Grasping Evil

Chapter 652: This seat is really white wood!

Ning Fan seems to be turned into a sculpture, sitting on the island bank, not moving.

But seeing the waves wave slightly, the dragon bait has been eaten by the dragon soul.

Ning Fan is not eager to catch the dragon soul, but repeatedly repeats the line, bait, throwing, and let the dragon bait be eaten again.

His eyes are getting deeper and deeper, as if he can see the expression of a dragon and soul in the water.

"Beast, delicious?" Ning Fan sighed and said to himself.

The second day of the conference, half a day has passed.

The night has come, the moonlight is dim, and Ning Fan is in white, sitting alone in the night.

When the last few days of the dragon bait, he directly dumped the dragon bait into the water, but caused several dragon spirits to fight and fight.

The dragon bait has been exhausted, he does not buy the dragon bait, just hung the empty hook, has been waiting.

Without the dragon bait, after the dragon soul finally suffered and no fruit, they dispersed. There is no dragon bite here, and no dragon disturbs the mood of Ning Fan.

The dragon soul here seems to have raised his mouth, knows the benefits of the dragon bait, and knows that Ning Fan has no dragon bait.

The dragon souls swam to other islands where other monks were located, and began to sneak a dragon bait.

Some successes, some failures, and losers are naturally caught by people.

This night, many of the participating monks have gained, and this harvest is mostly given by Bai Ningfan.

All this has nothing to do with Ning Fan.

The heart of Ning Fan seems to have turned into a soft wave of water, and there is no trace of it.

He looked at the dragon souls who had cast their own nets, as if they saw themselves, so they were so good.

On the first day, he was crazy to catch the dragon, which can easily determine the death of the dragon soul.

On the second day, he will not die, and he will be able to determine the life of the dragon soul.

But in this life, most of the end points are still dead roads...

This is the same as the monastic practice. Heaven can easily decide people to die. However, the longevity and the truth are used as bait to induce all the people to practice.

Those who do not have bait cannot escape life and death.

The immortal who got the bait thought that he was detached from life and death, and most people still have a fallen day.

The monk in the first step of the monasticity was limited by the number of lives. The immortal in the second step of the monasticity was limited by the size of the day.

As long as it is still restricted by the heavens and the earth, it is not really a detachment from the world.

Immortal is a person standing on the mountain. But even if you stand on the mountain, there is still a sky above your head, and there is still a land under your feet... This mountain is still trapped in the cage of heaven and earth...

The person who is the bait is a fisherman, and the fish that fight for the bait is a fish.

At this moment, Ning Fan took the bait. He is a fisherman, and the dragon souls fight for the bait, and they die because of the bait.

If the Tao is a bait, all sentient beings will be fish for the dragon, fighting for each other, and the heavens and the earth will be fishermen.

Ning Fan looked up at the sky and was silent.

If the heavens and the earth are fishermen. If the longevity and the Tao are really bait, he would not want to learn most people, be busy with the bait, and die for the bait.

He did not want to be a fish that he slaughtered, and he did not want to be fished out. He wanted to be the fisherman who was born and killed.

"If you want to be a fisherman, you must first understand the way of fishing... Anglers are hidden in the river. The bait is invisible, killing people in silence..."

At this moment, Ning Fan’s eyes raised a mysterious light, and there was reality in the virtual world.

And his body gradually began to fade, his fishing rod, fishing line, hook. Also all began to fade...

Night, Tianming, Ning Fan's body is light like a shadow.

On the third night of the night, Ning Fan’s body has completely disappeared in front of everyone.

"Hey. Where did Baimudaoyou go?" Several broken and old strangers said different ways.

The first day of the outbreak, the second day of silence, the disappearance of the third day...

The behavior of the first two days was to comprehend the way of fishing and prepare for the third day.

Ordinary people will not know where Ning Fan went.

The monks who broke more than five can see that Ning Fan did not actually go anywhere, still sitting in the same place, just hiding his body shape, and hiding the fishing rod, ordinary people can not see it.

Only three singers can see that Ning Fan’s process of stealth has experienced three changes in mystery.

Ning Fan's body is from reality to emptiness, from imaginary to life, from birth to death... The body changes between the virtual and the real, and the breath lingers between life and death.

He clearly sits here, but it seems to be integrated with the whole dragon pool, as if it does not exist, the breath is like a dead object.

This kind of thing, the three demon of the demon can also do it, but it will never be more perfect than Ning Fan.

Ning Fan seems to have disappeared.

In addition to the yin and yang power on the hook, the yin and yang two dragons will not be aware of it. Someone here set a hook and waited for them to hook.

