Grasping Evil

Chapter 860: See also Wu Chen

The wild beast in the ancient forest was emptied by a small loli.

In the depths of a towering ancient wood, Ning Fan opened three caves, one person and one room.

Liu Yan is here to raise the star plate. Xiao Loli is here to protect the law, and Ning Fan is dedicated to the war god.

Ning Fan's heart is a little bit integrated into this ancient forest. The rot leaves on the woodland, I don't know how thick it is, how many years have accumulated.

Under these rot leaves, occasionally you can find some of the dead bones of the dead, as well as some magical depletion of rust.

The ancient warfare was condensed in this forest. Ning Fan closes his eyes, and he seems to be able to hear the cry of countless dead and unyielding people.

war! war! war!

At that time, Jin Ge Tie Ma had long been unable to pursue but the war in this place was immortal!

Ning Fan has a lot of warfare and warfare in the realization of the war gods, and that one word is an immortal will...

One day, two days, three days.. I don’t know how many days have passed, and Ning Fan’s heart is completely blended with the war here.

At this moment, he finally opened his eyes and began to use the magical techniques to condense Li Yuanjing.

Here, what he wants to make is not the next product, Li Yuanjing, but the middle product!

Failure, failure, loss of sales.

Blocks of crystal, in the hands of Ning Fan turned into powder, the difficulty of coagulation of the middle of the product, is much higher than the next product.

A month later, Ning Fan is still failing.

Two months later, Ning Fan still did not condense half of the Zhongpin Lie Yuanjing.

Three months later, Ning Fan was still failing, but in his heart, he finally realized what was common.

The reason why it is still impossible to condense Zhongpin Lie Yuanjing is because the war is not strong enough!

At this moment, Ning Fan walked out of Dongfu and applied a bandit technique, which was actually sinking into the underground of ancient forests.

The crust of the wilderness is changing every few hundred years.

It has been separated for hundreds of millions of years in four days, and has experienced four hundred battles. The earth's crust has changed nearly a million times... The battlefield that once fought in the battlefield has already been buried deep in the stratum.

The war there is stronger than the ground, where there will be a condensed Chinese product!

Ning Fan all the way to the end of the ground, here, the intensity of the war, can almost disturb the calm and steady heart of Ning Fan.

Here, Ning Fan finally condensed the first piece of Zhongpin Lie Yuanjing.. The strength of the warfare of Zhongpin Lie Yuanjing is equivalent to Luojia's best battle crystal!

The best battle crystal, from the war Wang Luo Wei sleep, no one can condense!

Feel the strong warfare in Zhongpin Lie Yuanjing, Ning Fan is satisfied with a smile, in this heart of the world, accompanied by the remains of countless ancient monks, constantly condensing the Chinese product Li Yuanjing.

For two years, Ning Fan was condensing in the middle of the product, and condensed nearly 10,000 pieces.

In the next eight years, Ning Fan returned to the ground cave house, and the number of wars continued to increase through refining and refining.

In the past eight years, Xiao Loli had finished one-tenth of the broken mine in her hand, and asked Ning Fan for one tenth.

In the past eight years, Liu Yuwen had a resounding sympathy with the astrolabe, and it was greatly improved, breaking through to the realm of broken and five-fold heaven.

In the past eight years, Ning Fan’s number of wars has reached 1,200!

The progress of his cultivation of yin and yang has increased by one-twentieth in the past eight years!

The third change in the trenches requires a martyrdom battle to break through.

Ning Fan’s God of War is stuck in the bottleneck of breaking through the third change. He needs a battle to break through the God of War!

Millions of miles around, the beast was cleaned up by the bored little Lolly.

It has been ten years since I came to the ancient forest. Ten years later, Ning Fan walked out of the ancient forest for the first time.

He left the ancient forest alone, leaving Liu Wei and Xiao Loli in the cave house.

As Ning Fan’s mind was moved, the sky and the sky were immediately clouded, and the rain and rain continued. The rain curtain gradually spread away from the distance.

Ning Fan’s thoughts are extremely far away, looking for a wild beast that can fight.

Suddenly, Ning Fan’s gaze changed slightly, and he collected the raindrops without hesitation. He immediately turned into a golden light and galloped in a certain direction.

He did not think that in this wild land, he could still meet an old man.

Unoccupied the wilderness, above a black marsh Daze, there is a team of monks and war and retreat.

This group of monks, a total of four people, each has a repair on top of the real, wearing a **** face.

These four people are the four ghost killers of the Killing Temple. This time, they took the task of collecting the corpse from the temple and entered the wilderness.

Their mission is to collect more than a hundred corpses that have crossed the real beast.

Among the four people, there are three people in the early stage of the crossing, and one in the middle of the ferry. With the strength of the four people, it is not difficult to kill some of the wild beasts in the early and middle stages. It is not too difficult to collect the corpses.

