Grasping Evil

Chapter 651: The conference begins!

Zhou Nan took out a golden jade slip, such as when the Shengxian Tower was larger than usual, and a piece was broken.

Immediately, a golden light flew out from the jade, and turned into a golden demon, the book was above the sky.

"The participants of the Dragon Dance Conference won the 500 monks of Dongfu for the Shengxian Tower. During the conference, everyone can choose an island, each occupying a sea area, and preparing their own fishing rods for fishing. During the conference, you can fight. You can **** someone else's island, but you can't take the dragon spirit of others, you can't kill people, offenders, deprive you of the qualifications! Participate in all the dragon spirits you have caught!"

"The dragon bait used by the dragon is specially made by the Yuan Temple. It is a dragon bait and a million cents. It can be purchased at the supply outside the dragon pool. During the conference, if the dragon bait is insufficient, it can be temporarily removed from the dragon pool. Buy bait. This dragon festival will last for three days!"

After the gold characters were scattered one by one, most of the old monsters looked as usual. Only a few of them participated in the conference for the first time, frowning and lamenting that the dragon bait was expensive.

It’s a big expense to catch a dragon down. I don’t know how many dragons to use.

But there is no way, the dragon bait made by the secret method of the Yuan Temple cannot enter the water containing the light of the broken boundary, and naturally it is impossible to catch the dragon.

"After a fragrance, the conference began. Before that, all the friends could buy the dragon bait on their own."

When Zhou Nanda’s elders said something, immediately there were a lot of old monsters flying to the supply office to buy dragon bait.

Zhou Nan finally gave up a quota, and did not mean to compete with the General Assembly.

Most of the 500 monks who attended the conference were experts on the question.

For many refining monks, one million and one dragon bait is very expensive, but they have to buy it.

For Ning Fan, the area dragon bait naturally does not cost much.

He bought a thousand dragon baits at a time and bought a bait bag tied to his waist. Finally, I bought a seal pot, which is a prop that places the dragon soul.

Then I don’t look at everyone, I’m going to go outside the pond. Waiting for the conference to begin.

The dragon also bought a thousand dragon bait, followed by Ning Fan, Hou is outside the dragon pool.

Those who are ruined, not buying one thousand, they are buying five hundred, and they don’t feel bad about it.

Ordinary refining monks have to plan well, and have money to buy 100. Buy 50 for no money, and only buy 10 dragon baits for a poorer one. It’s purely trying to take a chance.

A musk quickly passed, Zhou Nan took out a gold order, and moved to the sky, the array of the dragon pool slowly dissipated.

"Conference. Start now!" Zhou Nan announced.

In the blink of an eye, all the old monsters turned into a dawn and flew to the islands in the dragon pool.

There are only five hundred islands, and the location is naturally superior or inferior.

If you know the doorway, you will choose a better island, and even fight for some islands.

Those who don't understand the doorway will probably choose an island and catch the dragon on the spot.

Ning Fan is a person who does not understand the door.

However, he has to follow the dragon. I know the dragon.

"Master, the island is good, the speed of the current, the strength of the waves are the places where the dragon pond dragons love to live."

Along the dragon, pointing to an island in the distance, he was preparing to make three smashing shots for the island, and immediately changed his face and smiled at the dragon.

"This island will be given to the predecessors, I will wait for it, huh, huh. Hehe..." The three people laughed and quickly fled to other islands, and they did not dare to offend the dragon and Ning Fan.

Ning Fan landed on the island, and the dragon was looking for another island in the far distance, which was staggered from Ning Fan.

The dragon is not wanting to catch the dragon dragon soul belonging to Ning Fan.

There are still many people on the island fighting for the island, but this has nothing to do with Ning Fan.

Ning Fan took out the Taigong fishing and installed the dragon bait. Raise your hand and throw it out, and immediately kneel on the shore of the island, quietly waiting for the dragon to hook.

Above an island 100,000 miles away. He Shixiu also sat cross-legged after throwing a slap, and Shen Shen swept in the direction of Ning Fan, his eyes with disdain.

