Grasping Evil

Chapter 611: Devil's Power

Xuankong is the proud supernatural power of the three lords of the past dynasties. One type of supernatural power directly seals Ning Fan and Nie Huang into a golden world.

The reason why the Nie Huang was enclosed together was to give the Neptune a chance to kill Ning Fan.

In the golden world, above a golden continent, Ning Fan and Nie Huang confront each other.

Ning Fan’s eyes are filled with unimaginable coldness!

The enemy is in front of him, and he is the driving force for his struggle day and night!

Nie Huang’s once unattainable figure has always been the target of Ning Fan and the enemy of imaginary.

He lifted the Xia Huangjian, and the sword pointed to the Emperor, and the killing had almost reached the peak.

Just a moment later, the gaze of the Neptune suddenly showed a disappointing color. "Just distracted..."

Ning Fan gradually realized that the Nie Huang in front of him is not his body, but a similar distraction.

"Oh? Eyesight is good, but this is not the distraction of the emperor, but one of Nirvana! The three are the emperors, regardless of each other, the three are extinct, the emperor will fall! This is this The emperor's 'now body'!" The eyes of the Emperor looked a little dangerous.

"Nirvana three bodies... now body... all three are destroyed, will fall..." Ning Fan’s eyes once again gathered up in the cold, faint, "that is, killing your body, not It’s useless, but it’s very meaningful, is it?”

"Ha ha ha!" The Nephew seemed to hear something ridiculous and laughed.

He cultivated the Nirvana magical veins and repaired Nirvana, and all three died. He will only die.

This body is one of the three, if it dies. It can no longer be fixed.

If all three bodies are destroyed, the existence of the Neihuang will be erased.

If Ning Fan can kill his current body, it will definitely cause great damage to him.

But unfortunately, Nie Huang does not think that Ning Fan has this ability.

A district is too weak, even if it is against the sky, it will not be his opponent.

"Ning Fan, the emperor is really surprised, the district has passed for more than 50 years. You can go this step. Han Yuanji really left you a treasure of heaven and earth, which can make you have such a fast cultivation speed. It’s really envious of the emperor! Han Yuanji, it’s still so eccentric!”

The idea of ​​the Neptune seems reasonable, but it is very ridiculous.

In his view, Ning Fan practiced fast, naturally because the old devils helped each other.

I don't know. The old devil never gave Ning Fan any help. He did not teach Ning Fan high-spirited powers. He did not give Ning Fan a high-order fruit and medicinal medicine. He only did one thing, and that was to teach Ning Fan the real magic.

See the Emperor of the King mentioned the Master, Ning Fan eyes cold. Do not want to talk more with the Emperor.

The biggest regret today is that the three emperors have not come to the whole, otherwise they can let him die here.

In any case, Nie Huang is one of the three, and Ning Fan will definitely let one of these three bodies die here!

The eyes of the Neptune are also cold. He swayed and turned into a giant body. It was exactly what it was when it came to Vietnam.

The black giant raised his finger and sneered. "Primary, if you don't hold a sword from the gods, you think you can hurt this emperor! You are just an ant! Virtual, white bones!"

Under the guidance of the black giant, the magic fire smashed into the sky and condensed into a burning white bone giant finger, stretching for a hundred miles.

At that time, Ning Fan used to break the finger with Jian Zu Jian Qi. That is, he, even this one can not bear the breath.

Nowadays, he still can't fully counter the power of this finger, just let him succumb to this finger, but it is impossible!

This white bone refers to the fire, and Ning Fan can think of the broken fire, it is the sun and moon monument.

He put away the Xia Huangjian, hooked the Yin and Yang locks, and raised his hand to sacrifice a monument.

The monument is a ten-point, ten-hundred, and instantly turned into a giant shadow of the sun and the moon, against the sky, rewinding, and the giant bones of the bones.

With Ning Fan's own cultivation, it is difficult to block the blow of the broken five emperors. However, taking advantage of the sacred fire of the sun and the moon, the mana of the ruined two heavens at this moment is enough to block the fire of the Nie.

Under the hustle and bustle of the sky, the white bones are gradually extinguished and eventually disappeared.

When the Emperor looked down, he would not be mistaken. Ning Fan relied on his own magical powers to accurately block his blow!

"He hasn't broken yet, but he has blocked the attack of the emperor! The Korean won is very eccentric, and he has passed his powerful firepower, not to me!"

