Grasping Evil

Chapter 1280: Never forget a game of chess

In the inner arena of the Daoguo Conference, there is a high platform made of sacred stones, called Shengtian Terrace.

Legend has it that among the ancient barbarian gods of the Northern Barbarian Kingdom, there was one whose chess skills crushed an entire era. This man has been obsessed with chess all his life. He has never been defeated in the three realms of Ping, and he claims to be able to beat half the chess pieces in the sky. This Shengtiantai is where this person used to practice chess.

Today, Shengtiantai has become a holy place in the hearts of many chess players. Only those with outstanding chess skills are qualified to play on Shengtiantai.

Xuan Strike God General chose to fight Ning Fan on the Shengtian Platform in order to attract everyone's attention.

In full view of everyone, Ning Fan's behavior of weeping blood before the match naturally caused an uproar.

"Does this Tao work? It's really rare to be frightened by your opponent before you even play chess, and your eyes will weep with blood..."

In front of the Shengtian chess table, Ning Fan and Xuan Jing Shen Jiang were sitting respectively.

The uproar around him did not affect Ning Fan's state of mind.

Within the body, the Dao Fruit of ten thousand years of chess power is being rapidly digested.

When he ate the low-grade Taoist fruit that Master Shigui entertained his guests, Ning Fan's memory, sea of ​​consciousness strength, and mental tenacity were all slightly enhanced.

And the medicinal effect of this Dao Fruit is a thousand times better than that of low-grade Dao Fruit.

Ning Fan obviously felt that his memory had improved a lot. The memory of monks is extremely strong, and they can often remember events from thousands of years ago. But memories sometimes have errors and ambiguities. At this moment, Ning Fan felt that when he recalled the past, many details became clearer.

The sea of ​​consciousness and spiritual thoughts have also been greatly improved. The direct manifestation is that his mental arithmetic power has become much stronger.

Even so, Ning Fan was not completely sure of defeating the Mysterious Strike Divine General.

The words and deeds of General Xuanzhao are completely unlike what a quasi-sage should look like - he was probably disturbed by the mysterious saint and lost his nature.

Although his words and deeds were inappropriate, this person's chess skills were absolutely extraordinary. Ning Fan could clearly feel this.

If a mortal chess player reaches the ultimate level of human beings, his chess skills may be comparable to that of an immortal.

If a chess player among the immortals reaches a certain level of chess power, he can enter Tao through skills. At that time, his chess power can be combined with Tao and can be transformed into the power of Tao.

The principles of chess in General Xuan Jing's body are very strong. Although it has not reached the level of palm control, it has already made Ning Fan feel a little pressure.

Ning Fan has not mastered any chess rules. He is not an orthodox chess practitioner, nor has he studied and practiced diligently. In actual combat, his chess prowess seemed weak at first glance, but in fact it was supported by his advanced computing power.

"He is strong and I am weak..."

Ning Fan's eyes became serious.

"In this round, I will give you three sons..." Xuan Zheng sneered and wanted to shout something, but was interrupted.

"No need. I have no interest in your "beheading yourself" or "cutting off my ten fingers". If you really want to play chess, play guess first or split first. If you don't want to, then give up. Ning Fan said.

He didn't intend to play a handicap game with Xuan Chong. There is a mysterious saint hidden behind Xuan Zhan. The other party secretly disrupts Xuan Zhan's sanity and makes Xuan Zhan repeatedly do unwise things. There must be some kind of plan.

Knowing that there might be pitfalls ahead, he couldn't possibly go along with other people's plans.

Of course, we must take the initiative of choice in our hands.

Moreover, he did not think that General Xuan Strike was qualified to give him three sons.

For chess players, giving up one piece means there is a level of gap between the two. If giving up three pieces, Ning Fan feels that even if the stone ghost master comes to play, he can win the game. This kind of words is even more Like a humiliation, a very deliberate irritation.

Seeing that Ning Fan refused to play the handicap piece, Xuan Zhang's expression suddenly darkened.

"Hmph! I gave you three sons out of kindness, but you don't appreciate it. Anyway, since you don't know what's good and what's wrong, I will do what you want!"

Guess the first move!

Guessing first is a method used in the game of Go to determine who will move first.

There are many rules of Go in the real world, and there are naturally many ways to guess first.

The Xuan Strike God General uses the rules of the Northern Barbarian Kingdom.

He grabbed a handful of chess pieces from the chess box and asked Ning Fan to guess whether they were odd or even. If he guessed correctly, he could take the lead.

Hold the black man.

