Grasping Evil

Chapter 610: Robbery

No one knows what kind of war broke out in the magic bag.

Three days later, Ning Fan turned into a light smoke, floating out of the self-styled magic bag, pale as paper, serious loss of blood in the body, eyes are quite suffering.

"Successfully surrendered to the devil?" Luo Yu asked with concern.

"It’s barely surrendered, just..." Ning Fan sighed slightly and tied the magic bag to his waist. No more words, Luo You no longer asked.

He cultivated in the Xuanyin world for a few days, and after he recovered, he swung back to the outside world.

Standing in the Dongfu, Ning Fan was silent for a long time, and suddenly shot a magic bag.

Under this shot, a stinking black gas immediately floated out of the bag.

The black gas condensed, turned into a bald black armor, his eyes were sluggish and empty, but the whole body was flowing with the emptiness of the sky.

At the moment when the great man appeared, the whole body exudes a strong and fierce temperament, stepping forward, approaching Ningfan, and faintly unruly.

Ning Fan did not say much, the right hand index finger, a silver line immediately appeared between the fingers, coiled around the fingers.

At the moment when the silver line emerged, the black armor showed a very painful expression, snoring and crouching on the ground.

On the body of this bald man, a golden four-character seal flashes slightly, and a silver thread flows through the body.

If someone can look at the body of the Han, it will be found that the fairy veins, flesh and blood, organs, and gods in the body of the Han are all pierced by the silver thread.

Ning Fan took a deep look at the bald-headed man, his eyes sighing.

This bald man is a demon, and has been made into a oyster by the ancestral line.

The ancestor of the dead is the Emperor of Heaven. Its sinister line of magic is amazing, this line alone. Ning Fan will pass the disenchantment.

Although the devil has been conquered, the process of conquering is not perfect.

The devil is also a fierce generation. When he is in distress, he fights everything, and it is hard to beat the ancestral line.

He is a oyster, and he has a conscious mind and is not willing to be a singer.

Ning Fan can only control the body of the demon, as if to control the puppet. And every control. All must rely on the strength of the ancestral line to enable the sorcerer to temporarily succumb.

Each time the squall line is twitched, the enchantment will succumb once, and the crack on the squat line will increase.

Once the crack is more than a certain degree, the twist line will break. At that time, the demon will break free from the shackles of the shackles and counteract Ning Fan.

"three times..."

Ning Fan brows. According to his estimation, the demon can help him to shoot three times at most, which will cause the squall line to break and break away from his manipulation.

He looked at the sorcerer in front of him, his eyes on it, and he seemed to be able to hear the deepest laughter in the heart of the sorcerer.

"Junior! If Laozi can one day get rid of the control of the squall line, you will be ruined!"

Ning Fan’s eyes flashed slightly, and the devil’s income was sealed in a magic bag. He said to himself, “I will not give you the opportunity to fight back.”

There is a problem with the squall line, and the sorcerer can only be used up to three times.

If it is not a critical moment in the future. Ning Fan does not use the magic as much as possible.

"Although the Devil can only be used three times, it is enough to become a big card for me. There are scattered demons, even if the Three Realms really shot me, I am not afraid."

"The tree world has been staying for a long time, and it’s almost time to go back to the rain..."

Ning Fan's sleeves are a trick, and the vines are soft and green, respectively, from the center of the Ding furnace and the middle of the umbrella.

"Teng Feiju has seen my master..."

"You have seen the majesty of the tree!"

When I saw Ning Fan, I immediately respected the ceremony and looked forward to the dawn of Ning Fan.

She was grateful that Ning Fan had killed Wan Changkong and reported a great feud for the Douro.

Her ‘Tree Emperor’, with a nine-point respect, and a bit of unclear unclear feelings.

The vines look to Ning Fan's eyes with a lot of awe.

The death of Fujio and Wan Changkong, Ning Fan did not conceal the vines and soft, and all of them have already been told.

At the thought of the vines and the long sky, the tree-lined scorpion died in the hands of Ning Fan, and the vines were soft and sweaty.

She secretly looked at Ning Fan's eyebrows, and still couldn't believe it. This seemingly ordinary young man was so powerful.

"I look good?" Ning Fan smiled at the vines.

"I didn't look at you again, how do I know..." Rattan's soft mouth was a bit of a distraction, but his heart secretly said "good-looking."

Suddenly, I recalled the scene of Ning Fan’s acquaintance with the sea, and the sleek and delicate face suddenly became blushing.