"White wood is a gas transport of four or less. I am afraid that even the nine dragon spirits can't catch it. And I am different. I am the second to be the second. With this treasure, my air transport can be close to the traffic." First class! Here, my air transport can be listed first!"

He Shixiu took out the four-color airbag before it, including the mouth.

For a moment, his air transport began to change slowly, with blue in the blue.

At the moment when the air transport changed, He Shixiu felt that the water surface had moved.

He did not say anything, suddenly stood up, immediately yanked a fishing rod, and took a giant golden dragon soul of eight hundred feet to the surface.

The dragon is different from ordinary fishing, and the patience is second. The focus is on the shot!

The speed of the dragon bite is not comparable to that of a fish, but when it is slower, it can only catch an empty hook.

He Shixiu caught a dragon soul with a breath of wild animals.

Once caught, He Shixiu said nothing, and took the dragon soul into his hands, and he read it. Seeing that there is no dragon ball in the body of the dragon, he sealed the dragon soul with a seal pot.

For a time, on all sides of the jade platform, and even within the waters of the dragon pool, it sounded a lot of cheers.

On top of the four-faced jade platform, each of them has a dragon-fishing monument, and the dragons of each participant can be seen.

"Eight Dragon Spirit! That old blame is not only the first to catch the Dragon Soul, but also an eight-piece dragon soul!"

"Oh, it’s not the old blame of the ruined five heavens, the strong air transport, I can only let me wait for the envy."

He Shixiu is also quite proud of his heart.

He did not expect that the air transport had just been upgraded, and there was a demon dragon on the hook in an instant. This was indeed too fast, and even he himself was unexpected.

God read the Ning Fan to sweep, see Ning Fan still sitting on the island, there is no sign of catching the dragon soul at half point, can not help but laugh at the heart.

"The air transport below the fourth class, but also to catch the dragon, is really self-deprecating!"

He Shixiu installed a second dragon bait, and after a scent, he caught a second dragon soul.

That is a seven-piece dragon soul! It is a pity that there is no dragon ball in the body...

At this time, the battle for the 500 islands has been settled.

All the old monsters have started to catch the dragon, and occasionally a few people have caught the dragon soul, but it is not that He Shixiu is out of the limelight.

"Look! He blame and catch a seven-piece dragon soul!"

"The last sheep had caught a nine-piece dragon soul!"

"What! How did the elders of the cold fishermen who had been repaired in the district squandered an eight-piece dragon soul! Is his gas good?"

"Look, Tan Longzi... No, from the dragon's predecessors caught an eight-piece dragon soul, and inside this dragon soul, there is actually a nine-product dragon ball!"

When the dragon was caught from the dragon's first dragon ball, it was full of boiling.

He Shixiu's face is a bit ugly.

The dragon is the servant of Ning Fan. He caught the Dragon Ball and it was almost the same as Ning Fan.

He Shixiu did not want to see the dragon attracting attention.

"Oh, nine dragon balls, nothing, this road is going to catch a dragon ball!"

He Shixiu calmed down and continued to catch the dragon.

Gradually, he caught the third, fourth, and fifth dragon souls. The highest level of the dragon soul is five products.

Five dragon spirits, no one can catch them.

It is a pity that there is no Dragon Ball in the Dragon Soul of He Shixiu. It is a pity.

He was a little displeased, but he swept away. It was discovered that Ning Fan still did not catch a dragon soul, and could not help but balance a lot.

"Oh, it’s been a long time since then, white wood is still no gain, it’s pitiful..."

Article 6, Article 7, Article 8...

When catching the ninth dragon soul. He finally caught the first dragon ball.

It is a four-character dragon soul, and there is an eight-piece dragon ball in the body!

He Shixiu took the dragon ball out and took it into the storage bag, and smiled.

Because at this moment, Ning Fan is still no gain.

"Look, He Laoqiu has caught four dragon spirits, eight dragon balls!"

"To count, he has caught nine dragons. So far, no one has caught more than all of them!"