Ning Fan does not need other dragon bait, directly extracts the most pure yin and yang force from the yin and yang lock, and introduces it into the fishing rod and passes it to the hook.

For Yinlong and Yanglong, the power of this yin and yang will be more attractive than any dragon bait.

At first they didn't dare to get hooked. After all, they still sensed the existence of Ning Fan. Although they wanted to eat dragon bait, they did not dare to swear.

When Ning Fan hides, the two dragons do not hide their desires. For the pure and yin and yang power, they fight under the dragon pool.

Ning Fan is still waiting, waiting for the two dragons to fight to the key, so that the hooks will be one and two, and two dragons will be caught in one fell swoop!

The first day of the dragon dragon score is normal play.

On the second day, I wasted hundreds of dragon baits and let go of hundreds of dragon spirits. It was the key to clearing the way of fishing and seeing through the dragon.

The bait of yin and yang under the cloth has a purple air transport and is hidden in the dark.

Once the yin and yang two dragons put down their minds, began to fight, and began to swallow the bait, they could make contributions in one fell swoop.

"Somewhat weird, how did the white wood ancestors have nothing to gain from the second day..."

"You said, will the white wood ancestor not want to catch the ordinary dragon soul, want to catch a legendary yin and yang dragon soul?"

"Do not laugh at the Taoist friends. The yin and yang dragon souls have been fished for millions of years. How can the white wood ancestors look for bitterness and go fishing for the yin and yang dragon soul that is so difficult to fish?"

On the four sides of the Yanglongchi, many monks whispered.

Nine demon emperors are silent, and all the gods are concentrated on Ning Fan.

He Shixiu explored Ning Fan’s actions with his thoughts, and his eyes were faintly impatient.

"White wood is so confusing, what is it doing..."

"Speaking, why is it so difficult to catch the yinlongyang dragon... This road is obviously close to purple, and the dragon bait is still using secret medicine, but still can't catch the yin yang dragon..."

"If there is no yin and yang dragon ball, the one that takes the picture is very dangerous. Trouble..."

The third day has passed more than half. After the last night, the dragon festival is over.

How does He Shixiu not be anxious. The time left for him is less than half a day.

He used to be confident to catch the Yin Longyang, but now, this confidence has already been consumed.

"Is it true that even the half-purple air of this Tao is not enough to catch the yin and yang two dragons!"

The night was a little bit scattered, and the sky was a little white. He Shixiu’s heart is sinking a little.

This dragon-raising conference not only did not catch the yin and yang two dragons, but even the ordinary dragon soul caught was less than Ning Fan.

This result, He Shixiu could not accept, but had to accept.

"After half an hour, the conference is over... hateful, do you have to have the first-class air transport. You can catch the yin and yang two dragons!"

When he was talking to himself, he suddenly looked at him.

Not only did the world show his horror, but the countless monks of the whole dragon pond and the four-faced jade towers all showed their shocking eyes at this moment!

However, seeing Ning Fan, who was originally invisible, appeared in this moment!

On the sea where the night is not over, suddenly a dazzling aurora flashes!

Within the aurora, there is a kind of power that exists in the sun and the moon!

In that way the force spreads out. The shadow of the moon is rising in the sky, and the vision is soaring!

And the two horrified sounds of dragons and sounds, from the deepest point of the dragon pool, penetrate the pool water and spread throughout the dragon pool!


"This... This is the cry of the yin and yang dragon soul! At the end of the dragon festival, some people have caught the yin and yang dragon soul! Who is it!"

"It is the white wood ancestor! It is he who caught the yin and yang dragon soul, and once caught a double dragon, but it is still impossible to successfully take the second dragon out of the sea!"

There are exclamations everywhere in all directions.

He Shixiu is dull. It seems to have been greatly shocked.

"Why can white wood catch a yin and yang two dragons, is he really purple?"

"The obstacles, great strength!"

Ning Fan pedaled the island and violently pulled the Taigong fishing. He wanted to pull the yin and yang two dragons caught out of the water, but could not pull them out.

The yin and yang two dragons are huge and still struggling. Very powerful.

With the strength of Ning Fan, it is impossible to catch two dragons at a time.

These two dragons are extremely powerful, comparable to the emperor, and dying. The strength is even more numerous.


Ning Fan quietly spurred a trace of the dragon on the hook, no one noticed.

After stimulating the Tailong Shentong of Taigong Fishing, the yin and yang of the original screaming screaming and screaming, and being pulled out of the water by Ning Fan.

That is two tens of thousands of huge dragon souls, one black and one white!

