Grave Robber: Beginnings Fusion Hydra Cypress

Chapter 174: The Evil Ancient Country

Ji Changsheng did not continue to answer their questions and closed his eyes to take a nap.

Ah Ning, innocent, Fatty had only one feeling after hearing this horrific story.

This legendary motherland of the Western Queen does not seem to be beautiful at all, and there are even some weird and evil things!

There were tens of thousands of human head jars in that ancient ship, which meant more than 10,000 human lives!

This is just the amount of one transaction. Who knows how many times they have traded? How many people have become victims of the terrible jar of human heads!

In addition, the Western Queen Mother Kingdom also makes sacrifices, and the number is even more unknown.

A conservative estimate is that at least hundreds of thousands of people have become sacrifices in jars of human heads!

What did this lost ancient country do?

The fat man couldn't help but shuddered and whispered.

"Innocent, Fatty, I have seen a lot of strange things in ancient times, but this is the first time that something as weird as the Queen Mother Kingdom of the West has happened."

Wuxie frowned.

"Sacrifice with the Corpse Dragon King? What are they sacrificing to?"

His previous impressions of the Kingdom of the Western Queen all came from various archaeological data. In his imagination, it was an exotic and beautiful ancient country with an ancient, mysterious and unique civilization.

But now it seems that this country is full of weird atmosphere!

The rest of the trip went smoothly. After walking along a straight line for a day, the team finally did not return to the same place!

They set up camp for the night in the vast Gobi Desert. During dinner, Fatty retold the horrific stories he heard during the day. With his added insults, the Kingdom of the Western Queen was simply described as a hell where demons danced wildly!

Many people shook their heads and lost their appetites looking at the food in their bowls.

Pan Zi even cursed directly.

"You said something bad while eating, but you said these disgusting things. Are you so disgusting that we can't eat, so you can eat more?"

"No wonder you're so fat. Can't you do some good things if you're so fat?"

The fat man laughed, picked up the rice in the bowl, and asked deliberately.

"Does the white thing look like an insect egg to you?"

Pan Zi didn't tolerate him, so he slapped him away.

"Fuck you!"

As soon as the fat man loses his job, he rolls up his sleeves and gets involved.

Both of them are very nervous and rough guys. They will take action when they are told, but their anger will subside after the beating, and they will not hold grudges.

Perhaps this is the straightforward pride of a man in the world.

A night of silence.

The next morning, everyone packed up and continued on their way.

After walking for another half day, the younger brother signaled for people to stop. He jumped out of the car and came to a pile of rubble with Ji Changsheng.

The little brother raised his hand and said nothing.

Ji Changsheng looked down and saw a few strange English letters on the pile of rocks.

These letters are indeed in English. They are weird because they are not a word, but are spelled randomly.

If you look closely, you can see that the handwriting is quite old.

Ji Changsheng immediately understood that this was the mark left by the little brother!

he asked in a low voice.

"How much do you remember?"

The younger brother shook his head, looking a little helpless.

"My memory is very confusing. I don't know what this mark means. I only know that it was left by me."

Ji Changsheng patted his shoulder and comforted him.

"It's okay, I will always think of it later."

"This shows that we are finally on the right track and we are not far from the ghost town now."

After the two got on the bus, their confidence greatly increased and they continued to walk forward in a straight line.

After walking for more than two hours, suddenly a dark cloud came from the sky.

Suddenly there was thunder, and the sky soon turned black, as terrifying as the end of the world.

After a while, heavy rain poured down.

The amount of rain was so shocking that within ten minutes, the Gobi became muddy and difficult to walk on.

The team had to find a small hill, drive to the top of the mountain, and wait for the rain to stop before leaving.

Everyone stayed in the car and looked at the heavy rain outside. At first they didn't pay much attention to it, and they were even a little happy.

Due to the heavy rain, the temperature, which was as high as 40 degrees, quickly dropped and became cool and comfortable.

But two hours later, people realized something was wrong.

Instead of getting smaller, the heavy rain became heavier and heavier. The line of sight was completely blocked and visibility was extremely low.

It stands to reason that this kind of heavy rain is only temporary rainfall. Although the rainfall is heavy, it will stop soon.

It rained continuously for two hours, but it did not decrease at all, but became more and more violent.

Heavy raindrops hit the car window, the sound was like drums, and the thunder in the sky continued.

By around 5pm, there was even a strong wind!

There were violent storms, lightning and thunder.

Under the impact of the continuous heavy rain, people were horrified to find that deep water had accumulated under the mountains, and everything around them turned into a vast ocean, surrounding the mountains!

Wu Xie said after taking a look.

"Don't worry, this hill is more than ten meters high. No matter how heavy the rain is, it won't be able to flood here."

"If this area is flooded, the entire Qaidam Basin will become a big lake."

The fat man shook his head and said with an uneasy look on his face.

"Innocent, have you ever thought about how long this mountain bag can last under the impact of rain? It is made of loess."

As soon as these words came out, Wuxie's whole body shook slightly.

They didn't expect this!

An Ning added with a solemn expression.

"That's not all. If the rain continues, this place will become a swamp!"

There is no vegetation in the Gobi Desert. There are only stones, mud and sand. Once this level of rainstorm occurs, the ground will quickly become soft and lose its bearing capacity, and finally become a muddy swamp!

As he was talking, the car suddenly shook.

The fat man's face suddenly changed and he shouted.

"Oh no, this earth mountain can't hold it anymore and it's going to collapse!"

For some reason, he seemed to have inherited Wuxie's crow mouth attribute, and bad things would come true as soon as he said it.

As soon as he finished speaking, a panicked call came from the walkie-talkie.

"Oh no, our car is sinking!"

It was the voice of Hua Heshang, the apprentice of Chenpi Asi!

The three people in the car looked at Ji Changsheng together, what should they do?

Ji Changsheng picked up the walkie-talkie and said.

"Don't panic, everyone, stay in the car and don't come out, turn on the headlights so that I can see you."

After speaking, he pushed the door open and walked out.

There seemed to be an invisible barrier around Ji Changsheng, separating him from the rain.

Skill: Water-repelling technique activated!

After seeing the position of each car, he slowly bent down and put one hand on the ground.

"I was still worried before. In this arid desert, some skills are useless."

"Now it's good. As long as there is water, it's not a problem!"

Skill: Activate the power of nature!

Water is the source of life. There is no life without water.

This rainstorm brings not only disasters, but also vitality.

Hidden under the soil, the most primitive power of nature has been awakened!

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