Grasping Evil

Chapter 1279: Taoman lineage, Tao Longbow

Ning Fan is still studying the Barbarian God Sacrifice Dance.

The bonfire was swaying, the dance was desolate, and the ancient barbarian songs echoed in the room. If they were present or absent, it was the departed barbarians responding to Ning Fan's orders.

The air of mountains and seas gathered in strands, surrounding Ning Fan, like a mist that has not dissipated for a thousand lifetimes; in the mist, there are countless tiny souls hurriedly walking through it, completing their lives in an instant; there are also Some strong souls will walk slower, stopping from time to time, kowtow and bow to Ning Fan, and then move forward again.

The war dance suddenly reached its climax, and the flames of the bonfire burned more fiercely.

The air of the surrounding mountains and seas also boiled at this time, like water dripping into hot oil; or perhaps, what dripped in was not water, but fire, or burning will.

The firelight reflected on the wall, reflecting the shadows of countless ancient ancestors, worshiping devoutly in the firelight.

When the burning reached its peak, when the worship reached its peak of piety, Ning Fan's divine dance seemed to merge with the heaven and earth of the Northern Barbarian Kingdom.

The ghost face faded, the divine shield disappeared, and Ning Fan's whole body flashed with brilliance, returning to his original appearance and clothing.

And the energy of the mountains and seas that gathered together also divided into two completely different groups between Ning Fan's hands.

His left hand holds a ball of pure air, with countless shadows of mountains and seas gathering in it, which seems to be able to cleanse away all disasters in the world.

The right hand holds a ball of turbid air, in which countless shadows of mountains and seas are destroyed, like a disaster.

"Is this the Barbarian God's Blessing Technique... The mountains and seas are in hand, the pure and the turbid are divided into two parts, and blessings and misfortunes are at my command..."

"The turbid air can be used to cast curses, which can harm people invisible; as for the clear air, it is perfect for purifying human bone chess pieces."

"Huh? This is..."

Ning Fan realized the clear and turbid qi in his hands, and was about to disperse the turbid qi, leaving only the clear qi to purify the human bone chess piece. But at this moment, he noticed something special in the clear and turbid air.

Just now, ancient words seemed to flash away between the clear and turbid air.

Ning Fan couldn't help but calm down and carefully observed the clear and turbid qi.

After a while, another text flashed through the clear air, and this time, Ning Fan could see part of the text clearly.

Those are the words of the ancient barbarians. When connected together, they are actually written messages left between the mountains and the sea by a certain generation of northern barbarian gods countless years ago.

This information cannot be seen by ordinary people. Even the existences at the level of barbarian gods cannot be seen by everyone. Only those barbarian gods whose punishment mountain is powerful enough and whose blessing ceremony is grand enough can see this hidden pole. Deep information, obviously of great importance, not everyone can read.

"I am a member of the Daoman lineage...the Tao Longbow...entrusted by my guard the five spirits...I regret being greedy...a big mistake has been made..."

"If future generations of barbarian gods see this... go away quickly..."

Ning Fan was thoughtful.

Judging from this text, the person who left the text seems to be a barbarian **** named Dao Changgong from the Daoman lineage.

This person was entrusted by a friend to guard something, but made a big mistake out of greed. In order to make up for his mistake, he left this deeply hidden message in the mountains and seas of the Northern Barbarian Kingdom.

At the end of the message, Dao Changgong hoped to see the poster of the message do something quickly, but Ning Fan did not see clearly what needed to be done.

"It's interesting. I just wanted to understand the blessing technique through the barbarian dance, but unexpectedly, I accidentally saw a certain secret in the northern barbarian country."

"The Daoman clan, Taoist Changgong. According to what I saw in the trial world before, the senior Daoman Mountain is a Daoman clan, but he was harmed and forcibly included in the Daoman clan. The reason why the other party wanted to join The reason why the Daoman clan harms others seems to be because there is something wrong with the Daoman clan..."

"So, the information I see right now is about the root of the Daoman clan's problems..."

"There is one more thing that concerns me very much, and that is the name Dao Long Gong..."