With the cover of quasi-sage magic, General Xuanzhi was confident that Ning Fan could not cheat and secretly see the number of chess pieces in his palm.

In front of everyone, Ning Fan didn't bother cheating, but the moment before Xuan attacked and grabbed the chess piece, Ning Fan suddenly felt that his third gate of heaven seemed to have some kind of opportunity, and a gap opened at this moment. ; At this moment, some fragments flashed through Ning Fan's mind - they were broken and scattered pictures. In those pictures, he saw the Xuan Strike God General grabbing only one chess piece in the near future.

"This is..." Ning Fan was surprised.

Could it be that the third gate of heaven, which he has not broken through for a long time, is about to be broken through right now?

Could it be because I ate a Dao Fruit with ten thousand years of chess power on the spot?

Or is it that the match between me and Xuan Bing is consistent with some unknown cause and effect?

Rumor has it that once a monk completely opens the third gate of heaven and man, he can see through all the illusions in the world and see through the past, present and future. So, did he see some pictures of the future?

"Single or double?" Xuanzhe asked in a deep voice.

Ning Fan's answer was to also grab a chess piece and place it on the chessboard.

The answer is single.

"Hmph! You're lucky." The Mysterious Strike God General snorted coldly, spread out his palms, and revealed the answer.

So Ning Fan successfully made the first move and held the black position, following the post rules of the Northern Barbarian Kingdom.

"There really is only one chess piece."

"So, what I saw is really a scene from the future..."

"I'm not sure. It's too early to draw conclusions based on just one thing. More evidence is needed. If I can see more future clips, I should be able to draw a conclusion, but I don't know how to actively see it yet. future..."

Those future scenes just appeared by chance, like some kind of passively triggered ability. Ning Fan has no idea how to trigger it actively. After all, he has not yet completely opened the third door of heaven, he just pushed it open a little more.

But this undoubtedly increased Ning Fan's interest in the game.

This game of chess may really be an opportunity for him to open the third door... So, he must take it more seriously!

"In terms of calculation power, I am not afraid of Xuan Bing. If we fight in the middle of the game, I should be the more advantageous party, unless the saint who secretly controls Xuan Bing intervenes. But in terms of experience in the game, I will definitely be inferior to Xuan Bing. . The opponent has mastered the principles of chess and has obviously put in a lot of hard work. In terms of game experience, this person is a thousand times better than me. In the layout stage, I may suffer..."

After just his first move of chess, Ning Fan fell into a long test. After a full stick of incense, Ning Fan finally fixed his gaze and made a decision.

The first hand, Ning Fan, four out of four, star position.

Seeing Ning Fan's move, Xuan Bing responded almost instantly. In the blink of an eye, Ning Fan took the left star's small eye, while Xuan Bing calmly moved away the two consecutive stars.

The fifth move, Ning Fan, four out of fifteen.

The sixth move, Xuan Strike, three out of three.

"This kind of method..."

Facing the sudden angle, Ning Fan couldn't help but frown. Xuan Jing's choice greatly exceeded his expectations.

If it were him, and he had already chosen the two-star layout, his next move would be on the edge star, forming a three-star layout.

However, Xuanzhi gave a different answer.

"In Emperor Luan Gu's memory, if someone plays three or three at the beginning, it will most likely be a bad move. In the chess theory understood by Emperor Luan Gu, the sooner you play three or three in the star position, the more you will lose. The purpose of star positions is to gain momentum, but this step of point three and three will help people gain momentum..."

"So, is this a bad move?"

"But, given Xuan Bing's hostility towards me, is it possible that he deliberately made an evil move at the beginning... Or did he deliberately make an evil move to humiliate me?"

It was clear that he had just reached the sixth move, but Ning Fan once again fell into a long test.

The ant owner and Duo Wen were speechless as they watched.

"You are always lawless and reckless in your daily behavior. Why are you so hesitant and timid when playing chess? This is obvious.

It's just a bad move. He is deliberately evil to humiliate you. At this time, you should punish him forcefully and let him know the cost of underestimating the enemy. "

The ant owner was speechless. She only knew a little bit about Go and had no interest in it, but she could roughly tell that there was something wrong with Xuan Chong's move. After all, he is just the remnant soul of a saint, and he doesn't know much about chess. He really can't see much, but he still likes to talk.

"Based on your chess skills, I suggest you watch the chess without saying a word." Ning Fan said speechlessly. He didn't want to hear the almost amateurish comments from the Ant Master.

