Grasping Evil

Chapter 1243

There are only three real Worlds in the world, namely Dust World, Inverse Dust World, and Mountain Sea World.

Among them, Inverse Dust World is a combination of four wild Continent. There are countless Immortal Country and Immortal Territory on top of Four Desolated Land.

At that time, Immortal Sovereign Zi Dou was not yet known. The most powerful force on Four Desolated Land was the Desolate Ancient Immortal Domain. Desolate Ancient Immortal Cultivator dominates the East, and nobody dares to provoke its majesty.

Second only to the Desolate Ancient Immortal Domain are the Zi Wei and Big Dipper Great Immortal Domains. The two Immortal Territory jointly occupy the Northern Wilderness, and its power is no different.

No one thought that such a powerful Zi Wei and Big Dipper would eventually be destroyed by one person.

That 1 day, Immortal Sovereign Zi Dou by the strength of oneself, destroy the two Immortal Sovereign, dominate the Northern Wilderness, its ominous name swept the Three Worlds, the smell of the change!

On that day, Zi Wei and Big Dipper were crushed by the wheels of history and became the famous stepping stone of Immortal Sovereign Zi Dou.

The surviving Zi Wei descendant was discovered by Immortal Sovereign Zi Dou Seal to the Imaginary Dream World he created. Also enclosed in Imaginary Dream World, also in the heart of the Zi Wei Immortal Cultivator Holy Land – Zi Wei Arctic Palace.

Among the purple micro-Arctic, the word “Arctic” refers to the land of Zi Wei Immortal Sovereign – the Arctic Mountains. Rumor Zi Wei Immortal Sovereign The day of the road, the entire Arctic mountain is refined into Immortal Cave, which is the origin of the Arctic. As for the Zi Wei word, it refers to Zi Wei Immortal Sovereign a Dao of Life – Zi Wei Great Dao.

For Revered, Zi Wei descendant can’t dare to say that Zi Wei is called the Arctic Palace. When calling this palace, it is often referred to as the Arctic Palace.

This is a palace that sank at the bottom of the Boundary River. It is here that I don’t know how many years.

This is a palace that nobody can enter, and only those who hold the key and are licensed by Zi Wei Immortal Sovereign can make an exception.

Zi Wei The key to the Arctic Palace is in the hands of the female patriarch, from generation to generation Inheritance. The female servant is the caretaker of the Zi Wei Arctic Palace, and even the people of this family can’t remember how long they have been guarding the palace.

At the moment, Zi Wei, outside the Arctic Palace, is having a Purple Coral fish car riding in the water, slowly coming. On top of the fish cart, a woman riding a Purple suit, surrounded by a large number of Aquatic Clan ceremonies, was solemnly solemn.

This servant woman is not a person, indeed the king of the female, the person who wants to use the North Sea True Monarch Nascent Divinity concocting pills.

“Wang, do you really intend to enter the Arctic Palace? The invitation to Alchemist has been sent to all ethnic groups. With the appeal of the king, there will be a large number of Alchemist coming to help. Killing the North Sea thief is just around the corner. Why did the king go to the Arctic Palace to take risks? I thought that when the king entered the Arctic Palace seven times, he was injured seven times by the Demonic Creature in the palace. The most serious one time, even the Monster Soul was swallowed by those Demonic Creatures. Eat more than half, almost die. Please ask the king to think twice, give up this trip!” Several female guards advised.

“I don’t have to persuade. The North Sea thief is the Second Level Title Quasi-Saint. With its cultivation base, it is self-bound Nascent Divinity. It is hard to kill others. It is more difficult to refining into Medicine Pill ten times more than just just. Only when concocting pills are added to destroy the holy grass, the soul leaf, and the Spirit Spring are closed, there is a chance This is a 3 Types thing, only the Arctic Palace has it… Father and hate hate, don’t share the sky! Even if the trip is dangerous again, you have to go this way!” The Emperor’s woman’s tone is firm.


“Okay, there is no need to discuss this matter. If there are families of Alchemist arriving, and Seoul is responsible for reception, there must be no scorn. If you have three days, then five days, you will return.”

The Emperor’s woman no longer speaks, the toes are lighter, and the whole person steps on the water and flies toward the entrance of the Zi Wei Arctic Palace.