The long bow, taken together, forms the character Zhang. Is there any connection between the information that Dao Changgong left in Shanhai and the identity of Zhang Dao that he plays at this moment? Or maybe he just thinks too much...

"If I can read all the hidden words that follow, I may be able to know some truth..."

Ning Fan has never been interested in ancient secrets, but it will be different if this secret involves people related to him.

He planned to read it a few more times, trying to understand all the subsequent words clearly, but at this moment, the time and space of the entire trial world suddenly stopped.

Good guy, Old Man Chaoli finally got the update patch in time before Ning Fan caused the world to collapse again!

Then the scene changed and Ning Fan was back in front of the roasted chestnut stall. Before the old man could ask why he had another meltdown, he spoke first.

"Senior, why did you interrupt my trial? If it affects my trial results, wouldn't it be unfair to me?" Ning Fan said slightly dissatisfied.

But this dissatisfaction is actually just a disguise. Obviously, he also understands that he is afraid of causing another big problem, which is why this situation has occurred, but it is absolutely impossible for him to take the initiative to admit his mistake.

As long as the mistake has not had time to happen, then I have not made a mistake, and naturally it is impossible to admit it.

The old man originally wanted to scold him, but when he saw that Ning Fan actually took the lead, he was speechless for a moment, not knowing what to say.

After sighing, he finally understood.

The boy in front of him is definitely a typical example of someone who refuses to change despite repeated admonishment. He will scold him a thousand times and ten thousand times, and he will definitely dare to do it again next time!

So there’s no need to waste any more time with this guy!

"I must admit that you are special. Throughout the ages, among all the people who have participated in the Holy Son's trial, you are the only one who needs special treatment from me." The old man said angrily.

"The seniors are so complimentary, but the juniors are so ashamed."

"In order to reward your specialness, I decided to customize a Holy Son Trial for you. Haha, all the changes have taken effect. Go and experience it. No matter how much trouble you cause this time, you will not cause trouble in the world again. collapsed!"

The old man who roasted chestnuts showed a strange smile.

Then the scene switched and Ning Fan returned to the previous point in time.

The left hand holds the clear air, and the right hand holds the turbid air. Between the clear and turbid air, there seems to be an ancient message flashing through.

"A trial of the Holy Son customized for me? What do you mean by this?" Ning Fan had not yet figured out what the old man said.

He guessed that in order to deal with a difficult person like him, the old man Chaoli should have taken some kind of preventive measures against the trial world, but he didn't know the specifics of these measures at the moment.

"Before, I almost caused the world to collapse because I saw the secret message left by Dao Longbow. According to the senior, after he made changes, no matter what I do now, there will be no problems again."


You can watch the follow-up content of this secret message, right?

If the cause and effect of the Daoman clan is known, it may be of some help to the senior Daoman Mountain. Although in the original history, the senior Daoman Mountain has passed away...

Ning Fan was silent for a while, and finally made up his mind to read the ancient information between the clear and turbid air again.


The unfolding that caught him off guard appeared.

When he tried to see the follow-up content of the secret message, the entire trial world screen disappeared and turned into a black screen.

Lines of text appeared between the sky and the black screen.

[When you danced the Barbarian God War Dance, you inadvertently saw the ancient message left by the senior Tao Barbarians. 】

[You know that the information may cause disaster, but you still make up your mind to read the follow-up content of the information. 】

【You discovered a shocking secret! 】

[You have touched the roots of the three true worlds! 】

【you are dead! 】


A question mark slowly popped up in Ning Fan's mind.

Why did he die?

What is all this?

He didn't see any ancient secrets at all, he only saw black screens all over the world. What were these black screen subtitles!

Could it be...

Is this the test of the Holy Son specially customized for him by Old Man Chaoli?

As long as the world collapses during the trial, the trial cannot be carried out successfully? Can you only watch paragraphs of black screen subtitles?

[You died during the trial, will you be resurrected? 】

[Choose one, spend one hundred stars to resurrect; choose two, you accept your own death, and the trial is over. 】



It’s okay for you to change my Holy Son Trial to something completely different. You still want to deduct points from me before resurrecting me?

Otherwise, will the trial end for me?

"How's it going? Isn't the Holy Son Trial that I customized for you very good?" In the black screen, the laughter of the old man came from unknown directions.

