Grave Robber: Beginnings Fusion Hydra Cypress

Chapter 905: The hero is short of breath

Ji Changsheng was not surprised at all when he heard this answer.

As expected, we still have to go to the North Pole to uncover the final mystery.

Thinking of this, he couldn't help asking.

"Since the ancient ruins are in the North Pole, why are the gods buried here?"

The gods fell 800 million years ago, but the Guixu Tomb was built more than 3,000 years ago.

What role did the Hentian clan play in it?

The artificial intelligence answered.

"This is the last video, please watch it patiently."

Ji Changsheng had to continue watching patiently.

The next holographic video, played at a very high speed, is roughly the evolution of life on Earth.

From the Cambrian period to the Cenozoic era, hundreds of millions of years passed like a flash.

In this epic evolution, the Earth has experienced many disasters, but unlike the ancient times, these disasters are natural disasters, not caused by intelligent civilizations.

In the long hundreds of millions of years, the Earth has not been able to breed more intelligent civilizations.

Humans seem to be the only lucky ones.

With the birth of human civilization, traces of wisdom are once again spread all over the world.

There is no mention of the Zhang family and the Beiji Tomb in the video.

The time progress quickly came to the time when the Guixu Tomb was built more than 3,000 years ago.

The playback speed suddenly slowed down.

The location appeared in the Coral Islands in the South China Sea. There are many villages on the island, and some small cities.

The ancient country of Hentian!

The perspective turned to the largest island, where the capital of Hentian Kingdom, a large city with a population of hundreds of thousands, was located.

In the central square of the city, tens of thousands of people prostrated on the ground, worshiping the huge statue.

The statue is a tall man, strong and majestic, with a firm face.

The man carried a quiver on his back, half-knelt on the ground, and the bow in his hand was fully drawn, aiming at the sun in the sky.

This is the ancestor of the Hentian clan.


Ji Changsheng was stunned when he saw this scene.

"How could this happen?"

Houyi is a hero who resisted theocracy. He represents the spirit of not fearing power.

As his descendant, the Hentian clan actually regarded him as a god and worshipped him prostrating himself.

Isn't this completely opposite to Houyi's spirit?

This time, the artificial intelligence understood his idea and explained.

"Not everyone has the courage and determination of a hero. Most people are just ordinary people."

"In the eyes of ordinary people, only heroes can protect them, so they regard them as protectors."

Many heroes in the world later became gods to be worshiped.

This is not what heroes want, but for ordinary people, it is the easiest way to escape reality.

Find a clay Buddha to worship and recite the slogan of Amitabha.

Isn't this much simpler and more comfortable than risking your life and taking up arms to resist power?

The reason why heroes are heroes is not because they have superhuman powers, but because they do things that ordinary people dare not do!

Ji Changsheng shook his head helplessly. In ancient times more than 3,000 years ago, people's wisdom was not yet enlightened, and primitive god worship and superstition still dominated the mainstream.

If Hou Yi were still alive, I wonder what he would think.

Just as I was thinking, I saw a great wizard appear in the square.

This man was wearing a gorgeous bird feather robe, holding a staff, and pretending to chant a few spells.

Then dozens of wizards of lower status came to the square with dozens of prisoners.

The people's emotions suddenly rose, and they picked up stones and mud and threw them at the prisoners, cursing.

It seemed that these prisoners had angered the public, and I don't know what crime they had committed.

The great wizard immediately waved his hand to calm the people's emotions.

Then, he made an instruction.

Dozens of big men walked up to the prisoners with some wooden boxes.

When the prisoners saw these boxes, they all showed angry and panicked expressions. They wanted to resist with all their strength, but they were suppressed.

After the great wizard chanted a spell, he gave an order.

The big men opened the prisoners' mouths, took out some red meat balls from the box, stuffed them into the prisoners' mouths, pinched their noses, and forced them to swallow.

Ji Changsheng was shocked when he saw it.

Isn't this what the nine envoys of the Temple of God swallowed?

The cursed thing that can turn people into undead vampires!

After the prisoners struggled desperately for a while, they were all forced to swallow the meat balls.

When the big men let them go, these people rolled on the ground in pain, as if their bodies were on fire, and they screamed heartbreakingly.

The people in the audience were originally indignant, but seeing such a tragic scene, they were a little frightened.

After a long time.

The prisoners were finally exhausted and all fainted.

Seeing this, the great wizard ordered people to take out some copper basins filled with blood.

After the warriors placed the copper basins in front of the prisoners, they quickly retreated.

The prisoners who had already fainted suddenly woke up after smelling the blood.

Their eyes turned red, and they pounced on the copper basin like mad dogs, drinking blood in big gulps.

After drinking the blood, the prisoners immediately regained their vitality, roaring to the sky, trying to tear off the chains on their bodies.

The warriors next to them all drew their swords and prepared for battle nervously.

Among them, two prisoners with strong bodies struggled to break the chains, with amazing strength!

They roared and rushed towards the great wizard on the high platform.

The great wizard just smiled coldly and waved the scepter in his hand.

But a gust of wind rolled up and blew away the dark clouds in the sky.

A beam of sunlight shone down and just shone on the two prisoners.

A ball of fire immediately emerged from their bodies and turned them into two firemen!

With a miserable cry, the two were soon burned to charcoal!

After seeing this scene, the remaining prisoners were frightened and gave up resistance, kneeling on the ground to show a gesture of surrender.

The great wizard showed a smug expression and was about to say something.

At this time, a terrifying scene appeared!

The prisoners suddenly screamed, rolled on the ground, and their bodies twisted into strange shapes.

With a series of dull explosions.

Their bodies actually exploded!

The scene was extremely bloody and tragic, with blood and flesh scattered all over the ground.

The great wizard frowned, said something indignantly, waved his hand and left.

Ji Changsheng finally understood the general idea after seeing this.

The great wizard was using these prisoners for experiments!

From the information obtained before, those red flesh balls should be parasites from ancient times.

However, this kind of creature can only parasitize on dinosaurs. To make them parasitize on humans, they need to be constantly tested and improved.

And what the envoy of the Temple swallowed was the successfully developed product!

Perhaps because human genes are different from dinosaurs, these ancient parasites have undergone unexpected and terrible changes after changing hosts.

The first batch of undead vampires in history were born!

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