Grave Robber: Beginnings Fusion Hydra Cypress

Chapter 173: The Horrifying Human Head Jar

When the team set out on the journey again, everyone's mood could not calm down for a long time.

The huge crack in front of them was shocking, reminding them all the time that the scene just now was not an illusion!

It was so fake!

The earth was cut open with a sword, and the crack was thousands of miles long. Only the sword immortal in the myth could do this, right?

The fat man endured for a long time, and finally couldn't help it.

"Mr. Ji, how did you do it?"

"Is it a laser weapon?"

Ji Changsheng shrugged and said.

"If you think it is, then it is."

The fat man looked at Wuxie and Aning in the car, and the latter all said that whatever Mr. Ji said was what it was, and they would never doubt it.

"Okay, then let's call it a laser weapon."

"But can we really get out?"

Ji Changsheng smiled and said.

"As long as there is no sandstorm within three days, we will definitely get out if we keep walking along this line."

Light will not go in a curve, this crack is an absolute straight line!

The fat man blinked and asked very uninterestingly.

"What if there is a storm?"

Ji Changsheng spread his hands and answered nonchalantly.

"Then find another way. There are always more ways than difficulties. A living person can't be suffocated to death by urine."

After this relaxed conversation, the atmosphere finally became lively.

Wu Xie then remembered the question.

"Mr. Ji, who do you think did it? Is it the mysterious group of men in black?"

Ji Changsheng smiled faintly and answered.

"Who cares who he is? Anyway, we will find the ghost town first and then we can see them."

No matter who the group is, they must have the same purpose as Ji Changsheng to find the Snake Swamp Ghost Town!

Ji Changsheng didn't say much, but he knew that Wu Xie had the same idea in his heart.

This group of people is very likely to be "it"!

If the commander of this group of people can be caught, some useful information can be pried out.

What Wu Xie didn't know was that this group of people once controlled the storm to attack them, and Ji Changsheng took action to deal with the four men in black.

Judging from the ability to control the storm, these men in black hold some secrets that even Ji Changsheng doesn't know!

These secrets are very likely related to the Ultimate!

Perhaps they are the ones who stole the Ultimate!

For Ji Changsheng, he doesn't care who this group of people are, nor does he care about their purpose. He only cares about one thing.

"The Ultimate is mine!"

At this time, Wu Xie asked again.

"Mr. Ji, where did the Corpse-Eating King in that ancient ship come from? Why are there so many?"

Ji Changsheng replied.

"The pottery jars you see are the vessels used to cultivate the Corpse-Eating King, and they are all human heads!"

The fat man shuddered when he heard it.

"Fortunately, we didn't touch those junks. It's really unlucky!"

However, he immediately realized one thing.

"Huh? That's not right."

"The mouths of those pottery jars are very small, how can human heads fit in?"

Ji Changsheng laughed and told them an ancient horror story vividly.

It turns out that in the primitive society thousands of years ago, there was a cruel custom of sacrificing living people.

This kind of human head jar is an evil sacrifice!

Its production method is also extremely cruel. The people who are sacrificed are selected from children. The pottery jar is put on their heads when they are very young. Some of them are directly made on their heads!

These children have been wearing a pottery jar since they were young. They are the selected sacrifices. They don’t have to participate in production. There are special people to serve them when they eat, drink, defecate and urinate. They will also be assigned spouses, because the descendants of the sacrifices will also be sacrifices!

When these sacrifices grow up, the pottery jar can no longer be taken off. Until their necks are stuck in the pottery jar and they can’t breathe, they will be suffocated to death, and then their heads will be choked off and made into human head jars!

Hearing this, Aning’s face changed and his stomach churned.

“Is it so perverted? Then why do they have corpse-eating kings in their heads?”

Ji Changsheng asked with a smile.

“Are you sure you want to listen?”

Aning nodded, holding back the nausea.

So, Ji Changsheng continued.

The ancients knew how to artificially breed the corpse-eating king very early. They put the larvae of the corpse-eating king into the heads of the sacrifices. The larvae developed and grew inside, feeding on human brains. After growing into adults, they hibernated in the skulls and would wake up once they smelled blood!

"If you open those human head jars, you will find that there are many white eggs in those empty skulls, just like maggots..."

Before he finished speaking, Aning could no longer hold back, stepped on the brakes, opened the car door, and leaned out to vomit violently.

He almost vomited out the overnight meal, and it took him a long time to recover.

Even the fat man with a big nerve changed his face and said with disgust.

"These ancient people are really perverted! It's better to kill them with a knife than to torture them like this!"

Wuxie sighed and said.

"The sacrifices were all selected from slaves. In ancient times, slaves were not considered human beings, but were treated like livestock."

"I have seen these sacrificial activities that Mr. Ji mentioned in ancient books. Such things do exist."

"But I still don't understand why so many human head jars appeared in an ancient ship?"

If they were sacrifices, they should have appeared at the sacrificial site. Judging from the cargo on the ship, it was a merchant ship.

In ancient times, slaves could be bought and sold, but sacrifices were sacred, and no one would do the sacrifice business.

It was indeed unreasonable for a human head jar to appear in a merchant ship.

Ji Changsheng said lightly.

"Merchants are profit-seeking, and they only transport human head jars for one purpose, which is money."

"No matter how unreasonable it is, this is the fact."

"Those human head jars are the goods they transport."

Wuxie, Fatty, and Aning were stunned at the same time.

"Commodities? But even if they are willing to sell, someone has to buy them."

"Who would buy such things?"

Ji Changsheng laughed and leaned back without answering the question.

"You will know if you think about it yourself."

Wuxie and Aning looked at each other, and the answer was about to come out.

The location where this ancient ship appeared was a dry ancient river channel. Judging from the other goods on the ship, this was a ship coming from the Central Plains to the Western Regions for business.

The country with the most prosperous trade in the Western Regions at that time was the Queen Mother of the West!

One of the important reasons why the Kingdom of Queen Mother of the West is the leader of the Western Regions is its superior geographical location. It is said that all rivers pass through there!

Wu Xie couldn't help but show a look of surprise.

"King Mother of the West? But why do they buy these things!"

The Corpse King is not a fun thing, it can kill people!

Ji Changsheng slowly closed his eyes and replied lightly.

"When you arrive at the Kingdom of Queen Mother of the West, you will know after seeing it with your own eyes."

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