Grave Robber: Beginnings Fusion Hydra Cypress

Chapter 851: A gentleman is innocent, but guilty of possessing a treasure

Lie's voice was full of shock and ecstasy.

"Look, the dragon is alive!"

The dragon is resurrected? !

Although everyone knew that the crisis had not been resolved, they opened their eyes and looked into the distance out of shock and curiosity.

At this glance, an unimaginable picture immediately petrified everyone!

Thousands of meters away, the skeleton of the ancient dragon actually soared into the air!

The ten thousand meter long dragon skeleton was stretching its limbs, baring its teeth and claws, and circling in the air.

Such a spectacular scene deeply shocked everyone.

Even Lao Zhou showed an incredible expression.

"So this is its ability, it can possess anything!"

The main body of the snake demon ghost is the same as the Great Dark Sky, a pure spiritual body.

But the difference is that the Great Dark Sky can only possess special objects, such as the crystal ore of the Great Black Sky Thunder Mountain, to exert all its abilities.

The snake demon ghost can possess anything!

Lin Shuangyue thought about it and shook her head.

"No, it can only possess inanimate objects."

Whether it is the bronze tomb beast or the huge dragon skeleton, they are all inanimate dead objects.

From this point of view, the power of the snake demon ghost is far superior to that of the Great Dark Sky!

Lie clenched his fists tightly and shouted excitedly.

"Anyway, such a big dragon is really exciting. I really want to fight it!"

When the others heard this, they all looked at him with strange eyes. Is this guy mentally ill?

Lin Shuangyue quickly held him down.

"Don't go over and make trouble. Have you forgotten that it can turn people into stone!"

Lie was stunned for a moment and said indifferently.

"At most, you can fight with your eyes closed. What's there to be afraid of?"

Lin Shuangyue was about to scold him a few words, but suddenly her face changed.

"Everyone, close your eyes!"

The giant dragon in the distance seemed to have discovered them and turned its head to look over here.

Although there were no eyes on the dragon's head, there was a strange light flashing in the empty eye sockets!

Fortunately, everyone closed their eyes in time, otherwise they would all be hit.

The dragon let out a piercing laugh.

"So it didn't run far, that's good, I don't have to look for it everywhere."

After saying that, it twisted its huge body and rushed towards the crowd.

But as soon as it moved, a figure blocked its way.

"Hey, your opponent is me, don't make a mistake!"

The dragon looked down and saw that it was the human who gave it a headache.

"Ji Changsheng, you are the one favored by the snake god, I don't want to take your life for the time being."

"Don't get in the way of me doing things!"

Ji Changsheng smiled coldly.

"Without my permission, you can't go anywhere."

The dragon seemed a little irritable and said unhappily.

"Hey, it's also your enemy, why are you protecting it?"

It refers to the ultimate, and it is also the deadly enemy that the snake god wants to get rid of.

Ji Changsheng said calmly.

"You are right, it is my enemy, so its life is mine, and no one else is allowed to touch it!"

The dragon roared angrily.

"Human who doesn't know how to lift himself, then I'll deal with you first, you're the troublemaker!"

Ji Changsheng moved his limbs and said with a smile.

"After wasting so long, it's time for you to get serious!"

The dragon no longer hesitated, and suddenly swung its huge dragon claws, slapping it head-on.

The power of this attack was unimaginable.

But in order to protect the people in the distance, Ji Changsheng couldn't retreat.

The Vermillion Bird Sword in his hand suddenly grew three feet, turning into a flaming sword.

The sword energy penetrated the sky and went towards the dragon claw.

Skill: Vacuum Cannon Launched!

With the blessing of the vacuum wave, the power of this sword is enough to stop the flow of rivers and collapse mountains!


A loud sound of the sky and the earth.

Countless cracks appeared on the ice field, extending in all directions, and the earth collapsed!

The broken ice slag flew all over the sky and splashed thousands of meters away.

After a moment,

A huge pit with a diameter of 100 meters and a depth of 10 meters appeared on the ice field!

The power of this attack was horrifying.

Even Ji Changsheng felt a numbness in his palm and a slight pain in his right arm.

If the Suzaku Sword was not a divine weapon, it would have been shattered!

The dragon was not having a good time either, and was actually repelled hundreds of meters by a sword!

It looked down at the dragon claw, one of the finger bones was cut off, and the cut was burnt black by the high temperature.

"So strong!"

A sense of uneasiness and fear rose faintly in its heart.

Why is this human so strong! ?

Dragon bones are indestructible, not to mention the bones of an ancient dragon!

Ji Changsheng actually cut off the dragon claw with a sword!

There is no doubt that this human has the terrifying power to slay a dragon!

The dragon coiled up cautiously and did not rashly launch the next attack.

This made Ji Changsheng realize something, and he stepped forward with his sword and said provocatively.

"Hey, we just fought for one move, why are you so scared?"

He saw that the dragon was already timid.

On the battlefield, as long as there is a slight hesitation in the heart, the balance of victory will tilt!

The dragon did not hide his inner fear and said in a deep voice.

"Ji Changsheng, your strength is indeed beyond my imagination. I didn't expect that I couldn't beat you even with the dragon corpse!"

"But... you made a mistake!"

Ji Changsheng smiled nonchalantly.

"I did make a mistake. I shouldn't have been nagging you. I should have killed you directly!"

The dragon shook his head.

"No, that's not what I meant."

"Do you think that as long as you kill me, everything will be fine? Then you are totally wrong!"

Ji Changsheng said with disdain.

"Are you trying to scare me with the snake god again? Save it, I won't do this!"

The giant dragon laughed.

"You ignorant guy, of course you won't take Lord Snake God seriously, and you will pay the price for it."

"But I'm not referring to Lord Snake God, but something else!"

Ji Changsheng's expression suddenly changed. If it wasn't the snake god, what else could pose a threat to him?

Seeing that he was silent, the giant dragon continued.

"There is something special in this world. Not only the snake god, but others are also looking for it."

"A gentleman is not guilty, but he is guilty of carrying a jade."

"This thing will bring catastrophe to this world, but you yourselves don't know it yet!"

These words finally caught Ji Changsheng's attention.

Did the Ultimate and the Snake God both come to this world to get something?

But what special existence is there in this world?

"What exactly are you referring to?"

The dragon shook his head and said.

"I don't know, but I know one thing. This thing is related to this ancient tomb!"

Ji Changsheng thought for a moment and then said.

"What's the purpose of telling me this? Do you want me to let you go?"

The giant dragon chuckled strangely.

"Let me go? No need at all!"

"I just want you to understand that if you turn back now it's still too late."

"As long as you help me get this thing, we will both receive the blessings of the Snake God and become immortal gods!"

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