The black dragon is the yin dragon, the white dragon is the yang dragon!

The two dragons were terrified and terrified, and the dragon body was severely injured by the dragon dragon, and the dragon blood turbulent.

If it is not for the sake of staying in the soul of the two dragons, Ning Fan can directly kill the two dragons by the Taigong Fishing God.

At this moment, the old Yuan Huang suddenly got up, his eyes were shocked and moved.

The other two demons also got up, but looked at the gaze and yang two dragons' eyes, but they were coveted.

Among the old monsters, the yin and yang two dragons showed greedy eyes, and they stopped the two demons.

The body of the yin and yang dragon soul contains the yin and yang dragon beads. One dragon ball can raise 50,000 yuan to be demon, and the two will be 100,000 demon.

The yin and yang dragon soul itself is only a dragon soul, not worth mentioning.

There are hot eyes, greedy, but no one is shooting for the yin and yang dragons.

The old fox emperor and the old red emperor have been repaired by the demon, and the dragon ball is useless.

In addition to the two demon, the other strong have also taken the Yuan Temple, the name of the dragon, and dare not take the treasure to Ning Fan.

Ning Fan's eyes are slightly loose, no one is taking a treasure, no matter how good.

He took the fishing rod and took away the yin and yang dragon beads in the two dragons, and sealed the two dragons into the seal pot.

The dragon has already come to the sea, and the guard is on the side of Ning Fan. No one can take the treasure of Ning Fan.

"Oh, I can't think of it, I can't think of it! It's really rare for someone to catch a yin and yang double dragon that hasn't been caught for millions of years."

The old fox emperor and the old red emperor put up the coveted color, sat back in the seat, and the complexion returned to normal.

The old Yuan Huang gradually put away the excitement, sitting back in his seat, with a smile on his face.

Ning Fan now catches the yin and yang dragon ball, he can use the dragon ball to heal him. For him, it is better.

"This white wood gas is really against the sky, it seems that most of the purple transport is undoubtedly ..." The old emperor is also amazed. It is envy.

Purple air transport is very rare, Ning Fan can have such a powerful air transport, the road to comprehension will encounter more opportunities than ordinary people.

"He caught a yin and yang dragon ball..." He Shixiu showed a complex look.

He did not want Ning Fan to get such a heavy treasure, but no matter what, Ning Fan is a helper who is invited by the little demon woman, and will go to take pictures together.

Ning Fan won the yin and yang dragon ball, which is considered to be a lot of difficulty. Maybe it’s a good thing...

"If the yin and yang dragon beads are fished out by me, how good it is, this road distance breaks through the broken six realm, not far from the difference, if there is a dragon ball in..."

Yun Youmu laughed at himself. He laughed, but he did not know that Ning Fan’s luck was so powerful.

He is very proud of the dragon. He is proud that his master has caught the yin and yang dragon **** that countless people dream of.

"The master must be purple air transport undoubtedly!"

Sunrise East, the last night finally dissipated.

When the dawn comes, this dragon festival is really coming to an end.

Ning Fan lightly sighed and swayed to the ground. Close your eyes and wait for the end of the dragon festival.

He did not continue to catch the dragon.

His gas is strong, and the dragon spirit of Dragon Ball will have been almost the same. The rest of the dragon soul is very few, and most of them have no Dragon Ball, and there is no value for fishing.

Yin and Yang Dragon Ball has already arrived, it is enough.

There are two dragon beads in the picture to help the little demon woman take pictures. The risk can be much smaller.

Before leaving the demon world, you can also use the power of these two dragon beads to completely repair the demon of the old emperor, and also the old emperor's human feelings.

After taking the picture, if you swallow these two dragon beads, Ning Fan Xiu will be able to skyrocket.

It should be noted that Ning Fan is an ancient god. For him, consuming a yin and yang dragon ball can increase the mana cost by 100,000 yuan. Not 50,000 yuan will be.

"Dragon Ball has already arrived, it is almost time to leave the demon world..."

Ning Fan estimated the time when Yi Xiangdan failed. It should be in these days, and it is almost time to leave.

On the four sides of the jade. Numerous monks talked about the tide, and everything they talked about was related to Ning Fan.

At the Dragon King Conference, Ning Fan had the number one dragon and the number of dragon balls, and caught the yin and yang dragon beads. The results were unparalleled.

On the east side of Yutai, the mysterious man wrapped in a thick cloak, the face of the face at the moment.

"Damn, this fake white wood has caught so many dragon souls, so many dragon beads, even the yin and yang dragon beads that no one can fish for millions of years have been fished out... I am really white wood, these things should be It belongs to me!"