The four people are secretive, often looking for a single beast to start, never encountered any danger.

This time, the four men found two single-handed beasts, and together they killed and sealed the corpse.

However, what the four people did not expect was that the hands of the two beasts had one head and there was a weird Yuan Ying in the body.

In the information recorded in the four days, there was no wild animal, and there were Yuan Ying and Beast Dan in the body.

Occasionally, this is a wild animal, the four people do not dare to neglect, put the seal on the collection, ready to bring back to the killing hall, dedicated to the Zongmen, study it well, saying that it should not be a great achievement.

Unexpectedly, just after they sealed the strange baby, in an instant, it ignited the killing of all the wild beasts nearby!

Behind the four people, there have been more than 20 cross-bone beasts, four chasing four, and the number of wild beasts is still increasing!

"What the strange baby is, can actually provoke the killing of all the beasts here!"

Among the four people, the highest one is the white-haired old man in the middle of the cross. The ghost face is covered and the face is not visible, but it can also be seen from the perseverance. This is a strong old man.

", still lost, the number of these wild beasts is too much, we can't afford to be" a woman who covers the face of ghosts.

She is wearing a **** armor, a refining monk, surnamed Yue.

"Yue Shimei said that the strange baby is still lost." Another middle-aged ferry said.

"Wu also believes that the strange baby should be thrown away early." The last one is really a burly big man, breaking through the real life for ten years, the realm is not particularly stable.

"Okay, lost the strange baby!"

The surnamed old surname sighed slightly, although he also wanted to take this strange baby back to meritorious service, but he also knows that it is not appropriate for a strange baby to continue to anger after the wild beast.

As soon as he gritted his teeth, the old surnamed Yu took out a sealed jade box and threw it away. He hoped to calm the anger of the beasts.

The jade box landed, and a deadly baby stumbled immediately on the ground. Only the size of the palm, but two heads.

When the beasts saw the babies landing, they immediately stopped and looked heavy.

One of the wild beasts swallowed the babies into the abdomen and screamed for a long time in the sky.

After the interest rate, all the beasts are all fiercely exposed, and they are chasing again to the four people, killing the machine even worse!

"Trouble... The babies have given back to these wild beasts, but they still don't want to let us go."

The surnamed old man’s eyes are dignified, and no countermeasures have been taken. In other directions, there have been a lot of brutal attacks!

Looking at the wild beasts, the four ghost face killers are all nervous.

"Death battle!" The surnamed surnamed old man looked sharply and spit out these two words.

The other three people are also looking at the situation, knowing that things have developed to this point. Only when the death war has broken through the encirclement, will there be a chance.

After being besieged by nearly seventy-headed wild beasts, the four were already alive.

A headed beast opened a huge mouth, black and red, and it was condensing in their mouths.


The flashing watermark whistling a golden light, without any reservation, went straight to the place, suddenly appeared in the beast.

The golden light is scattered, showing a silver-haired youth who also wears ghost faces. It is only the ghost face of this young man, which is different from the **** face of others. It is silver.

This person's eyes are scarlet, such as a robbery, only a cold eyes swept over, not afraid of the world's wild beast, all showing fear.

The pretty flash that condenses in the mouth is even more daunting to release!

There is an invisible prestige that condenses in the silver-haired youth. That pressure is not easy for others to detect. Only the wild beast can understand it!

"Who is this person! Only one look, you can persuade the group!" The three ghost killers, including the surnamed Lao, were all shocked.

And the monk Wu surnamed his eyes, and from this silver-haired youth, he noticed a familiar familiarity.

"Wu brother, don't come to the innocent, the silver hair, the young man smiled.

This voice was introduced into the ear of the surname Wu, and immediately made his eyes stunned. It was unbelievable.

This Wu surnamed monk is exactly Wu Wu who is not in a relationship with Ning Fan!

At this moment, the image of Ning Fan’s silver face is very different from that of the former image, but this sound, Wu Chen is not forgotten in life.

Some people may not know, but he knows that this silver-haired youth is definitely Ning Fan!

The beasts were only shocked by Ning Fan for a moment. With the savage beast that swallowed the strange baby, all the beasts once again showed fierce eyes, swept away their fears and made a pretty flash.

A total of seventy-five heads crossed the real beast, and they were the highest, even reaching the late stage of the crossing.

Seventy-five of the roads were swept away, and Wu Chen and others all ran up and never felt that death was so close.

Even Ning Fan, a few dignified eyes in his eyes, not to mention, directly called the anti-star magic armor, a word against the word, blurted out.

At this moment, the trajectory of the avenue is actually a little cheap because of the power of the anti-star magic armor.

Countless roads rushed to the four people to sweep the wild flash, at this moment, but all reversed the direction, and returned to the wild beasts who sent out pretty flash.

