Grave Robber: Beginnings Fusion Hydra Cypress

Chapter 852: Hidden Secret Trick

Become an immortal god!

This sentence caused Ji Changsheng to think.

What is the difference between humans and gods?

Is it the difference in power, or eternal life?

If it is just these, then he is already a god!

Thinking of this, he couldn't help but smile contemptuously.

"That's it?"

The dragon was stunned for a moment.

"Is it not enough? You are very greedy."

Ji Changsheng raised the magic sword and pointed the tip of the sword at the dragon.

"Of course not!"

The dragon asked immediately.

"Then what else do you want? Just ask, I will help you convey it."

Ji Changsheng sneered with a disdainful expression on his face.

"Want me to bow down and kneel at the feet of the snake god?"

"No matter what the conditions are, they are not enough!"

The hero Houyi thousands of years ago dared to fight against the supreme divine power with only a mortal body.

Ji Changsheng, standing at the top of mankind, has a powerful power like a god.

How could he surrender!

A faint breath circulated on the tip of the sword and radiated in all directions.

The dragon became more and more anxious and could not help but let out a low roar, as if to give itself courage.

"In that case, I can only eliminate you!"

The reason why it waited for Ji Changsheng and Zhongchu here was to possess the dragon corpse.

This ancient dragon has the power to destroy the world. Although its body is dead and only a skeleton remains.

But there is still some power in the dragon bones!

With a thunderous dragon roar.

The people in the distance immediately felt an overwhelming dragon power coming.

The invisible dragon power was like a mountain, pressing on everyone's shoulders.

Everyone tried their best to not fall down, but they had lost the ability to resist.

Even Lie, who was fearless, felt powerless, his limbs were as heavy as lead, and he could not move.

People couldn't help but think of one thing at the same time.

They were thousands of meters away, and they were suppressed by the dragon power and could not move.

Ji Changsheng, who faced the enemy head-on, was probably under a thousand times more pressure than them!

Can he really win this battle?

In fact, Ji Changsheng's situation was not as bad as they imagined.

A black gas rose from behind and condensed into a huge black shadow in the air.

The black shadow gradually showed a ferocious demon king posture.

The Nine Nether Ghost King Emperor!

The death energy of the netherworld rose to the sky, fighting against the dragon's might, and was not at all inferior.

After a few dozen seconds of confrontation between one man and one dragon.

The dragon couldn't suppress the anxiety in his heart and let out a thunderous roar.

The huge body twisted violently, opened its big mouth and pounced on Ji Changsheng.

The remaining power in the dragon bone completely erupted at this moment!

Although Ji Changsheng closed his eyes, he could still clearly feel that a force that could destroy the world was coming.

How big is the gap between humans and dragons?

In the eyes of ordinary people, this gap is simply unimaginable.

Ji Changsheng wanted to figure out this problem, so he decided to face it head-on!

Just as he was about to swing his sword, he suddenly sensed a powerful force stirring in his body.

This force echoed with the divine space, as if something wanted to come out!

Ji Changsheng's mind moved.

In a flash, the flames of the Vermillion Bird Sword disappeared.

A sword energy rushed up to the sky!

The surrounding time and space quickly twisted, forming an invisible vortex.

One second later.

The people in the distance were ready to welcome this earth-shaking blow, but they were surprised to find that.

There was only the sound of the whistling cold wind on the ice field, as if nothing had happened!

What's going on?

Lie couldn't help his curiosity and opened his eyes to look.

I saw a giant dragon entwined in a ball on the ice field in the distance, looking up at the sky, making a defensive posture.

A figure floated thousands of meters above the sky, looking down at the giant dragon from above.

Lie took a closer look and his pupils shrank sharply.

As a warrior, he could clearly feel the majestic sword intent even from a distance of several thousand meters!

Ji Changsheng was in mid-air, holding an ancient sword, like a legendary sword immortal.

The sword exuded a powerful sword intent, forming an invisible barrier.

The whistling wind and snow were blocked three feet away!

"How could this happen!"

The snake demon ghost possessed by the dragon was shrouded in a huge sense of fear.

Its full-strength attack hit the barrier, and the power to destroy the world disappeared inexplicably!

The barrier formed by the sword intent can offset any attack!

Even Ji Changsheng felt a little incredible and looked down at the ancient sword in his hand.

The five words on the hilt shone brightly.

Sword Immortal Ji Changsheng!

"Is this true?"

Holding this ancient sword, he felt very familiar, as if he had held it thousands of times.

Could it be that this sword was really used by him before?

But he couldn't remember it at all.

Ji Changsheng couldn't help but laugh. How come I have become like my brother? I can't even remember my past.

Anyway, this sword is really useful.

Thinking about it, he waved the sword casually.

The sword energy surged three feet and cut through the sky.

He was surprised to find that the wind and snow were cut off!


At this time, the giant dragon below could no longer hold back, twisted its huge body, and soared into the air.

But it didn't want to fight to the death, but wanted to escape!

Ji Changsheng couldn't help but laugh when he saw it.

"I haven't had enough fun yet, why are you running away?"

As he said this, he stabbed with a sword in the air.

He was thousands of meters away from the dragon, but the sword energy came in an instant.


A section of the dragon's tail hundreds of meters long was cut off by the sword energy!

The dragon suddenly lost its balance, and its huge body fell from mid-air and hit the ice field heavily.

It quickly got up and wanted to fly away again.

As a result, it twisted for a long time, but could only flutter on the ground and couldn't take off.

Seeing this, Ji Changsheng couldn't help laughing.

"You can't fly anymore, let's see where you can run to!"

The dragon couldn't take off, so it couldn't escape Ji Changsheng's pursuit, and it was about to die under the sword.

The snake demon ghost was forced into a desperate situation, and evil came from one side.

"Since you can't escape, let them be buried with me!"

It twisted its body violently and pounced on the people in the distance with all its strength.

The people watching the battle were suppressed by the dragon's might and could not move at all, so they could only become its living targets.

At this time, a cold voice came from the sky.

"Dare to touch my people, you are courting death!"

The dragon could feel a terrifying sword energy coming from behind without turning back.

In a flash, the dragon suddenly turned its head, and a green flame spurted out of its mouth, sweeping towards Ji Changsheng!

The snake demon's resentful spirit was ecstatic.

"Ji Changsheng, this is the opportunity I've been waiting for. Pay the price for your arrogance!"

This is the trick it has been hiding, dragon breath!

This is the innate skill of the dragon clan. Even if only the remains of the dragon are left, it can still spit out dragon breath!

"Even if you are the most powerful human, you can't escape death!"

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