As the highest ruler of the alliance, the strongest in prehistoric civilization.

This mysterious god has only appeared three times in the 580,000 years of its rule.

And the reason for its appearance each time was not to solve any problems, but to accept the worship of the people!

Such an answer made Ji Changsheng find it hard to believe.

"Just to accept worship? Is there no other reason?"

The artificial intelligence replied.

"Yes, there is only this one reason."

Ji Changsheng couldn't help but take a deep breath and tried to make himself understand such logic.

"Well, then you should explain it, right?"

The explanation of the artificial intelligence was very concise, only one sentence.

"To maintain order."

Ji Changsheng was stunned at first, and then after thinking for a while, he understood it.

On the earth 800 million years ago, there were thousands of intelligent races living, among which more than 200 races had a very high level of civilization.

With so many races living together on a planet, friction is inevitable.

Especially in order to compete for limited resources, it is normal for friction to evolve into war.

According to human history, these races will experience long-term wars, destroy and annex each other, the strong will survive and the weak will be eliminated.

In the end, only the strongest races can survive, and other weak races will be destroyed or enslaved.

But these ancient civilizations did not follow this script, but did the opposite.

The strong among them united and formed an alliance to jointly maintain the order of the world.

And this alliance has existed for 580,000 years!

In the eyes of humans, this is a very incredible thing.

In a limited space, in order to compete for survival resources, war is inevitable.

But why don't they follow the law of the jungle?

There seems to be only one answer.

A god with supreme power!

The power of this god can crush all races, and he has the power of life and death alone. No one can resist the order it has established!

Those who follow me will prosper, and those who go against me will perish!

Only under such a powerful suppression can this alliance last for hundreds of thousands of years!

And the gods in such a position disdain to deal with any affairs.

Although it is a real entity, not an abstract concept, its power is too strong, allowing it to look down on all living things from a high perspective.

Just like humans looking down on ants, does anyone care about the suffering of ants?

Therefore, this god only needs to deal with one thing.

Maintain order!

To be precise, it is the order established by it!

Thinking of this, Ji Changsheng suddenly realized.

"You mean, someone rebels against it? It will appear!"

The artificial intelligence answered briefly.

"Three times."

In the 580,000 years of rule, there have been three incidents of rebellion against theocracy!

The reason for its appearance every time is to suppress the rebels!

Ji Changsheng couldn't help but think of a sentence in the previous world.

"Where there is oppression, there is resistance!"

It seems that it is the same in this world.

He even admired these rebels a little. They faced an almost invincible existence, but stood up without hesitation.

From a human perspective, these rebels are warriors and heroes!

However, Ji Changsheng did not rush to draw conclusions, but asked with a cautious attitude of verification.

"What is the reason for the rebellion?"

The answer of artificial intelligence is not surprising.

"Disruption of order."

Isn't this nonsense? It's the same as saying nothing.

Ji Changsheng frowned and realized that the other party was just a machine and might not be able to communicate as complexly as humans.

After thinking about it, he changed his way of asking.

"Why do they want to disrupt order?"

Artificial intelligence seemed to find it difficult to understand this question. After thinking for a long time, it answered.

"Some people are dissatisfied."

Ji Changsheng's forehead was full of black lines. It's still nonsense!

"Do you need to say this? I'm asking why they are dissatisfied!"

Artificial intelligence has no human emotions and said in a calm tone.

"No order can satisfy everyone's wishes. There will always be people who are dissatisfied."

It did not explain the specific reasons, perhaps because the reasons were too complicated, or even it didn't know.

But this nonsense makes some sense.

This world is like this. No one can be absolutely fair and just, not even God can do it.

Almost every religion has hell, and hell is used to punish people who disrupt order.

That high god has absolute power, but it can't create a perfect world.

All it can do is maintain the order it has established.

Let the world run normally under this order.

Until it dies!

Thinking of this, Ji Changsheng immediately asked.

"Then how did it die?"

This time, artificial intelligence finally gave a clear answer.

"I don't know."

No one knows how the god fell. This history was submerged by the long river of time. Even the Zhang family, the heir of the ancient civilization, doesn't know.

In short, one day 580,000 years later.

Without any signs, the god who ruled the world died!

With the death of the god, the order that maintained the operation of the world collapsed.

A great war of destruction broke out!

Then, the holographic image changed again.

A shocking picture appeared before my eyes.

Ten thousand flames fell from the sky, the towering tower collapsed in a violent explosion, and the city turned into a sea of ​​fire.

Groups of white lights of destruction lit up, and no matter how powerful the race was, they were instantly vaporized in this white light!

The earth then cracked, and the cracks were thousands of kilometers long and tens of thousands of meters deep, swallowing up all the plains and hills!

A huge wave of hundreds of meters high rolled up on the sea, submerging all the cities!

This can no longer be called a war, but a natural disaster that destroyed the world!

The originally thriving world turned into ruins in an instant and was buried deep underground.

The earth showed its violent side, destroying all traces of the existence of civilization!

All super volcanoes and mantle plumes erupted together, and magma turned the earth into a sea of ​​fire purgatory.

In the violent movement of the earth's crust, the continent was divided into several pieces.

After experiencing a catastrophe that lasted for tens of thousands of years, the world finally returned to peace.

After an unknown number of years, the sea water finally receded, revealing a brand new land.

In the ocean, life once again burst out with powerful power.

All kinds of creatures compete for freedom in the frosty sky!

The footprints of life have traveled to every corner of the earth. The world that has experienced the baptism of purgatory has regained its vitality.

The familiar Cambrian period has arrived!

Ji Changsheng looked at the familiar ancient creatures on the seabed and couldn't help but think of a question.

"Where are the ancient relics inherited by the Zhang family?"

The answer of artificial intelligence was within his expectations.

"The Far North."

The North Pole, the ancient tomb of the Zhang family!

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