When the stone door opened, a strange light floated towards the face.

Normally, the light is directed and does not blow around like the wind.

But the light behind the door was strange, like dust attached to the air, floating in all directions with the flow of air.

The pale golden soft light brushed over the little brother's face and surrounded him.

The next second.

When I stepped through the stone gate, what appeared in front of me was an extremely magnificent picture!

This is an unimaginably huge space. Looking up, you can see a dome that is several kilometers high.

The dome is surrounded by blue water, and it can be seen at a glance that this huge space is located deep under the sea.

The area of ​​​​the space is beyond imagination. Calculated based on the length of the tomb passage, it is approximately more than 600 square kilometers, equivalent to the size of a medium-sized city!

The scale of this giant ancient tomb is probably unique in human history!

What really shocked me was not the sheer size of the tomb, but the huge building standing in the center of the tomb.

A bronze tree reaching up to the dome!

My brother and the others are on the edge of the ancient tomb, more than ten kilometers away from the bronze tree, but they can still clearly see the thick trunk.

The trunk diameter is visually estimated to be over 200 meters!

There are hundreds of branches scattered on the trunk, and even the diameter of the branches is more than 10 meters!

What is strange is that compared with the tree trunks that are several thousand meters high, the branches are very short, with the longest being no more than 100 meters, which looks very uncoordinated.

What is even more surprising is that this giant bronze tree does not stand straight, but is inserted diagonally in the center of the ancient tomb, with its trunk lying horizontally in mid-air, covering most of the ancient tomb.

The strange light came from the tree and illuminated the entire ancient tomb.

Even a modern engineering team might not be able to build such a huge bronze tree. How did the ancients do it thousands of years ago?

The little brother was deeply shocked by the scene in front of him. It took about half a minute before he came back to his senses.

He had long known that the Zhang family possessed technology that was far ahead of its time, but this giant ancient tomb and the oversized bronze tree still shattered his original knowledge.

Everyone has far underestimated the Zhang family!

Although he is the clan leader, the younger brother feels for the first time that he does not understand this ancient family at all.

How many secrets does the Zhang family still hold?

Where does this mysterious family come from?

The younger brother couldn't help but think of Ji Changsheng's words.

"After this is over, it's time to go to the North Pole."

All the secrets of the Zhang family are hidden in the ancient tomb in the North Pole. Only by going there can these mysteries be solved.

"Hey, wake up, it's dawn."

Xiaowu's voice broke the little brother's thoughts and brought him back to reality.

Xiao Wu looked at him with a proud face and smiled.

"This is what our ancestors built. You must be scared."

The little brother couldn't help but nodded and praised sincerely.

"It's amazing."

Xiao Wu looked at the huge bronze tree in the distance, and said slowly with a hint of melancholy in his excited tone.

"Yes, our ancestors created such brilliant achievements thousands of years ago, but we, the descendants, can only wander around the world without even being able to return home."

The younger brother then remembered and asked hurriedly.

"You said that the way home is hidden in this ancient tomb. What exactly do you mean?"

Xiao Wu raised his arm and pointed at the giant bronze tree.

"That's what our ancestors built, the way home!"

The little brother couldn't help but be stunned, and he didn't quite understand.

Xiao Wu sighed helplessly and said again.

"We just knew this was the way home, but we had no idea what this thing was for or how to use it."

"That's why I asked you to come and help us solve this mystery."

After hearing this, the little brother thought for a while and said.

"In this case, you must provide some clues."

Xiao Wu nodded and walked forward.

"Of course, let's go meet the others first."

After hearing this, the little brother remembered that most of the other people on the two large ships had also been brought here by the dragon.

"Where are they?"

Xiao Wu stretched out his hand and pointed forward.

"In the temple over there, if you hurry up, you'll be there in an hour."

The little brother looked in the direction she pointed and couldn't help but be startled.

Just now, his attention was attracted by the giant bronze tree, and he had not taken a closer look at the structure of the ancient tomb.

At this time, I took a closer look and once again appreciated the majesty of this giant ancient tomb.

Surrounding the ancient tomb is a tall city wall, about ten meters high. They came out from a small door in the wall.

The terrain of the ancient tomb is not flat, but is high on the four sides and low in the middle, with a drop of almost two hundred meters.

The city wall is located at the highest point of the ancient tomb, and you can overlook the place far away.

With the light emitted by the giant tree, I can clearly see that in the basin in the middle of the ancient tomb, buildings are dotted and streets are crisscrossed.

There are also large forests between the building complexes, with rivers, lakes, and some small villages in the forest.

This is clearly a giant ancient city!

Judging from the size of the city, it can accommodate at least one million people!

But the question is, during the Shang Dynasty thousands of years ago, even the capital of the Central Plains Dynasty only had a population of hundreds of thousands. Did the Hentian Kingdom on the Coral Islands have such a large population?

You must know that the resources required to feed a million people are extremely huge and cannot be carried by just a coral island.

Faced with the doubts of the little brother, Xiao Wu just shrugged and said.

"If I knew, I wouldn't have invited you here."

The little brother couldn't help but feel speechless. Aren't you a descendant of the Kingdom of Hate Heaven? You don't know anything.

Xiao Wu smiled helplessly, with a complicated expression, and said slowly.

"In fact, there are more secrets hidden in this ancient tomb than you can imagine."

"Some of these secrets are unknown even to our ancestors!"

The little brother's expression moved and asked.

"What secrets?"

Xiao Wu pointed around and said.

"Do you know where we are now?"

The little brother was stunned for a moment. Is there any need to ask? Of course it is the ancient tomb of the Kingdom of Hate Heaven.

Xiao Wu should not be pointing to this, but to the location of this ancient tomb.

Coral Islands, ruins of the Kingdom of Hate Heaven, South China Sea Guixu.

A bold idea came to his mind.

"Is it... in Guixu?"

Xiao Wu nodded approvingly.

"Yes, this ancient tomb is just below Guixu."

South China Sea Guixu!

In ancient legends, the eye of the sea is a mysterious bottomless abyss.

The seawater will pour into the eye of the sea, and no one knows where it will flow.

But who would have thought that there is no bottomless abyss under Guixu, but a different world!

Xiaowu continued.

"But until today, no one knows the secret of Guixu!"

Not only the Tanka people, but even their ancestors - Hentian clan, don't know.

What exactly is the Guixu in the South China Sea!

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