Grasping Evil

Chapter 861: Inverse baby, one less!

Black Marsh Daze, a head of the wild animal has long been returned to the nest.

Ning Fan flew over Daze, urging the rain, and God immediately disappeared with the rain screen.

Soon, Ning Fan found the wild beast that swallowed the strange baby, and immediately swayed and flew toward the nest of the wild animal.

The wild beast did not transition in the early days. At this moment, he was sleeping, suddenly felt the arrival of a strong enemy, suddenly opened the beast, rushed out of the nest, and looked coldly at Ning Fan, and looked at the sky.

This squeaky voice is not big, but I don’t know why it’s far-reaching, but the wild beast that heard its snoring came in involuntarily.

That scene is like a mortal emperor, and the princes and diligence kings are very anxious.

Ning Fan glanced at the green mang, and glanced at the wild beast.

This is a purple-spotted beast with a half fish and a half dragon. The strange baby in the body is still there and has not been completely refining and absorbing it.

At the neck of the beast, a very small head has grown at this moment, and perhaps with the refining of the strange baby, it can have a second head.

"This beast is clearly not the leader of the beasts here. Under one squat, it can provoke the beasts to help, is it because of the existence of the strange baby?"

"Any beast that devours a strange baby can make other beasts surrender?"

"In the strange baby, there seems to be a sigh of blood."

Ning Fan's toes are a little bit, but seeing the golden light flashing, it has disappeared without a shadow. The next moment, it appears on the huge head of the wild beast, without saying anything, a punch.

With the body of the demon of Nirvana's first Nirvana peak, even if no magical power is applied, the punching power is enough to hit this beast.

Although the scale of this beast is thick, it can't stop the force of Ning Fan, and half of the head is directly smashed by Ning Fan.

The purple scaled beast screamed and was on the verge of falling.

However, at the moment of the fall, the body of the beast suddenly turned into a mud.

at the same time. On the side of Osawa, the mud re-converges and condenses into the appearance of a purple-scaled beast. It was actually resurrected.

The head that was originally smashed by Ning Fan was under this smash. It was a successful remodeling, just slightly smaller than before.

"It is clear that it is on the verge of collapse, and it can be resurrected." Ning Fan’s eyes are condensed.

He found that the muddy magic of the beast’s death and resurrection seemed to use a force similar to robbing.

This power seems to be the self-protection ability of the strange baby in the body.

In the distance, countless wild beasts are coming here, and there is no shortage of animals.

Although Ning Fan has killed the Rachel, but he has not been conceited to be unbeaten with the number of animals.

So come. Only before those powerful wild beasts rush to this place, quickly kill this beast!

1200 roads of life and fire, burning in the body of Ning Fan, the second change of the trench, was provoked by Ning Fan at this moment.

The ancient demon repaired at this moment, all the way to the realm of the third world of the demon, a momentum comparable to the late stage of the real, immediately burst out from Ning Fan.

But see Ning Fan's point, a black and red beam, immediately spurred out. Piercing the body of the purple scales and beasts, it continues to cause enough damage to it.

Whenever it is near death, the purple scales will become mud. Although it can be revived, the breath is getting weaker and weaker.

And this beast did not notice that every time Ning Fan made a pretty flash, he would use the power of robbing to lay down spells in his body.

In the past, Ning Fan could not do it with robbing, but now, Ning Fan comprehends the secret of the word and understands the road. It’s not what it used to be. It is a battle.

With the increasing number of procedures in the purple scales, the Ning Fan finally pointed to a glimpse. Cold shout, "collapse!"

For a moment, the purple scales and beasts appeared innumerable patterns, and all of them were sealed by the array.

Ning Fan once again banged out and destroyed the head of the beast. This beast finally screamed and could no longer be muddy.

Roar! ! !

At the moment when Ning Fan killed the purple-scaled beast, the wild beasts in the distance seemed to feel a sense of anger, and numerous killings were locked in.

Ning Fan tears his hands and tears the body of the purple scaled beast into pieces, and takes out the double-headed baby in his body.

Only a little look, Ning Fan found that this strange baby has a hint of pseudo-robbery

Although it is a fake blood stagnation, if you devour this baby, most of them can still make your body robbing blood slightly enhanced.

Did not immediately swallow this baby, Ning Fan put it into the storage bag, his body swayed and went to the distance.

No matter where he is, no matter whether he hides his body or not, the beasts behind him seem to be able to accurately lock his direction.

"They are based on this strange baby, do you perceive my position?"

Ning Fan suddenly took his footsteps and no longer fled. The previous escape was just to determine that these beasts had the ability to track strange infants.

He suddenly turned back and rushed toward the savage beast of the murderer. Every punched out, there must be a fall of the beast.

Even the wild beast in the middle of the cross, was smashed by Ning Fan and slammed into the air, and was severely injured.

After the killing of the seven-headed man, the early wild beasts have been surrounded by the wild beasts.

