Grasping Evil

Chapter 798: Warlord Luojia

This group of seventeen monks, both men and women, are dressed in black robes. At the plaque, all the seven golden feathers are embroidered, which is the emblem of the monk.

Of the seventeen, fifteen were broken and the two were the second step.

One of the fate is a black-dressed woman, who has the artificial cultivation of the early Xuan, her body is dark, her hair is black and bright, and she is dressed with a woman.

The looks are quite glamorous, but the magic in the eyes is a bit heavy, and the nails are black and slender.

Another fate is a middle-aged man who has a mid-term cultivation of the ghost. This person's face is square, the scribe is dressed up, and the waist is hung with a blue jade pen.

"Well? The sword shadow just dissipated... I can’t think of this little Lingtai star. There are still monks and monks. But it’s a pity that it was too far apart to accurately sense the strength of Jianguang, but it is difficult to judge this person. Specifically repaired. Isn't this person a human or a ghost? If it is a ghost, you can learn a little with this person..."

In the eyes of the middle-aged scribes, the warfare flickered, and then the water condensed and disappeared.

As soon as I heard the words of the middle-aged scribe, the black-dressed woman immediately covered her mouth and giggled.

"Luo Daoyou is really a descendant of the 'Luo Jia Battle King'. It is very militant. Whenever you meet a friend of the same level, you will want to learn from each other. You will come along with you all the time. When you meet four ghosts, you have to fight once every time you meet one..."

"I am a family martial art, born because of the war, whenever you encounter a bottleneck, you must fight with people many times before you can break through." Middle-aged scribes.

"The four ghosts we met, one is the beginning, the other is the middle, and the other is the late. The record of the Taoist friends is four wins in four wars. In this year's 'Tombbi', I want to come to the ranks of the friends. If you want to rise, you will fight for the 'nothingness', and fear is also a big hope. Unfortunately, the 'Clock Festival' is delayed due to chaos. Otherwise, most of the Taoist friends can also compete for the spirit of the gods." Say no regrets.

"I am now cultivating strength and wanting to fight for nothingness. I am afraid that it is somewhat difficult. If I can break through the ghosts before the tomb, I will fight for it with my family. If you don't mention it, it's important to complete the task first, and quickly choose the next star owner of Lingtaixing, and we will go to the next repair star."

In the middle-aged literary scholars, the Chaoxing Taixing Land landed slightly and stood on the sky above a piece of wasteland. Suddenly speaking.

Its voice is not big, but it contains a great magical power, and the sound spread throughout the Lingtai Star in an instant.

"I am the four sacred halls of the gods - the sorcerer of the sect of the sect, Luo Wei! This is the order of the lord of the sect of the sect of the sect of the sect of the sect of the sect of the sect of the sect of the sect of the sect of the singer. ”

On the entire Lingtai Star, not including the Warcraft Powers, there are five broken monks including Liu Zhou.

The five broken monks suddenly heard the voice of the middle-aged scribe. As each face changed, they sent out the jade slips, and they used the jade slips, but they also rushed to the place where the middle-aged scribes were.

And the Warcraft stars on the Lingtai Star. As soon as I heard the voice of the middle-aged scribes, I was afraid.

A musk has not yet finished, Liu Zhou and other five broken people have rushed to the middle of the middle-aged scribes, and respected the middle-aged scribes!

"Lingtaishan group repair. I have seen the criminal cabinet! I don't know what to do with the comet, why?"

"Limited. Luo Mou came here today for the death of the main battle of Lingtai Star. Today, Luo Mou will choose one of the five people, including the new Lingtai star. Someone is willing to compete for the position of the star owner, but one step forward."

Middle-aged literary scholars, quietly watching Liu Zhou and others. The rest of the criminal court monks, without saying anything, stood still on the side of the middle-aged scribe.