"Senior, is it inappropriate to bully a junior who is a descendant of Zi Dou like this?" Ning Fan, who felt that he had suffered a big loss, said angrily.

"How can this be bullying? This is obviously giving you a huge advantage. Think about it, other people can't resurrect the Holy Son during the trial, but you can resurrect with a black screen. What an advantage you have taken." The old man smiled even more happily.

"But others wouldn't just play a subtitle out of nowhere and die with a black screen, right?" Ning Fan retorted.

"Haha, you can't trigger the death mechanism? Why do you have to do something beyond the scope of the trial?" Old Man Chaoli.

"How do I know which things will be beyond the scope of the trial?" Ning Fan.

"No, you must know! This is just a trial and has nothing to do with reality. But if it were in reality, how would you know which of your actions would cause a catastrophic disaster? Just like the information you saw before, Dao Man The Taoist Long Gong of the clan was such an amazing and talented person, but because of a wrong thought, he got into a huge disaster. Once a big mistake is made, it is difficult to remedy it for the rebel saint. All the trials at this moment are just that big mistake. It's just a continuation of the mistake. If you touch those secrets in the trial world, I can still tease you with a black screen of death; if you do this in the outside world, who can save you?" The old man said sternly.

Ning Fan's eyes flashed, like a wake-up call, and he was alert for a moment.

"Thank you, senior, for your advice. I know I was wrong."

"Boys can be taught. Think carefully about why I set up the Holy Son test at such a time and what I want to test."

After saying this, the old man's voice never sounded again.

In the black screen, Ning Fan was left alone in deep thought.

[Once a big mistake is made, it will be difficult for the Rebel Sage to remedy it. All the content of the trial at this moment is just a continuation of that big mistake. 】


What mistake did that long bow make that even Nisheng couldn't remedy?

What kind of secret is it that can touch the roots of the three true worlds and not allow others to know about it?

Everything at this moment is a continuation of the big mistake at that time. Therefore, is the certain catastrophe that the Northern Barbarian Kingdom is about to face just a continuation of the past?

Immortal Emperor Ziwei set up the Holy Son Trial based on the experiences of the Northern Barbarians. Could it be that he also wanted to use the tragic experiences of the Northern Barbarians to remind future generations not to make equally big mistakes?

Ant Lord: "It's strange. Why did your Holy Son's trial suddenly become dark and empty? Did the trial?"

Duo Wen: "Something's wrong. Even if the trial fails, the scene of failure is very different from what I know. Why is there such a change? Strange, too strange, incomprehensible!"

Unlike Ning Fan, as long as Old Man Fried Li didn't want others to know, Ant Master and Duo Wen knew nothing about what happened between Ning Fan and Old Man Fried Li, so they couldn't figure out the situation at the moment.

With the two of them arguing like this, Ning Fan no longer had the time to reflect on himself.

Yes, the first thing is to continue this private custom-made trial!

"I choose to pay one hundred stars to be resurrected!"

There was a flash of light, the black screen disappeared, and Ning Fan returned to the previous point in time.

He held the clear air in his left hand and the turbid air in his right hand. An ancient message flashed between the clear and turbid air, but this time, he did not intend to read it again.

It’s not that I dare not look at it due to the trial rules.

But he truly listened to the old man's warning!

Hidden within this is a great secret that even the Nisheng should be afraid of. He cannot explore it, otherwise the consequences may not only affect the trial itself, but may even cause some kind of disaster in reality...

Ant Lord: "You failed the trial and you were still able to resurrect? Are you cheating?"

Duo Wen: "Something's wrong. This is the first time I've seen someone resurrect during a trial. It's not as simple as cheating. There must be a big reason behind it, but for this reason... I think you and I are the two of us. It’s best not to delve into it further.”

have a look! People are alert when they hear a lot. They understand what they should know and what they should not know.

"But I didn't think of this until just now..."

"I only regard this place as a trial. My vigilance is too low. This is a trial, but it is not just a trial. This a repeat of an ancient disaster."

Ning Fan completed the mission all the way, and even played chess to torture Bai Ling, but he only earned eighty stars.

