Grasping Evil

Chapter 1242

“Impossible! How can you take this shot! Fake, fake!”

The Great Immortal is very incomparable, cultivate Dao, his ancient gods have never lost his hand, today is still the first time!

One of his life, I have seen countless umbrellas Magical Treasure, but none of them can match this umbrella.

A nameless umbrella, but blocked his strongest blow, this is really possible!

The overly shocking emotion caused the Great Immortal to fall into the short Dividing Spirit. At the moment of his Dividing Spirit, Ning Fan flashed and flashed to his side, and he pointed two fingers at him!


With one finger down, the dark Yin-Yang’s power is launched, and there is a boundless darkness that suddenly covers the Great Immortal’s Magic Eye and Sea of ​​Consciousness!


Again, the power of Heaven Locking is launched, and the Great Immortal is tied to the same place, making it impossible to move!


Killing Yin-Yang’s power, blessing on top of Black Tortoise Remnant Sword, makes Black Tortoise Remnant Sword’s Sword Glow take a bit of Sunder Armor!

Ten feet away, the target is still a person locked by Body Locking, Black Tortoise Remnant Sword has no reason to short.

Almost at the time of Ning Fan’s offering of the Black Tortoise Remnant Sword, the Great Immortal’s chest flew two blood flowers and was cut by Black Tortoise Remnant Sword.

The wound is only half an inch! Too light!

With Black Tortoise Remnant Sword comparable to the power of Innate Magical Treasure, with a little Sunder Armor effect, to attack the unsuspecting Great Immortal, you can only cut a half-inch wound, this person’s Mortal Body strength is terrible!

“District Dark Locking, also want to trap esteemed me! Rolling!”

Great Immortal ate two swords, but although the wound was not deep, he still felt very painful. He seems to be irritated by pain, screaming, and with the smash into pieces of darkness and Heaven Locking, the ancient god brute force regained the ability to sense and act.

“This is the power of Second Level Quasi-Saint…” Ning Fan looks a little moving. This blow, he accounted for the distraction of the Great Immortal, using a lot of means, almost without the defense of the other side, left the Black Tortoise Remnant Sword.

Switching to First Level Quasi-Saint is attacked by Ning Fan, and even if it is not spiked, it will at least be hit hard.

Can the Great Immortal actually only cut a half-inch wound, it can be seen that this person is what kind of skin is thick and thick.

“Dare to leave a wound on the esteemed me perfect Mortal Body, you damn it!”

The Great Immortal is in anger!

Under the wrath, he was too lazy to think about how powerful Ning Fan’s umbrella was. In any case, he had to let Ning Fan pay the price!

“This is not a good thing… According to the character of the gods, if you don’t hit a single shot, you will definitely be a thousand miles away, and you will never be in love. The ancient gods have lost their hands, and he has clearly deliberately intended to retire. But only, Fellow Daoist Ning wounded his Mortal Body, which is precisely the scale of the gods, causing him to fall into madness and lose all his senses… This battle is inevitable.”

Fish Lord withdraws from the fishbone phase, and gaze is extremely dignified. Just want to take action to join the battle, Ning Fan but sound transmission stopped the matter.


Ning Fan does not want the Fish Lord to get involved in this battle for two reasons!

First, the Fish Lord has suffered a lot of damage and should not be used again.

The second is that he has merchandise in the hand, even if the opponent is Second Level Quasi-Saint, Innate is invincible.

Without the danger of defeat, he can use the Great Immortal to measure his gap with Second Level Quasi-Saint!

At the beginning of the Wielding Heaven Diagram, he also fought the Second Level Quasi-Saint, but those are only the Dividing Spirit of the Second Level Quasi-Saint, far less powerful than the real Second Level Quasi-Saint.

The Great Immortal in front of you is real! He felt a bit of pressure and made him feel that Second Level is very different from First Level.

“The ancient god meteor hit!”

Great Immortal, the wrath of the wrath, suddenly grew Three-Headed Eight-Arms on the top of the law, and eight hands held infinite stars. He threw the stars out, and the stars suddenly turned into hundreds of Culture Stars, and the time stars fell and went straight to Ning Fan.

“Second Level Quasi-Saint has this power in one stroke…”

Ning Fan will pay for the merits, and Jin Guang will swing between Heaven and Earth. All the streams of Star Capital will be smashed into fine powder, which will not cause any harm to Ning Fan.

“2nd Stage True Body, now! The giant dog spear, now!”

The Great Immortal changed into the appearance of the 2nd Stage True Body.

2nd Stage True Body, he is no longer a strange monster Monster, but turned into a spearhead of a canine head, surrounded by the ray of light, Three-Headed Eight-Arms, majestic Very incomparable.

“The ancient god Lost Technique, wear the sky!”