The Zi Wei Arctic Palace is made up of 12 palace complexes, so there are also 12 entrances to enter, called the 12 Palace Gate by the female clan. The Emperor’s woman is now at the 12 Palace Gate’s Iris Palace Gate. When she tried to get close to the Palace Gate, the Purple Thunder restriction on the Palace Gate suddenly reacted.

But those restrictions did not immediately attack her, but wait.

Wait for the woman to show her key, if there is, then do not kill; otherwise, kill innocent.

“Under the fairy swaying woman, holding the key of Immortal Sovereign, want to enter this palace, please let go.”

Emperor served a woman’s mouth, a Purple Light flew out of his body, hovering nine times in front of the Palace Gate, and Purple Light flew back to the woman.

The surrounding female clansman, no one can see, what is wrapped in the Purple Light.

However, after the show, the Emperor’s woman successfully entered the Palace Gate, which is probably the so-called key.

Ning Fan is very surprised.

However, he gently pushed the door of the treasure house and wanted to go out of the treasure house, but he would be destroyed by the Purple Thunder restriction on the treasure chest. The death of these restrictions is really exceptional.

As Heaven and Mortal emerged, Ning Fan’s gaze swept to the treasure chest, and gaze was extremely focused.

After a long time, Ning Fan took back the gaze and felt the injury of the right hand. Because of the forcible push of the treasure house door, the right hand was electrically charcoal by the Purple Thunder restriction on the door. At this moment, there is no sense of consciousness, and the injury is very serious.

He also felt the surrounding Space. There was 4th step of Space interference in the Arctic Palace. Under such interference, Saint could not rely on Escaping Technique and Transmission Technique to enter and exit. His Six Paths Teleportation Gate Technique, also cannot be used here.

If you want to get in and out of this place, you can only walk the door and you can’t walk the Void Space.

“There are a total of 3122 Purple Thunder restriction on this door. Because of its age, half of the restrictions have expired. When I pushed the door, only about 1400 restrictions were reacted… but the 1400 restrictions were easily destroyed. I have one hand…”

“If these restrictions are intact, it is the 3rd step of Saint who also wants to harden these restrictions. But if there is a gap between these restrictions, even if it is me, there is a possibility of breaking the ban.”

Zi Wei Arctic Palace, 12th Palace, analysis (xi) Mu Gong.

Inside the Zi Wei Arctic Palace, there are 12 palace groups: Xingji Palace, Xuanzang Palace, 郏ju) 訾 (zi) Palace, Halong Palace, Daliang Palace, Shishen Palace, Dagger Palace, bonfire Palace, Shanwei Palace, Shou Star Palace, Fire Palace, and Mugong Palace.

For Zi Wei Immortal Sovereign, the existence of the Zi Wei Arctic Palace is like the meaning of Xuan Yin World regarding Ning Fan. He occasionally retreats in the palace, and he also plantes Spirit Herb here to store treasures and sundries.

Among them, the Mugong Palace has more than 3000 temples, all of which are used to pile up debris.

At this moment, outside the temple of the Mugong, two drunken demons are patrolling nearby.

“Hey… the wine hasn’t finished eating yet, why did Great King ask us to patrol… oh…” Among the two demons, the blue-faced demon screamed at the wine cellar.

“Stupid! Really stupid! Since the Great King called us to patrol, naturally there is a thief into the wooden palace! Hehe…” Another red-faced demon sighed.

“Hey? Are there thieves coming to us to steal things? Willn’t they be the wine demon of the Liangliang Palace?”…”

“It is also possible that the Pill Demons of the Shanwei Palace are retaliating against me. Didn’t our Great King run to steal Medicine Pill some time ago? Most of them are retaliating. Hehe…”

“If you say this, the book demon of the hail palace is also possible… oh…”

The two little demons are laughing and laughing, not far from a palace, suddenly issued a suppression crash!

“No, there are thieves! And it is not like a thief, but it is like a foreign thief!”

The two little demons were shocked. They were Gold Core demon. Just after they turned into Monster, they didn’t know much about the Arctic Palace.

But even if they do, they know some basic things, that is, the restrictions of the Arctic Palace, they will not attack them, because they are the possessions of Zi Wei Immortal Sovereign.