Upon hearing this group of criminals, the monks drove to the Lingtai Star, in order to enshrine the star owner, the four Lingtai were all excited and excited, stepping forward and expressing their willingness to compete for the star.

Only Liu Zhou reveals a mixed feeling, after a moment of indulgence, it is a step forward.

Seeing the five Lingtai shattered and imaginary hearts, the middle-aged scribes nodded, and suddenly uttered the gods of the vast river, sweeping the body of five people.

After some investigation, the middle-aged scribes raised their hands and pointed to Liu Zhou.

"If you are not the highest of the five, but you are strong in the heart, this one is the successor of this Lingtai star. This jade is a gift to you, which records a kind of magical power, you learn it, even if it is only broken The four repairs are enough to be the master of a star."

In the end, the middle-aged scribe took out a jade slip and gave Liu Zhou.

The other four Lingtai were broken, and when Liu Zhou was appointed as the star of Lingtai, he was given a supernatural power.

Liu Zhou was a sigh, received the jade slip, thanked the middle-aged scribes for grace, and suddenly opened the door.

"If the villain is already the owner of the Lingtai Star, he should make a difference. If there is a request, he will also hope to answer it."

"What request?" The middle-aged scribe has no expression.

"On the star of Lingtai, there is a magical wave as a disaster. In the past, there was a former star owner who could suppress the magic tide. Nowadays, only five of the broken stars on the Lingtai star can not hold the magic tide. Make a shot and help me to wait for the Lingtai monks to suppress the magic tide."

In other words, Liu Zhou is also a worship, bowing his head, but his heart is extremely nervous, I wonder if the middle-aged scribe will promise his own request.

"The magic tide is difficult?"

The middle-aged scribe was frowned and slightly unhappy.

When God read a little bit of perception, he perceives thirty-four broken virtual World of Warcraft from the Lingtai Star.

As a monk, he is not obliged to help his subordinates to repair the true stars.

That is the responsibility of the military cabinet, not his jurisdiction.

He still has a task in his body, and he still needs to cover dozens of comprehension stars. He doesn't want to take care of this star.

Just seeing Liu Zhou’s love words, I finally nodded and said,

"But, Luo will take a shot to help you flatten the star magic tide. District 34 broken virtual World of Warcraft, I want to spend a lot of time."

In the end, the middle-aged scribes have a sigh of wind, and this place immediately shows a little bit of glaucoma, like a firefly.

In the next moment, the middle-aged scribes, with all the monks in the area, disappeared and appeared outside a magical marsh outside the Lunar Month.

Nowadays, the whole virtual world of Warcraft stars is gathered in this magical marsh.

When the middle-aged scribes and others arrived, within the magic marsh, there were immediately 34 broken shadows and greeted.

These thirty-four shadows are headed by Ke Long, all of which are the image of the broken virtual world of humanity.

The group of magic faces, all at the moment is ugly.

Especially Ke Long. The eyes are full of despair and unwillingness.

He knows that the group repairs in front of him, including Liu Zhou and others, are all the four cabinet monks.

These people will come to the magical marsh outside the Lunar Month, and most of them will have to kill the World of Warcraft...

Ke Long and other magic are the local devils of Lingtaixing. Even if they dare to be enemies with local monks such as Liu Zhou, how can they dare to be enemies with Shenxu?

The entire Dongpu Star Field is the site of the Shenxu Pavilion. In the Shenxu Pavilion, there are countless strong people, but the land is like a dog.

The sacred hall is a great thing that Kelong and other magic tricks can't afford!

God's Court is a Shinto power. Xuan Xiong Zongmen, for the Xuange Pavilion monks, the Mozu is a different kind, is an enemy, killing has never been...

There are 17 prisoners in front of the Court, including two immortals.

If these people are killed in the Lunar Mountain, there is absolutely no Warcraft to survive.

"I don't know what to do with this place, why?" Ke Long bit his teeth. With the luck of luck, I asked the middle-aged scribe.