The giant dog spear carries a sneak peek through the strength of Heaven and Earth, and slams into Ning Fan. Only the aftermath of this blow almost collapses the Blood Formation. however…

It is enough to run through the giant dog spear of Heaven and Earth, and one time is swayed by the merits. The power of the huge damage reflection almost smashed the spear in the hands of the Great Immortal…

“It’s still useless! Damn!” Great Immortal angrily clenched the teeth.


Ning Fan finally returned!

He once again offered Black Tortoise Remnant Sword, Turtle-Snake Sword Glow whistling out, accurately hit the Great Immortal, but this time, Black Tortoise Remnant Sword did not cut the other side, only the sound of gold and iron, It was shocked by the other side with brute force.

When the Great Immortal consciously strengthens the Mortal Body defense, Black Tortoise Remnant Sword can’t even pierce the skin of this person!

“Stupid! If you had a sneak attack before, you thought that your strength could hurt esteemed me half a point! esteemed me admit that your umbrella defense is powerful, but only this nothing more! Your attack is too weak, for esteemed me Just scratching it!”

Great Immortal is full of arrogance.

However, at the next moment, he was vomited by Ant Lord Dao Mountain, who descended from the sky, and flew out.

What is the speed of light, this is it.

The Mortal Body of the Great Immortal Indestructible Diamond is still unable to withstand the damage of Saint Dao Mountain, and it has been smashed into a large bruise!

“This is…Saint Dao Mountain!” The Great Immortal complexion big change, his Mortal Body is stronger, not enough to force Saint Great Dao.

He is not understand!

Unable to understand!

Why Ning Fan is so much treasure! This child clearly has an umbrella against Heaven Defying, why do you still have a Saint Dao Mountain!

What makes him even more incomprehensible is how the Ning Fan of 2nd step can make Saint Dao Mountain! This kind of thing can’t even be done with the Far Ancient Great Cultivator. Only Saint can!

This child is not Saint! By what!


Ning Fan didn’t give the Great Immortal a chance to breathe, and Ant Lord Dao Mountain fell again one time.

The Great Immortal was squirting blood, and one time was smashed, and the Mortal Body was more bruised.

Seeing that the Mortal Body is getting more and more damage, the Great Immortal is almost mad. When Ant Lord Dao Mountain is one time, the Great Immortal screams and the blue flame of the ancient gods bursts like a fire person. It is like a meteor, smashing past Saint Dao Mountain!

This collision, a straight hit, Great Immortal head broke blood!

This collision, it is hard to knock Ant Lord Dao Mountain back a half!

The act of Great Immortal angered Ant Lord Dao Mountain! The hall of Saint Dao Mountain, who was once rebelled by the 2nd step junior. The angry Ant Lord Dao Mountain opened the infinite Saint Great Dao and slammed the Great Immortal to the bottom of the mountain.

It hurts, it hurts!

Damn, damn damn it! His cultivation1, or the first time was suppressed, this feeling… really humiliating!

“esteemed me is a great ancient god, no one can suppress esteemed me! It is Saint, can’t! Ah Aaaahh!”

Amazing scenes have appeared!

The Great Immortal, who was crushed under the Dao Mountain, had a brute force, a Will, and the Dao Mountain a little bit on the back!

One inch, two inches, three inches…

In the face of Saint’s way, the Great Immortal did not yield as much as everyone else, but chose to disobey!

Finally, Great Immortal opened Dao Mountain with enough Space. He screamed and turned into a violent blue light, rushing out from Dao Mountain!

Actually can do this!

It’s Ant Lord oneself, and I’m a little surprised.

“Unfortunately, this life is at the limit of Imaginary Dream World, Second Level Quasi-Saint. If you are born in the real world, there is no teacher or a chance to be acom.”

“Well. This person dares to resist the path of Saint. It is really powerful. If it is me, don’t dare to hit Saint Dao Mountain with his head…”

The dissatisfaction in Ning Fan’s heart subsided.

He was very dissatisfied with the Great Immortal, because this person stepped on a dirty footprint on the Umbrella.

But now he is not going to pursue this matter.

The opponent is the real ancient god Warrior, he can not fight with the frivolous mental state.

The greatest Venerable he can give is to end the battle with the strongest gesture!

“You, very strong. For you, I could have been holding the strength of Saint Dao Mountain, a little bit crushing you, but I am not going to do this now.”

Ning Fan received Ant Lord Dao Mountain and also took up the merits umbrella.

He transformed the Eternal True Body, the Golden Flame True Body’s Far Ancient Divine Spirit, without any cover, like the Golden storm, drowning the entire Blood Formation!

The Great Immortal is an ancient god, and he is still an ancient god from the earth. He always believes that his Bloodlines are the most noble of the End of Law Era.

