Grave Robber: Beginnings Fusion Hydra Cypress

Chapter 668: The Power of Ghost Eyes

After Lin Shuangyue got Ji Changsheng's promise, she smiled with relief and said.

"I believe you can help me escape from prison."

Ji Changsheng said quickly.

"But you haven't told me why you can't leave here. How can I help you?"

Lin Shuangyue pointed to her closed eyes.

"It's because of the ghost eye."

Since the first generation of the Queen of Jingjue, their clan has obtained the ability of the ghost eye from the snake god and became the servants of the snake god.

The ghost eye carries the evil breath of the snake god, so they are regarded as the followers of the evil god by the mountain of gods, and cursed on them, and they are not allowed to leave the range of the mountain of gods for their whole lives.

Two queens have tried, but as soon as they stepped out of the mountain of gods, they immediately fell into shock. Fortunately, their clansmen rescued them. If they were a little later, they would die!

The mountain of gods is an invisible prison for the Queen of Jingjue clan!

Ji Changsheng asked curiously.

"What god is this mountain of gods?"

Lin Shuangyue shook her head, showing a helpless expression.

"I don't know. I have tried many ways, but I couldn't escape."

"There is only one way to break the curse and leave the prison."

"Destroy the remains of the snake god!"

After the death of the snake god, its will was preserved in its bones, and part of its power was preserved in its eyes.

The eyes of the snake god have been destroyed in the Kunlun Palace, but the remains of the snake god are still there.

As long as the remains of the snake god are not destroyed, one day it will find an opportunity to come back!

This result did not exceed Ji Changsheng's expectations, and he nodded.

"Don't worry, I will help you leave here."

Lin Shuangyue nodded heavily and thanked.

"Everything is up to you."

Ji Changsheng waved his hand and said.

"It's just a little effort. It's late. Go back and rest."

After that, he turned around and was about to leave.

Lin Shuangyue suddenly grabbed his hand and whispered.

"Mr. Ji, do you want to see my ghost eyes?"

When these words came out, Ji Changsheng was shocked.

Anyone who has seen the ghost eye will disappear out of thin air. Is she going to murder her husband?

Lin Shuangyue chuckled and explained.

The ability of the ghost eye looks weird and scary, but the principle is very simple. It is a channel connecting two spaces.

She can use this channel to transfer matter to any space!

For example, the yellow sand in the real world can be transferred to the imaginary space, and then the gold in the imaginary space can be transferred to the real world, and the process of turning stone into gold can be completed.

The same principle, the ghost eye can also transfer living people to the imaginary space, and in the real space, this person disappears out of thin air!

Ji Changsheng was shocked after hearing this.

The ghost eye can actually send human bodies to the imaginary space, which is much more powerful than his skill-the wheel of time and space!

Lin Shuangyue seemed to feel the shock in his heart and smiled softly again.

"This ability is too powerful, affecting the balance of the two spaces, which led to the curse of God."

"When you destroy the remains of the snake god, the ability of the ghost eye will disappear."

"So you will be the last person to see the ghost eye."

It turned out that she wanted to let Ji Changsheng see this ability with his own eyes before losing the ghost eye, and she had no ill intentions.

"Don't worry, I can control this ability freely and won't hurt you."

Ji Changsheng pondered for a moment, then nodded.

"Then let's take a look."

Lin Shuangyue smiled slightly and slowly opened her eyes.

A few seconds later.

When Ji Changsheng saw the pair of stunning eyes, he couldn't help but tremble all over.

So beautiful!!

The blue eyes are as deep as the blue sea and blue sky, and there are countless styles between the flowing eyes.

With these smart eyes, coupled with the peerless face, Lin Shuangyue finally showed her most beautiful posture.

The most beautiful in the world!

Even a dull person who doesn't understand romance will be fascinated by this peerless beauty.

The tenderness revealed in her smiles is enough to melt steel!

Ji Changsheng took a deep breath, guarded his spirit platform, and calmed his mind.

"It's really beautiful."

Lin Shuangyue smiled, leaned over to pick up a stone from the ground, and held it in his palm.

Ji Changsheng looked at it carefully, but couldn't see anything.

Lin Shuangyue seemed to have done nothing, and the stone in his palm suddenly turned into a piece of gold!

Ji Changsheng took the gold and looked at it carefully. It was real gold!

Lin Shuangyue's face flashed a trace of pride, and he turned his head to look into the distance.

"Look at that tree."

Ji Changsheng threw away the gold nugget and turned his head to look.

I saw a towering tree dozens of meters away, and it disappeared in the blink of an eye!

After doing this, Lin Shuangyue closed her eyes again.

"Every time I use it, I feel exhausted. When I lack energy and physical strength, this ability will go out of control, so I usually close my eyes."

"Over the years, I have been looking forward to the day when I can open my eyes freely and take a good look at the world."

After saying that, he turned and walked away.

"Mr. Ji, everything is up to you."

This is the third time she said this. Ji Changsheng felt her deep desire and nodded solemnly.

After returning to the room, Ji Changsheng couldn't fall asleep for a long time.

A few hours later, it was still dark outside, but it was already the next morning.

After everyone had breakfast, they immediately went to the bottomless ghost cave.

After coming out of the underground city, we followed the plank road on the mountain wall and came to the bottomless ghost cave.

Looking at the huge bottomless abyss, Fatty and Wang Kaixuan felt panicked. Although their fear of heights was cured by Wu Xie, they still had an instinctive fear of the dark abyss.

The fat man swallowed his saliva and asked cautiously.

"Ms. Lin, what is it like underneath this ghost cave?"

Lin Shuangyue thought for a while and replied.

"I don't remember. The last time I went there was more than two thousand years ago."

Wang Kaixuan frowned and said.

"Then we are all blind? We don't know anything about the situation, so it's better not to go down easily."

The fat man said quickly.

"Mr. Ji, get a drone and go down and take a look first."

Before Ji Changsheng could answer, Shirley Yang shook his head and said.

"No, I've checked with instruments. The magnetic field below is very chaotic, which will affect the control system of the drone. It will crash before it is halfway through the flight."

"Any electronic equipment will malfunction down there."

These words made the two fat men even more nervous.

"Then there must be something terrible hidden down here, right?"

Ji Changsheng smiled lightly and said.

"Have you forgotten? Wang Zanghai went there five months ago. Wherever he can go, I can go!"

Lin Shuangyue changed into a black outfit today, which highlighted her exquisite figure.

"It's better for me to lead the way. Although I don't remember clearly, I have a general impression."

With that said, he jumped into the abyss.

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