"I think there is a lot of story behind this move. It's a bit complicated. I can't figure out the details..." Since Duowen's name is Duowen Wushuang, it's natural that he doesn't understand Go, but he himself is too Broken, just maintaining Broken Drive is already a huge effort, and asking him to calculate the complex changes in Go is really difficult for him.

"Indeed, this move seems to be a bad move at first glance, but after careful calculation of the subsequent changes, there is something wonderful about it..." Ning Fan confirmed Duo Wen's judgment, but still suggested that Duo Wen watch the move and remain silent.

It’s not that he admires the character of a chess player or hates cheating in chess.

In fact, although these two people have great backgrounds, they are already old, weak, sick and disabled. It is okay to let these two waning old people give them some life experience, but it is really difficult for them to compete with young people for their brain power.

Since I can't give any useful advice anyway, I might as well mute these two people.

"Damn it! Who are you calling a waning old man! Don't think that I can't hear you slandering me in your heart!" The ant owner felt depressed for a while. This was the first time that she, the remnant soul of a saint, had been so despised by others.


After a long test, Ning Fan settled on three-quarters and blocked.

"Huh? How can someone who has never seen the Five Spirits chess game give a correct response?" Xuan Shang was originally a little complacent when Ning Fan was caught in a long test, but now he was a little surprised.

The point three three he played was not a regular Go move in the Three Realms, but... a move that was often played in the Wuling Chess Game!

If you are a chess player who has never played against Wuling Chess Bureau and sees point three-three for the first time, most people will think that this is a bad move. Only those with great calculation can give the correct response when they see this move for the first time.

This guy's computing power is pretty good, but unfortunately, this step still requires a long test. The gap in experience between you and me is too huge!

Xuan strike, three out of four, long.

Ning Fan, three out of six, flying pressure.

Xuan strike, three out of five, top.

Ning Fan, four out of five, long.

Twenty or so moves of chess passed in the blink of an eye, and Ning Fan finally felt something was wrong.

"It's weird. It's weird. Xuan Chong's chess moves are so imaginative and unconstrained that he often plays them in the blind spots of my thinking. I play with him in a certain way, but he will choose to take the lead when I am caught off guard. He often makes unreasonable moves. Hands, and those hands that seem unreasonable at first glance, only after careful consideration can you understand how murderous the murderous intentions are."

"Only twenty moves of chess, I have already taken the test for the third time, but this person made the move with almost no time to think, as if all my responses were expected by him. This is the experience. Is there a gap... No, it's not just experience, but also chess theory, and thinking. This person can always make a move that surpasses the monk's thinking. This is the most incredible thing..."

"The most frightening thing is that after only twenty moves of chess, I have already felt my slight disadvantage. Even though I have gone through three long tests and am confident that I have not made any mistakes, did it still lead to this situation? Even if it is allowed I regretted my move, but I actually didn’t know which move I should regret at to turn the situation around."

Ning Fan frowned deeply. At first, he only knew that Xuan Chong was very powerful in chess, but he had no intuitive feeling about how strong he was.

From the comments of others, Ning Fan knew that Xuan Jing was a second-grade chess player, but he also did not understand how powerful a second-grade chess player was.

Now I finally have a concept!

Just talking about the game in the layout stage, Xuan Bing gave Ning Fan the impression that it was like a high mountain standing in front of him, making it difficult to cross.

He couldn't understand the opponent's chess theory, and he didn't know how to get the advantage of the opponent's layout.

"If you want to defeat this person, you can only rely on

The support of past experience and computing power is not enough. I need to look deeper, and at the same time, I need some different thinking..." The green light in Ning Fan's eyes began to flicker, and he stared at the small chessboard with nineteen horizontal lines, as if looking at a brand new ancient universe.

In the blink of an eye, there are more than twenty moves.

Ning Fan's feeling of disadvantage has become more and more obvious.

On the other side, the Mysterious Strike God General was equally surprised.

At this moment, there was a faint and ominous black energy quietly flashing through the depths of the eyes of the Xuanzhao Divine General. Ning Fan, who was playing chess more and more seriously, did not notice this at all.

In the flash of black energy, Xuan Chong's eyes seemed to be able to directly read the information on the chessboard. Complex calculations would instantly turn into a string of data in Xuan Chong's eyes.

White chess, winning rate, 56%.

Black's winning rate is 40%.

"This guy is quite capable. He actually saw through my tricks several times. You know, those tricks only explode after thirty or forty moves. How could he predict the situation so far away?"

"This player has extremely high calculation power, which is somewhat beyond my expectation. So, as long as he plays the game correctly, it will be difficult to defeat him in the middle game. But as long as my winning rate continues to accumulate, the final winner will still be I."