However, in the face of Ning Fan’s Spiritual Qi, he felt humble and felt the tremor in the depths of Bloodlines!

The so-called ancient gods are just imitations of the later monks regarding the real Divine Spirit!

In front of the real Divine Spirit, the ancient god…just dust.

“Damn, damn damn damn! esteemed me’s legs are actually shaking! esteemed me is actually in fear! Want to worship, want to surrender! Do not dare to resist, do not dare to disobey! esteemed me want to eat before, is this there? …just to give birth to the emotion of swallowing this person, the ancient God Blood liquid in the body actually has a tendency to collapse! Stand straight, stand up to esteemed me! esteemed me Never bow to anyone! Never, never! !!”

Great Immortal biting his teeth, licking his bones, standing against the infinite Divine Spirit, stood up straight, but the cost was great. His knee bones heard the sound of Tikka, crushing in a little bit, this is The price of disobedience!

Ning Fan’s True Body enters one step to change!

Golden Flame True Body a little bit Advanced is Tree Demon True Body, True Body’s color is no longer Golden, but has become the ultimate black.

That’s the color of Demon Path’s Abyss!

This is Ning Fan’s 2nd Stage True Body, which needs to be opened under certain conditions. The specific condition is Ancient Demon Restoration!

Two Demonic Tail grew out of Ning Fan’s Tree Demon True Body!

At this moment, Ning Fan not only has the divine spirit of Divine Spirit, but also the pressure of Demon Spirit!

Ning Fan of two-tailed state, a Magic Force is comparable to the real Second Level Quasi-Saint!


With Ning Fan’s mind, countless black Divinity Spark giants broke out from the ground, almost in the blink of an eye, the entire Blood Formation became the world of the tree!

The Great Immortal of the gods was dodging, and was stabbed by some giant wood that grew out of thin air. Even Black Tortoise Remnant Sword can’t pierce his skin. These original mysterious woods easily pierce his flesh and blood.

Black Tortoise Remnant Sword hurts him because he strengthens the Mortal Body defense with the power of the Tao.

However, the Dao Law Source Flow that he realized, in front of the giant wood in front of him, is actually a fake, a hit! The giant wood in front of you definitely has the power of a higher level than Dao Law Source Flow!

Can it be This is the power of…Dao Lineage!

“What exactly are you Monster! Is it the ancient god, or the Ancient Demon! You have the 2D step cultivation base! You have the Dao Lineage of the wood!” The Great Immortal shivered.

“Sorry, no comment.”

Responding to the Great Immortal of God, is the overwhelming giant wood, no way to escape…

Anti-Ten, the red water array!

North Sea True Monarch, Mulberry Growing Daoist, Satan Star Monarch, and Sengoku, all on the rain tower of the Red Water Array, are face sink like water.

Especially the North Sea True Monarch, his expression is the most ugly. He thought that after the anti-Ten squad, he could steadily destroy Ning Fan, but in a short time, Ning Fan broke eight arrays.

Mulberry Growing Daoist was hit by Nascent Divinity by Ning Fan!

The Land Monarch was cut off by Ning Fan!

Puppet is made by Ning Fan smash into pieces half body!

World Clan three old clubs die!

Exalted Immortal Ji Bing and the Spirit Mushroom Fairy Life and Death are unknown…

“I don’t know how the Blood Formation is going. The mire of Fellow Daoist’s ants is arguing that the Blood Formation will be destroyed. Why is the Blood Formation not destroyed? Fellow Daoist listens. My advice, I have accepted Divine Ability at the last minute. I think it’s true. It’s a pity that this anti-Ten’s squad has the interference of the true sage, even if it’s my actor. Can’t perceive too far. Hope God Fellow Daoist don’t have anything!”

North Sea True Monarch has some concerns.

At the moment of the Blood Formation, by no means only Ning Fan alone, and the Fish Lord, the Second Level Quasi-Saint. If Ning Fan and Fish Lord teamed up to besiege the Great Immortal, the Great Immortal would have to suffer big losses…

He clearly has sound transmission several times, hoping that Great Immortal will give up the Blood Formation and come to the Red Water. But why, there is no echo in the gods.

Is it true that the old problem of the paranoid paradox has been committed? Do you have to compete with Ning Fan and Fish Lord? Hey, this person’s character really makes the head hurt.

“cough cough cough … Chang Sang Fellow Daoist, esteemed me This injury seems to have aggravated trend, help me to suppress one or two.” The Land Monarch stared at the broken arm, the tone was weak.

The guardian of his guardian was attacked by Ning Fan three or five times. Even he was completely killed by Ning Fan and his arm was smashed.

Fortunately, he still escaped from the ground, probably under Ning Fan’s intention, did not stop him.