Together with the heart of the Emperor, the murder is even worse.

He bit his knuckles and screamed out 100,000 Jindan Demon soldiers...

Ning Fan’s eyes are disdainful, but also bite the phalanx and scream, but summon six million magic soldiers!

The magic soldiers of both sides were killed, only for a moment, and the magic soldiers of Ningfan would kill all the 100,000 magic soldiers called by the Emperor.

"How is it possible? You have not only mastered the technique of breaking bones into a soldier, but you can actually use this technique to achieve such a perfect state! It must be the Korean won to teach you! It must be!"

The Neihuang is hopeless. In his vision, the White Mozong and the Dark Devils are the supreme forces. The Old Devils and the White Devils are masters of peerlessness. Their magical powers are the strongest spells in the world.

The Nie Emperor did not know that Ning Fan’s Sun and Moon Monument was the magical power of the ancient emperor, and the broken bones were learned from the hands of the Emperor.

The old devil has never been eccentric to Ning Fan, and it is the Neihuang who can't figure it out.

The Nihuang Emperor looked colder. He had to move the real thing this time. He would not take the water from the former Xiaoshen.

He quit the giant and turned back to the middle of the black.

He clapped his hand, and his palm immediately showed a strange sigh of gray, flowing in his palm.

Every turn of the gray gas, the air around it is cold.

This is a kind of ice-cold magical power, Xi Zibai Mozong, called the art of the runner.

The gray gas rotation can rebound all attacks and has the power to tear the broken five emperors.

"This is the technique of the runner, a total of 18 layers, the emperor has been repaired to the 14th floor. The six rounds of surgery, can be instantaneously killed three; nine rounds of surgery, can be instantaneously killed four; twelve rounds of surgery, can Instant kills five. You can't get this skill!"

"Yes, I can't take it..."

Ning Fan does not have any expression of sorrow. If you can't get it, you can't take it.

This is one of the strongest supernatural powers of the Nemo, and it is naturally very powerful. He has not yet reconciled with the Neihuang, and it is not surprising that he can't take it.

It’s just that he can’t take it, it doesn’t mean no one can take it.

If it is not desirable, then it will be countered; if it is not desirable, it will be soft; if it is not desirable, then it will be yin.

The old man taught to Ning Fan is not the way of cultivation, but the way of the devil.

As a magic repair. Even if the realm is not as good as people, it may not be defeated!

"Twelve turns!"

Niehuang pointed out that countless gray gas is like a dragon in the dragon. It is coiled up from the Ningfan. With a radius of ten thousand, it violently rotates around Ningfan to form a gray ring. Sleeping Ning Fan in the ring.

A full 12 gray rings will be placed in the ring.

The tearing wind formed by the twelve gray rings is enough to tear Ning Fan into pieces.

"In the three interest rates, you will die, you are only a cockroach ant!" Nie Huang laughed and smiled.

But Ning Fan is not dead. His palm pressed against the magic bag, his eyes gradually decided.

"The Devil can only be used three times, today is the first time! Devil, now!"

He untied the magic bag, and a mist of the sky immediately rose to the sky.

Under this magic fog. That is, the Emperor of the Nguyen feels a guilty heart.

Once the monster was released, it immediately turned into a double-horned giant. Do not say anything, even three punches!

The first fist smashed the twelve-wheeled reels of the Neptune, the second punch directly smashed the current body of the Nemo Emperor into a powder, and the third punch crushed the seal of the entire golden world!

"Spattered... Devil... No... Can... Can..." The Emperor’s eyes are round and round, and he can’t believe that his body will be smashed into pieces.

He is even more convinced that a cockroach ant in Ningfan District can actually accept a demon as a booster!

If you know that Ning Fan has this demon body, he will never appear in the face of killing Ning Fan.

A black **** escaped from the flesh and desperately fled to the golden world.

How can Ning Fan leave this Yuanshen to escape, and let the devils chill out, "Catch back!"

"Yes!" The devil reluctantly agreed, and the light flashed, and the big hand grabbed it, and the **** of the Emperor was handed over to Ning Fan.

Ning Fan coldly swept the Nirvana Yuanshen, sealed it, and collected it in the storage bag. After the preparation, he slowly searched the soul and destroyed it!

"I am a little worried about purple and soft children, and now I will save them!"

Ning Fan jumped and jumped on the shoulders of the Devil Giants, commanding the giants and striding toward the golden world.