This scene, beyond the understanding of Wu Chen and others, looked at it, only to find that Ning Fan was wearing, is actually the legendary anti-star magic armor!

"Anti-Star Magic A! The hard-to-find treasure!" The real woman was exclaimed, and other people were shocked.

Even Wu Chen, who is most familiar with Ning Fan, has a fascinating color at the moment.

Bounced back all the screams, and the screams of the screams came out on all sides.

There are six savage beasts that are slightly lower, and they are directly bounced back and smashed, and the remaining sixty-nine wild beasts suffered more or less injuries.

In the far distance, the savage beast of the seven-headed realm is approaching.

Ning Fan’s eyes immediately succumb to the empty beasts, and almost all of them stayed in the nest practice on weekdays. Today, there will be seven heads at the same time...

There is a savage beast to fight, Ning Fan does not continue to fight with the wild beast, ten fingers, release the purple mist, with Wu Chen and others, quietly smashed from the purple fog.

Waiting for the purple fog to scatter, wait for those who are squatting, and where there are traces of Ning Fan and others.

Between heaven and earth, there are countless drizzles falling from the sky...

"Escaped by those aliens! Hate!"

A dragon-like beast in the air period, making angry voices, wanting to chase Ning Fan and others, suffering from being unable to find

The most prolonged thing is the breath tracking supernatural powers, but with the drizzle falling, all the breath is drowned in the rain."

In a barren valley, Ning Fan and Wu Chen and others have emerged and escaped the pursuit of the beasts.

Because there are more than seven heads of savage beasts, Ning Fan has no love, and it is feared that Wu Chen and others are not strong enough to die from the beasts of the beasts.

If only he is alone, he would not mind comparing with the beasts.

And to make him a little bit surprised, is that the empty beast will be uncharacteristically, run out of the nest...

"You are willing to save, I am so grateful!" Yu surnamed the old man and other three ghost face killers, and they all bowed to Ning Fan.

They know that if they don’t come out, they will die in the beasts of the beasts...

Wu Chen also thanked Ning Fan for holding a fist, and Ning Fan put on a ghost face to hide his identity.

His identity is too sensitive to today's Dongtian monks.

"When you raise your hand, why not hang it?

Ning Fan turned his eyes to Wu Chen, and he asked again.

"I haven't seen you for many years. I can't think of Wu's success. I just don't know why Wu Xiong came to the wilderness, why did he lead so many robberies?"

Ning Fan has already seen the dusty face of Wu Chen, naturally recognized.

When I heard Ning Fan and Wu Chen knew each other, the three ghost face killers were all a glimpse, but they did not ask much.

Wu Chen has been awake from the initial shock, and he reunited with Ning Fan in the wilderness. He was naturally happy, recalling Ning Fan’s attempt to save, and some embarrassing...

There are thousands of words in my heart and I want to talk to Ning Fan about wine, but it is not a place.

"Hey, it’s hard to say a word, I am waiting for a lonely city, and I will wait until the city is fine."

"Go to the wild city... Yeah"

Ning Fan followed Wu Chen and his party and flew toward a beautiful city nearby.

The wild city is a city where humanoids and wild animals live.

The humanoid beast has not been cultivated, no matter how it looks or character, it is no different from mortal.

Wu Chen and others settled in the city, named Yueshi City.

Still in the distance outside the city, Wu Chen and his party landed on the ground, took off the ghost face, and put away all the suffocating, like a mortal into the city.

Although Ning Fan did not pick up the ghost face, it also converges all the breath. From the outside, he does not see how he differs from the mortal.

This barbaric city is not big, only a few thousand barbarians live, and there are ancient statues on the four sides of the city.

The statue is called a statue, and there is a supernatural power of the devil, so that the beast does not dare to attack the city.

If there is no image protection, a wild animal can wash a wild city.

"Here, is the wild city where the barbarians live."

Ning Fan followed Wu Chen and others, walked through Qingshichang Street, and looked at the streetside fruit and food stalls, thoughtfully.

Here, it is clearly the market of mortals...

Occasionally, there are a few barbarian girls who are traveling in the spring, and they have passed away with Ning Fan and others, leaving a fragrant fragrance.

There are also rivers and lakes, and dealers are coming and going in the city.

If you are not in the wilderness, Ning Fan will not think that these creatures, who are no different from mortals, will be barbarians and have the ability to be a beast.

All the way to a wine cellar, the surname of the old surname and other people to say goodbye, leaving only Ning Fan and Wu Chen two people, calling children to call wine, detailing.

No one knows that Ning Fan and Wu Chen are aliens and monks.

The two sit in the wine cellar, so ordinary, it is like a general river and lake, and drink it.

In the remote corner, no one disturbs the two.

After some narratives, Ning Fan knew that Wu Chen had successfully succeeded fifteen years ago. This time he entered the wilderness, in order to carry out a task of collecting corpses.