"Yeah, among the old blame, the second place is considered to be from the predecessors of the dragon. Even if he is, he will catch 3 dragon souls. 1 dragon ball. Other broken old monsters, most of them only catch To a dragon soul, there are still a few people who have not even built a tree..."

For example, Ning Fan.

Four sides of the jade. Many people look at the number one position on the dragon's monument, and they are puzzled.

The ranking of the 500 people on the dragon monument is ranked according to the rank of Shengxian Tower and will not change.

After each person's name, there are records of achievements.

Ning Fan's score is empty, and he hasn't caught any dragon soul yet, let alone talk about Dragon Ball.

Many people are still speculating that Ning Fan will not be as loud as the Shengxian Tower, and it will shock the world.

Today, it seems that Ning Fan seems to have insufficient air traffic, and it is difficult for the nine dragon spirits to catch.

Time passed by, and gradually, except for Ning Fan, all the broken old monsters had a harvest.

Even some of the old geeks who are returning to the Yuan, the imaginary, and the emptiness of the realm have begun to gain.

But Ning Fan, there is still no gain.

"Is this white wood ancestor, the air transport is not a good thing?" Qu Dianquhuang doubts.

"Giggle, I think that the white wood ancestors will not be the people with bad luck... Maybe it will not be long before there will be amazing things." The fox emperor smiled.

"Perhaps, anyway, the Emperor does not believe in the ancestors of the white wood, it will be a man of bad luck." Qinghuang nodded.

The old fox emperor and the old red emperor did not express their opinions. In the eyes of the two, there was a slight confusion.

"This son... what are you doing..."

Their gods are quietly locked in Ning Fan, the whole dragon fishing conference, except for Ning Fan, the two did not pay attention to any other person.

Two scattered demons found that Ning Fan pushed the mana into the fishing rod and extended the fishing line to a deep and deep place...

"He wants to catch Yinlong and Yanglong..." The old Yuanwang guessed.

"White wood predecessors want to catch Yinlong and Yanglong..." Talking about Zixin quietly watching the dragon monument, as if to guess the idea of ​​Ning Fan.

On the island, Ning Fan is kneeling on the island, and sitting is an hour.

He did not catch any dragon spirits, because the ordinary dragon soul has not yet bitten, and he has been scared away by the dragon of the town that he is urging the fishing rod.

He wants to catch not the Van, but the Yinlong and Yanglong.

The purpose of this trip is pure, it is the yin and yang dragon ball!

He changed the line very long and extended to the bottom of the pond.

God can't enter that place, Ning Fan can perceive a little change from the fishing rod. In this short period of time, the fishing rod has uploaded five changes in the power of yin and yang.

Three times are yin and two times are yang.

Yinlong and Yanglong have close to the hook five times, but they have no hooks...

Others can't perceive the Yinlong and Yanglong. Ning Fan is a chaotic ancient descendant with a Yin-Yang lock, but he can feel a little bit.

He knows that this raises the dragon pool. There is indeed a yin dragon dragon!

Just do not know why, Yin Longyang does not bite the hook, it seems to be very disdainful to the dragon bait...

The dragon soul in the dragon pool should be low, but anyone who sees the dragon bait will bite.

Why is this Yinlong and Yanglong not hooked, and Ning Fan cannot understand.

Is his air transport not enough to catch Yin Longyang, or is there another reason?

Yinlong and Yanglong Lingzhi are obviously low. Obviously seeing the desired bait, it will be easy to hook, why not bite.

Isn't the temptation of bait food enough?

Ning Fan took back the fishing line and slightly infiltrated the yin and yang in the dragon bait and threw the line again.

Another time passed, the long fishing rod came with 27 changes in the power of yin and yang.

12 times is overcast. 15 times for yang.

The Yinlong and Yanglong have approached the hooks 27 times in total, and it seems that they are tempted by this dragon bait, but there is no bite.

"It seems that it is not just the reason for the bait... It’s a million-year-old yin-long dragon that no one has caught. If you want to catch it, you need something special..."