The three emperors have already died, and today’s enemies have three sects!

Ning Fan has made up his mind that all the enemies who are coming today will all die on this road!


Outside, the time is a little backward.

After the seal of Ning Fan, the eyes of the Three Realms stunned the battlefield and were cold and cold.

The sentimental monks sent this time have almost been killed and wounded, and the sacred monks have suffered heavy losses. Three or forty people have died.

The chiefs of the Three Realms squinted at the battle of the lower-ranking monks, and frowned.

Ning Fan’s six hundred questions are really savage and brave. Compared with these crickets, the gods of the Nissan and the Three Realms are really vulnerable.

Six hundred questions open the way, I am afraid that even the ordinary shreds of a monk can not dare to fight the edge of the group.


A volume of the three-segment lord's sleeves, countless gold seals floated out of their sleeves, and fell on one by one.

Once the gold word hits the cockroach, it immediately turns into the cockroach body and locks the cockroach.

In the twinkling of an eye, all six hundred questions were sealed by the three congregations, and they were taken away.

The eyes of the Three Realms swept the vines softly and snorted, and did not put this woman into their eyes.

His eyes swept through the sky and the robbers, only to reveal a strange expression.

"Is this a robbery? Oh, that is a arrogant generation of children, and even the robbers dare to catch..."

The three kings of the lord smiled, but the eyes were a little cold.

He raised his hand and lowered countless gold seals and rushed to the sky.

The gold seal is very powerful. With the strength of the slaying of the five scorpions, it is completely unable to withstand the seal of the gold seal. It is directly sealed with a power and cannot be moved.

The three realm squadrons waved their hands and took all the annihilation of the ruins. The gaze finally fell on the vines.

"You are my subordinate, that is, the old man. Betray me, it is to betray the old man."

His eyes swept away, and the coldness was even worse. "There are some animals in the area, but it is not weak. It will be taken over, and you can be a husband!"

The three masters of the three masters took a shot, and the mana condensed into a huge golden palm.

The purple scorpion is just playing against the birds of the day, and suddenly sees the sneak attack of the three kings. The purple sorrow is fierce, the wings are on display, and the giant shadow of the detached spirit wheel appears immediately on the road.

The spirit wheel produces infinite suction. Inhale the gold palm print into the ring.

But then, the golden palm print burst in the ring of the spirit wheel, breaking the ring shadow.

The purple scorpion helped the screaming, with no small pain, suddenly realized that the three kings were not easy to deal with.

The Three Territories Sovereign is also a slight singularity. He is the old blame of the ruined eight heavens, dealing with a broken five monsters in the district. There is no one to make a contribution.

"It's not weak, but it's just that! Virtual surgery, flowing gold cover!"

Under the guidance of the Three Realms, the golden light flows over the sky, condensing into a huge gold cover, and sifting the purple scorpion into it.

After being covered in the gold cover. Zi Yan is struggling to hit the gold cover, but it is difficult to knock it off.

She showed an anxious color, wanted to hit the gold cover, and wanted to find the Ning Fan of the income vortex and rescue it.

Just no matter how she struggles. Can not escape the gold cover.

"Hey!" The purple singer screamed sharply, and the three kings showed an impatient color. A finger pointing to the gold cover, cold and cold.

"If you are noisy, you will kill your beast!"

With one finger pointing out, there are countless golden characters appearing in the gold cover, playing on the purple scorpion.

Immediately, Zi Yan was aching and screaming.

Rattan fiercely bite his lip and struggled with his heart.

The three-sector lord first pointed out her guilt, but did not punish her. Instead, she punishes her. She is giving her a chance.

Rattan is a subordinate of the Tenghuang, and has heard more or less rumors of the Three Realms.

It is said that the three masters of the Three Kingdoms have a special double-practice method, especially those who like to pick up the Ding furnace, and most of the Ding stoves that he has supplemented have died. Only a small number of women who take the life-saving secret drugs can not die. .

The three-sector lord's mining method is very special, and it requires the woman's willingness to cooperate to achieve the maximum effect. Of course, there are no small benefits to forcing it.

Rattan is a woman, a woman who is broken.

The reason why the Three Realms did not say that they would punish the vines, it was to give the vines a chance.

As long as she introduces her pillow to his stove, he can let her go!

Tengsoft didn't want to die. She saw the three kingdoms waving their hands and leaving the seals, and they knew that they could not do it with their own strength.

