Grave Robber: Beginnings Fusion Hydra Cypress

Chapter 179 That thing is not a human

"Brother, brother."

The voice was very regular, sounding once every half a minute, and the location of the voice was not fixed, sometimes far and sometimes near.

Ji Changsheng frowned slightly. Who could it be in the middle of the night in the deserted Gobi Desert?

He hurried out of the tent and saw the brother listening attentively.

"Did you hear who it was?"

The brother shook his head, showing a confused look.

"Maybe because my memory has not been restored, I can't remember who it is."

The black glasses who kept watch with him showed a puzzled look.

"If it's someone you know, why doesn't he come to see you directly?"

"What is he doing sneaking around?"

Ji Changsheng shook his head and denied the brother's statement.

"It shouldn't be someone you know. Your short-term memory has been awakened. You can only forget about someone who is very old."

The brother has lived for hundreds of years. For him, the short-term time range is within a hundred years, which is longer than the life of an ordinary person.

If it's someone he can't remember, it must be someone from a hundred years ago!

The young man immediately recognized this inference.

But the question also came with it. If it wasn't someone the young man knew, who would call his name in the middle of the night?

Especially in such a ghost place where no one lives!

The three looked at each other and decided to go and see instead of guessing here.

"You stay, we'll go and see."

Ji Changsheng asked the man with black glasses to stay and continue to keep watch, and he took the young man to follow the direction of the sound.

There was no light in the dark night.

The man who was screaming hid in the darkness, making his identity and purpose even more weird.

What was even weirder was that when they got closer, the sound suddenly appeared in a farther place!

"Brother, brother."

The strange voice echoed in the night sky, like the call of the dead from the depths of darkness.

Ji Changsheng frowned, and a chill flashed across his face.

"You don't sleep in the middle of the night, pretending to be a ghost, I'm going to kick your ass!"

The young man asked with a change of expression.

"Mr. Ji, do you think it's that group of people?"

The mysterious group of men in black!

After thinking about it, it seems that they are the biggest suspects!

Ji Changsheng nodded, and then told the story of the men in black controlling the storm to attack them.

"This group of people obstructed us everywhere and liked to play tricks. They must be the ones doing it!"

In this vast desert, there is a high probability that there will be no third group of people. This group of people is the most suspicious!

The little brother seemed a little confused.

"But why did they call me? Instead of others?"

"I don't know them at all."

Ji Changsheng was not sure about this, because the little brother's memory had not been restored. Maybe he knew these people a long time ago, but it was too long ago that he forgot.

After thinking about it, Ji Changsheng said.

"This group of people probably wants to lure the tiger away from the mountain. You go back and wait, be careful and alert."

"I'm going to catch people!"

After saying that, he rushed into the night.

The little brother thought about it and realized that there was indeed such a possibility, so he immediately returned to the camp.

Seeing him coming back alone, Black Glasses immediately stepped forward to ask.

"Where is Mr. Ji?"

The young man told the situation again and gave instructions.

"Wake everyone up, there may be an ambush nearby!"

That night, people couldn't sleep well again.

Soon, everyone was woken up.

After the young man explained the situation, everyone took out their weapons and waited for battle.

With the defense, it would not be so easy for this group of people to launch a sneak attack again.

But not long after, a strange scene happened.

"Brother, brother."

The voice appeared again!

And this time it was very close to the camp, estimated to be less than 30 meters!

Everyone held their guns nervously and looked at the night sky around them, but the night was so dark that not even a ghost could be seen.

"Brother, brother."

The voice seemed to be getting closer and closer, this time it was less than 20 meters.

The range of 20 meters was already within the range of the flashlight.

They stood on the top of the hill, holding the flashlight and looking around.

Looking down from a high place, he could see everything around him clearly, but he couldn't see anyone!

That sound was really like an invisible ghost!

The fat man's face suddenly changed, and he said tremblingly.

"Brother, could it be that your enemy's ghost is still lingering after his death and is chasing you here?"

Wu Xie said quickly.

"What nonsense are you talking about? I think it should be some kind of sound-making tool, such as a small speaker or something."

"Didn't Mr. Ji say that this group of people like to play tricks? They just want to create a terrifying atmosphere and make us lose our composure!"

Although he is not as strong as the fat man and looks like a weak scholar, at this critical moment, he showed calmness and composure beyond the fat man.

The fat man nodded and stabilized his emotions.

"What you said makes sense. I am guilty."

"Damn, this group of people is really a bunch of cowards. If you have the guts, come out and fight with real swords and guns!"

Aning said immediately.

"If they had the guts, they wouldn't have done anything so weird."

"Everyone calm down, stay calm, and wait for Mr. Ji to come back."

At this time, Chenpi Ah Si suddenly said something creepy.

"This time the fat man is right, this voice is not human!"

Everyone's expressions changed with fear when they heard this.

Chen Pi Asi is a blind man, his hearing is much better than that of ordinary people, and he has a lot of experience, so his judgment should be correct!

And at this time, he would not deliberately lie to scare everyone.

That voice is not human!

It is really chilling to think that in this vast desert, there are undead ghosts coming to our door in the middle of the night.

The fat man's inference was accepted, but he didn't look proud at all, and his face became even more ugly.

"Damn, why am I like you, turning into a crow's mouth!"

"Old man, since you can hear it, you must have a way to deal with it, right?"

"Are you going to use a charm or something?"

Chen Pi Ah Si shook his head and said softly.

"Spells are used to drive away ghosts and evil spirits. We are not trying to catch ghosts and subjugate demons. What's the use of charms?"

Everyone couldn't help but be stunned. Why did what they just said change?

The fat man asked confused.

"Old man, the person you said yourself just now is not a human being. Why did you change your mind in the blink of an eye?"

Chen Pi Asi snorted coldly and said with a hint of disdain.

“There are so many things that are not human, so why must they be ghosts?”

When everyone heard this, they all looked at each other.

There are indeed many things that are not human, but not many that can speak human words.

Besides ghosts and demons, what else can speak human language?

Chen Pi Ah Si chuckled and slowly raised a hand, holding four iron bullets between his five fingers.

"You have seen many things that can speak human language but are not human."

"Why can't I turn my head now?"

The words fell.

Chen Pi Asi identified the direction of the sound and fired four iron bullets with a wave of his hand!

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