When the view came to the 50th floor, Ji Changsheng found that although the staff on each floor were wearing the same clothes, they were all different races, one race on each floor, and there was no duplication.

Under the explanation of artificial intelligence, Ji Changsheng knew that the Tower of Babel had a total of 218 floors.

This number also has a deeper meaning, representing the 218 most powerful races in the world!

These races are also the earliest founders of this city. They jointly formed an alliance and were called founders.

This tower of Babel symbolizes the highest power in the world.

The founders jointly maintain the order of the world.

Anyone who opposes them will be reduced to ashes!

The entire Tower of Babel is roughly divided into three parts. The bottom part has 120 floors, which are managed by the weaker members of the founders. They generally deal with public security issues and frictions between some small races.

The middle part has 80 floors, which are managed by 80 stronger founders. They deal with the relationship between countries and need to mobilize stronger forces.

The eighteen floors above are the eighteen most powerful races among the founders, and they are the backbone of this alliance.

They are distributed according to their strength, and the strongest races are located on the top floor of the Tower of Babel!

These eighteen races are also called arbitrators.

Hearing this, Ji Changsheng immediately asked.

"Is the guy you are talking about on the top floor?"

The artificial intelligence immediately answered.

"Originally, it is, but it is usually not here."

Ji Changsheng thought so too. The big guys with high power usually don't have to go to work, and their daily work can be handled by secretaries.

Only on important occasions do the big guys need to come out in person.

"Then where is it?"

The answer of the artificial intelligence was unexpected.

"I don't know, in fact, no one knows."

Ji Changsheng was stunned.

"Then when will it appear?"

After a moment of silence, the artificial intelligence replied.

"The founder has existed for 580,000 years, and it has only appeared three times in total."

These two short sentences revealed a lot of shocking information.

Human civilization has only existed for a few thousand years, but the Founders Alliance has existed for 580,000 years!

This means that the founders must have an overwhelming advantage over other races in terms of technology and strength in order to maintain their rule for hundreds of thousands of years!

In addition, there is a more important piece of information.

Being able to build a giant tower shows that the founders have a very high level of wisdom and civilization.

As the heirs of these ancient civilizations, the Zhang family has a technological power that transcends the times, which also confirms this point.

And a highly developed intelligent civilization, after hundreds of thousands of years of development, what kind of technological progress will it reach is unimaginable to humans!

You must know that it took humans only 63 years from inventing airplanes to landing on the moon!

In addition, there are some problems.

These are also problems that every intelligent civilization must face.

The ever-expanding population, the gradual scarcity of resources, and the intensification of internal competition.

There seems to be only one solution to these problems.


Fly to the universe and the stars!

Perhaps this is the real reason why the ancient civilization disappeared.

They all left the earth and flew into the deep space of the universe!

Thinking of this, Ji Changsheng immediately expressed his thoughts.

"Have they all left this world?"

The result surprised him.

"No, no race can leave this world, and it is no exception."

Ji Changsheng was puzzled by this.

Even human civilization, as long as it has hundreds of thousands of years of development, may be able to fly out of the Milky Way!

However, the technology possessed by these ancient civilizations is far superior to human civilization.

Why can't they fly out of the earth after hundreds of thousands of years of development?


Faced with Ji Changsheng's question, artificial intelligence did not answer, but said.

"Please continue to watch."

Ji Changsheng, full of doubts, cast his eyes on the holographic image.

At this time, he had come to the eighteenth floor of the Babel Tower.

This is where the eighteen most powerful races are located.

But the scene in front of him stunned Ji Changsheng.

I saw that the huge floor was empty, except for a gatekeeper standing at the door, there was no one else.

Neat office, clean desk.

But there was no staff.

Ji Changsheng was puzzled.

"What's going on?"

The answer from the artificial intelligence was concise.

"Because there is nothing to do."

It turns out that the arbitrators on the upper eighteen floors hold the core power of the alliance, and they deal with major events involving the global scope.

For example, a full-scale war between major powers, a serious epidemic, a devastating natural disaster, and so on.

The member states of the alliance all have extremely high civilizations. Under their governance, these problems are dealt with in time before they occur, and rarely develop into global disasters.

So in normal times, these arbitrators at the highest level have nothing to deal with, and most of them are relaxing at home.

Except for a gatekeeper, there is no need to keep a bunch of idle people.

Usually, not even a ghost can be seen on the upper eighteen floors.

After hearing this explanation, Ji Changsheng was surprised, admired, and a little envious.

He couldn't help thinking, if humans also had such a high level of civilization, and there was a powerful organization to maintain order and protect the people, what a wonderful thing it would be.

Isn't this the world that Qi Tiezui and Wang Canghai yearn for?

No famine, no war, no disaster.

Everyone lives and works in peace and contentment, and the world is peaceful.

The ideal that humans have long dreamed of was actually realized 800 million years ago!

But then, he suddenly thought of something.

Just now, artificial intelligence said that in the past 580,000 years, the god at the highest level has appeared three times!

This means that three major disasters have occurred!

And it must be a particularly serious disaster to alarm the gods at the highest level!

He asked hurriedly.

"What events did it appear three times to deal with?"

Artificial intelligence was silent for a moment, and then slowly answered.

"In fact, it doesn't deal with any events."

Ji Changsheng was stunned.

"Let go of the shopkeeper and don't care about anything?"

Artificial intelligence hummed.

As a human, Ji Changsheng was very puzzled by this.

Being at the top, holding the greatest power, yet not caring about anything.

What kind of ruler is this?

What kind of god is this?

"Okay, then what does it do?"

Since it is a hands-off boss who doesn't care about anything, why did it appear three times?

Artificial intelligence slowly gave the answer.

"To accept the worship of the people."

This is the reason!

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