The little brother recalled it carefully, and then he discovered that the Guanyin statue downstairs was indeed slightly different from what he remembered.

In this way, the innocent inference was further confirmed.

There is no such thing as traveling through time and space, but the Hentian clan has the ability to see into the future!

It's just that this ability is too incredible, and everyone can't believe it.

Hu Bayi immediately reminded.

"Have you forgotten the ghost mother of the Demon Kingdom?"

Thousands of years ago, the Ghost Mother of the Demon Kingdom obtained the Demon Eye from the Snake God. Although it was far from Ji Changsheng's authentic Demon Eye, this weakened version of the Demon Eye could still predict the future.

The Ghost Mother saw Ji Changsheng's death through her magic eyes and engraved it on the mural of the Phoenix Temple!

Later, Ji Changsheng died in the hands of his little brother, which proved the power of the devil mother's eyes!

Since the Ghost Mother can foresee the future, it is entirely possible that the Hentian clan also has this ability!

The fat man couldn't help but change his face and said.

"Old Hu, according to what you said, then the Hentian clan also made a deal with the snake god?!"

Hu Bayi shook his head and replied.

"I don't think so, because there is nothing related to the snake god in this ancient tomb."

The snake god will not give this ability to humans casually. The demon country paid a huge price to obtain the magic eye.

So far, they have not discovered anything related to the snake god in this ancient tomb.

Hentian's ability may come from other sources.

As for where it was obtained, we can only know it after further decryption.

Wuxie nodded.

"No matter what, part of the secret of this ancient tomb has finally been solved. As long as we continue to work hard, the truth will be revealed!"

As he spoke, he turned to look at the dead bodies.

"These people may be the key to unlocking the last layer of the code."

Why does Hentianshi hold this large-scale cos show?

Everyone immediately stepped forward to carefully examine the mummies.

Soon I discovered a very strange place.

These hundreds of dead people all starved to death!

The fat man looked at the corpse and said with a surprised look on his face.

"These people were not tied up with chains, but why didn't they eat...the corpse?"

Eating the corpses of the same kind sounds very cruel.

But in human history, tragedies of cannibalism have occurred many times!

People who live in peaceful times and have plenty of food and clothing can hardly imagine how terrible things people can do in a state of extreme hunger.

Survival is human instinct. Except for those who are particularly determined, it is difficult for most people to resist the invasion of hunger.

But these dead people would rather starve to death than eat the corpses of their own kind.

Are they all determined people, or is there something else going on?

Hu Bayi said with a solemn expression.

"There is a kind of poison in the world. After people take it, they will develop severe anorexia. They will not be able to eat anything, not even drink water. In the end, they will starve to death and die of thirst!"

"I think they were probably fed this poison!"

This layer symbolizes the realm of hungry ghosts, and these people were starved to death. Perhaps the poison Hu Bayi mentioned was used in order to create the realm of hungry ghosts.

But this vicious approach does not look like a compassionate Buddhist, but more like a cult!

The fat man said fearfully.

"Rather than starve to death, I would rather be hacked to death. No matter what, I would rather be a hungry ghost!"

After saying that, he had no intention of continuing to study these starving ghosts, so he turned around and walked to the door to smoke.

As soon as I took a sip, I saw the bloody words on the door, and then I remembered something.

He immediately turned back and asked his brother.

"Brother, you just said that these are all the words written by the Hentian clan, but no matter how I look at them, they are all ghost symbols."

The little brother didn't intend to explain it. He wanted the fat man to understand the meaning. He might have drooled over it, but the fat man might not be able to understand it.

But the fat man's words caught his attention, and he turned to look at the pattern on the door.

This mysterious pattern contains all the words of the Hentian clan. In the eyes of people who don't understand, it is just a ghost drawing, but in the eyes of experts, this pattern is actually dynamic!

The younger brother seemed to have some realization and whispered to himself in a low voice.

"The mother of yin and yang, the machine of movement and stillness..."

"Reverse Yin and Yang, six paths of reincarnation!"

After a moment.

There was a flash of light in the little brother's eyes, and his mind suddenly became enlightened.

"I see!"

The fat man was stunned, threw away his cigarette butt, and stepped forward to ask.

"What do you understand?"

The little brother stretched out his hand and pointed around.

"This is not only the Buddhist Six Paths of Reincarnation, but also implies the Taoist Yin-Yang Formation!"

The six floors from the 13th floor to the 18th floor are built according to the six inverted paths, and the password to open the door is the six paths in the normal order.

The reverse order is yin, the forward order is yang.

Yin and Yang combined!

"The secret to unlocking the last layer is not the Six Paths of Buddhism, but the Yin and Yang of Taoism!"

The fat man looked confused and asked in surprise.

"Isn't it the monk's fault? Why did a Taoist priest get involved?"

Wuxie quickly explained for the younger brother.

After Buddhism was introduced to China, in order to attract followers, it made drastic improvements and actively integrated it with Taoism.

To be precise, Buddhism and Taoism absorb each other and merge with each other. You have me, and I have you.

Coupled with Confucianism, Confucianism, Buddhism and Taoism gradually became the foundation of Chinese civilization!

The more the fat man listened, the more he felt his head was getting bigger, and he waved his hands.

"Forget it, don't go to class."

"Just tell me, how do you open the door on the last floor?"

After thinking for a moment, the little brother strode up the stairs, followed by everyone.

Come to the door on the last floor.

This is a dark red door, seemingly made of wood, with fine textures on it.

The little brother stretched out his hand to touch the wooden door and said slowly.

"The last level is the hell path, and the password to open the door is the heaven path, the first of the six paths."

"Do you know the difference between the Buddhist way of heaven and the Taoist way of heaven?"

Fatty and Wang Kaixuan shook their heads like rattles. In their eyes, monks have bald heads and Taoists have hair. This is the biggest difference between Buddhism and Taoism.

Wuxie replied immediately.

"The Tao of Buddhism refers to the world, or realm, and the Tao of Heaven is the paradise world where gods and Buddhas live."

"The Taoist Tao means rules."

The earth follows heaven, heaven follows Tao, and Tao follows nature.

The way of heaven is the law of nature!

The younger brother nodded with satisfaction.

"You are right, what if the two are combined?"

Everyone couldn't help but be stunned.

The way of heaven of Buddhism and Taoism are two completely different things.

How can these two be combined?

The little brother didn't explain, but his eyes suddenly became sharp and he spoke slowly.

"If my guess is correct, the last level will be another world!"

Another world!

Everyone couldn't help but feel nervous. The last layer symbolized the Buddhist hell realm.

Could it be that the eighteenth floor is a hell! ?

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