Grasping Evil

Chapter 797: Fourth Magic Mountain

After the devil's head slammed, he immediately strode forward, and the whole body made a squeaking sound. The right arm immediately became more than twice as big, and one palm shot to Ningfan Tianling.

He is only a stone's throw away from Ning Fan, and his shots are as fast as lightning. He hopes that Ning Fan will not be able to avoid his own power. This shot, with the infinite confidence of Zhang Ning.

Among the information he has learned, Ning Fan is only a junior of the gods. This is enough to kill him 10,000 times.

He did not know that Ning Fan was not the **** of his memory, and he had already stepped into the second step of the Tao.

"Chiba demon Luo..." Ning Fan’s eyes were cold, and he raised his hand and a sword, and he went to the face of the clutch.

But seeing a sword light flashed, the right arm of the devil's head was directly cut off by Ning Fan and a sword, and the broken arm fell to the ground, and the qi was turned into a magic gas to dissipate; the black blood splashed into the ground and instantly condensed into ice.

This sword is the Taoist soldier of Ning Fan - Yi Yi Daojian!

"It is a Taoist soldier! You are not a god, you are a ghost!"

The devil's arm was smashed, snorted, and backed a few feet, squatting on the broken arm, looking at Ning Fan unbelievably.

In the information he obtained, Ning Fan Ming Ming is only a god, how could it be a ghost Xuan Xiu? This point, he does not understand!

I know that I am not an opponent at the moment, the devil's head sweeps away the distracting thoughts, and when the machine is upright, the body is turned into a magical rainbow, and it instantly flies out of Dongfu and wants to escape from here.

"Well you go!"

Ning Fan snorted, his foot flashed black, and disappeared instantly in the same place. He stepped out of Dongfu in one step, blocking the road ahead of the devil, and he said nothing.

This sword broke out, and there were immediately 108,000 swords in the sky.

The devil has not yet reacted, and has been pierced by the light of the tens of thousands of swords, and the life is exhausted and died.

After the devil fell, his body was immediately like the broken arm. Start to become a magical airflow.

Ning Fan's gaze changed, and he received the shadow of the sky, the finger refers to the electricity, and the finger refers to the body of the devil.

This refers to Ning Fan's use of the technique of fixing the sky, the body of the demon is certain, and the body is not allowed to be dispelled.

A glimpse of Jianguang, from the blood of the devil head Dantian flesh out of the crystal with blood, another smash, cut the head of the devil.

Ning Fan received the Tao soldiers. Give a shot, release the magic fire, burn the dead body of the demon head, take the crystal and the head of the devil head, and return to Dongfu.

From then on, the devil was completely formed, and Ning Fan killed it, only after a few breaths.

The group of demons around the Lunar Montgomery only felt that there was a fierce magical wave in the inner area, and they did not know what happened inside.

Within the cave house. Ning Fan will still be at the top of the stone table, looking at the magic crystal in his hand, the eyes are extremely dignified.

Sure enough, this crystal is indeed a magic crystal.

Ning Fan came to the Lunar Mountain Range. The two crystal-related monsters that have been killed in succession, these two, in fact, are the same person as the quasi-emperor monster that was like Xiaoluo the Great!

Magic Magic Crystal is an extremely rare fairy mine, if the magic repairs the crystal. This crystal can be sacred by the magical secret technique, and the crystal refining system is transformed into a illusion.

If Ning Fan is expected to be good, the devil named Chiba Ronaldo. It is the magical demon body that the Emperor Luo Luo personally sacrificed by the magic crystal!

The demon body made from the magical crystal sacrifice will not really die unless the crystal is destroyed.

For the demon body, the magic crystal is the god, the heart, that is, all the lives of the family.

After each death of the magical body, as long as you add enough magic, you can re-emerge and illusion, and continue to serve the master.

Sen Luo had killed this demon head once. At that time, the magic crystal fell to Lingtai Star.

After a certain amount of magical gas has been absorbed, this konjac is reborn and reborn, showing the initial cultivation of the human Xuan. This is an incomplete rebirth, and its end is once again annihilated by Ning Fan.

This time, Ning Fan personally transmitted the magic for the crystal, making the devil the third time to re-enact.

Because the amount of magic is far from enough, this is still an incomplete illusion rebirth.

Although this magic was once again smashed by Ning Fan, as long as the crystal is not destroyed, he will not be truly dead. As long as he absorbs enough magic, he can still be reborn.

