Grave Robber: Beginnings Fusion Hydra Cypress

Chapter 175: Not as simple as you think

This rainstorm was so heavy that it was beyond everyone's imagination. It was almost a once-in-a-century level!

In just two hours, the earthen hill turned into a vast swamp!

Under the attack of the rainstorm, the earthen hill finally lost its load-bearing capacity and began to collapse!

The car that Chenpi A Si and his three disciples were riding in was the first to fall into the quagmire.

The water on the ground alone was nearly half a meter, submerging the tires and beginning to pour into the cab.

The car was still sinking, and no one knew how deep the quagmire was!

Guo Feng was the first to lose his patience and shouted.

"Fourth Grandpa, let's jump out of the car and run!"

As the eldest disciple, Hua Heshang was more stable.

"There are swamps outside. Can we run away? We will sink if we go out!"

Guo Feng was also anxious.

"What should we do? Staying in the car is also waiting to die. Do we have to..."

Before he finished speaking, the car body suddenly shook violently.

I saw dozens of thick vines appearing outside the car window, like the arms of a giant, lifting the car out of the mud!

These vines of Hydra cypress are thicker than human thighs, with great strength and hard texture.

Dozens of vines worked together to lift the three-meter-heavy off-road vehicle two meters above the ground!

The same was true for the other cars. These vines formed a huge platform, slowly rising and standing steadily in a muddy swamp.

The four cars were on the platform, completely out of the threat of the mud.

There was only a rumbling sound.

The hill more than ten meters high finally collapsed completely, turning into a mudslide rushing towards the distance.

Ji Changsheng stood on the green platform, overlooking the swamp below, and a smile appeared on the corner of his mouth.

"Sure enough, as described in the original book, this rain came at the right time!"

"It seems that we will find the Snake Swamp Ghost Town soon!"

At this time, seeing that they were out of danger, the others left the car and came to the platform.

This shocking scene really shocked people for a while.

However, this kind of thing happened to Ji Changsheng, which seemed normal, because he was not a normal person.

In the heavy rain, you can only speak loudly to be heard, and the fat man shouted at the top of his voice.

"Mr. Ji, how long will this rain last?"

"Will it really turn the entire Qaidam into a lake?"

Ji Changsheng smiled and shook his head.

"Don't worry, unless the entire earth is flooded, the Qaidam Basin will be flooded."

Wuxie said with some worry.

"But after the heavy rain, this place has become a swamp, and I don't know how deep it is."

"How will we get out then?"

Ji Changsheng laughed and patted his shoulder.

"If it is in the plains, it will be as you said, and the flood will take a long time to recede, but it won't be here!"

Wuxie was stunned and asked.

"Why? Isn't this big Gobi also a plain?"

Ji Changsheng shook his head and pointed.

"Look, the water is flowing in one direction. What does this mean?"

It means that the terrain here is high, and the direction of the water flow is low. This is not a plain!

"The area surrounded by the Devil City is actually a huge circular basin!"

Other people do not have his superhuman vision. They cannot see far in the rainy day. They can only see a range of more than ten meters.

But the water flow in this small area, as Ji Changsheng said, is flowing in the same direction!

Wu Xie saw it and immediately understood something. He shouted in ecstasy.

"Ghost City in the Rain! I understand!"

"Hahaha, so that's it!"

The fat man asked suspiciously.

"What do you understand? Tell me."

Wu Xie explained excitedly.

It turns out that a large area of ​​Gobi surrounded by the Devil City is actually a huge basin.

The basin is high on all sides and low in the middle. Once it rains, the water will flow to the center of the basin and gather there.

Where there is a lot of water, if it does not recede for a long time, an oasis will be formed.

And the oasis is the only place in the Gobi suitable for human survival!

At this point, everyone else suddenly realized it.

The geographical location of the Queen Mother of the West is superior because it occupies the largest and perhaps the only oasis in the Gobi Desert!

Wuxie pointed to the direction of the water flow.

"The so-called ghost city in the rain refers to the place where the water flows, that is, Talmudos!"

This is the secret of the ghost city in the rain!

However, there is a prerequisite, the rain must be heavy!

If the rain is light, it will be absorbed by the earth soon and will not flow to the oasis at all, and will disappear halfway.

And this area covers an area of ​​tens of thousands of square kilometers, and the amount of water required is unimaginable.

Ordinary-level rainstorms cannot meet this condition.

Unless it is a once-in-a-century torrential rain, a large enough water flow can be formed to make the ghost city in the rain show its true form!

And this level of rainstorm is really rare.

So many archaeological operations over the past few decades have returned in vain, and no one has found the ruins of this ancient city so far.

They were lucky to encounter this kind of rainstorm.

The fat man exclaimed.

"Oh my god, that means we should set off quickly while the rain continues?"

"Once the rain stops, we won't be able to find it!"

Wu Xie laughed and shook his head.

"Heavy rain of this level can cause huge floods."

"The traces washed away by the flood are very obvious, and it will take several days to disappear. As long as we follow these traces, we can find the ghost town. We have enough time."

The fat man blinked and looked at Ji Changsheng with an expression of disbelief.

"Mr. Ji, why do I feel so unreliable about this guy?"

“Is it really that easy to find a ghost town?”

Ji Changsheng laughed and said.

"His analysis is absolutely correct. It sounds simple to you, but the conditions are very harsh."

"First of all, this vast Gobi Desert is a forbidden area that no one has set foot on. This is a great test of courage and determination."

"Even if you enter the Great Gobi, there are only a few people who can break through the Devil City formation. This second barrier filters out most people."

"The remaining small number of people may not be so lucky to encounter a heavy rainstorm that has not happened in a century."

In fact, this is the most important point. If there is no heavy rainstorm, you may not find a ghost town after wandering around the Gobi for a lifetime!

"So, to find the ghost town, luck, strength, courage, and determination are all indispensable!"

The fat man nodded slowly and said to Wuxie with a smile.

"Innocent, you didn't read the book in vain. You really got it right this time!"

Wuxie was too lazy to talk to him, so he looked at his younger brother.

"Brother, did it rain heavily last time you came here?"

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