“Chang Sang Sir, also help the villain to treat the Puppet body. That Ning Fan is too embarrassed, almost to the fate of the villain.” Xianshi also pleaded weakly.

He was also very fortunate to escape from Ning Fan and escaped from the Red Water Array.

“cough cough cough… The old man is afraid that this will help you heal… Hey!” Mulberry Growing Daoist wanted to offer Sansang Ancient Tree treatment companion, but he was also a serious injury by Ning Fan. Fang Yi showed Divine Ability, and immediately touched Nascent Divinity injury, hurting in a breath of cold air.

“No… The old Nascent Divinity injury is too heavy to control Sansang Ancient Tree. No way, I still have to do North Sea Fellow Daoist.” Mulberry Growing Daoist bitterly smiled and said.

“This matter is caused by the old man, and it is only because of the serious injury that Fellow Daoist is suffering. The healing of the people is given to the old man!”

North Sea True Monarch nodded and took Sansan Ancient Tree from Mulberry Growing Daoist to heal three people.

Although the healing effect of Sansang Ancient Tree is magical, it has its shortcomings, that is, the loss of respecting Magic Force is very huge.

With Mulberry Growing Daoist’s First Level cultivation base, only one serious injury Quasi-Saint can be treated at the same time, and some are unbearable.

Fortunately, the North Sea True Monarch is the Second Level Quasi-Saint. The cultivation base is higher than the long mulberry. When he controls the Sansang Ancient Tree, he can barely treat three serious injuries Quasi-Saint at the same time.

“Hey, this Sansang Ancient Tree consumes Magic Force too fast. Ning Fan shouldn’t deliberately let the three people not kill, leave them to consume my Magic Force? No, the possibility is not Big.”

North Sea True Monarch shakes his head. Can reduce the enemy’s strength, why should you stay and not kill? Isn’t this a fool’s way of doing things?

No, no!

“Can it be this child is really like this! He deliberately left three serious injury companions to me, so as to drag my footsteps, so that I can not help the Blood Formation, while one step consumes my Magic Force. He Then take the opportunity to join forces with Fish Lord to kill the gods Fellow Daoist…”

North Sea True Monarch gaze has become gloomy.

Then he shook his head.

He is very confident in the Great Immortal. What he is worried about is that the gods are besieged by Ning Fan and Fish Lord and will suffer big losses. But even if it suffers, the gods should not be killed.

Second Level Quasi-Saint How easy it is to kill!

Liantufu and Xianshi can escape from Ning Fan, and the gods are no longer able to escape. They can also escape from the Red Water Array and meet him!

“Sure enough, I have thought about it… but it was broken by Ning Fan’s eight arrays nothing more. I seem to be too nervous. It’s not red water, this formation is different from other forms, as long as this formation is still…”

North Sea True Monarch suddenly a complexion change.

It was this moment, and there was a crash in the direction of the Blood Formation.

“Not good! Lianhua Blood Formation has been broken!” Chang Sang was shocked.

“I don’t know how the Fellow Daoist is in the situation. With his cultivation level of Second Level Quasi-Saint, even if it breaks, there will be no big mistakes…” The Star Monarch voice just fell, and the red waters burst into violent Space shaking.

Then, a hexagonal Demon Sect appeared out of thin air, almost the same as the Demon Sect. At the same time, Ning Fan took a bloody head and walked out of the door.

That is the head of the Great Immortal!

That is…Second Level Quasi-Saint’s head!

“This, this is impossible! The Second Level Quasi-Saint, actually, actually…” The Land Monarch has no blood.

“You actually killed the Fellow Daoist! This is impossible, how is this possible!” North Sea True Monarch only feels cold in the spine. The strength of him and the gods is nothing but the relationship between Ning Fan and Killing God. If you can say that he can kill him too!

“Lord, master…this child is not powerful, we will temporarily retreat.” Xianshi feared.

“I just want to go now, don’t think it’s too late!”

Ning Fan puts the head of the gods in the head, ten fingers, and the time, the entire red water array is overgrown with Underworld Ghost Flower.

Inextinguishable Corpse Slave King , Inextinguishable Soul Absorbing Tree , Inextinguishable Black Qilin , Inextinguishable Ten Thousand Saint Dragon King ! Four Undying Ghost Soldier screamed and smothered the North Sea and others.

“Where is Rain Dragon, block these Ghost Soldiers for the old man!”

North Sea True Monarch called out five Rain Dragons, trying to block four Undying Ghost Soldiers with five dragons.

“It’s not long-term memory! You have to send me Rain Dragon, these five Rain Dragons, I have all collected!” Ning Fan has a word in his mouth, the next moment, the red water array grows numerous covers the sky giant wood, those giant woods are like Once in life, once it appeared, it immediately turned into a rope of wood and tied it to the five Rain Dragons.