In this way, even if these demons occasionally ran into the palace thieves of other forces, there is no need to break the restrictions – of course, the ordinary demon can not have a way to break the restrictions.

However, this scene actually happened!

“It is said that the only way to enter the palace from the outside world is to have a daughter-in-law. The person who comes to be a female thief!”

“It is the direction of the 400 66 Temple! Fast, let the little thief run!”

The two little demon rushed to the 400 66 hall, and then, in front of the scene, they were scared that they stood still.

The iron gate of this temple in front of you has been crushed by life, and the Purple Thunder restriction is destroyed! What caused all of these is a cultivation base in the white clothes!

This person resists the Purple Thunder restriction, and is clearly smashed into a serious injury by the restrictions. But he has three origins of the inexplicable mulberry body protection, and the horrible wounds on the body, only a few breaths will heal!

“Three, three mulberry Monster Tree! This person actually has Sansang Monster Tree body protection, is he actually a descendant of Sansangguo, I heard that Sansangguo was destroyed by our Zi Wei Immortal Cultivator, is this person is looking for We avenge!” The two little demon cultivation base is not high, but the eyesight is amazing, and I can see the beginning of Sansang Ancient Tree.

At the thought of the horror of the descendants of Sansang, the two little demon scared their legs, and at this moment, they finally saw the true face of the two thunders around youth in white clothes.

First Ancestor Thunder!

Extinguishing Dao Thunder Infant !

This youth in white clothes on the shoulder, still holding a Royal Clan Nine Fox!

“First Ancestor, who is known for his arrogance, actually surrendered to this person! Fake!”

“Hey! This is really Extinguishing Dao Thunder Infant!” in the book, you can kill Half-Saint’s Extinguishing Dao Thunder Infant!”

“Dao Soul Ten Thousand Clan Ranked 4th Nine Fox, actually surrendered to this person! And this person is still receiving a Royal Clan Nine Fox!”

The two Gold Core demon legs were frightened and fell directly to the ground.

As everyone knows, Ning Fan is really scared by the two Gold Core bloggers.

Not surprised by the strength of the other side, but surprised by the other’s eyesight.

“The two little demons are just 1st step cultivation base. It is easy to see through my means. It seems a bit weird…”

Ning Fan did not kill the two demons, but gave birth to a little bit of inquiry.

“Fast return Great King, there are intruders…” The two little demons are clearly on the ground, but they are still brave enough to take out the ringing arrows and want to vent their letters to the Great King.

Unfortunately, Ning Fan did not give them a chance to vent their messages. Only one expression in the eyes looked over. The two demons had his Illusion Technique and could not resist.

“Does the owner still need Black Demon to break the ban on other palaces?” asked Black Demon on Ning Fan’s shoulder, respectfully.

“For the time being, I need to understand the situation first. You are doing very well, hard work, go to rest.” Ning Fan praised Black Demon and praised the other two members of the Black Demon team – Lei Ke and Thunder Infant.

“It’s not hard! It’s not hard! The owner doesn’t know! The thunder ban is too delicious. It’s good for Subordinate cultivation base. Subordinate hasn’t eaten enough. The owner will find more mine bans for Subordinate.” First Ancestor Begging for help.

It has lived for a lifetime, and it has been such a pure thunder force for the first time. If it can eat more, it has the confidence to break through the cultivation base in a very short time.

“I didn’t have enough, I still want to eat…” Extinguishing Dao Thunder Infant A poor expression of “help me get up, I can still eat”, looking at Ning Fan.

Ning Fan is very speechless.

These two foods, I know what the thunderbolt that I just ate was, but that is the restriction of the 4th step strong in this place!

Ning Fan reduced the speed of thunder force in the ban with the power of his own Lei Tu, and slowly tore from the most broken part of the restriction by Power Word Secret, plus First Ancestor, Extinguishing Dao Thunder Infant By the side assist, this is the lucky one to break the restriction.

Although it broke the restriction, Ning Fan was not too tired, and he was injured many times. He relied on Sansang Ancient Tree to heal the injury.

These two guys are very happy to eat, I don’t know the process of breaking the ban, but if there is a half-difference, the face is the smoke and smoke…

“come back!”