How much he hopes to have a chance of one in ten, the other party will not kill the group...

unfortunately. The first sentence of the middle-aged scribes dispelled all the luck of Ke Long.

"Luo Mou came here, for the help of the Taixing Star to destroy the group of demons. Er and other broken virtual World of Warcraft if they broke their own, Luo Mou can open the net. Do not slaughter this low-level Warcraft."

This middle-aged scribe is not happy to fight, and does not like to descend from his identity and a group of low-order monsters.

In the middle-aged scribes, the annihilation of the Star Warcraft. Only smashed the imaginary, the rest can be disposed of by the Lingtai Star.

As soon as I heard the words of the middle-aged scribes, the demons showed their sorrowful color.

They can only perceive the horror of the middle-aged scribes by virtue of Warcraft instinct, and understand that there is absolutely no hope of escape in front of this person.

Some of Warcraft sighed and accepted the fate of their own break.

If they can survive the lives of other low-level Warcraft, they will be dead...

Another part of Warcraft, but not willing to bow to death. One of the skinny, like a villain, gnawed his teeth and spoke to Ke Long.

"Ke brother, are you not dealing with the second-step predecessor in the lunar month? Can you ask him to come forward and help me to wait for my life?"

"Yeah, Kexiong! I heard that Laozi, the second step of the seniors, who are very interested in your two granddaughters, have confiscated her two people. With this relationship, he will not live and die for me. Ignore it!" Another devil head said with hope.

", no..."

Ke Long was quite moved by the two people. He didn't want to ask Ning Fan to take his hand and save his life.

But this heart was only wiped out by him.

Today’s robbery is a matter between their Lingtai Star Warcraft and the Lingtai monk and the Shenxu Pavilion. How can the outsider of Ningfan be involved?

In Ke Long’s mind, Ning Fan is extremely strong, but it may not be stronger than the middle-aged scribes in front of him. It is even more impossible to have the powerful virginity behind the middle-aged scribes.

Let Ning Fan come forward, not necessarily have such a big face, enough to keep the group of demons. Maybe it will also anger the gods and sorcerers, and provoke a greater catastrophe, implicating the low-level Warcraft here.

And Ke Long did not grasp the need to move Ning Fan, risking the possibility of offending the sacred court, to protect the demons.

Ke Long sighed and finally dispelled the thought of getting Ning Fan into the matter.

The self-cultivators are mostly selfish, because only selfish people can survive in the cruel battle.

If you want to come, please Ning Fan, Ning Fan will not be in their heads. After all, there is no friendship between them...

"Ke brother! You!"

When Ke Long was not willing to ask Ning Fan to come forward, several devils were in a hurry, but they turned and sighed, and they were desperate.

They actually understand that even if Ke Long went to ask Ning Fan, there is not much possibility to ask Ning Fan to shoot.

It was the middle-aged scribe who, after hearing the dialogue between the demons, suddenly showed a big expression of interest, saying,

"Interesting, it seems that behind the monsters, there is still a backing, and I want to come to the name of the **** on the Lingtai star. Let's ask him to come out. If he is strong enough, Luo does not mind watching him. On the face, let's wait for a horse."

"No, I am willing to die. The predecessor has no friendship with me, and will not wait for me."

Ke Long shook his head and vetoed the proposal of the middle-aged scribe and closed his eyes. I bowed to death.

He has made up his mind that he will never be involved in the robbery.

The middle-aged gentleman heard the words and shook his head, but he no longer persuaded him.

He looked indifferent and held his hands, and he was indifferent to Ke Long and others. "Currently, the world is weak, and you are weak and weak. You and I are different. It is resentment. Luo Mou also wants to be a monk for the Lingtai Star. Er, and so on, it will break on its own, don't force Luo to do something. After the ten interest, no one is self-deprecating, Luo does not mind sending him a ride!"

After all, the middle-aged scribe began to wait patiently.

