Grave Robber: Beginnings Fusion Hydra Cypress

Chapter 669: Heading towards the abyss of the ghost cave

Lin Shuangyue jumped down into the bottomless abyss.

When everyone saw it, they were all shocked. If you jumped down like that, even if you had peerless light skills, you would be shattered to pieces!

The fat man hurriedly lay down on the edge of the cliff and shouted sadly.

"Sister Lin, don't think too hard. If you tell me anything embarrassing, let's find a solution together. Why do you want to commit suicide?"

Just hear a chuckle from below.

"Who can't imagine it? It's true that a dog's mouth cannot spit out ivory."

The fat man was stunned and quickly looked down.

Lin Shuangyue was seen standing steadily on the cave wall, less than ten meters away from them.

It turns out that there is also a plank road built on the cave wall, which spirals down the cave wall and leads directly to the bottom of the ghost cave.

It's just that the entrance to the cave is too big. This plank road, which is less than one meter wide, is difficult to see clearly in the dark.

Lin Shuangyue waved to the people above her head.

"Why are you still standing there? Come down quickly."

The fat man stared at the plank road, which was only more than two feet wide, with wide eyes. Then he looked at his waistline, and suddenly felt a little less confident.

"Mr. Ji, I suddenly have a stomachache and would like to take a day off, can you?"

When Wang Kaixuan saw this, he hurriedly covered his stomach and shouted.

"Me too, I want to go to the toilet."

Hu Bayi couldn't help but shook his head and said to Ji Changsheng.

"Mr. Ji, there is indeed some danger down here, they should stay up there."

Ji Changsheng pondered for a moment and then said.

"You all stay, my brother and I will just go down."

As soon as this was said, Lie was the first to object.

"Boss, I'm not afraid of heights, don't leave me behind!"

Ah Sheng also requested hurriedly.

"I want to protect the head of the family, please allow me to stay with the head of the house."

These two followers had to follow them wherever they went. Ji Changsheng had no objection and immediately asked the others to stay above and wait. He jumped down with his younger brothers, Lie and Asheng.

Including Lin Shuangyue, there were a total of five people going to the bottom of the ghost cave. They were all top masters in the world. Even if there was any danger down there, they could handle it.

"Let's go. If we go quickly, we'll be there in just one day."

After Lin Shuangyue finished speaking, she strode forward.

She couldn't remember exactly how deep the ghost cave was. She only remembered that the last time she went to the ghost cave for a handover ceremony was more than 2,000 years ago. Under the leadership of her mother, the mother and daughter walked for five days before arriving. The bottom of the ghost cave!

But at that time, she was just an ordinary girl, and her physical strength was far from what it is now. Based on her current foot strength, it is estimated that more than ten hours would be enough.

Ji Changsheng and his younger brother couldn't help but be secretly shocked as they listened to her story.

The younger brother only thought about the coffin belonging to the Zhang family, and didn't pay much attention to other details.

Ji Changsheng is full of curiosity about the ghost cave. In the original work, except for the ancestors of the Zagrama tribe more than two thousand years ago, no one has ever set foot at the bottom of the ghost cave, and no one knows what is down there.

Today he was finally able to find out.

After the group walked for two hours, the hole above had turned into a very small dot, almost invisible.

The further down you go, the louder the wind becomes. When they speak, they have to shout at the top of their lungs to hear them clearly.

Could it be that there is a larger space under this ghost cave, the same as under the Kunlun Dragon Peak?

After walking for another hour, no one spoke anymore, because the wind was whistling in my ears and I couldn't hear what others said.

In addition to the wind getting louder and louder, the vision is getting darker and darker, as if it is about to be swallowed up by darkness.

The little brother took out the wolf-eye flashlight for lighting. This strong flashlight can shine fifty meters away, but here it can only shine more than thirty meters, and the line of sight is getting smaller and smaller.

In the fourth hour after setting off, the light of the flashlight could only shine ten meters away.

The place below seemed to be shrouded in a layer of black mist, and all light was swallowed up by this black mist.

Lie thought for a while and immediately took out a cold firework from his backpack. This was the tool bag given to him by the fat man.

He lit the cold fireworks and threw them out with all his strength.

Under his brute strength, Leng Yanhuo was thrown more than two hundred meters and fell far downward.

With the help of strong fireworks, people were able to see clearly what was happening below.

I saw some huge reliefs carved on the cave walls on both sides.

There are many images of gods and monsters on the reliefs, which are ferocious and strange, and the size is astonishing. Each of the gods and monsters is two to three hundred meters high!

What surprised them even more was that the plank road leading to the bottom of the cave was actually the lines of the relief!

It turned out that they had been walking on the reliefs, but because the reliefs were too big and the light was dark, no one noticed them.

The cold fireworks flashed away and only stayed for a few seconds, but the fleeting scene was already shocking enough.

In order to see clearly, Lie lit another cold firework and threw it into the distance.

This time he used more force, and Leng Yanhuo was thrown more than a thousand meters away, almost to the center of the ghost cave.

The light of the cold fireworks illuminated a wider area.

At this moment, with the help of the faint light, people could vaguely see a huge and terrifying thing carved on the wall of the cave opposite!

After Ah Sheng saw that thing, he couldn't help but trembled with fright, and his face turned a little blue.

"Master, I seem to have seen a big snake!"

The younger brother nodded calmly.

"I saw it too, it's just a statue, don't be afraid."

Although it's just a statue, the big snake is really huge!

This giant snake coiled on the cave wall, with an estimated diameter of more than ten meters. Its head is several times larger than a heavy-duty truck, and its length is at least one thousand meters!

Fortunately, this is just a stone statue. If there really is such a giant snake, it would be a demon of the world-destroying level!

Lie was a little nervous, but he was not scared. He just asked curiously.

"Who carved such a big statue on it?"

This question attracted the attention of others. Such a huge relief, which is spread all over the wall of the ghost cave, is so huge that it is incredible.

Even if a modern engineering team completes these super-large reliefs, it is a major project that attracts worldwide attention, not to mention thousands of years ago!

The first person to discover this ghost cave was the ancestor of the Jingjue Kingdom, which was more than three thousand years ago. These reliefs existed before they discovered it.

How did the ancients thousands of years ago complete this huge project?

After thinking about it, Ji Changsheng motioned Lie to continue.

Lie immediately took out all the cold flames, a total of dozens, and threw one out every time he walked a section.

They walked for more than two hours until all the cold flames were thrown.

During this time, they saw a magnificent relief group on the cave wall, with a variety of contents, mysterious and strange.

Most of them were scenes of fighting between gods and demons, and some scenes of primitive people's daily life, hunting, funerals, fighting, etc.

This is a prehistoric super-large relief mural!

After Ji Changsheng looked at it for a long time, a strange idea suddenly popped up in his mind.

"The people who carved these murals should be... giants!"

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