"To call you out today, there are some things I want to tell you. I am a monk in the rain, my name is Ning Fan, I will return to the rain world soon." Ning Fan said with a smile.

"The original tree emperor surnamed Ning..." Qing Yi did not know what to think, his face was slightly red.

"It turns out that you are a rain monk..." Rattan nodded softly. She had long wondered when the tree world had a character like Ning Fan. It turned out to be from the rain world.

Suddenly like what I thought of, Fujiki looked incredibly at Ning Fan and stuttered. "Is it... Is it rainy clothing?"

"Oh? Have you heard of the name of my rain?" Ning Fan was surprised.

"Well, I have heard of some..."

In the rainy world, the Emperor broke through the seven-turn Dan, and the matter was passed far, and the nine worlds were almost unknown.

Tenghuang had a good investigation of the details of the Dan Emperor. He learned that Dan Huangping did not have any close people. Only one descendant like a disciple was Yu Yihou.

Tenghuang once said with the monk of the vine hall, if one day needs the emperor alchemy, and the emperor does not, he can seize the descendant of the emperor, and threaten the emperor.

After all, the rainy clothing is only a smelt, and naturally it will not be put into the eyes of such a big man.

Who can think of it, the North Tree Emperor who shocked the tree world is the unseen rainy season of Su Yihou...

It’s just that the vines are soft and do not understand. Why should Ning Fan confess these words?

Ning Fan seems to be able to see through all her thoughts at a glance, laughing and answering,

"I don't have the habit of deceiving my own people. Well, it's time to go back to the rain. You don't have to show up on the road, I will open the road to the rain world alone."

Ning Fan has a trick. The two women will be taken back to the world of the Ding furnace and the middle of the umbrella.

As the repair is improved, he has been able to peek into the thoughts of the broken woman.

The green scorpion returned to the middle of the umbrella, and his face was still slightly red.

She learned from Ning Fan's words that Ning Fan regards her as her own person, so she has no concealment and makes her feel happy.

Rattan is soft and sighs with some complexity. "What about yourself?"

Very strange, I know that I am about to leave the tree world. She did not expect the reluctance.

On the contrary, she actually had some expectations and looked forward to going to the rain world with Ning Fan.

Her current identity is the slave of Ning Fan. She was surprised to find that she was gradually adapting to this identity.

This identity seems to be easier and happier than the identity of the former Wisteria Palace.

After recalling the second woman, Ning Fan took out Yumen Yujian, who was given by Yuhuang. The road to the opening of the law.

It is not easy to open the rain door that communicates between the two worlds. Ning Fan is not a master of the ranks of Tenghuang and Tianfu. Even if there is a jade in the body, he can't open the way.

When the rain came to the tree world, it took Ningfan a month to open the Yumenjie Road that communicated the two worlds.

At the time of returning, Ning Fan has made great progress and can open the rain gate in as little as seven days.

One day passed. The rain door was formed a little bit, and the road was opened a little bit, and Ning Fan’s heart began to raise a sense of uneasiness.

After seven days, the rain door is now.

At the top of the tree, a huge azure-colored light door slowly opened. Ning Fan stood in front of Guangmen. Look around, think thoughtfully.

This huge rain door appeared. The uneasiness in Ning Fan’s heart gradually increased.

He did not say much, his body flashed and stepped into the road.

At the moment he stepped in, the light door gradually closed and disappeared.

The road crosses the void and is surrounded by the blue sky. The road goes straight to the rain. When this road goes down, it can return to the rainy Zhongzhou.

Ning Fan turned into a dawn, all the way to the rainy world.

He has traveled for more than half a journey for five days.

On the sixth day, there was a huge spatial fluctuation in front of and behind the boundary road.

Before and after Ning Fan, suddenly two giant doors appeared, blocking all his way forward and retreat.

One of the two giant gates is the Golden Gate and the other is the White Bones Gate. After the Golden Gate is behind, the bone door is in front.

A red light flew out of the Golden Gate, and the red light landed on the ground, turning into a red feather grotesque, which is the three-day corpse.

Among the ancient gates, four black-and-small old men came out, and each had a repair of the broken three heavens.

The same embossing is embroidered on the robes of the four black fog old men.

This ornament has been seen once, when he was in the endless sea, he was chased by the Taoist, and there is such a ornament on the body!

This is the identification of the monk of the Devils!

Ning Fan's gaze swept like a cold bird, sweeping over four black foggy old men, killing the machine.