No one knows that this man with a closed-headed cloak is the true white-feather ancestor - white wood.

This person is pregnant with the body of Qingyang. It is a kind of body of seven yang. There is no woman who is not happy, and there is a lot of evil. She was driven out of the family.

This person has a low fighting power and the bottom of his strength in the same class. He is often beaten and chased by people.

This person was once chased and killed by the Xuanhe Patriarch and almost fell. During the healing process, the Huanglong people were occasionally taken by Huanglongzi.

After this person was prepared to meet with Huang, he debunked the identity of Ning Fan and borrowed the deterrent of Huang to take away all the opportunities of Ning Fan.

Star stone, broken seven servants, everything, he wants to take away.

It’s a pity that the Huanglongzi did not appear, and he alone did not dare to challenge Ningfan.

Seeing that Ning Fan borrowed his name and caught countless dragon soul dragon beads, he was envious of the eyes, but there was nothing to do.

"If the dragon is not here! If the dragon is here, relying on his prestige, directly to the fake white wood to yin and yang dragon and pearl, you can not fake the fake white wood, after all, the lower bound demon who dares to violate Against the upper monk?"

"Longzi, Longzi, why don't you come, don't come again, the dragon festival is about to end, and fake white wood may be gone..."

"Longzi, come on, let's grab the fake white wood together!"

"Longzi, fast, the last one of the dragons will be over!"

"Longzi, where are you! You are coming back!"

The man in the cloak is really anxious.

He almost wanted to pray in a hurry. He was anxious, and suddenly saw a huge dragon-shaped pattern on the sky.

The pattern was dark yellow, and the cloak man was overjoyed in the presence of the formation.

"This is the unique lower-line pattern of the Huanglong people. I have seen the dragons descending to the lower limit with this pattern. I have seen it!"

"It’s the dragon. It’s the dragon who came to deal with fake white wood with me! Haha, I finally got the dragon!”

The cloak man sneered a few times. Binocular green mans flash.

Although the pattern has already appeared, it still needs a lot of interest to complete the transmission.

The man in the cloak can't wait any longer. Anyway, there is a lot of interest. There is a dragon child on the back. At this moment, he is full of enthusiasm. Even if he faces the demon, he dares to swear a few words.

"White wood, give this seat to die!"

He screamed in a pretentious manner. With the repair of the broken and double heavens, the leap flew from the Yutai, stood on the sky, and stood tall, watching the benefactors.

At this moment, the sky is amazed by the transmission pattern of the Huanglong family. I was shocked by countless monks.

Many old geeks were amazed by the lower bounds of the Huanglong people. When they saw a cloak, they jumped out and sweared, and they let Ning Fan die.

"The Huanglong people are going to descend to the lower bounds. Are they coming to watch the dragon festival?"

"Hey, who is this man in the cloak, although he is a broken old man, but it is only a broken two heavens, why dare to scream with the white wood ancestors?"

At the moment when the lower circles of the Huanglong family appeared, the old Yuanwang looked at him and talked about the purple heart.

Talking about Zixin’s nervousness for Ningfan, she knows that the Huanglong people’s coming to the lower bounds is mostly unwilling, and it is likely to seek revenge for the Yellow.

"They are coming to deal with the white wood predecessors. Not good, the white wood predecessors are dangerous..."

Talking about Zixin is worried about Ning Fan, and suddenly he heard a cloak man provoke the voice of Ning Fan, and the beauty sinks.

"Who is this person, why do you want to talk to the white wood predecessors!"

At first sight, the scene of the Huanglong family appeared in the sky, but it was not too careless.

He naturally did not know that Ning Fan had killed the dragon and took the yellow. These Huanglong masters came to Ning Fan.

But when I saw that there was a broken two monks who yelled at Ning Fan, they were angry with the dragon.

His master, who can provoke it!

Ning Fan stood up and looked cold.

The upper limit of the Huanglong nationality. The reason is not to guess, and most of it is to take the yellow.

Regardless of the master of the Huanglong nationality, no matter what the cloak man is, he is sacred.

With a physique jump, Ning Fan flew up to the clouds, and separated from the man in the cloak, looking at each other.

"Who are you!" asked Ning Fan.

"Who are you asking me? Haha, you said who I am, you said who I can be!"

The man in the cloak suddenly laughed and slammed the cloak.