More and more wild beasts, Ning Fan finally unblocked the power of the rain and yin and yang, and grabbed the five fingers, and swallowed the soul from the earth.

The momentum immediately surged, and under the double mana, the strength was infinitely close to the empty monk.

The five swords of the rain were summoned by Ning Fan, and the five-handed swords were hung in the sky, and the rain fell down.

Under the empty space, no wild beast can hold a round under the five swords.

There are always beasts screaming to the ground, the corpses are everywhere, and the blood is full of the entire black marsh Daze.

At this moment, Ning Fan’s combat power is fully open. When the seven heads are empty, the other wild animals will no longer survive here!

"Interracial! Hand over Wang Ying!"

"Wang Ying holds the baby beast, is the king of the wild beast?"

Ning Fan seems to have some understanding, but naturally it is impossible to return the strange baby to the wild beast.

At a glance, the torrential rain between heaven and earth immediately merged into the five swords, transforming millions of swords and swords, and squatting toward the seven beasts.

The seven beasts are not weak, each of them sends a pretty flash of a blow, directly smashing a million swords, only one of the early wild beasts, suffered some minor injuries under the sword rain attack.

Give it a try. Ning Fan immediately knew that he was not a rival of seven beasts and did not continue to attack.

After some killing, the bottleneck of Ning Fan’s third change has already been loosened. The strange baby has already arrived, and it is time to go back to practice and retreat.

Raise your hand and recover the five swords of the rain. Ning Fan ten fingers, pointing to the shadows, the sky and the ground are immediately covered with purple fog.

At the moment when the purple mist was born, Ning Fan took out the strange baby, and the finger was like a sword. The strange baby was cut into two pieces, which made him die, and immediately swallowed the baby. A little bit of refining the fake blood in the infant.

As the strange baby died, the seven-headed beast immediately lost the perception of Ning Fan.

The purple mist covered the traces of Ning Fan, and the torrential rain washed away the breath of Ning Fan and noticed that Wang Ying was falling, and the seven heads were empty and the beasts screamed and screamed, and they could not wait to kill Ning Fan and then quickly.

But the purple fog is scattered, where is the place where Ning Fan is

"Hate! Wang Ying was rescued once by me, but still dead, and died in the hands of aliens!"

"This time, my family and the Yaozu's agreement, how to fulfill! Wang Ying. One less!"

At the time of the horror of the seven-headed beast, in the northern realm of the wilderness, the seven demons were among the wilderness. A roar of noise, the sky is ringing!

"Hateful! The big thing is approaching, there is one less villain! Who is it, dare to kill the old boy who planted the old man!"

When the roar came out, there was a demon who was able to fly into the snow.

It is a purple-haired old man with a dragon's horn on his head. Under the body of the week, it exudes the powerful momentum of the ancient fairy!

But see the purple-haired old man pointing to a change, far away, before the seven heads are still chasing Ning Fan's empty animal. Immediately screamed and killed directly.

The purple-haired old man knows the sea. Then there are seven more messages at once.

Killing the baby, it is a four-day monk with a silver face!

"Kill the old man against the baby. Just want to run, there are such cheap things under the sun! You can't run!"

The purple-haired old man sneered, his smile was very embarrassing, his figure shrank, and he merged into the heavens and earth, disappearing without a shadow.

When it reappears, it has already crossed the small half of the barren field!

His body is extremely fast, with his speed, full force flying directly, just a hundred interest, you can cross several wild areas, rushed to Heihe Daze!

At this moment, Ning Fan, who traced seven heads of empty beasts, suddenly felt an unprecedented sense of crisis.

In the eyes of the green mangling, Ning Fan immediately noticed that the northern boundary of the North, there is a breath comparable to the immortality of the ancients, is coming to the black marsh Daze gallop!

"The killing of the strange baby, actually led to a fairy!"

Ning Fan’s heart was also shocked, but it was not flustered. When the toes stepped, the three bloods boiled and immediately turned into a golden rainbow, going straight to the ancient forest.

With a golden glow in the vertical, only a few breaths, Ning Fan returned to the ancient forest.

Only slightly explained a sentence, directly urging the power of yin and yang lock, want to Liu Yan, Xiao Loli income Xuan Yinjie.

Liu Yan is earning the Xuanyin world, and Xiao Loli can’t even earn income.

"Hey? Do you want to make me a treasure?" Xiao Qianqian said, when I was in the process of evolution, I couldn’t enter any treasure space." Little Loli said innocently.

"Can't enter the treasure space?"

Ning Fan brows, directly put a small loli on his shoulders, set up a golden rainbow, only a few breaths, then pulled out this wild domain.

When the old man rushed to the black marsh Daze, Ning Fan had already pulled out a few wilderness distances.

"Hey! Run fast! But you can't run!"

The purple-haired old man caught the intoxicating atmosphere of Ning Fan, and was about to catch up. Suddenly his eyes sank.