Without paying attention to the two food continuation of eating thunder, Ning Fan took the Black Demon team back to Xuan Yin World and then walked toward the two demon.

The situation at hand is different from what he expected. He thought that he would leave the place if he broke the restriction. He didn’t expect to leave, but he was only one of the many palaces in front of him.

I thought I could leave this place, but it was not that simple.

It seems necessary to collect some information about this place…

“You two, answer my question. I ask, you two answered…” Ning Fan ordered the two demon.

“Yes, Great King. Ok, Great King…” The two demons had Illusion Technique, and they would resist.

“First ask the question that most doubts me. I am waiting for Kim Pill Cultivator, why can I see through my many means…”

“It’s a lot of smelling Sir. Great King told us that all the knowledge we have gained is the power of Sir to remain in the Arctic Palace…more than unparalleled, Zi Wei four Divine Artifact…more than unparalleled, Zi Wei four Divine Artifact “”

After an incense stick, Ning Fan ended the question and the Illusion Technique power was launched again, causing the two little demon to fall asleep, and after waking up, they would not remember seeing Ning Fan here.

“Interesting, I can’t think of a mistake, I actually came to the Immortal Cave in Zi Wei Immortal Sovereign. It was a coincidence, or a calculation by the North Sea old man…”

“The possibility of calculation is not great. After all, when I was photographed in Space, I realized that the North Sea was also captured by the Formation Mark. In the face of the power of Saint Formation Mark, North Sea is old. The thief only splits the second and loses the Mortal Body. Can Nascent Divinity survive from that situation or two. If all of these are just for me, the cost is too great…”

“If all of these are not calculations, they can only be explained by Fate. End of Law Era, only Far Ancient Great Cultivator may repair Nine Colors Fate, but my realm is only Immortal King, but Fate Nine Colors. Saint Formation Mark The power of slap, this is not enough to take me into the Immortal Sovereign Palace, but this palace has been in disrepair for a long time, and there are many damages in the restrictions. This gives the possibility of a slight chance. The North Sea thief wants to harm me. But it helped me to go into the treasure house; he wants to kill me, but it hurts himself. If you lead all of these, they are Fate, then Fate is too terrible…”

Obviously mistakenly entered the Immortal Sovereign treasure house, and harvested the opportunity, Ning Fan’s expression at the moment is not happy, but dignified.

Because he thought of a person.

A big enemy who made a home by Fate – Fate Wielding Great Emperor.

This person calls himself Zhang Yun, afraid that it is Fate Wielding… Fate is so terrible, what power will Fate Wielding be…

“To deal with Zhang Yun, perhaps not only cultivation base, Divine Ability, the word is the key… If there is no other grade, there will be no chance of even peering… the normal Fate is likely to This person is invalid, even if I have built Immortal Fate Nine Colors, I am still in charge of this person. The best way to deal with Fate Wielding is really black. The best of luck is Fu Li… want to beat Zhang Yun, Fu Li’s power is the key, with my current Fu Li power, not enough to compete with Wielding…”

“I always wanted to promote Fu Li power, but I couldn’t find a way… If these two demons are true, there may be something in this Zi Wei Arctic Palace that I dreamed of.”

According to the two demons, the reason why they can see Ning Fan’s Divine Ability is that they have nothing to do with their own eyesight, but have a power that is born and known.

People in the world want to acquire knowledge, no need to learn, but there is a treasure that can let life know.

The name of this treasure, called “Multiple Unparalleled”, is one of the four Great Gods that Zi Wei Immortal Cultivator dreams of.

People who have a lot of unparalleled can be born to know that the two demons can see through Ning Fan’s Divine Ability, indeed because they both receive a lot of unparalleled power, and the knowledge has been greatly promoted.

According to the second demon, Zi Wei Immortal Sovereign has four treasures in his lifetime. Together they are a Starting Heaven Artifact. They can be used separately. These four treasures are enshrined by Zi Wei Immortal Cultivator as four Divine Artifact. In today’s Zi Wei Arctic Palace, there are four different Divine Artifacts. In addition to the unparalleled, the other three Divine Artifacts have been lost, not in the palace.”