He guessed that the Three Realms would come to deal with him, but he did not figure out that the Neihuang people actually ambushed him here!

These four black fog old men are the four devils under the Nirvana!

After being swept by Ning Fan, the old birds and the four black fog old men stepped back three steps, taking out the magic weapon in hand, as if the enemy was cold and looking at Ning Fan.

Although Ning Fan is not a broken monk, but he can even kill the Rattan, enough to let the birds and the four devils look at him like a tiger!

"Lubei, no, you should call you a rainy coat. Ning Fan! I have joined forces with the Devil's Hall, and now the master is doing it. Even if you have a broken five spirit pet body, you will die without this borderless. Inside the road!" The old birds sneered with a sneer, clap their hands, and six or seven light doors suddenly appeared in all directions, and thousands of killers emerged.

These thousands of people are at least the gods of the gods. There are more than 200 monks on the sacred sacred, and there are more than ten people in the ruin.

This is a long-awaited assassination. The killers sent are all elite. If they are not elite, how can they deal with Ning Fan?

Ning Fan Lian Tenghuang can kill, for his master of this level, the monk who is lower than the realm of the realm of the gods, even the qualification to stand up beside him is not!


With the scream of the old birds, there will be a thousand gods and sorcerers who will immediately move their fingertips, one by one, floating in the blood, and rushing toward Ningfan.

In addition to the distance from Ning Fan, they have spurred the law and blew themselves up!

The spell of this thousand gods is called Blood Loss. It is a suicide spell. The monks in the early days of the gods used their blood to explode, and the monks in the late days of the gods could be killed.

A thousand gods directly blew themselves up. There is no fear of death.

A thousand gods at the same time cast blood damage, the formation of the blood of the sky, even the smashing of a heavenly monk can be killed!

In the moment when a thousand people blew themselves up. All the remaining monks of the gods are in the ranks, and they form a lore.

Two hundred refining imaginary or three-class monks, or monks and monks, each of them are first-class killers, and they are also ranked in the same place, and they have the second most murderous array.

Including the old birds of the day, the four devils, there are a total of 17 broken old monsters!

Broken an 8 person, broken two or four people. Three people were broken and five were broken.

The 17 broken grotesques did not shoot alone, but joined forces to form a third battle.

Triple-killing and unity, even the old blame of the broken six or seven heavens can not escape!

In the face of the siege of the group repair, Ning Fan did not hesitate. One step into a black suit, raising his hand to draw out the earth's void soul, the whole body is imperial.

His own mana is already comparable to the grotesque and grotesque, and after the embodiment of the incarnation and the spirits, the mana is comparable to the second monk!

He lifted his finger and smashed it all over the floor. Millions of small hollow swords swept across the sky, smashing the blood of the thousands of gods.

At the same time, Ning Fan turned into a purple-gold smoke, drifting away from the triple-double.

The first gust of light, which was held by three thousand gods, was immediately weathered.

The second heavy light of the two hundred refining towns only supported the half-interest, and it immediately became weathered.

The third heavy array of light is ahead. Ning Fan has a body shape and presses one finger. The purple-colored wind smoke is intertwined between the fingers.

This third heavy array of lights was taken from 17 broken towns and was not immediately weathered.

However, with Ning Fan's guidance, 17 people also felt the collapse of the big array.

Although 17 people shot at the same time, the trend of the collapse of the array was suppressed, but the mana of the 17 people all rushed to maintain the demise.

These 17 people killed Ning Fan with a ray of light, but they fell down.

Ning Fan's eyes and purple awning flashed, pointing to the point, Zijin Fengyan masterpiece, the third heavy ray immediately turned into a fly ash disappeared.

The array of lights was broken, and 17 people were injured, but they were each shaken back by a few steps, and their eyes were shocked.

If Ning Fan is to break the light from the broken five, they will not be surprised.

However, Ning Fan turned out to be a triple glare with a strange purple gold smoke, which made these old blame unbelievable.

Ning Fan took a deep breath and he knew that with his current strength, he still couldn't compete with so many broken old monsters.

A shake of the hearth ring, Guanghua flashed, Ning Fan's feet slowly appeared a huge purple peacock, it is purple.

He was once again in a sleeve, and there were six hundred people on the day of the day.

The vines are soft and the robbing of the five scorpions appear in turn, and the Xia Huangjian appears in the right hand of Ning Fan.

