Grave Robber: Beginnings Fusion Hydra Cypress

Chapter 825 No one can get out alive

"Where exactly is Nanhai Guixu?"

I'm afraid no one can answer this question, not even the Hentian clan.

When the little brother heard this, he felt a little strange.

"If that's the case, how did they get in?"

Xiao Wu paused and replied.

"You will know when you get to the temple."

After saying that, she fell into silence and just immersed herself in walking, seemingly thinking about something.

While talking, the two of them walked along the city wall for several kilometers.

After walking for a while, they left the city wall and headed towards the basin.

When passing by a small hillside, I saw densely packed tombs all over the hillside, as many as thousands in number.

These tombs are very roughly built, and the tombstones are also very simple. Many of them even have no tombstones, just a small mound.

Xiao Wu took a look and said casually.

"These are the tombs of our ancestors. They lived here all their lives and built ancient tombs until they died."

The amount of engineering work involved in this ancient tomb is so large that, based on ancient productivity calculations, it would be normal even if it took hundreds of years.

The people of Hate Heaven live here from generation to generation, from birth to death, doing the same thing all their lives.

Repair the tomb!

But the question is, if everyone goes to build tombs, who will engage in productive labor?

What to do with food and other supplies?

Xiaowu saw the confusion in the younger brother's eyes and said before he could ask questions.

"Don't ask me any questions, I don't know."

The little brother could only shrug and made a helpless expression.

After walking through the mass graves, we came to a dense forest.

These trees are very rare species and grow extremely slowly because they cannot see sunlight.

The woods are full of towering trees more than 30 meters high. They have not been cut down for thousands of years before they can grow to such a big size. These ancient trees are witnesses of time.

After walking for more than half an hour through the woods, a small river appeared in front of them.

The river water is crystal clear, but slightly yellow in color and has a faint smell of sulfur.

The little brother understood at a glance that the river water must come from the crater of the submarine volcano. Due to the volcanic eruption in the nearby sea, the seawater has the smell of sulfur.

Xiao Wu stopped and observed carefully before speaking.

"Okay, it's safe now. You can cross the river. Hurry up."

The river is not deep, only covering the knees, but the river is more than fifty meters wide.

The two waded through the water and reached the other side in a short time.

The younger brother then asked.

"Is there any danger in the river?"

Xiao Wu said with a serious face.

"Don't forget that this is an ancient tomb, and there are traps everywhere."

"If I don't lead the way, you must not run around, otherwise..."

Halfway through her words, her expression suddenly changed, as if she remembered something.

"No! We have to go to the temple quickly!"

The little brother immediately understood that the other people in the temple did not have Xiao Wu to lead the way. If they ran around, they would definitely encounter traps!

The two quickly quickened their pace and ran forward.

After passing through a village and a small town, a group of tall buildings finally appeared in front of them.

These ancient buildings are very similar to the temples on the coral islands, only larger in scale.

The tallest building is more than thirty meters tall, which is equivalent to the height of a dozen-story building.

The surrounding buildings are slightly shorter, more than ten meters high.

In the ancient times of theocratic rule, gods had the supreme status, so buildings such as temples were built very tall.

But compared to other temples, this temple looks a little strange.

The largest building actually has no roof, only six towering walls connected to form a regular hexagon.

The little brother didn't think much about it. It was probably due to the erosion of time and disrepair, and the roof collapsed. The Parthenon is such an example.

But when they entered the temple, the little brother realized that he was wrong. This temple had no roof at all.

The six walls are well preserved, with ancient thunder patterns and ichthyosaurs carved on them. The bluestone floor is clean and tidy, with no signs of damage.

What surprised me even more was that there was no statue in the temple, only a round stone plate with a diameter of about twenty meters.

There were several people squatting on the ground on the stone plate, seeming to be discussing something.

One of them noticed that someone was coming and looked back quickly, and couldn't help but be overjoyed.

"Brother, Xiao Wu!"

The person who said hello was Wuxie, and the other people were Fatty, Hu Bayi, Wang Kaixuan, Shirley Yang, Jack, and Aning.

When they saw it was Brother and Xiaowu, they immediately came forward to say hello.

"Are you okay? Have you seen anyone else?"

They didn't know Xiao Wu's identity yet, and they didn't suspect her at all.

After the younger brother told the whole story in an understatement, everyone looked at Xiao Wu with incredulous expressions.

Unexpectedly, the culprit of this collective time-travel incident was actually the most inconspicuous Xiao Wu!

The fat man frowned and said in a deep voice.

"I didn't expect you little girl to hide so deeply. I was really deceived by your appearance."

"We take care of you as our little sister, so you treat us like this?"

Xiaowu expressed helplessness.

"I had no choice but to do this. Please understand."

The fat man snorted coldly and said.

"Understood? We are inverters, not archaeologists. If you don't ask archaeologists for help, what do you mean by inviting us? Will we help you in inverters!"

Xiao Wu replied softly.

"Actually, many archaeologists have been here before you, but they were helpless."

"If there is anyone in this world who can solve the mystery, it can only be you, because you are the best in this field!"

As the saying goes, you can wear a thousand clothes, but you can never wear flattery.

This subtle compliment made the fat man almost float into the sky, and his attitude immediately changed sharply.

"What you said makes sense."

"I'm not bragging, if we can't do it, no one else can do it!"

Wuxie couldn't bear to listen anymore and said quickly.

"Stop bragging. Besides opening a coffin and making a fortune, what else will you order?"

The fat man immediately expressed his dissatisfaction and was about to argue with him when he was stopped by Hu Bayi.

"Both of you, stop talking. Now is not the time to argue about this."

The two of them shut up and glared at each other in disbelief.

Shirley Yang was thoughtful and noticed useful clues in Xiao Wu's words just now, and asked immediately.

"Xiao Wu, you said someone has been here before, so how did they get back?"

Xiao Wu glanced at everyone and shook his head.

"None of them went back."

Everyone was shocked when they heard this.

Wang Kaixuan asked hurriedly.

"You mean, they all died here?"

Xiao Wu nodded, and then said something frightening.

"In fact, except for us Dan people, no one else got out alive!"

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