The Rain Dragons screamed in anger and wanted to crash the giant wood, but they couldn’t do it at all.

These giant trees were made by the power of Divinity Spark of Wood, and they broke into pieces.

Almost in a blink of an eye, there is a Rain Dragon tied with giant wood! It wants to struggle, but the power of the body is devouring by the giant wood. Among the Five Elements, Water grows Wood, with its power, breaks free from the Divinity Spark of Wood, its power is getting weaker and weaker, and the body shrinks due to the rapid disappearance of power; the giant wood on it is absorbed. Its Water Element power began to grow wildly. In the end, the giant wood grows into a god wooden cage, and the reduced Rain Dragon is locked in the cage!

Soon, the other four Rain Dragons also followed the footsteps of the 1st dragon, which were all caged in the cage.

“The thief is daring!”

Seeing that the five dragons were all caught, the North Sea True Monarch was furious and stalked the rain curtains and went straight to the five dragons, trying to save the five dragons.

Unfortunately, Wulong did not save, he was stopped by four Undying Ghost Soldier and was besieged by Ghost Soldier.

With the North Sea True Monarch, even if it is besieged by four Undying Ghost Soldier, there is no danger. But after all, he was dragged by the four Ghost Soldier!

When Chang Sang and others saw it, they wanted to help North Sea True Monarch, but they were stopped by Ning Fan alone.

“Your opponent is me.”

As soon as Ning Fan raised his hand, Black Tortoise Remnant Sword ran away from the Star Monarch, and scared the Land Monarch to be bloodless – he was previously cut into a serious injury by this sword!

Then, Ant Lord Dao Mountain was sacrificed. Dao Mountain met Puppet and went straight to the Puppet. There was no way to go to the ground.

As for Ning Fan oneself, Mulberry Growing Daoist rushed over and saw Ning Fan coming fiercely. Mulberry Growing Daoist didn’t say anything, he wanted to sacrifice Sansang Ancient Tree life saving.


Take Wood Element treasure against Ning Fan, isn’t it a joke?

Ning Fan is in Divinity Spark, who is afraid of Sansang Ancient Tree. He has a long sleeve and directly draws Sansang Ancient Tree into his sleeve.

Seeing that Supreme Treasure was so easily captured, Mulberry Growing Daoist was shocked by complexion. “Impossible! Before the old guardian Jin Guang, you obviously still have the old Sansang Ancient Tree. There is no way… but now, before you It’s all loaded! You deliberately hurt me, don’t kill, you, you…”

“I understand now, it’s too late!” Ning Fan cold voice said.

“Damn! Even if you lose the Sansang Ancient Tree, the old man is also the title Quasi-Saint of the sacred Title! Today, I will teach you to know, it’s amazing…”

Mulberry Growing Daoist didn’t finish talking, and suddenly Jin Guang swam to him.

He wanted to avoid it, but Jin Guang was so powerful that he only took a photo and forced him to take it away.

However, it turned out that Ning Fan had sacrificed a meritorious umbrella and forcibly took Mulberry Growing Daoist with the power of merit.

“How powerful is your scorpion title, I, no interest in knowing…”

“also three people!”

A face grabbed Mulberry Growing Daoist and Ning Fan flew to the Star Monarch.

The Star Monarch of the Tufu was so mad that it was taken away by the merits. In order to escape, he couldn’t resist the Black Tortoise Remnant Sword. Almost the Mortal Body hardened the attack of Black Tortoise Remnant Sword. Injury can’t escape.

He wants to escape!

He doesn’t want to play again

He wants to abandon North Sea and others and escape alone!

The problem is that you can’t escape!

Gongde Umbrella is the 3rd step. If it is in the hands of Saint, it is a breeze to surrender Far Ancient Great Cultivator.

Ning Fan is not Saint, but it is still possible to take this umbrella to the First Level Quasi-Saint.

However, seeing the ray of light, the Land Monarch did not react at all, and was smashed into the umbrella of the Uygur umbrella. Seal got up.

“also two people.”

Ning Fan took Black Tortoise Remnant Sword and walked towards Puppet, which was suppressed under Dao Mountain.

He and Xianshi are not the first time to confront each other. On one time, he grabbed Xianshi and wanted to take Xianshi to refine Ghost Soldier, but he was ran away by unknown means.

I don’t know this time, this Puppet can still escape from his hands.


When Jin Guang, the genius umbrella, received the stone, she took Seal away.

As a result, only the North Sea True Monarch has to be dealt with in the entire Red Water Array.

“North Sea, old, here, only you and me, we can finally finish this Karma.”

“Hey! Who said that this formation is only left to you and me! This formation is where the soldiers are, not yet fast, and when to wait!” North Sea True Monarch cold voice.