Later, he defeated Shigui Zhenren in chess and added forty stars, which was only 120 points.

At this moment, one hundred points were deducted for the resurrection, leaving twenty points.

Twenty points is too little. If I trigger another death event, I won't be able to resurrect and it will be over.

We must complete the task of finding the real Shi Shen as soon as possible and earn some points to guarantee his resurrection.

Speaking of which, the image of the old man using black screen subtitles to foretell his own death seems to contain some kind of mysterious power.

A flash of green light flashed in Ning Fan's eyes. Although he had lost a hundred points due to the death of the black screen, he also learned some mysterious things from it. However, he did not tell the old man Chaoli about this. After all, someone who secretly learns magical powers will inevitably be a prisoner. taboo.


After learning the Blessing Technique of the Barbarian God, Ning Fan finally eliminated the ominous aura on the human bone chess piece.

Even in the process of eliminating the ominous atmosphere, he vaguely touched some secrets.

There seemed to be something wrong with the source of the ominous situation, but where it came from was not something he, who was only twenty points left, could touch.

Without the interference of the ominous aura, Ning Fan easily found the one belonging to the real Shi Shen among the many human bone chess pieces.

Among them, one is really made from the bones of Shi Shen Zhenren himself!

And after expelling the ominous atmosphere, the madness of these human bone chess pieces was greatly reduced, and they seemed to be able to communicate simply.

Across time and space, it was difficult for Ning Fan to use the ability to communicate with all things, but in order to gain points, he did not bother to use methods tabooed by prisoners at this moment.

All things recognize the Lord!

Ning Fan forced a small area of ​​time and space around him to recognize his master. In this way, the sense of distance in time and space was suddenly reduced, and he could calmly use the ability to communicate with all things.

"Human Bone Chess, let me ask you, where is your master right now?"



Ning Fan's eyes narrowed, and he instantly cut off communication with all things and stopped listening.

Five Spirits...he had just heard these two words from Dao Changgong's message. Who knows if this thing is an option for black screen death!

Therefore, he decisively stopped the communication between all things. Even so, Ning Fan also vaguely realized that the disappearance of the real Shi Shen might be related to the secret hidden in the Northern Barbarians.


If you want to earn points, you have to find the real Shi Shen to complete the task.

If you want to find the real Shi Shen, you have to get close to the big secret, which may trigger a black screen of death at any time.

He only had twenty points left and couldn't afford to deduct them. Isn't this an endless loop?

The mission must be accomplished.

But before completing the task, you must prepare some guaranteed points in advance to deal with emergencies.

So the question is, besides completing tasks, how else can you earn points?

Trigger random events? It doesn't seem to be easy to trigger.

Playing chess with Bai Ling and bullying other girls?

Well... it's not impossible. The problem is that playing chess with Bai Ling, earning points is too slow. One point per game, which is far less fast than playing chess with Shigui Zhenren. The problem is, playing chess with the stone ghost leads to a high score because the mission is triggered. Now if you go to play chess with the stone ghost, you may not be able to trigger the chess mission...

"Duo Wen, you know a lot about the Holy Son Trial. Do you know of any methods that have minimal risk and earn points very quickly?" Ning Fan asked.

"I do know some methods, but they are only harmless to others. The situation of the Shangxian is a bit special. Many things that are just ordinary things to others can be played on the Shangxian, and one accident may trigger There was a weird black screen problem before, so I can't guarantee the risk." Duo Wen replied unconfidently.

"Just tell me everything you know. Even if something goes wrong, I won't blame you."

In this way, Ning Fan asked Duo Wen a lot of ways to earn points.

So I left the Snow Temple and planned to find a place to earn points first.

Unexpectedly, as soon as he came out of the palace, he saw a man with the light of luck hidden all over his body waiting here.

Naturally, the light of luck at that level could not cover Ning Fan's eyes. The person coming was a golden-armored general whose cultivation should have reached the quasi-saint level.

"Oh? You can actually see my true face clearly!" The divine general named Xuan Zhi frowned.

In his eyes, Ning Fan was not Ning Fan, but Zhang Dao, and it was Zhang Dao, the Go prodigy he had met when he traveled to Nanliang in the past.