Learn more and be unparalleled, you can know and get all the knowledge you need.

Wide-ranging, endless power, unlimited application of Magic Eye Divine Ability will not damage the power.

The growth of Immeasurable can break the upper limit of qi and blood and grow infinitely.

When the country is invincible, when the country is on the ground, the world is invincible.

“I don’t think there is such a magical treasure in the world that the monk can be born and known. It is not only in Baoshan, but also empty-handed, this is unparalleled, and it belongs to me…” Ning Fan laughed.

Ant Lord can’t smile.

She has been watching everything silently, but she doesn’t want to talk to Ning Fan!

She is here at Ning Fan’s Fate!

If you can report Ning Fan to the sky, she must report Ning Fan every day to go bullshit luck!

The shot can be taken into the Immortal Cave of Zi Wei Immortal Sovereign. If the North Sea True Monarch knows that Ning Fan is blessed by him, I am afraid that it will explode.

Without words, she also felt a little worried.

She is worried that Ning Fan is really in this Arctic Palace, and she has found a lot of unparalleled treasures. This is the situation she does not want to see!

“This Palace Master lives in this little Sea of ​​Consciousness, and he has nothing to do with him, but it is because he killed this Palace Master. But if he gets a lot of unparalleled, he has no knowledge, he can’t understand what special way. Killing this Palace Master…not good, not good! This Palace Master helps him to refine his merits, but he also ridicules him day by day. If he really gets the law of killing, he may not be willing to spare this Palace Master! North Sea, the North Sea that kills thousands of knives! You can’t shoot this kid, why do you have to take it here and add this Palace Master…”

The more Ant Lord wants to worry, the more she decides, she decided, she definitely does not help Ning Fan treasure hunt! As long as Ning Fan can’t get more than one, she can be safe Wuyou!

“You think more, you and I have the same connection, knowing that I am a person. You help me to make a meritorious umbrella, it is to look at this umbrella face, I will not be how you are.” Ning Fan reluctantly.

“Really?” Ant Lord was dubious.


“You! Deceive! People! Men can’t stand it, Ning Fan will go to the tree!”


Zi Wei Immortal Sovereign After the death of Zi Wei, the Tibetans in the Arctic Palace experienced a long and lonely period of no-ownership.

That period was too long, long enough to make the Spiritual Wisdom, and the Spiritual Wisdom was born, turning into Monster.

The Mugong is the place where Zi Wei Immortal Sovereign stores the sundries, and the monsters in the palace are all things. Here, the largest number is the Dao Crystal demon, followed by the Low-Rank Magical Treasure and Medicine Pill transformation. Miscellaneous things, of course, are mostly Low-Rank things, so even if the transformation is a demon, the road is not much higher.

There are a lot of little demons here, but there are not many powerful demons. In the Mugong, the cultivation base reaches the 2nd step of the demon, only has several hundred people, of which the highest demon of the cultivation base is the cultivation base of Pill Demon, Shedded Void Initial Stage of Nine Revolutions Silver Pill turned into The person respects the Great King.

There are more than 3000 temples in the Mugong, the most magnificent of which is holding a banquet.

Today is the overjoyed day of the Great King. After 30,000 years of hard love, the bottle Madame finally agreed to his request and would like to form Dao companion with him.

“It’s too slow! It’s been so long, why haven’t the green and red faces come back! Could it be that these two idiots are drunk on the road? How can these two idiots be so difficult?” At the banquet, one dressed The three monsters who liked to wear and looked at each other were unhappy and complained. This is the Great King.

Beside him, sitting on a Monstress who is also dressed in joy, that is his dao companion gold bottle Madame.

The bottle of Madame by no means is very beautiful. In the analysis of the Mugong, there are a lot of Monstress than her, and there is a lot more Monstress than her cultivation base.

Only her, can make the Great King love.

The Great King is made by Medicine Pill, and she is made by the pill bottle.

She used to protect his pill bottle, but now she can no longer protect him.

Today, she is just a bottle demon with a cultivation base and a lot of ruin.

And he is the king of the wooden palace.

“With Great King’s ability, I should have looked for a better one. I regret it at this time. I still have time… I don’t have much time, why should Great King put his heart on this one, and add sadness…” Golden bottle Madame bites Biting the lip, whispering.