With his order, the two guardian red water squadrons suddenly emerged, and towards Ning Fan attacked the past.

However, when you look at the umbrella held by Ning Fan, the original Murderous Qi’s two squadrons are all complexion changes, and then they bow down and worship.

“The disciple changed, see Martial Uncle!”

“The disciple is clear, see Martial Uncle!”

“The disciples are ordered to guard the Red Water Array. They are involuntarily, offended, and look forward to Martial Uncle!”

The two soldiers said that they would get up and fight with Ning Fan.

“Why is the king and the emptiness? You don’t need to say much, and you have to wait a moment in my umbrella. When I ruin the rain tower, I will still be free.”

Ning Fan regarding how to deal with Fu Bing has been very experienced. Directly paying for the merits umbrella, the two soldiers will be included in the umbrella.

In this way, even though he has not yet toppled the rain tower here, the soldiers in the umbrella are not able to be embarrassed with him through the merits umbrella.

“Hey! This is really only the two of you and me. This umbrella is really amazing, it can suppress First Level Quasi-Saint, and its defense seems to have its own uniqueness. The old man has a question: You will have Heaven Battling Jade Umbrella Refined into what?”

The Fellow Daoist around him has lost everything, and even the Red Water squad, who can finally rely on it, has been suppressed by Ning Fan. Obviously in such a desperate situation, North Sea True Monarch is still difficult to hide the greed: he wants this umbrella too!

“I refined this umbrella into something, what relationship does it have with you?”

“There is a relationship, there is a relationship! After all, after you die, this umbrella is owned by the old man, you can not know this umbrella origin!” North Sea True Monarch greedy.

“Under this situation, do you still think you can kill me? It’s crazy!” Ning Fan disdain.

“Oh, can and can’t, you will know soon! Red water protects me!”

The North Sea True Monarch was ordered, and the red waters suddenly gave birth to a sea. The sea is like human blood, and anything that is stained with this red water will be assimilated into blood.

Originally, the Undying Ghost Soldiers who besieged the North Sea True Monarch were rushed by the Red Sea and suddenly turned into a pool of blood. However, due to its own Inextinguishable, the four Undying Ghost Soldier recovered quickly, but they were just looking at the gaze of the Red Sea. With instinctive fear, they dared not approach again.

With the Red Sea bodyguard, the North Sea True Monarch easily got rid of the siege of Undying Ghost Soldier.

“Oh, how can the old man kill this red sea?” North Sea True Monarch said with a sneer.

“Not how! It is only on the original basis of the Red Water Array, hiding a corner of Saint Formation Mark.” Ning Fan’s eyes flashed with Heaven and Mortal, and easily saw through the secrets of this place.

“You know that this formation has a Saint Formation Mark ?!” North Sea True Monarch complexion.

“If there is no Saint Formation Mark to interfere, I only need Power Word Secret to step out and ruin ten. Power Word Secret is useless, and the power of a higher Rank is hindering this.”

“Hahaha! You know, you are Omniscient! But you are too arrogant! Knowing the old man and Saint Formation Mark, you dare to step into the Red Water! Since you are looking for a dead end, the old man will give you a happy!”

“Saint Formation Mark, launch!”

With the North Sea True Monarch, the red water burst suddenly spurred strong airflow.

It is not the wind flowing, it is cattle.

That is the existence of a certain Saint’s left-behind 幌 焙 焙 焙 焙 焙 焙 焙 焙 焙 焙 偈 偈 偈 偈 偈 殖 殖 殖

There is also the voice of Ancient chanting, which sounds from above the Red Sea!

“Mixed Initial Nascent, the beginning of the jade…”

Numerous Yuqing Formation Mark flew from the sea, condensed together, and eventually changed into a huge stone statue. The stone image is both a combination of the Forming Mark and naturally contains infinite Forming Power, which is an extremely rare human form formation! As for the face of the stone statue, it cannot be seen clearly.

“refining Shenzhou Sanjiao…”

Although the stone statue could not see the face, there was a pair of Saint Magic Eyes slowly opening. At the moment when its Magic Eye opened, there seemed to be two Yuqing ray of light through Heaven and Earth.

The pressure was turned into a squally wind, and the body was blocked, as strong as the North Sea True Monarch, which also flew out under this pressure.

That is, Ning Fan also needs to release all of its Divine Spirit Demon Spirit pressures to be able to withstand the pressure of Saint and not to retreat.

“Explain the Taoist true teacher…”

The stone statue suddenly raised his right hand and slammed into Heaven and Earth. This grip seemed to hold the entire Red Water Array and even the Great Dao of Northern Heaven in the palm of your hand!