If you rebel against the three kings, you will die.

If you promise to be a stove, you can live for a few more days. If you give a secret medicine, you may even be killed without death.

"Why, you don't want it!" The tone of the three kings was suddenly cold.

Fujii softly bite the lip, but after all, he did not ask for mercy.

She discovered that there were some things that were unwilling to be unwilling, unable to accommodate and yield.

She turned to think about it. If she threatened her with Ning Fan, would she promise to become the dragon of Ning Fan?

Maybe, I will promise...

I think of Ning Fan, and the vines are fierce and chaotic. Today, the three sects of the world personally came, and Ning Fan has been sealed into the whirlpool, and most of them can not escape.

He, will he die...

At the thought of this possibility, her heart suddenly burst into tears and could not breathe.

Her mind is getting more and more chaotic. She used to worry about the death of Ning Fan. She was afraid that after she died, she would die when she was planted.

Today, I just can’t bear to hear the death of Ning Fan...

He will die. If so, she will die after all, why bother to ask for mercy?

Rattan's delicate heart suddenly quieted down, no words, and rejected the proposal of the three realm masters with silence.

The old eyes of the three realms appeared in the shadow of the haze. He never thought that Fujii refused his ‘good intentions’.

He is the body of Ziyang, a kind of body of seven yang, which is why he needs Du Yu.

Du Yu is the body of Chiyang, and his constitution is of great use to him.

If the woman he has supplemented does not take precious secret medicine, all will die.

He would have seen a bit of beauty in his temperament, and he wanted to give the latter the secret medicine, leaving her a life and slowly picking it up.

Now seeing the vines, the soft and stubborn, the unyielding, the three sects of the lord, the dark anger, decided to use the most rude means to return to the vines and soft, directly tonic. Killing her is also her life!

"This count goes to three. If you don't follow me, you must regret it!"



He has not counted, and a double-horned troll suddenly smashed the golden whirlpool and reappeared on the boundary road.

The shoulders of the two-horned troll stood a black youth, and as soon as the party appeared, a roll of sleeves was immediately rolled up, and the rattan was gently rolled onto the shoulders of the giants.

The trolls did not say anything, and they raised their fists and made them to the three realms.

This punch banged out. Immediately formed numerous void vortexes. The fists are everywhere, one by one, the three kings of the monks are all broken!

"Spattered... Devil!"

The three realm lords have not yet reacted. They have been smashed into the chest by the sorcerer, and the spirits are broken. They are back in the sky for a thousand steps, and they are holding their bodies in front of them, but they are already vomiting blood.

He looked at the huge monster in front of his eyes in horror!

This is a demon. A demon who once cultivated to the broken virtual!

Although today, this sorcerer does not know why it fell to the realm, only the ruined and ruthless days are repaired, but with the powerful strength of the sorcerer, it is the common broken nine can be a battle!

The three realms asked themselves, not the opponent of this evil spirit.

His eyes swept to Ning Fan, the shoulder of the devil, and his heart snorted. The dark road should not be called by Ning Fan.

The devil is from the seal space of Xuankong. Is there any relationship between this demon and the Neihuang?

Speaking of it, where did the Emperor go? Is it dead?

Where the three kings of the lord want to get it, this sorcerer is the oyster of Ning Fan’s acceptance, and the singularity of Ning Fan is from.

In the impression of the three realms. The cultivation is in the realm of the Devil, or it is the fierce old monster in the Devil. Either the person from the upper limit, it can't be an ordinary person anyway.

The lower bound is too vain to accept the devil as a slave, just like the Arabian Nights, it is impossible to happen.

"This friend, this is the lord of the three realms of the Tianxian world. Today is the personal grievance of my three sects and others. I also hope that my friends will look at this thin face, don't intervene in this matter! If a friend leaves here, ..."

The words of the Three Realms were not finished, and the second boxing of the Devil was hit again.

This time, the three kings of the lord had a quick eye and took a magic weapon to protect themselves, but they were still wounded by the sorcerer and anger.

"Even if you are the devil of the realm, even if you are the upper bound magic repair, today dare to hurt this sect, this sect will also let you pay the price! You know, this sect within the fairyland, also know a few friends ..."

"Roll!" The third boxing of the Devils hit the third time.

On the strength, the devil is higher than the three kings.

The Devil took the fourth punch and shattered the seal of the seal and released it.