"You said who I am, I want to ask who you are! I am the white ancestor ancestors Baimu, you sneak into the Tianyuan City as my identity, what is the heart! Give you three interest, all the dragon spirits you will catch, Dragon Ball and the ten pieces of stone that I have received are given to me, and I will give you your broken seven slaves. I can blame you for imposing a name. Otherwise, when the upper bound is taken by Huanglongzi, you will be sure of this fake white wood!"

As he spoke, his eyes continued to glow with a cyan glow, with a hot positive force.

His words were introduced into countless people, and many of his faces were strange.

Ning Fan is fake white wood? This cloak man is really white wood?

Who is true and who is false, everyone does not know, everyone only knows that it is a stupid act for a monk who has broken the double heaven to run to provoke Ning Fan.

Ning Fan himself can sweep through the two realms, and there are more broken servants, which are closely related to the Yuan Temple.

Whether Ning Fan is not white wood, it is not the man in this cloak that can be provoked.

Ning Fan wanted to raise his hand to smash the man in the cloak, but when he saw the blue color of the man's eyes, his eyes looked a little.

"This is... the body of Qingyang!"

Breaking through the iron shoes, there is a body of seven yang to the door, and there is no reason to accept it.

But listening to the man in the cloak, this person seems to be the real white wood, and he is impersonating himself.

In the words of real white wood, there is a lot of information.

He met with Huang, and came for the star stone...

Ning Fan suddenly wanted to understand one thing.

Before the day of killing Huang, I believed that I was not a white wood, and I asked for the white feather stone in the opening. It turned out that there is this reason.

That yellow and the real white wood, is a group, of course, know that Ning Fan can not be white wood.

I just don’t know if this group of Huanglong tribes who borrowed from the lower bounds is also a group with Zhenbaimu.

However, it seems that the real white wood does not seem to have died.

"Bold! The dragon festival held by the Yuan Temple, you are here to let go! Look at the part of you who are broken and strong, if you leave, the old man can not hold you up to disturb the meeting!"

The elders of Zhou Nanda took the four Yuan Temples and shattered them. They flew over to Ningfan, and surrounded the real white wood. Everyone looked glaring at the real white wood.

"Yuan Dian? In the eyes of this seat, what is the Yuan Temple? You can know, who is the owner of this seat! The master of this seat is the dragon of the Huanglong family - take the yellow! Please look at this sky. The pattern of the line, presumably many people know that this is the unique lower-line pattern of the Huanglong people... Oh, the owner of this seat - by Huang Longzi, will soon be able to borrow the lines to descend on Tianyuan, he is to help This seat deals with fake white wood!"

The words of the man in the cloak made countless monks stunned.

Who is really white wood, who is fake white wood, no one cares, after all, white wood is not a fragrant, its reputation is extremely bad, if it is not strong, it will not let the name of white wood spread throughout the demon world.

But what people care about is that the man in the cloak is actually the servant of the upper dragon, and also asked the Huanglong monk to deal with Ning Fan...

The patterns in the sky are not fake, and most of the men in the cloak are true.

He really invited the Huanglong people to deal with Ning Fan!

"I can't think of the end of the dragon festival, there will be such a change... true white wood, Huanglong involved..." Some old whispers whispered.

I just started talking about it, and suddenly all of them became silent.

Because of the yellow dragon pattern on the sky, at this moment, a flash of light flashed out a million brilliance and condensed into a deep yellow door.

The gates opened, and hundreds of Huanglong strongmen walked out of the gates. For the first time, they were actually four demons!

"Who is white wood!"

The head of a demon, wearing a yellow enchantress, full of white hair, eyes with the wrath of the sky.

He snorted coldly, and the city was dead!

"Returning to the demon, the villain is white wood! I don't know where to take the yellow dragon, why didn't you see him?"

Really white wood with a very proud expression, stepping into the air, flying toward this large number of Huanglong strong.

The expression seems to want to show off with the strong man of the city, how strong his own backing.

"Four demon, four demon! You! With the Huang Huangzi brought so many people, I said that the fake white wood was robbed, even if it is a **** wash of several demon halls, it is a breeze!"

Really excited by the white wood, I went to the demon, and I didn’t realize how huge the murder was in this demon.

"Are you white wood? Oh, you dare to ask the old man, take the yellow one... The old man wants to ask you, who gives you the dog, dare to kill the yellow! The old man will kill you !"

The demon singer suddenly raised his finger and pointed to the fake white wood.

This finger only used three points of demon power, but it was enough to kill the monk who had broken the double heaven ten times.

One finger, the magical fire of the sky is illusory, with the infinite murder, directly scaring the face of the real white wood.

"What is the situation! What is the situation! The Huanglong strong, why should I shoot for me! How can this be!!!"

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