“The six mountains and three seas are in the palm…”

The stone’s originally gripped palms slowly spread out. This spread, the palm of his hand was transformed into six Samsara retrograde mountains, three Samsara retrograde seas, between the mountains and the sea, there are endless creatures, countless times!


At the moment when the stone statue spread out the palm of his hand, an unprecedented sense of crisis spread throughout Ning Fan’s body, almost instinctual, he opened the defense of the merits umbrella to the maximum.

Almost at the same time that Ning Fan was alert, the palm of the stone statue suddenly turned over and the palm of the hand fell!

This shot, the attack is Ning Fan, but the entire red water array, the entire anti-tenfare are all implicated in the attack!

Ning Fan has merit, but it was not wounded by this stone statue, but it was shot by a stone statue!

Yes, Ning Fan was shot by the stone statue, and the other party took him into the turbulent stream!

Although uninjured, Ning Fan can feel that he has been flying by the stone statue into the Space, flying far, far away, almost flying the distance of a whole Northern Heaven!

“This is the power of the Saint horn formation mark. If I don’t have the protection of the umbrella, I will do my best with my cultivation base. I am afraid it is difficult to block this palm, unless the God Extinguishing Shield is still…”

Ning Fan was shot by a stone statue.

Also photographed, also North Sea True Monarch!

North Sea True Monarch is awkward. This is his first time using the anti-death Saint Formation Mark. Before that, he didn’t know that the Saint Formation Mark would open the indiscriminate attack to everyone in the line!

Well, more than 90% of the attack on the stone statues is concentrated on Ning Fan, and the one that shoots him is just the aftermath of the might.

The problem is that he is different from Ning Fan, he has no has merchandise life saving!

Ning Fan has merit De Umbrella self-protection, even in the face of 90% of the Powerful Formation Mark attack, can be unscathed, at most only a few wolves when being shot.

North Sea True Monarch is different!

He didn’t have the terrifying defense of Ning Fan, the power of the into formation pattern, and his Mortal Body was made into meat in almost an instant!

Fortunately, it was just an into formation force. Although his Mortal Body was destroyed, Nascent Divinity was not dead. His Nascent Divinity was shot into the Space stream by the Force of Formation Mark, and it also flew far away.

“Damn! Why didn’t the Eight Founder tell me that this Saint Formation Mark will attack the Lord! Damn, damn! These Spaces are too dangerous! I have to escape from it, otherwise…”

North Sea True Monarch wants to escape from the turbulent flow of Space, but it is just in vain. Without a few struggles, it is drowned by Space.

Serious injury, coma…

“Here, where is it…”

Ning Fan looked at the treasure house in front of him and was speechless.

Was he not being shot by Saint Formation Mark? Why did he fly and fly to the treasure house?

Where is this treasure house?

He flew so far, still in Northern Heaven, shouldn’t he fly directly to other places?

Well, if you don’t understand, ask…

Ning Fan gaze swept through the mountainous treasured in the treasure chest, and asked for a piece of Dao Crystal.

“Dare to ask Dao Crystal, where is this place?”

[Northern Boundary River, Zi Wei Arctic Palace; Northern Boundary River, Zi Wei Arctic Palace…]

“Northern Boundary River? It seems that I am still in the scope of Northern Heaven, so it is good. If it is direct Flying out of Northern Heaven, I have a headache. As for the Zi Wei Arctic Palace… Where is this?”

Ning Fan wants to ask more, but Dao Crystal can answer very limited questions. Can’t explain where Zi Wei is in the Arctic Palace.

also fine, he left here to say again…Northern Boundary River But the northern Heaven Foreign Clan’s site, it is not safe to stay here.

Ning Fan wants to leave the treasure chest, but soon he feels awkward.

It was an accident that he entered the treasure house and was photographed by Saint Formation Mark.

He wants to go out of the treasure chest, and he can’t do it with the Magic Force of Quasi-Saint!

The gate of the treasure house cannot be opened!

He didn’t have the key, so he wanted to use the brute force to open the door. However, he used the brute force, and the treasure house was suddenly made by Purple Light. The Purple Light power far exceeds Ning Fan. Understand that, with only a slight shock, Ning Fan has regressed a few ten steps to stabilize the figure.

The palm of the hand that forced the door was even more burnt by Purple Light. With the resilience of Ning Fan’s Mortal Body, it was impossible to heal the injury in a short time!

“The door to this treasure house, why is there a 4th step seal! Where did I fly!”


This 1 day, Northern Boundary River in the female clan land, suddenly Purple lightning ray masterpiece, thunder rolling.

After seeing the Purple Thunder vision, the entire female genius suddenly fell into a panic.

“Not good! Wang Shang! There are intruders, there are intruders who are good at the Arctic Palace, touched the restrictions of the Arctic Palace, and provoked the Purple Thunder vision!” A female guard flustered Report.