And the reason why they will be chased by the wild beast, and even provoked the empty beast to pursue, is actually due to a strange baby.

"If the non-Ning brother appears, most of Wu has already died in the mouth of the group of beasts... Da En does not say thank you! I just can't think of it for decades. Ning brother has such fame and strength. It is really letting Wu be smug and dry. !"

Wu Chen laughed and laughed. He opened the jar of mud and immediately sipped it.

Ning Fan has a lot of love in his life, but his friends are not many. Wu Chen is one. I can meet Wu Chen in the wilderness, and I am also open-minded.

For the drink room, Ning Fan gradually told Wu Chen about the experience along the way.

When I heard that Ning Fan had not yet crossed the truth, Wu Chen felt incredible.

"I can't think of the imperial rain of the monarch, but I really haven't really crossed it yet... Wu Mouben thought that the Ning brother's tomb was suppressed, and the tomb won was better than the first! Wu asheng rarely served people. But Ning Xiong is what I have to obey! I want to be like that year...haha"

Wu Chen could not help but recall the scene of the first encounter with Ning Fan.

At that time, he was still in the rain and realized the truth. At that time, Ning Fan was still only a refining monk...

After a hundred years, he finally broke through the real world, and Ning Fan has been chasing all the way, the same is about to cross the truth, the strength is far above him...

‘ Laozi Wu Chen, Wu without Wang Fa, killing the dust of the massacre! ,

‘Ning brother must be in the virtual, but I can’t see it, it’s not virtual.

The past is vivid, Ning Fan is also a smile, one hand to pick up a jar, and drink it.

Wu Chen also told Ning Fan about some of the great events in recent years.

In the past ten years, such as the Royal Palace, all efforts have been made to find people in the East Heaven. No one knows who they are looking for.

For example, the restoration of the Sandan Sanyu domain door has been smooth, and it has been determined that the Sanctuary can be reopened after about 90 years.

Only this time reopened, due to the reinforcement of the domain door, it is the ferry of the ferry can also only force.

However, there is another drawback. The cost of domain door reinforcement is that after opening the sacred sanctuary, it will no longer be able to open the sanctuary...

"Oh? Is it true that I can still enter? I was still worried. After breaking through the demon, I couldn’t enter." Ning Fan was slightly different.

"Oh, Ning brother entered the sacred sanctuary, and it is still for the first time the drug sect, haha, Ning Xiong really is a romantic figure!"

"Speaking of it, Ning's brother rarely enters a wild and ancient land. Why is it not like this? It is no different from the mortal world. It is very suitable as a place to realize the real truth, and this wild land has many people. If you want to serve it, you can improve your chances of success. The Jiudu Zhenqiao is not easy. It is also good to increase your chances. ”

Wu Chen’s words fell in the ears of Ning Fan, and immediately made Ning Fan’s eyes flash, but he smiled and shook his head.

Ning Fan’s primary task is to cultivate the fourth change of the trenches.

"The task of our squad is to collect 100 mortal corpses. Now we have collected more than forty. If we want to come back for another seven or eight years, we can collect them and leave the wilderness." Come, most of the old man will die in the group of wild beasts to restore his mother is dangerous! "Wu Dust smashed the road."

"If you collect a corpse, you can ask for help?"

Wu Chen Yu Ning Fan has grace, Ning Fan naturally does not mind to help Wu Chen.

"Haha, don't have to" Wu also wants to use this killing to stabilize the realm. If Ningxiong intervenes in this matter, I am afraid that it will take only a few days to collect all the corpses, which is boring. "Wu Chen laughed and laughed and refused Ning Fan's kindness."

"I want to stabilize the realm of truth.

Ning Fan slightly thought, took out a storage bag and handed it to Wu Chen.

When Wu Chen took the storage bag and looked at it, his eyes immediately shook, revealing the awe-inspiring color, and pushed the storage bag back to Ning Fan.

"These are too many, too expensive, Wu Chen can't accept it!"

"When I took something from your hand, I didn't have to be polite with you." Ning Fan smiled in disapproval.

Wu Chen stunned, and immediately laughed and laughed, and accepted the storage bag.

This wine was drunk for half a day, and Ning Fan just left.

Wu Chen also has the task of hunting and hunting the wild beast. He also has the task of practicing the **** of war, but he cannot gather for a long time.

"The next time I meet, I don’t know what year it will be.

Ning Fan left the city of Yueshi and returned all the way to the black marsh Tianze.

Because of the appearance of the empty beast, Ning Fan did not have a full-scale battle, and the bottleneck of the God of War has not yet broken through.

He killed it again, one is to break through the bottleneck of the trenches, and the other is to find the so-called strange baby.

He cares a little about the strange baby who can seduce the savage beast.

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