At this moment, Liu Zhou and other Lingtai Star monks, looking at the enemy of World of Warcraft who had to be self-defeating, suddenly raised the feeling of death of the dead fox.

This feeling has only risen for a moment. It was pressed by five people.

They and Lingtai Warcraft are enemies, countless relatives and friends died in the hands of Warcraft, but also killed countless World of Warcraft, the grievances have long been unable to resolve.

Ke Long and other demon looks desolate. They lifted their palms and pressed their own spirits.

They are World of Warcraft, and they believe in the concept of strong and weak. They are hostile to middle-aged scribes and others, and they are not as good as people. The other party only makes them self-destructive, does not kill low-level Warcraft, it is very good...

Just when the group is about to die. In the magic marsh, suddenly stumbled and ran out of two milk dolls, and the milk burst into tears toward the middle-aged scribes and others.

"You are bad guys! You can't kill Agong! Celery (芸芸) won't let you kill Agong! You are bad, you are bad!"

"Shut up! Still not back!" Ke Long's face was extremely tense!

He couldn’t think of it. Two of his own milk dolls would run out at this time, and they would yell at the monks and gods.

God knows how scared Ke Long is at the moment, afraid that middle-aged scribes and others will be angry, killing their two granddaughters, and killing countless low-level Warcraft...

Being a bad guy by two milk dolls, the middle-aged scribe was not angry, just frowning.

The black-dressed woman looked cold and apparently dissatisfied with the two milk dolls, but did not bother to work on the two dolls.

However, several criminal cabinets behind the middle-aged scribes were broken, but several people saw the murder.

These people are all Xuan Xiu, who have a very strong concept of righteousness and evil spirits. They hate evil spirits and hate to do their best.

At this moment, the two milk dolls in the district were insulted. Immediately, there was a smashed and savage squad who took the step of stepping out and grabbed the two milk dolls.

In the mouth, he sighed coldly. "I don't know the demon who lives and dies, it is the young demon.

"Stop!" Ke Long looked angry, he was not afraid of death, he did not hesitate to die, but did not allow anyone to start with his own dear!

I was trying to save two little baby dolls, but there was another big man who was broken and ugly, and immediately stopped in front of him, snorting and punching him with a punch.

With only one punch, Ke Longsheng will be shaken back!

Although Ke Long was not injured, he did not have time to rescue two milk dolls.

An unrecognizable anger burned in his heart!

In this anger, there is deeper sorrow! That sorrow, only the end of the road can be experienced!

"I can't save it, I can't save it..."

This thought rose wildly in Ke Long's heart. He couldn't bear to see two little baby dolls. He couldn't bear to see the tragic scene of her being torn into pieces by the criminal monk.

The old man of the criminal court grasped the five fingers, and immediately there were five swords and light, pointing out to the two little baby girls.

The two little baby girls are also considered to be in danger, almost scared to be in the same place.

How old they are, who knows what is dangerous, and how to know what is high and thick.

But they are the body of Warcraft. At this moment, the feeling of death is so deep...

Just when Jianguang was about to touch her two bodies, the two little babies were flashing in front of each other. At the same moment, a white figure suddenly blocked the two women in front of them, raising their hands to the five roads. Jianguang pressed.

Not Ning Fan, who is it!

The five swords are like a dragon, but in front of Ning Fan, it is like a child playing like a play, not worth mentioning.

He only raised his hand and pressed, and the five swords that were broken by the old eight were suddenly broken into golden light and scattered with the wind.

"The second step is to immortal!" The broken eight old man who attacked the little baby's baby changed his face. When Ning Fan pressed the light of the Jianguang, there was almost no hesitation, and he was thrown away!

From Ning Fan's body, he felt an indescribable cold murder.

Where did he know that Ning Fan had already thought about the two girls? A few months of getting along, it is very deep love for two milk dolls!

For other life and death of Warcraft, Ning Fan can not say care.