Ning Fan looked around and saw that the injury was not light. Seeing the vines and the dangers of danger, the heart was already furious.

Goodbye to the group, all disappeared, and the mind must have been taken away by the three lords.

"Glass, come back to rest, soft, you are back!"

Ning Fan took the vines soft and smashed away, and his eyes swept through the audience like cold electricity, and ordered the devil.

"One does not stay!"

All the enemies that come today will die!

The three kingdoms have a jump in the eyelids, and there is still a high level of strength in the previous half.

At this moment, I don’t care much. I know that I am not a demon opponent. I only have to leave this place first.

Take a storage bag, take out a jade slip, and raise it to break it.

Immediately, a light door was reproduced in the middle of the road, and the three kings did not hesitate to step into it, intending to flee.

"Want to go, have you gone, Lao Tzu let you go!" The sorcerer ran across and punched the door.

When the road collapsed, the three mainsmen fell on the side of the hemoptysis and were shocked.

This ecstasy is so powerful that even the boundaries can be blasted!

With this distraction, no one today wants to open the door to escape!

"Nie Dian, the three kingdoms of the group to listen to the order, with this sect besieged this demon!" The three kingdoms of the main words will regret it.

The devils have a big hand, and countless black magic chains have come out of the palms, and they have been divided into hundreds of millions of roads. They have penetrated into a house of the Nirvana and the three worlds, and they have been sucking adults in an instant.

Transforming the gods and refining the virtual chain.

Broken one and two are all instant kills.

Although the four devils of the Nei Dian were not killed by the instant, they were scattered by the sizzling kebabs. The four people were strung together in a string, sealed with a magic chain and handed over to Ning Fan.

On that day, the old face of the poultry was scared green. Wherever I saw such a tyrannical monster, I turned and ran, but I was crossed by the magic chain and sealed to Ning Fan.

The full-fledged monk is completely destroyed by the demon!

"No, this is far from this magic opponent! Go away!"

The three kings took out a purple ancient shuttle, jumped up and fled.

"Catch up!"

Ning Fan gave a command, the devil laughed, and immediately strode away.

The squadrons of the Three Realms are not slow, but they are inferior.

Seeing that the devil is chasing the ground, and that the fate of Ning Fan is from the heart of the Three Realms, the darkness of this demon will not be the existence of Ning Fan and servant, just listen to Ning Fan’s order?

As soon as he gritted his teeth, he untied the storage bag with 600 sham and swearing, and threw it to the rear, and gave it to Ning Fan.

"Ning Xiaoyou, the shackles of this sect, have all returned to you, please also put a sect of life, do not want to catch up! If you push this squad, you will regret it!"

Ning Fan looked at the storage bag that had come flying, and did not reach out to pick it up.

He showed his enthusiasm and saw that the storage bag was passive.

The sorcerer clasped the bag and put the storage bag into the hand. Immediately, some of the hidden gold seals on the storage bag were placed on the palm of the sorcerer.

With the solidity of the devil's body, they are all marked with blood by the gold characters.

"Looking for death!" The enchanted anger, chasing faster.

Ning Fan took back the storage bag and took all the cockroaches back, looking coldly at the back of the three realms.

Dealing with this kind of old blame, it really can't be careless for a long time.

In any case, the three territories must die, and must not be returned to the fairyland!

"How are you still chasing!" The three kings looked back and saw that the gold seal on the storage bag did not hurt Ning Fan, and his eyes sank immediately.

Looking at the expression of the enchanted anger and the crown, the three lords only felt the scalp numb.

He took a piece of golden sandalwood from his sleeve and his eyes were cloudy.

"It seems that I don't have to pay a price to escape, oh!"

The three kingdoms seized a thunderbolt from the storage bag and threw it to the rear, no matter whether they hit Ninfan.

Taking advantage of the rear smoke and dust, the three kings of the lord ignited a purple fire, intended to ignite the golden sandalwood.

His face, the painful expression is not a disguise.

"This is the 'Ancient God's fragrance', the golden incense is burning, it has a great lethal effect on the magic repair, and it has the effect of nourishing the sky. It is extremely precious, this is the use of this book for breakthrough. What is necessary in the realm, but now it is said that it must not be used to kill the second demon!"

"The devil is a demon, and Ning Fan is also a magic repair. This fragrance will burn, and the devil must be injured, and that Ning Fan will die!"


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