Grave Robber: Beginnings Fusion Hydra Cypress

Chapter 178 I want to return the goods

What is the most labor-saving and effective method to deal with the numerous venomous snakes?

The answer is simple.

Low temperature!

Snakes are cold-blooded animals. They do not have the body function to regulate body temperature, so no snake has the ability to withstand cold.

Once the temperature drops sharply, they freeze and lose the ability to move.

Ji Changsheng laughed evilly.

Special skill: Mind copy activated!

Thousands of fist-sized pieces of dry ice suddenly appeared above the snakes.

Dry ice is solid carbon dioxide, with a temperature of minus 78 degrees!

Although the temperature at night is low, it is still around ten degrees.

When dry ice meets air, it is heated. The dry ice quickly absorbs heat and sublimates, changing from solid to gaseous.

The gaseous carbon dioxide turned into a vast mist, shrouding the entire group of snakes.

The temperature suddenly dropped below zero, and the water on the ground even quickly condensed into ice!

Although these cockscomb snakes are far more powerful than ordinary venomous snakes, at temperatures as low as ten degrees below zero, their bodies quickly freeze and turn into popsicles!

But they won't die immediately, which is exactly the effect Ji Changsheng needs.

Seeing that this trick worked, Ji Changsheng laughed and put his hand on the ground.

"Start merging!"

An invisible black energy quickly swept towards the group of snakes.

The snakes lost their power to resist and could only turn into vitality.

After a moment.

"Ding, the fusion of 11,000 cockscomb snakes was successful!"

"Ding, the host has gained 110,000 vitality points!"

"Ding, the host has acquired the skill, King of Poisons, primary level."

"Ding, the King of Poisons has received the dragon bloodline bonus, and has been upgraded from basic level to intermediate level."

[The king of poisons, one milligram of venom can kill 20,000 rats! 】

This poison is really powerful, much more toxic than the inland Taipan snake. It is worthy of being the king of poisons!

Ji Changsheng was stunned on the spot.

"Um, this..."

What kind of skill is this? ?

I don’t catch mice, so what’s the use of this useless skill!

Even if it's very poisonous, it's too out of character. Should I pounce on it and bite it during a fight?

When he thought of this, Ji Changsheng quickly put his hand into his mouth to check whether he had really grown fangs.

Such a handsome, tall and mighty figure would be too ugly if he had a few fangs!

I don’t want this skill, return it!

[Host, please rest assured that only when this skill is activated, the body fluids will become toxic, and poison glands and fangs will not grow. 】

Ji Changsheng breathed a sigh of relief.

This skill is very vicious and vicious, making it impossible to prevent people from killing people.

He is really powerful, but he is a bit dirty, which does not fit his image of a peerless master.

"Well, hopefully I won't have to use this thing."

After thinking about it, he walked towards the corpses of the snakes.

The crowd on the top of the mountain behind them were all stunned when they witnessed this scene.

The fat man said blankly.

"Tianzhen, what move was that just now? I seem to have seen it somewhere."

Wuxie sighed, patted his shoulder and said.

"That's dry ice. It's often used to create fog during stage performances. You must have seen it a lot."

The fat man asked confused.

"Dry ice? Can that stuff be used to subdue venomous snakes?"

Only then did Wuxie give him some knowledge about the properties of dry ice and the principles of this move.

After hearing this, the fat man suddenly understood and clapped his hands.

"It turns out it's that simple. Not only does Mr. Ji have magical skills, he is also a top student."

"Fat Master, I am convinced."

In fact, the principle of this trick is very simple, but not everyone can use it.

Because dry ice is difficult to store, even in special containers, the storage time is very short.

Even if they know this principle, it is difficult to apply it in actual combat.

Only Ji Changsheng can make dry ice anytime and anywhere!

After Wu Xie finished his popular science, he looked up and couldn't help but said strangely.

"Mr. Ji, what are you running over here for? Are you checking to see if you are dead?"

The fat man laughed loudly, with laughter flowing from his mouth.

"Mr. Ji must be looking for the biggest ones to make a full snake feast tomorrow!"

"Snake meat is a rare delicacy, we are in for a treat!"

Aning immediately frowned.

"Who can eat such disgusting things? This is definitely not the purpose of Mr. Ji!"

Ji Changsheng did not have this goal, he was looking for something else.

After a while, he had circled around the snakes, but didn't find what he was looking for.

This made him look suspicious.

"Why didn't you show up? Did you run away?"

The reason why he was nervous before was not because of these cockscomb snakes, but another even more terrifying thing!

But that thing didn't appear, which was beyond his expectation.

To be on the safe side, he went out far away and walked around in a large circle, but still found no trace.

"It seems that thing really didn't come."

After confirming it, he couldn't help but feel a little disappointed.

"Then we can only go to your lair!"

After such a torment that night, no one else dared to sleep anymore.

Even though Ji Changsheng told them that there was no danger anymore, people all gathered around the fire, chatting and bragging until dawn.

In the early morning of the next day, after breakfast, everyone tidied up and continued to set off.

However, Ji Changsheng asked people to slow down. He was exploring the way in front, and his younger brother was behind.

The appearance of the crested snake group made the Gobi Desert, which had turned into a swamp, full of potential dangers!

Fortunately, after walking for another whole day, no crested snakes were encountered.

At night, Ji Changsheng chose a high stone mountain to camp and placed a circle of alarm triggers around the camp, which would sound an alarm if something touched it.

In fact, he was not afraid of the snake group attacking again. No matter how many crested snakes came, they were only his vitality value.

He even had some expectations.

"Will that thing come?"

After making sufficient preparations, people could finally sleep well, but they were still divided into three shifts to take turns to guard the night.

That night, the little brother replaced Ji Changsheng and sat in the central army.

Although Ji Changsheng had a superhuman physique, he would be fine even if he didn't sleep for a month, but if he rested, his physical strength would recover faster.

With the little brother in charge, he fell asleep at ease.

I don't know how long I slept this time. In a daze, Ji Changsheng faintly heard a voice.

"Little brother, little brother."

Huh? Who is calling me, brother?

The voice seemed to be from a relatively far place, more than 100 meters away from the camp.

And Ji Changsheng couldn't tell who it was, anyway, it wasn't someone he knew.

After realizing this, he suddenly woke up from his sleep.

When he slept, his senses were always working, and he could feel the movements around him clearly, which was no different from when he was awake.

"Brother, brother."

The voice came again, and Ji Changsheng listened carefully and confirmed that he had heard it correctly.

This was not a dream!

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