Magic Magic Crystal can be used to sculpt the magical body, and it is highly sought after by the magic. It is a magical treasure.

Each piece of magic crystal can only be sacrificed once, and if it is sacrificed for the second time, it will be destroyed.

The demon body that was smelted out can not be repaired beyond the magic.

The cultivation of the demon body cannot be promoted through cultivation. Once the sacrifice is formed, it will not be promoted.

This crystal has been honoured by the Emperor Luo Luo once, and it has no use for Ning Fan.

But the head of the devil is still useful for Ning Fan.

"What is the magical demon of the Emperor Luo Luo? Search for the soul!"

Ning Fan put down the crystal, his eyes flashed in the cold, raised his hand and held the head of the demon head, and displayed the technique of searching for souls and memories.

He closed his eyes and his mind invaded the sea of ​​the devil.

Within the sea of ​​the devil's head, there are a total of nine seals, each of which is sealed with important memories of different degrees.

Ning Fan first tore the first look of the devil's head, and began to read this part of the memory.

The memory shows that this demon head is called Chiba Ronaldo, one of the six crystal slaves made by the Emperor Rodriguez.

The so-called crystal slaves have the same meaning as the magical body, but the name is different.

In the life of the Emperor Luo Luo, a total of ten magic crystals were obtained, all used to sculpt the magical body, four failures, six successes.

Like the crystal slaves of Chiba Mo Luo, there are five of the Luo Luo Emperor, all of them have the cultivation of the ancients!

The memory of the first heavy seal ended here, and Ning Fanfu showed his magical powers and tore the second memory seal of Chiba.

The memory shows that Chiba Moore was the power of the well of the contract. Seven years ago, it descended from the ancient magical cross to the East Heavenly Immortal.

The purpose of his coming to the East Heaven Fairy, there is only one, that is to chase Ning Fan, to vent their hatred!

Today, the Emperor Luo Luo is being suppressed somewhere and isolated.

The Emperor Luo Luo took possession of the sacrifice of the bones, and the possession of Ning Fan is now hidden in the East Heaven.

Because Ning Fan refining the innate ghost face in advance, the Emperor Luo Luo could not accurately occupy the whereabouts and repairs of Ning Fan.

I can know that Ning Fan is in Dongtian, which is a good news for Mo Luo.

The Emperor Luo Luo was being suppressed and could not personally kill and kill Ning Fan. Fortunately, near the place where he was besieged, there was an abandoned domain door connecting the contract well of the Tomb of the East Heaven.

He was suppressed. Can't borrow the domain door to come to Dongtian, but the slaves around him can!

So, the Emperor Luo Luo decisively sent Chiba Ronaldo to the well of the contract, and issued an order to kill Ning Fan!

He wanted to send a few more crystal slaves, but after the abandoned domain door passed one person, it would take thousands of years to pass the second person.

Chiba Ronaldo arrived at the well of the contract and entered into a contract with the Emperor of Heaven. He was willing to help the Emperor of the Air to take the shot once and agree to cancel the contract after World War I. Regain freedom and walk freely in Dongtian.

It is a pity that for the first time he helped the Emperor of the Air to take the shot, he met the murderer of Sen Luo and died in the hands of Sen Luo.

I haven’t had time to continue to reinvent the rebirth. As the magical crystal of its god, it has fallen into the hands of Ning Fan...

"I don't think that the purpose of this Chiba demon came to the East Heavenly Immortal World, it was to kill me!"

Ning Fan’s eyes glimpse.

At that time, he was almost taken over by the Emperor Luo Luo and became the slave of the Luo Luo. Fortunately, he was saved by the Emperor. The danger is dangerously ruining the magical three-point magic, and escaped.

On the same day, Emperor Luo Luo had released a swearword, saying that it would take a million years to get out of trouble and revenge on Ning Fan.

For Ning Fan. Millions of years are too far away, and I have never taken the revenge of the Emperor Luo Luo into my heart.

What Ning Fan did not think was that the Emperor Luo Luo’s body did not get out of trouble, but he managed to send a slave. Come to chase him...

"Fortunately, this Chiba demon Luo was killed by Sen Luo once, so that his magic crystal fell into my hand... If he really completed the contract with the Emperor of Heaven, regain his freedom. Walk east, to him The quasi-emperor cultivated and secretly pursued me. For me, I don’t know how dangerous it is!"

"In the midst of it, Sen Luo is helping me once..."