Ning Fan took back the fishing line and closed his eyes. I understand what is going on, and I am a little confused.


A voice flying sword suddenly came.

When passed to Ning Fan, immediately shattered, and a woman's voice was introduced into Ning Fan's ear.

This is a talk about the flying sword that Zixin sent out. She told me some stories about the last time she caught a yin dragon.

That was the story of a sword repairing the fairy four million years ago.

On the third day of the dragon fishing conference, the man was crazy on the first day, and his achievements were horrific. A total of more than 300 dragon souls, 27 dragon beads.

On the second day, it was impossible to catch a dragon.

On the third day, before the end of the conference, the man suddenly caught the legendary Yinlong and Yanglong, shocking the demon world.

After the man succeeded in catching the dragon, he put all the dragon souls and dragon beads back and laughed three times. Cried three times, and immediately went to the sword.

Before leaving, he only said one sentence.

"I have a way, but this is too late. I have no desire to do it again, and I will abandon it!"

The story told by Zixin is recorded only in a few ancient books. There is almost no one in the demon world.

She told this story to Ning Fan, who wanted to give Ning Fan some help and help Ning Fan to catch the dragon successfully.

Ning Fan is a little silent, seems to have a sense of understanding, and talks to the direction of Zixin, "Thank you."

He knows why he can't afford Yinlong and Yanglong.

He knows what he should do now.

"Let's learn the predecessors of the immortals, and catch a full load!"

In the eyes of Ning Fan, the black mans flashed, and the black mans were the color of the air.

Under the black, there is a deep purple.

He took the fishing line to the right depth and waited quietly.

A scent of the past, the first dragon soul bite!

Before the water wave swayed in the first circle, Ning Fan suddenly stood up and yanked the fishing rod and caught a huge golden dragon from the water surface!

As soon as he pointed to Jinlong, Jinlong immediately trembled and turned into a golden snake with a long length and was taken into the palm of his hand.

A golden light is sprayed in the golden dragon's mouth, and the golden light turns into a golden bead, floating in front of Ning Fan.

Seven dragon spirits, nine dragon balls!

"White wood actually caught the dragon soul! And this dragon soul is actually seven products, and the dragon soul body, there are more dragon beads!"

"Fortunately, you must be lucky! People who are bad luck will occasionally hit a big luck!"

He Shixiu’s eyes were shocked, and his mind was always watching Ning Fan’s movements.

After this shock came out of a moment, he was crushed by him. Because in his view, Ning Fan can catch seven dragon spirits and nine dragon balls, which is an accidental accident, a small probability event that cannot be copied, and it is impossible to appear for the second time.

He despised Ning Fan, but others did not think so.

After the change of the results of Ning Fan on the dragon monument, many old monsters were amazed.

"The air transport of the white wood ancestors is really not bad, although it took two hours to catch the first dragon soul, but there is a dragon ball among the dragon souls, which is very rare."

"Yeah, how can we get worse when we are ruined?"

Talking about the purple heart, the slightest joy, the heart guessed that his story may have helped Ning Fan.

Ning Fan wants to learn the predecessor of the immortal, on the first day, the dragons are countless and shocked the audience...

After the semi-column incense, the second dragon soul was caught by Ning Fan!

This is a six-character dragon soul, with an eight-piece dragon ball in the body!

"Impossible! This kind of accident. How can it happen twice in a row!" He Shixiu changed his face.

Ning Fan actually caught two dragon souls in succession, and both dragon spirits have dragon beads. This small probability event happened to happen again.

"He can't catch the third dragon soul..." He Shixiu's voice just fell, but Ning Fan caught the third dragon soul.

There is no dragon ball in this dragon soul, but this dragon soul is a two-product dragon soul!

The second product dragon soul, how can the poor luck catch up!

He Shixiu bites his teeth. He knew that he underestimated the gas of Ning Fan.

Four-color air transport beads, it seems that the gas transport of Ning Fan is not correctly detected...

In the same year, the sacred dragon sword of the yin-long dragon was repaired, and the air transport was purple.