But for these two baby dolls, Ning Fan is already protecting the short heart, and no one can hurt anyone!

"In addition to the evils! One good thing to do except the evil! Ningmou wants to know, these two ignorant three-year-old children, what is evil!"

Ning Fan’s black flashes at the foot, leaving a residual image in the original place has not dissipated, the deity has appeared in front of the broken eight old man, not to mention, one finger press!

The law of his defamation, the quick shot, is the middle-aged scribe and the black dress, the two beautiful immortals, and can not see his dawn, and the magical power of his shot!

The middle-aged literary gaze condensed, and did not see much flow of expression, nor the rescue of the broken eight old man's thoughts, just staring at Ning Fan's words.

The black dress is a big surprise, and it’s too late to save the old man!

The broken eight old man only felt that the purple gold mans had disappeared in the blink of an eye. The next moment, the whole body was under the fingers of Ning Fan, and the life was decaying and weathered into gray!

The one who punched off Ke Long’s broken nine great man, seeing Ning Fan’s finger to kill and kill the eight old man, was already frightened. He opened Ke Long and immediately went to the middle-aged scribe to pray for his life.

Ning Fan did not look at the broken nine Han Han, his body shape flashed, has returned to the original place, standing beside the two little milk baby.

He only mentioned the revenge of the two little babies, killing the broken eight old man, but he was not hostile to the monks who repelled Ke Long.

He is a man of indifference, and only two little milk babies can ignite his guilty heart.

"Who are you, dare to kill me?"

The middle-aged scribe did not say anything, but the black-dressed woman was furious.

No one in this place can see Ning Fan's specific cultivation, she can't see it, but she is a personal early and mid-term monk.

She is self-satisfied with her own secret techniques, which is also a battle for the late man Xuan, but he is afraid of Ning Fan.

However, she only stepped on the lotus. I haven’t asked Ning Fan anymore. Ning Fan’s cold eyes have already been swept to her.

Only one gaze made her breathy, and her blood was red, but she was invaded by Ning Fan.

After a few steps back, the face is white, coughing up blood, it is seriously injured!

Ning Fan’s eyes were so severe that she was seriously injured. This is what she can’t imagine!

What shocked her was that Ning Fan was not the person she imagined, but Xuan Xiu!

After seeing Ning Fan's powerful, she dared to challenge Ning Fan, and even dare not be the unlucky old man.

However, the middle-aged scribe was no longer silent, and finally spoke.

In his eyes, he is in uplifted with infinite warfare. This war is only for winning. There is no trace of revenge for the broken eight old man!

He has recognized that Ning Fan is a monk in the middle of the ghost!

"My name is Luo, if you fight with me, and catch me a half-style, I will put this star monster, one does not kill, how!" Middle-aged scribe and good laughter.

"The rest of the monsters are life and death, I am not interested!"

Ning Fan faintly said, turned and brought two small milk dolls to leave.

The middle-aged scribe was not happy, but he slammed his sleeves and directly sang the waist jade pen, and hit Ning Fan!


Ning Fan suddenly turned back, the blood in the eyes flashed, the boundless red mans flew out from the body, turned into a huge blood fist, without saying anything, directly hit the middle-aged scribes!

This fist out, the middle-aged scribe's jade magic weapon was directly smashed into powder.

The remaining boxing mang, turned into a strong wind, forced to retreat from the middle-aged scribes slammed back, and his eyes changed.

Suddenly, the face was white, and he even coughed up a blood. He was shocked to look at Ning Fan!

That shock, even more inexplicable!

"This person and I are both in the mid-term of the ghost, and can be strengthened to this step! If this person practices the ‘God of War,’ I don’t know how many ‘神变’ can be repaired?!”

"This person is afraid of using it for my ‘Wang Luojia’. I just don’t know how high he is in the qualifications of practicing the **** of war...” (To be continued.)

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