Ning Fan blinked and then tore the third memory seal.

The memory shows that Chiba Ronaldo came from the fourth deep of the ancient demon Jiuyuan, and the Emperor Luo Luo is now being suppressed under the fourth magic mountain. And the location of the fourth magic mountain, just in...

"The fourth magic mountain!"

Ning Fan’s eyes changed, and the information he found from the third memory seal has touched the Mozu’s secret!

Just as he was about to find the location information of the fourth magic mountain, suddenly, it was a sudden change.

Among the third memory seals, a pre-hosted supernatural power is excited at this moment.

Chiba's knowledge of the sea is burning at this moment.

Without any hesitation, Ning Fan immediately withdrew his mind and the palm of his hand withdrew the first level of Chiba.

At the moment when he let go, the first level of Chiba Moore suddenly burned and turned into a fly ash to dissipate.

The magical crystal that was placed on the stone table by Ning Fan was broken into two halves at the moment.

"Do you guard against double..."

Ning Fan’s eyes immediately sank, and after a long time, he only calmed down.

Unexpectedly, in the memory of Chiba Ronaldo, not only the memory seal, but also the self-destruction of the sea.

The ban was planted by the Emperor Luo Luo himself. Once triggered, unless it was repaired higher than the Luo Luo, it could not prevent the knowledge of the Chiba Ronaldo from being destroyed.

The timing of the ban is not the time when Ning Fan tears open the first memory seal, but tears the third seal.

The Chiba Demon Hall was built by the emperor, and the idlers naturally did not want him.

The one who can kneel down is at least four days.

In the view of the Emperor Luo Luo, if the crystal slaves were really captured by the four heavenly emperors, even if they were strong seals under the crystal slaves, it would be safe to protect the slaves from leaking.

Therefore, he planted a smoldering ban within the crystal slaves. When someone tried to search for the third seal of the slave, they would be attacked by the smoldering ban...

The reason why he is banned under the third memory is that he is quite vicious.

Ordinary people search for souls and memory, often cautious at the beginning, then they will relax. After searching for the first and second heavy seal memories, they often have a lax spirit and are easily banned from attacking...

If Fei Ningfan sees the machine early, and withdraws his mind, he is very likely to be attacked by this spontaneous ban and lose his life...

"It's a pity that the memory of Chiba's Luo Luo is sure to have more hidden secrets... such as secrets, or other things..."

Ning Fan looked at the magic crystal that was broken into two halves and sighed softly.

The shattered crystal can't be transformed into Chiba. If you can't morph again, you won't be able to search for souls again.

Chiba Ronaldo, it is really fallen.

Ning Fan’s eyes fell on the two magical crystals. Suddenly, his expression changed suddenly!

But in the middle of the crystal that was broken in half, there was a silver dust falling on the stone table.

This dust is extremely small, and if you don't look carefully, you can't notice it.

Although it is just a grain of dust, Ning Fan does not dare to take a break from the origin of this dust!

"It’s actually a magical dust!"

Ning Fan took the silver dust into his hands and looked at it.

Magic Magic Crystal is a rare fairy, very rare, it is that the Emperor Luo Luo only got ten pieces in his life.

The illusion magic dust is more rare than the magic crystal. It grows in the magic crystal, and the probability of forming is extremely low. Among the one thousand magic crystals, it is very rare to have a magical magic dust.

The magical magic dust is very rare and its use is very cold.

This magic dust can be used to refine an medicinal herb called 'Magic Dan.'

Fantasy Dan is not high, only four turns of remedy.

However, Dandan is very difficult to ask, that is, Dongtiandi star does not necessarily have it. In general, alchemists are only aware of their names, not knowing Dan.

And its efficacy, it is really against the sky.

Any monk who takes this Dan, there will be three magic fires in Dantian.

Within one hour, every time a monk is served, the magic fire will be extinguished, and the monk will be reborn once.

If, within one hour, the magic fire is exhausted and the Dan monk is killed again, there is no way to reborn.

Ning Fan looked at the magical dust in his hands and said nothing.

If you can find the Danfang of the magical Dan, he can use this dust to refine the magical Dan and increase the life-saving card.

It’s just the Danfang of Magical Dan...

"I don't know if you can buy the Danfang of the Magical Dan in this East Star field. If you can't, you don't have to rush for a while..."

Just when Ning Fan was indulging, above the Lingtai Star, a group of monks approached the star... (To be continued.)

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