Ning Fan’s air transportation at this moment is also purple, and it is the first for Fan Yun.

Although He Shixiu's air transport can only be classified as first-class, but this one. It is a world apart!

He and Ning Fan's air transport, the difference is not a little bit!

In that year, the famous Xianjian sword repaired three thousand dragon spirits within twelve hours, shocking the demon world.

Ning Fan's air transport is not weaker than that person. His performance of catching a dragon may not be weak to that person!

Article 4, Article 5. Article 6...

Article 14, Article 15, Article 16...

Article 40, Article 50, Article 60...

Only one hour passed, Ning Fan has caught 68 Dragon Souls, Dragon Ball 9!

The dragon soul is the highest one, and only one product.

Dragon Ball is the highest of three. There is only one product.

At this moment, the achievements on the Ningfan fishing dragon list have become the first.

He Shixiu's face is gloomy, and the rest are all in shock!

At this point, the Dragon King Conference has been going on for three hours.

In three hours, except for Ning Fan. The best result is He Shixiu, only 12 dragon souls are caught, and the dragon ball is still one.

Only when the dragon is officially caught. Ning Fan’s score has exceeded that of He Shixiu several times!

After the first day passed, Ning Fan had a total of 581 dragon spirits and 66 dragon balls.

Among them, there are 26 dragon spirits and 3 dragon pearls!

Ning Fan is alone, as if the dragon spirit of the entire dragon pond has been caught.

The dragon souls caught by other people in the field add up to 400, and the Dragon Ball has only 17 pieces, and the highest grade, but only four items.

"Impossible! Even if this white wood is not bad, it is impossible to exceed me so much! With the help of air and marble, my air transport is almost the first purple air transport. 42 pieces, 3 dragon balls..."

"His performance is so much more than me, is he purple gas?!"

He Shixiu's face is a piece of iron.

In addition to the purple air transporter, who can do so against the sky, catch so many dragon souls!

In He Shixiu's view, even if this dragon pool was not taken by Ning Fan, the remaining dragon souls were not afraid.

In the next two days, I was afraid that it would be difficult to catch too many dragon souls.

"Hateful white wood! Well, this way to come here, not to catch the ordinary dragon soul... The goal of this Taoist is Yinlong and Yanglong..."

He Shixiu gloomy face, took out a medicinal herb containing a hint of yin and yang, ground into powder, and wipe it on the dragon bait.

In the next two days, we will start fishing for Yin Longyang.

Of course, if there is a common dragon soul to bite, He Shixiu will come and refuse.

"Cough and cough... According to the old man, 4,300,000 years ago, the scent of the dragon that caught the yin and yang dragon is also the same as the white wood? In one day, almost the dragon was born. The pool, the monopoly." The old red gaze gaze.

"Oh, I don't know if this white wood can be like the scattered fairy, catching the yin dragon and dragon, and let the demon world once again be shocked." The old fox emperor's laughter is hoarse, but his eyes are expected.

The old emperor did not speak, but there was a look in his eyes.

If Ning Fan can really catch the yin and yang dragon beads, he can help him completely repair the demon, naturally it is better.

If you can't... you can't force it.

On the second day, Ning Fan held a fishing rod and never caught a dragon soul.

It is not that there is no dragon soul bite, and there is indeed a dragon soul bite hook. Ning Fan is the dragon soul to eat the dragon bait, not the dragon.

After the Dragon Soul eats the bait, he often reloads the bait and throws it to continue the dragon.

Compared to the first day, the dragon soul that bites the hook has been pitiful.

On the day of yesterday, almost two-thirds of the dragon soul in Yanglongchi was fished away.

Today's goal of Ning Fan, originally did not want to catch the dragon soul.

Can't afford to fish, it's right...

In his heart, he gradually raised a sense of mystery.

On his body, there was a glimpse of the avenue.

This breath is very concealed, this place can be perceived, only three demon!

"White wood, what are you doing!" The old red emperor and the old fox emperor, Qi Qi revealed a puzzling color.

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