“Hahaha!Madame is love and this King is laughing! There are many Monstress in the wooden palace, but who can do it with Madame? In this King’s eyes, Madame is…”

Analysis of the Great King is going to say something sweet, suddenly complexion big change, shocked.

“You, you, who are you!”

However, it turned out that at the banquet of group demon, I don’t know when, there is more than one person!

It was a youth in white clothes, no one had seen him, and the Great King had never seen him since he asked!

The young man found an empty space on the banquet, and he was self-satisfied, and his breath was not exposed at all. It seemed to be one with nature. If it wasn’t for the Great King, just look at it in this direction and never notice that there is such a other people here!

Throughout the banquet of the Great King, the whole banquet suddenly became dead, and all the rituals and music stopped! All the laughing demons and expressions are replaced by fear!

“My name is Ning Fan.” Ning Fan indifferently said, gaze glanced slightly between the Great King and the gold bottle Madame, only one glance, it seemed to see through the two.

Just a glance, it seems like the entire Heaven and Earth are crushed!

Can’t compete!

That is, the demon of the entire Jumu Palace is added together, and it is impossible to resist this person!

The Great King cold sweat came out. At this time, he still didn’t know where Ning Fan was a stranger.

There are also two kinds of foreigners. One is the patriarch of the female genre. It is obvious that Ning Fan is not. He has no taste of the female family’s Bloodlines.

Also a kind of thief who is strong.

Obviously, Ning Fan is the latter!

Other people Only Zi Wei The Arctic Palace is not free to enter and exit, but only the demons in the Arctic Palace know for themselves that this Arctic Palace has been smashed by several other people!

White hair Immortal Monarch column! This person is Zi Wei Immortal Sovereign with a white hair, so he is free to enter and exit this palace, no one can stop it, no one can dare to stop!

Also North Sea! This hungry goods is a fish that Zi Wei Immortal Sovereign has personally ordered. I have been promised by Immortal Sovereign, so every time I am hungry, I can enter the Arctic Palace for food. I am very happy to go to the Arctic Palace.

A few years ago, there was another mysterious eyeball monster, who took a magical feather and broke into the palace. It looks like the original Seal Divine Artifact somewhere in the palace is blind and lost at that time.

Later, the Arctic Palace broke into several devil heads. These devils claim to come from the Demon Sealing Summit, and when they enter the place, they will kill and kill.

On that day, the blood flowed into the river in the Arctic Palace.

On that day, King Great King was nailed to the ground by a number of devils, a man who claimed to be an old Demon. That person’s cultivation base is too high, so high that it is enough to kill the Great King! But the old-fashioned Old Demon didn’t give him a good time, and seemed to enjoy the expression of the fear of the Great King before death.

a little bit tortured.

a little bit Dismemberment.

Nobody dares to rescue the Great King.

Only the gold bottle Madame… dare.

“I don’t want you to hurt him…” Gold bottle Madame said.

Then, the person who was nailed to the ground by a sword was turned into the bottle of Madame. Her Monster Soul was chopped by the old Demon a little bit. At that time, the gold bottle Madame cultivation base was destroyed…

Just at the moment of all the devil’s despair, an old demon named Duo Wen appeared! At the expense of life, this person released the essence Thunder Sea in the Thunder Pool and repelled those devils. That is more than before, when I was dying, I separated my power and turned it into the Arctic Palace.

Since then, the demons of the Arctic Palace have become knowledgeable, and even the new demon is no exception. Out of gratitude, many demons will be killed in warfare, called Sir, to show respect.

The Great King reveals the color of hatred, hatred, and fear.

He was scared and afraid that Ning Fan was the comer of the Demon Sealing Summit. He was afraid of this one time, and his Madame would be nailed to the ground.

I heard that Sir is dead. This time, no one will save them.

His heart is filled with fear, it is not just the fear of respecting Ning Fan, more, the fear of the previous greed Old Demon staying in his Dao Heart.

He was trembling with fear. He didn’t even have a bad breath. He wanted to fall, wanted to run away, wanted to cry, wanted to beg, wanted…

“Don’t be afraid, husband.”

The gold bottle Madame took the hand of the Great King, no longer called the Great King, but the husband.