"Purple glass, you have to kill those few people, others, give it to me!" Ning Fan jumped off his head, the sword pointed to the old birds, four evil old.

"Hey!" Purple 眸孽 眸孽 眸孽 眸孽 眸孽 眸孽 , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , ,

She rushed to the battle of the old birds, the four demons, and the birds and the four devils immediately became enemies.

Birds and other people know that the separation of the five realms is mostly the chief culprit in killing the Tenghuang.

Although the outside world rumored that Ning Fan had killed the Tenghuang, he also knew that Ning Fan was able to kill the Tenghuang.

The strength of Ning Fan’s deity has not been broken, and it is far from enough to fight with Tenghuang.

However, the strength of the broken five is not necessarily the same.

"If you can help the old man to surrender this head, the old man will have to thank you!" The old bird screamed and laughed, and he was determined to take care of him.

"Good!" The four devils should be down.

They did not go to intercept Ning Fan, it is the right thing to kill and leave.

Six hundred questions are illusory into the uninhabited world, and the crazy killings are carried out among the gods and the sacred monks.

The vines are soft and the five robbers greet the eight broken and one enemy repairs, and they are fascinated by the five scorpions.

Ning Fan hit a black robe, black hair danced, holding a Xia Huangjian, and rushed toward the four broken two monks.

Among the four broken two monks, three were three monks and three monks, and one was a monk.

The monk of the ruined heaven and the heavens, named the Emperor of the Emperor, was not as good as the four devils of the Neidian, but the qualifications were even above the four devils.

When this person was broken, he built a royal temper and got the Nirvana to focus on training. Proficient in nightmare illusion.

This person has a nephew named Dojo. It was the magician who was sent to assassinate Ning Fan that year.

The Emperor Huang has learned from the Nguyen Huangkou that the killing of the Taoist priest is Ning Fan!

When Emperor Huang saw Ning Fan with a sword, his eyes flashed, and his figure moved. He immediately opened three three-class sects, and lifted his hand to face Ning Fan.

"No one can intervene, the old man must kill this son himself!"

"No problem, I don't have to take a shot at all. If you have a shot, this one will die!"

The three three-story shards look down on Ning Fan’s eyes and are disdainful.

What they are afraid of is only the broken five, and it is never the Ning Fan who is in the Yuan Dynasty.

When the Emperor Huang took a picture, the black fog immediately spread over the boundary road, turning into a black giant tortoise, opening a huge mouth and rushing to Ning Fan, and swallowing Ning Fan into the abdomen.

Was swallowed by giant turtles. Ning Fan immediately fell into disarray and fell into a illusion.

But as Ning Fan punched his chest and his lips bleed, the illusion was immediately dissipated.

For a monk with a heart like a stone and a hot fruit, the illusion is not afraid.

The Emperor saw the illusion being broken and snorted. Once you take a storage bag, you will want to sacrifice your life to fight Ning Fan.

Ning Fan did not give this opportunity to Emperor Huang, raising his hand and offering a silver bead.

It is a crystal-like orb, and a dragon-shaped silver mine is sealed inside the beads. Immediately turned into a flash of silver, and hit the heart of the emperor.

The emperor snorted. Did not care about this little silver beads, only this is a magic weapon of the virtual level.

The three three-zone sects in the distance are all changed, they recognize this silver bead!

This is a magic weapon of the secret system of the Three Realms. It is called Lei Zhenzi. Only the lord knows how to make it. A thunder rat can only be used once. Once it is sacrificed, the monk who is a broken double heaven can kill instantly!

The three men wanted to help the Emperor, but they did not dare to help the Emperor to block Lei Zhenzi.

"Oh, the Emperor is careful! That's awesome! Speed ​​back!"

"what are you saying?"

When Emperor Huang took out a piece of calligraphy, he did not display the magical powers, and he heard three shattered reminders, and he did not understand.

He didn't finish the words, but the thunder of the thunder had already hit the hundred feet, and the power of the thunder of silence!

Until then, Emperor Huang was aware of the mortal sense of crisis from Lei Zhenzi. Under the shock, he suddenly sang the magic of the pen and quit.

The Zhu pen magic weapon is also a magic weapon that is quite worthwhile, but it was bombarded by Lei Zhenzi, and it was actually smashed into powder.

"This...this is what the beads are, so powerful!"

Emperor Huang moved a void and escaped directly from two million miles away.

However, the thunder of the thunder suddenly crossed the distance of two million miles, and the bomb exploded on the chest of the emperor.

