Martial Uncle’s cultivation base is sure Can be skyrocketed again.

“Nothing is my thing, one can’t run!”

Ning Fan figure disappeared from the same place, the next moment, appeared in front of the deer antler.

“This Fellow Daoist, today’s help, Ning Fan is in mind, you can rest a little.” This sentence, Ning Fan said to the Fish Lord. By no means to know the Fish Lord, only vaguely can be inferred from the breath, this person is the person who used to spy on his retreat.

At this moment, the Fish Lord looks so scary. The whole body is flesh and blood. Soldier Melting is Sword Glow. Only one giant fish bone skeleton is chasing deer antler!

This fishbone skeleton is not a thing. The fishbone on it is the Treasure Sword. With the Sword Glow of Mortal Body Soldier Melting, the power is terrible. By no means weaker than the Innate High-Grade Magical Treasure!

Of course, in this form of Soldier Melting Mortal Body, the damage of the Fish Lord is enormous. If it is the ordinary Immortal Cultivator, it may be on the spot. After all, the Fish Lord is a Second Level Quasi-Saint, and the Soldier Melting Style will bring him great damage, but it will not kill.


Fish Lord nodded and took off from the battlefield, along with Lei Ze Ancestor, to heal the wounds.

Ning Fan is not only annoying with An Ran, he naturally does not continue to fight the truth, the feelings have been returned, you can rest a little.

“You, don’t come over! How did you get the ginseng Fellow Daoist! Why did his breath in Heavenly Dao disappear!” Deer antler sees Ning Fan step by step, and can’t help but instinctively reverse, Ning Fan enters one step, he will Retreat one step, Ning Fan enters thehundred steps, he will return thehundred steps, really timid.

Ning Fan ignored the deer antler fairy, seeing the deer antler immortal can not retreat, immediately lost patience, one-handedly presented Black Tortoise Remnant Sword.

At the same time as the sword was sacrificed, a Heaven Locking Finger technique went on and wanted to kill the deer antler in the same way.

However, this time, Heaven Locking has failed!

The deer antler who was not frozen, the danger of avoiding the attack of Black Tortoise Remnant Sword, obviously scared cold sweat, and hearted that was close that was close, but on the face is still self-proclaimed, strong voice, “Useless! My deer antler family is not afraid of any control class Divine Ability, at the same time can immunize all Curse Technique, sorcerer, poisonous surgery, your imitation of Samsara surgery can not limit esteemed me! Castle Peak Change, the long flowing green water, the hatred of today, will come to Japan!”

Deer antler, who was not controlled by Heaven Locking, turned and flew inside Heavenly Dao, trying to escape.

Seeing deer antler is so difficult to bind, even Ning Fan is a little surprised, if there is no means, even if he wins deer antler, he can’t keep deer antler, the other party can escape.

1 day Longitudinal enemy, the suffering of the world, Ning Fan, of course, can not let the deer antler escape.

If Heaven Locking is useless, try the new refine’s not good luck umbrella. This umbrella is known for its high defense, but it seems that by no means only a strong defense.


Ning Fan raised a high-altitude umbrella, and with the ray of light on the umbrella, the infinite suction came out of the umbrella!

“Not good! This child wants to accept me!”

Deer antler was shocked, and the Four Colors Soul Force was scattered all over the body. The whole person suddenly turned into a Four Colors smog.

He finally escaped into Heavenly Dao!

But he had no time to breathe a sigh of relief, and the ray of light directly penetrated into Heavenly Dao and pulled him out!


The deer antler was sucked away by the infinite suction, and it was sucked all the way into the inner world of the umbrella.

The internal World of this umbrella is no less than a cage. The deer antler who was inhaled here, even if there is no damage, would like to escape from the umbrella in a short time!


Everyone who saw this scene was shocked!

“This child has refined Heaven Battling Jade Umbrella into something! Why did this umbrella come out and directly capture a Quasi-Saint!” North Sea True Monarch was shocked by the complexion.

Then in his eyes, he gave birth to new greed!

At this moment, he does not hate Ning Fan!

Not only did he not hate Ning Fan for conquering Heaven Battling Jade Umbrella, he even wanted to thank Ning Fan in turn!

Good umbrella, good umbrella! Power is better than Heaven Battling Jade Umbrella, and from Dao Rhythm, it seems to be more in tune with his Rainer Title!

He should thank Ning Fan for refining these treasures!

“This umbrella is owned by the old man!”

North Sea True Monarch suddenly smiled and asked the body air beside him. “The Yellow Warrior Force Warrior, the ten towers are all arranged!”

“Back to Master’s words, the ten-party rain tower has been laid out, ready to attack the enemy!” at the nobody, a gaze hollow yellow towel Force Warrior suddenly emerged, stunned.

“Oh, that’s all, we also take action! Ten towers, now!”

North Sea True Monarch turned his hand and suddenly had a blu-ray flag in his hand.

As the flag was raised, the Void Space in all directions began to collapse, and ten ancient Pagoda emerged from the Void Space, occupying the position and forming the Killing Formation!

This formation is not only the scope of the Stone Room Mountain, but the entire North Heavenly Capital is in a torrential rain!

The torrential rain around Ning Fan is the most violent between Heaven and Earth, because of his location, the center of the indeed Killing Formation!

“This is… what!” Ning Fan’s brow wrinkled, and from the North Sea True Monarch’s formation, he felt a huge sense of crisis.

Also in the midst of the battle, also the Lei Ze, the Fish Lord, and the Spirit Mushroom and Pure Yang who are still fighting.

“Hey! This is… this is one of the ten best! It’s not right, it’s the opposite, this is actually the opposite!” Spirit Mushroom seems to recognize this formation, but before I have time to make more observations, there is a red The sand came from the face, and he swept away from the air, disappeared into the battle, Life and Death is unknown.

Also taken by the red sand, also Fish Lord, Lei Ze, Pure Yang.

“Ning small ant is careful, this is the anti-Ten squad!” Even the Ant Lord was surprised. Because she was too surprised, she even forgot to talk to Ning Fan and the gas phase, calling Ning Fan a Fellow Daoist.

“Is the anti-Ten squad? Sure enough, I was still strange before. When I killed the ginseng, the North Sea old man did not interfere with it. It was a secret arrangement to kill me.”

Not waiting for Ning Fan to observe this formation, the strange red sand also rolled over him. If he is hit by this red sand, he will probably disappear into the battle like everyone else.


Ning Fan slammed down, using Power Word Secret on this foot, and suddenly made numerous Golden Flame cracks between Heaven and Earth!

Those red sands that are blowing in the face are directly shattered by Ning Fan’s Power Word Secret!

It can be seen that the attack of Power Word Secret regarding this formation is still effective, but it is not absolutely restrained!

Because Ning Fan has not smashed this formation, and even failed to cause great damage to this formation, this is the first time he encountered this affair in his comprehension career!

Even the Power Word Secret of Eastern Heaven Ancestral Emperor can’t help this formation, this formation seems to be really small…

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