"Looking at his expression, he probably realizes that he is at a disadvantage. Unfortunately, a monk's senses are still limited after all. Even a powerful chess player can only notice when his winning rate drops significantly. But, we serve the Five Spirits The chess players are different! Even changes in winning rate as small as a hair can be intuitively reflected in the eyes!"

"Compared with this piece's calculation power, his layout choice seems vulgar. People who have never seen the Wuling chess game probably cannot understand what is the most efficient point selection. At this moment, although he is aware of the disadvantage Although they exist, they definitely don’t understand where the evil comes from. Haha, that’s all!”

In the blink of an eye, the chess game reached the seventy-fourth move.

The layout stage has basically come to an end, and then comes the decisive battle in the middle game.

Xuan Zheng's face was full of pride. In his eyes, his winning rate at this moment has reached 60%. As long as the middle game does not collapse, he will definitely win this round.

I just didn't expect that winning this round would be so difficult. Thinking of this, Xuan Jing couldn't help but secretly feel happy that Ning Fan had rejected his proposal to confer a third son. After the actual fight, he realized that this kid was indeed not trash that he could easily crush. If he were given the third son, he would probably be embarrassed today.

"Cough cough cough..."

Xuanzhi suddenly started coughing, and there was still a faint sweet taste of blood in his throat.

His face was shocked, and he realized that he had used the power of the Five Spirits Chess Game today a bit too much, and had to temporarily dissipate the ominous black energy in his eyes.

However, at the next moment, a bewitching voice suddenly sounded from the depths of Xuanzhi's sea of ​​consciousness. Under the influence of that voice, Xuanzhi almost lost his sanity, and the ominous black energy that had originally dispersed gathered again and re-condensed between his eyes. between.

He looked like he didn't mind at all that his body couldn't bear the power of Wulingqi.

the other side.

Although Ning Fan was focused on the chess game as never before, how could he not hear Xuan Xing's coughing sound.

Suddenly he raised his head to see what happened to his opponent, and saw a trace of black energy flashing deep in Xuan Zhi's eyes.

"This ominous feeling, could it be..."

Ning Fan frowned immediately.

This ominous feeling was very similar to the human bone chess he had come into contact with before, but there seemed to be something different about it.

Ning Fan tried to see clearly the nature of the black energy, but after a flash, the black energy disappeared without a trace, as if it had never existed, as if everything was just Ning Fan's illusion.

Is it really just an illusion...

Or perhaps, this mysterious general secretly used a method similar to human bone chess and cheated when playing chess?

For the first time in his life, Ning Fan felt disappointed while playing chess. He did not want to believe that General Xuan Strike had used cheating methods.

Although he was always at a disadvantage in the beginning, this game gave Ning Fan a lot of insights and a deep sense of immersion. In such a good game, you told me that someone cheated, I really thank you!

The most important thing is that I didn't cheat at all, but you cheated first. Is this reasonable? Is this fair? Am I the evil person, or are you the evil person?

"Look again, maybe I saw it wrong..."

Ning Fan quietly withdrew his gaze, but was still observing Xuan Jing secretly.

Xuanjian, who was controlled by the mysterious saint, had very slow perception and did not notice Ning Fan's observation. Or maybe Ning Fan's perception was too strong and too hidden?

There is no rain in the Northern Barbarian Kingdom, but rain and snow have something in common.

If Ning Fan wishes, every snowflake falling in the sky is his eyes.

In this way, after a few more chess moves, Ning Fan once again observed the black energy flashing in Xuan Zhang's eyes.

Then, the third observation, the fourth observation, the fifth time...

"good very good!"

"I want to fight you, and you want to play chess with me!"

"It's rare that I'm serious, but you cheated on me!"

Ning Fan laughed angrily.

He finally understood why those chess players hated cheaters so much.

You initiated this cheating first, and you have no say in when it will end!

Ning Fan originally planned to do something to teach General Xuan Strike a profound lesson. But at this moment, he heard a voice from Xuan Zhang.

That was a sound that could not be heard by any living being in the world, but at this moment, it was received by all creatures at a unique frequency.

At this moment, the human bone chess piece hidden in the body of General Xuan Strike actually spoke.

[My name is Fan Xuanji, I was born on the ninth branch of Fanman and died in front of the lamp-extinguishing rosette...]

[Little friend Zhang Dao, please remember me...]

[I have remembered that game in Nanliang for forty-three lifetimes, and I will never forget it even in a thousand lifetimes. Can you still remember...]

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