“Intruders? Invaders, there are invaders every year, but who can really break into that treasure? Without Immortal Sovereign permission, even if you hold the treasure house key, other people are Can’t get in. Say, this one time comes from the North Sea, or the old Undying… or, the Demon Sealing Summit, the devil’s head is still playing the Arctic Palace…” Throne On the top, a purple woman opened her eyes lazily, and the cold face did not stain a trace of dust.

She is the king of the female race, and also a Immortal King of the four Tribulation Cultivator.

“No, no. The murderer who is good at the treasure house should have already caught it… This person is too hurt, Mortal Body has been destroyed, only Nascent Divinity is not dead, probably the unsuccessful treasure house, was Seal of Immortal Sovereign was hit hard. Subordinate and others found that this person should not be the person of the Demon Sealing Summit, but a Northern Heaven monk.” The female guard replied respectfully.

“Northern Heaven Monk? Oh, every year, there is a lifeless Northern Heaven monk who is a treasure trove of my family. It’s so bold! It’s killing!” When Newcomer is a Northern Heaven monk, the purple woman suddenly shows disgust color.

“The order of the rumor! The Northern Heaven monk is sentenced to the waters of the heavens, killing innocent!”

“This…this is a little troublesome. If it is only the waters of the heavens, I am afraid to kill Undying, the Northern Heaven monk, even though he is now only a serious injury to the weak Nascent Divinity.” The female guard is can it be.

“Oh? Is it the Northern Heaven Immortal Emperor?” The purple woman was slightly startled.

“Immortal Emperor … If the sisters of the Ministry of Defense are correct, this person should be a Second Level Quasi-Saint! This person is now in the prison, the sisters of the Seal Department are It’s only a group of 400 people, and it’s only a part of Nascent Divinity. This person is too strong! With the strength of my female group, Mo said that killing him is to completely seal him, it’s all delusional! At this moment, people can be locked into prison, but because their injury is too heavy and too weak; once this person recovers his strength a little, he will definitely escape from the prison. When he waits for my family, it is a disaster! On this, this person must be dealt with early, not for a long time!”

“What! The other party is actually a Second Level Quasi-Saint? A second-class Second Level Quasi-Saint, why is it silly to force the Arctic Palace, And thus the dying dying? With this person’s cultivation base experience, it is impossible to not know the horror of the Arctic Palace, there is no reason to moths to fight the fire! This thing seems strange, but once tortured this person’s identity!” Purple woman condensed Road.

“This person claims to be the Sect of Water Sect…”

“What, actually…he is him!” At the end of the game, the North Sea True Monarch, the purple woman suddenly revealed The color of hatred.

“This person slaughtered my half-clansman, killing Imperial Father Queen Mother, and taking two Monster Soul concocting pills. He once vowed before the father of Queen Queen, no matter who, just replace Killing this enemy and refining Nascent Divinity as Dan, wishing the family to give it, the woman as the beggar, the man as the slave… In the name of 朕, ​​I sent a letter to the Northern Boundary River Ten Thousand Clan. Alchemist, in order to smelt a Medicine Pill. To repay the North Sea thief into the Medicine Pill, no matter how much it costs!”

Feng female, Tianyuan prison.

At the moment, at the depth of the prison, there are 400 Seals from the True Immortal cultivation base, and they are teaming up with Seal for a Nascent Divinity.

Nascent Divinity by Seal is not a stranger, but the unfortunate North Sea True Monarch.

The same fate, different results!

He was taken into the Space Stream with Ning Fan. He was shot half dead, Ning Fan was unscathed; Ning Fan was photographed in the treasure house of the girl, but he was photographed. The prison of the female clan.

Beauty girl, 蝼 ant!

If the North Sea True Monarch is in its heyday, there will be no fear of this group of monks. At that time, he asked for this family Monster Soul concocting pills, and he has been here to kill, this family of monks is nobody at all. His opponents can’t even give him some threats.

The problem is that he is now in a serious injury state…

“District 400 True Immortal, I want to think of the old man, it’s really delusional! It’s not worth mentioning, it’s really troublesome. Yes, people of this family will see me killing Undying and will invite other Foreign Clan take action to kill me.”

“You must flee here before the real Foreign Clan strongman arrives!”

< p> “Ning Fan! Where is Ning Fan! This child has suffered 90% of Saint Formation Mark, and it must be dead. Maybe Mortal Body is turning to ash! I don’t know, this child’s treasure has been smashed by Space. Where the old man appeared in the female family, this child Relic was also photographed here. Heaven Battling Jade Umbrella! This child’s Heaven Battling Jade Umbrella, the old man must be retrieved anyway! If luck is good enough, say no Fellow Daoist Nascent Divinity who can take this child away is rescued…”

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