The orb was broken, and the thunderbolt exploded. The emperor was immediately overwhelmed by hundreds of millions of thunder seas, screaming and dying in the thunder sea!

When Emperor Huang died, Ning Fan raised his sword and bullied him. He raised his hand and offered three silver-colored jewels. He hit the three three-story shards.

With the help of the Emperor's previous car, the three dare to contend with Lei Zhu, while offering a magic weapon, they flew away and flew away.

"Why is there such a lot of thunderbolt in this son!"

The three men were shocked and did not have much confidence in blocking the thunder. Lei Zhenzi is too big, even the second monk can be killed instantly.

In the eyes of the three, even if you try your best, you can't stop the power of Lei Zhenzi.

But what the three did not expect was that the defensive magic weapon easily blocked the attack of three Rays, which was effortless.

"Fake! This is not Lei Zhenzi!" The three old monsters were a little angry and angry.

They were deceived by Ning Fan! Ning Fan’s three Leizhu shots were not Lei Zhenzi, but ordinary pearls containing a little Lei Li.

The three old blame of the ruined two heavens were so scared that they were stunned by three ordinary beads, but the face was lost.

The three men were trying to kill Ning Fan to vent their anger, but suddenly found out that Ning Fan did not know where to hide, but there was no trace.

They were bent on defending the false thunder, and naturally did not notice that Ning Fan immediately lost his figure with the help of the streamer after offering three fake thunder.

The streamer is the stealth of the gods. If the person who holds this object is invisible, the monk who is a broken five-day **** can't detect where the person hides.

The three men have not yet found out the traces of Ning Fan. One of them, suddenly, flashed a flash of light, showing a young man in black.

The young man holds the gold sword, and he does not say anything. He directly slams the sword toward the old blame.

With only one sword, the old monster will be split in half.

Jianguang picked one, picked out the old **** of the gods, swallowed it directly into the belly, and took away the old strange storage bag.

"There are two left!"

Ning Fan took a step and disappeared again. The two broken two old **** immediately numb the scalp.

This is only a face-to-face, Ning Fan will do all the cards, even the two broken two old monsters, it is a bit scary.

At this moment, if they would treat Ning Fan as a sinister ant, they would have lived for tens of thousands of years.

The two gathered together, and then dared not separate half a step, one person holding a magic weapon, defending against the violent raids of Ning Fan. Another person used to perform the secret technique of stealing stealth, trying to break Ning Fan's stealth.

The two were carefully looking for the traces of Ning Fan, but they saw a scream in the broken battle circle in the distance.

However, seeing Ning Fan suddenly appeared in the battle circle of a monk, raising his hand and a sword, he will kill a broken and sinister God of the heavens, and devour the **** of the gods!

"The third person!" Ning Fan's mana is not the same as before, even with two swords, but only consumes one-third of the mana.

He raised his hand to worship the Xia Huangjian, and spurred the Feijian sword, which made the Xiahuangjian separate three golden swords and swept across the sky.

Immediately, they took away the lives of three broken monks!

"The sixth man!"

Ning Fan has lost six people, and mana has consumed most of it.

The remaining five broken and old strangers looked at Ning Fan's eyes as if they were ghosts.

Who can think of it, even without the help of deviance, Ning Fan can even smash six broken old people in a short time!

Even if the six people were killed, the uneasiness in Ning Fan’s heart did not decrease by half.

Not only has it not decreased, but the restlessness is still rising rapidly!

When the uneasiness rose to the apex, above the sky, a huge light door suddenly burst.

Among the light gates, two figures were slowly taken out. One was black middle age and the other was golden robe old man.

The middle age of the black armor is undoubtedly the king of the king, and the old man of the gold robe is the master of the three realms!

The two appeared not slow, but when they watched the battlefield situation, they found that their own six dead and broken, all eyes are hard to look!

"Han Nie Tian!" In the moment of seeing the middle age of the black armor, Ning Fan’s eyes murdered.

Seeing the murderousness in the eyes of Ning Fan, Nie Huang did not say it in his mouth, but his heart was even more determined. Today, Ning Fan will be killed here.

"According to the original plan, the lord killed and killed, the Emperor killed Ning Fan!"

"Good! Swirling!"

The three kings of the sects waved a hand, and suddenly there was a huge golden vortex on the road, and Ning Fan and Nie Huang were all involved.

"not good!"

Ning Fan’s gaze, this moment, he is not worried about himself, but the outside world, the vines are soft.

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