“If you are going to die today, you and me will go.”

Ning Fan is speechless.

Does he look like a killer, or is his name scary? When the other person asks his name, can he scare the couple’s grievances?

“I just came to ask for directions. Can you give me an internal map of the Arctic Palace? This place is too restrictive for Divine Sense.” Ning Fan put down the glass.

“Yes, can…” The Great King nodded like a garlic, he dared to say no! Of course, it is a map of the Arctic Palace.

“Thank you. Your wine is good.”

Ning Fan glanced at the map and then put it away and turned and walked out of the palace.

See Ning Fan leave, the demons are all pine.

However, some demons noticed that Ning Fan had left a wooden box on the table before drinking.

The Great King also noticed this, and dare not remind Ning Fan to forget something.

“On the fairy stay! You have something to forget here!”

Ning Fan is going too fast. He wants to catch up, but Ning Fan has disappeared, as if he is worried about staying for a while and will continue to undermine the atmosphere of the wedding party.

“Call, it’s really scaring me. This person didn’t kill me, it seems that it’s not the same as the Demon Sealing Summit.” Some of the demons who experienced the previous Great Tribulation were long and sighed.

The Great King did not feel any luck.

He stared at the wooden box in his hand, as if he was an enemy!

This is what Ning Fan left behind. The ghost knows if there is a restriction in it.

Demon Sealing Summit’s devils, there is no shortage of people in the mind, when the enemy is aided a catastrophe, send each other an explosion, this metamorphosis may also have it…


The Great King was full of wariness, but still opened the wooden box. If you don’t open it, if the wooden box is really malicious, he won’t open it, and he won’t satisfy the other party’s bad taste. The other party will kill it directly.

“Oh, this is… this is…” The Great King stunned.

Of course, it is impossible to start the Immortal Talisman in his brain.

It’s a scented Medicine Pill.

The Great King, who has no knowledge of science, can see through this Dan.

Nine Revolutions Complex Soul Pill!

A Nine Revolutions Golden Pill that specializes in Monster Soul!

He ran to Pill Demon’s site and stole Medicine Pill for the sake of this, but was beaten by the mighty Pill Demon.

I got it now!

“Madame!Madame! You have saved, saved! Thank you, Xian, thank you!”

Ning Fan has been away for a long time, and the banquet of the Great King has finally restored the atmosphere of joy, and there is more laughter than before Ning Fan.

The laughter passed very far, and it was worn in Ning Fan’s ear. In the end, it turned into a smile at Ning Fan’s mouth.

“This wine is really good.”

Ning Fan took out the Black Wind Bottle Gourd and took a drink from the bottle gourd. This wine is naturally poured from the banquet. Drinking with the ominous name Hehe’s Black Wind Bottle Gourd, the heart is not really big.

Wine is not really a good wine.

But in Ning Fan’s view, such wine is better than the wine under the sun.

“The map is also in hand. Next, from this large group of palaces, find out the unparalleled whereabouts. The whereabouts of this thing seems to be the biggest fan of the Arctic Palace, but it is not known in the palace. But this matter It’s hard not to me.”

Ning Fan crouched down and took a stone from under the dilapidated palace wall somewhere.

“Dare to ask Shi brother, you can know the unparalleled whereabouts…”

“Well? You know, but don’t you tell me?”

“This is not good, very bad. Um? What are you talking about, you are not a stone brother? Are you a stone girl?”

“Sorry, the name is wrong. So, can the stone girl tell me more about the unparalleled whereabouts?”

“You still don’t want to say? Oh, your temper is very embarrassing, but if so…”

In this way, after that…

“Oh, finally decided to compromise, what, you want to come back one time, this is not good…”

Ant Lord wants to cry without tears.

Her three views are once again refreshed by Ning Fan!

“Stop! Please stop! It’s a stone, it’s a stone! Please don’t pollute the eyes of this Palace Master! This Palace Master calls you Ning brother can, Ning brothers stop, Ning brother please stop! Don’t bully the stone, this Palace Master will help you, this Palace Master will help you find more and more unparalleled! Let go of this stone!”

“You are in the picture, Ant Lord girl. Stone can be stone, but it can, not stone…”

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