A mere layman has actually grown into an Immortal King, but even an Immortal King is not worthy of being invited by the Barbarian God!

"Since you can see my true appearance, you must have remembered who I am!"

"Back then, your chess skills were superior to mine, but that was because I was just a beginner and had not yet mastered the art. It's a pity that when I mastered chess, I went to Nanliang to look for you, but I heard that you had already Being kicked out of the chess academy for gambling is really a shame for a chess player!"

"A scum like you is not worthy of meeting Lord Barbarian God! Zhang Dao! I will order you to fight with me!"

Oh, do you want a fight? In that case...

Ning Fan's eyes were indifferent, and the aura around his body was ready to attack, ready to use his magical powers to meet the opponent's challenge at any time.

Although he didn't recognize the provocateur in front of him, he had no reason to back down since the other party was knocking on his door.

However, they saw that the mysterious general clearly invited a battle, but instead of taking out his magic weapon, he took out a set of chess equipment.

"Fight with me. If you win, I will allow you to meet the Barbarian God! If you lose, I will make you never think of yourself as a chess player again in this life!"


You provoke me not to fight, but to play chess?

Besides, I’m not a chess player to begin with, right? I am no longer allowed to think of myself as a chess player. What kind of punishment is this? What does it mean to be qualified to meet the Barbarian God? When did I say that I wanted to meet the Barbarian God?


Ning Fan suddenly lost interest when he heard that the opponent did not want to fight, but wanted to play chess.

If they were fighting, if the opponent came to challenge him, and he killed the opponent by mistake, he might be able to get a lot of points; if he killed the opponent, he might also be able to increase his cultivation level.

But what's the benefit of playing chess? Why should he waste time on this person...

But at this moment, the Holy Son Thunder Book prompt sounded.

[Trigger side mission]

[Side Mission: The Provocation of the Mysterious General]

[If you win in the mid-game, you can get 20 to 100 stars; if you win a small game, you can get 5 to 10 stars; if you draw, there is no loss; if you lose, you will get dozens of stars deducted. There is no penalty for refusing to play. 】

oh? It turned out to be a good person who delivered points to my door.

No, it's also possible that the opponent's chess skills are much better than mine. In this game, I lost points and deducted points, but even if I deducted points, it was only ten points. But if I won, I would win a lot more.

Ning Fan did not immediately accept the opponent's matchup, but thought about it for a while and finally nodded in agreement.

"Are we going to play here?" Ning Fan asked.

"No! I have changed my mind! I am going to defeat you in front of thousands of chess players! Defeating you here is not an insult at all!"

This person's tone is really loud. Yes, Senior Chaoli reminded me that in this trial world, I must be cautious in everything. In this case...

Ning Fan took out the Ten Thousand Years Chess Power Fruit that he had received from defeating the real Shigui before and swallowed it in one gulp.

"Hmph! What's the use of sharpening a gun in the middle of battle!" Xuan Strike God General sneered.

He could naturally tell that Ning Fan had eaten a Dao Fruit, but he did not see clearly the quality of the Dao Fruit. He only thought that the other party was nervous before the battle and ate an ordinary Dao Fruit to refresh his mind.

Then without further words, he led Ning Fan toward the inner court of the Dao Fruit Conference.

The inner court is a place that no one can enter without an invitation, but with the Northern Barbarian Kingdom's Mysterious Strike God General leading the way, no one will stop Ning Fan without foresight.

So Ning Fan just sneaked into the inner court in a daze.

In the inner court, there are thousands of chess players gathered here, and people can be seen fighting in the game everywhere.

And when the news spread that Xuan Strike God was about to play against someone, many people stopped playing and were shocked.

"Who is it! How dare you challenge the divine general Xuan Bing? I wonder if Xuan Bing is a second-grade chess player!"

"The first level is in trance, the second level is sitting in the photo. The second level is dignified, how can it be a wasted reputation! I once played ten rounds of chess with the mysterious general Xuan Jing, and lost all ten games. This person's chess ability is extraordinary, especially in the layout stage, from the first It puts a lot of pressure on people at the beginning, and then the pressure increases layer upon layer, leaving no room for breathing at all!”