But see the top of the black marsh Daze, the space is split, out of the two figures, a man and a woman, each has the strength of the ancient fairy!


At first sight, the two human races are immortal, and the purple-haired old man immediately looks sad and taboo.

* Xianzun is a middle-aged man, dressed in an emperor's crown, and his body is arrogant, and he has the momentum to sweep the world.

He looked at the purple-haired old man, his eyes were cold, and he did not say a word, but it gave the purple-haired old man great pressure.

Another woman, Xianzun, is called the Miaoyan, covering the gauze, and the breath is slightly weaker than the purple hair old man and * Xianzun.

See the purple hair old man taboo deep look, the wonderful words of the singer sing a smile, flattering, "Where is the demon sacred venerable murderous, the whole wilderness of the ancient people, the original is the dragon of the true dragon family How about the child friend, seeing the momentum of the Taoist friend, is trying to sneak into the five domains of my Protoss all the way. If this is the case, then you can't stop it."

"Awful, only one step. You can catch the junior and withdraw the power of the baby. I don't think there will be these two people."

The purple-haired old man was unwilling to look at the direction of Ning Fan. The face is ugly.

After a little silence, it was a cold cry. The figure is in the world and returns to the north.

"Don't be a poisonous dragon, his purpose, what is it?" * Xian Zun brows, looking toward the direction of the purple hair old man.

Unfortunately, he could not perceive the power of the baby. Naturally, he did not know that Ning Fan had escaped in that direction.

"I don't know that there is always a feeling of uneasiness in the past, like this wild land. What is going to happen?"

"The deity also has this feeling. Is it true that the demon is ready to open the next battle? If so, the matter must be reported to the ancestors, and there is a precaution."

"On the basis of the words of the Taoist friends, after I returned, I went to the case."

Outside of a few savage domains, it was noticed that the breath of the ancient fairy was far away, and Ning Fan was relieved.

His original intention was to flee to the camp of the four-day monk and to provoke the four-day immortal shot of the town, which seems to be. The purpose seems to have been reached.

"After I killed the strange baby, those wild beasts could not perceive me. But the old-fashioned fairy from the north could perceive the baby in my body. Only the baby was thoroughly refined. Can shield his perception"

"The fairy deity from the north should be the demon sage"

"This strange baby, what is the great significance, it seems not easy to spur the demon of the ancients and the ancients."

Ning Fan returned to the Gobi Chen area of ​​the Protoss and returned to Mulan City.

Upon entering Mulan City, Ning Fan released Liu Yan, so that Xiao Loli and Liu Wei stayed together, and they immediately retired. Refining and remnant infants.

Only half a day has passed, and the baby is completely refining by Ning Fan. Absorbed the power of pseudo-robbery of the baby, Ning Fan's power to rob blood increased.

It’s not just that the blood of the robbery has increased. I don't know why, after refining the baby, Ning Fan's body has a little more power than the source of the Tao.

Once the strength of this force is absorbed, the progress of cultivation of Ning Fan and Yin Yang is directly one hundred percent more!

"This baby, what is it!" Ning Fan's eyes have moved.

Wilderness in the north, the snow is quite wild.

Among the demon cities, the purple-haired old man is as heavy as an iron, invisible murderous, and constantly emerges from his body.

Inverse to the baby, there is one less critical point, one less anti-infant, but it is difficult to replenish

"Hateful! Because this anti-infant degeneration, the plan must be postponed for at least ten years to go. If Longzuzu knows that I am not doing things well, I will be downgraded to me! But fortunately, I lost only one reverse baby, and it is only the last Infant, if the loss is more consequences, it is unimaginable!"

"Ghost face silver hair ghost face silver hair this son, is hateful!"

"Where is the poison dragon?"

Inside the hall, the purple-haired old man screamed coldly at the no-man's place. Immediately, the seventy-two dragon horns dressed in purple gold armor were repaired, and they appeared in the shape of the body.

"Poison Dragon is here, waiting for the ancestors to send!"

These seventy-two people, who have been repaired to the lowest level, have the late stage of the transition, and they have been the highest, and even reached the peak of the air!

These seventy-two people are the famous dragon dragons of the true dragon family. They are the demon heroes of the last battle. Each of them has won the heroic battle and became famous in the previous battle.

"The old man ordered you to sneak into the five domains of the Protoss, assassinate this person, to vent the hatred of the old man! You can dare!"

The purple-haired old man gave a little bit of a glimpse of a ghost-faced silver-haired man in the air.

Seventy-two dragons just swept a glimpse of the shadow, all murdered, no one was timid.

As long as it is not the demon of the demon, the protoss of the Protoss will not be dispatched.

With their strength, there is not much risk in sneaking into the Protoss, and why not!

"I wish to serve my ancestors!"

"Very good! Go on! The old man is here, waiting for the good news!"


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