"I heard that it was not someone who came to challenge Xuan Bing, but that Xuan Bing initiated the challenge!"

"Who is worthy of being condescended to challenge by Xuanzang? Could it be that he is a first-class chess player!"

"There are certainly many first-level chess players in the Three Realms, but among the first-level players coming this time, there is absolutely no such person. Who is this person?"

"I recognize him, he is Zhang Dao of the Hunkun Holy Sect."

"Oh? Is it that Zhang Dao?"

"It turned out to be that person..."

As soon as they heard that the mysterious general was challenging Zhang Dao, some chess players who had heard of Zhang Dao became even more interested and immediately went to watch the match.

These people have obviously heard Zhang Dao's story. To sum up, he is a Go prodigy who became famous at a young age, was expelled for gambling, and became a slightly famous chess player in the real world because of the battle at Qixia Temple.

However, many years have passed since Zhang Dao became a member of the Hunkun Holy Sect and learned chess from other Buddhists. No one knows how good this person is at chess now, so some people want to take the opportunity to observe.

But there are obviously more people who don’t know Zhang Dao.

There were more and more people watching, and the coldness on General Xuanzhao's face became more and more intense. There was also a hint of black energy that ordinary people couldn't see, and it continued to gather towards his eyebrows.

At this moment, Xuan Ji had completely forgotten the Barbarian God's reminder.

[You have been having frequent delusional thoughts recently, which is a sign of calamity. I am afraid that someone has secretly used deceptive means to lure you into calamity. Countless calamities ago, the saints would die if they entered. Even the saints would not dare to show their faces in public at this time, lest it only increase wear and tear. 】

That's right, he had long forgotten the Barbarian God's reminder. At this moment, he only had one thought, which was to torture 'Zhang Dao' in a game in front of thousands of chess players, so that the opponent would lose all face in front of the world and become a chess player. laughing stock!

When this kind of twisted mentality appears in a quasi-sage, everyone will find it weird, but because Xuanzhang is in a calamity, he can't notice anything abnormal about himself at all.

"In this game, I will give you three pieces. If you can win, I will behead myself here! If you lose, I will cut off your ten fingers and make you unable to touch chess in this life!"

Xuan Strike God General Zhang Kuang laughed, but he instantly tampered with the bet he had made before. Such dishonesty was really not the fault of the Quasi-Saint.

Ning Fan frowned slightly, not because he didn't like the other party's arrogance and changing the bet, but... he saw the dark energy flashing between Xuan Jing's eyebrows.

His eyes flashed green, and he looked at the black energy. What he saw was not the black energy itself, but a mysterious existence in the endless distance that controlled the black energy.

When he tried to see everything about the opponent clearly, he suddenly felt a slight pain in his eyes, and then two lines of blood and tears flowed from his eyes and splashed on the chessboard.

"A saint..." Ning Fan wiped away his blood and tears with a solemn expression.

It seemed that the reason why the mysterious general in front of him acted so arrogantly was because he fell into the scheme of a certain saint.

Is there an unknown saint harming General Xuan Bing? Or is it the 'Zhang Dao' he played through the Mysterious Strike God General harming him?

Or... what the saint really planned was the Northern Barbarian Kingdom itself. Is this also part of the impending disaster for the Northern Barbarian Kingdom...

"Oh? Are you so nervous and frightened when facing this general that you shed tears of blood?" Xuan Zhi sneered.

Normal people would think it was abnormal, but he couldn't see the deep meaning behind it at all. At this moment, his mind was in an extremely subtle state, as if everything came from his own thinking, but his thinking seemed to be influenced by others.

Outside the Northern Barbarians, in an endless distance, in the realm of a certain saint.

A Buddhist saint with a solemn treasure appearance crosses his legs between the golden sky and the black sea, disappearing like an eternity.

But at the moment when Ning Fan's gaze was caught, the Buddha's golden eyes opened, revealing an unexpected expression.

"Amitabha, this boy is indeed destined to be my Buddha, and he can actually detect my existence... It's a pity that such a good talent is involved in the disputes in the Northern Barbarian Kingdom. No one can save him. It's a pity, it's a pity."

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