Gravity Control, In MHA

Chapter 11 - Good and bad troubles

After the first battle between team A and team B, the second battle began immediately after once the students were calm enough.

Some were worried about what would happen if their opponents used dangerous attacks as Bakugou did earlier.

Hopefully, after an unconvincing speech from All Might, which got salvaged by his charisma and the lack of intelligence of some students, he promised them to intervene directly if he saw the situation go wrong.

The battle trial proceeded without further incidents, and Kotei had been able to observe some classmates who were interesting enough.

'Todoroki Shouto... If I'm not mistaken, he is the son of Endeavor the number 2 hero. He has a big control over his quirk but he is obviously holding back as he didn't use a single flame. If it is because of some backstory shit that he refuses to use it, he won't even be a challenge in a fight. I hope it isn't the case... because it would be a shame that such a great quirk is wasted on someone like that...'

He then turned to Momo at his side, she seemed quite happy.

'Momo has great control over her quirk too, even if she seems to lack courage in a direct confrontation as she would immediately put herself on a defensive side.

The Kirishima guy... has a quite simple quirk, but I feel like he has not developed it well enough.'


"Good work everyone!!" All Might said to the class in front of him, a proud smile on his face.

"Apart from young Midoriya, there were no big injuries!"

Hearing that, the pink girl, Ashido Mina lifted her hand to question the pro hero about something.

"So~ is Uraraka alright? She did pass out, right?"

"Thanks, young Ashido for worrying about her! But fortunately, young Juryoku controlled his blow and only made her pass out. She is perfectly fine and will wake up very soon!"

Some students seemed pretty relieved to know that at least one of their classmates was alright.

"...!" But another one couldn't help but look at the silver-haired boy with great caution.

'Juryoku Kotei... He not only has a great quirk but he has great control of it, without forgetting about his pragmatic mind... He will be a future threat if let alone.'

As if he felt the person's stare on him, he turned his head toward the direction where he sensed the eyes on him.

Meeting the gaze of nobody, Kotei couldn't help but think, with a smile almost indistinguishable on his face...

'Whoever you are... I hope you are interesting enough, otherwise you will only be a waste of my time.'


"Nevertheless, no holds were barred! For your first full training exercise, you all did wonderfully!

Now then, I'm going to share that critique with young Midoriya and Uraraka! Go change clothes and return to the classroom!"

All Might then turned around and ran at a great speed toward the infirmary, leaving some students with dust in their mouths.

'I got enough time to pay them a visit!'


Minutes later, All Might arrived at the nurses' office, where his two students were currently resting.

"It's been no time at all since he entered and yet this is his third time here! Why didn't you stop them?!" The granny in front of him shouted at him, visibly pissed off.

"I apologize, recovery girl..." He said, still in his buffed form.

"Don't apologize to me!" She shouted, exasperated by the man in front of her.

Groaning a little, she continued to talk, explaining the situation of the most hurt one.

"I administered emergency first-aid and hooked him up to an IV and now, there's no other option apart from revitalizing him gradually over the whole day!"

'I won't be able to talk to him today...'

"And for young Uraraka?"

"Nothing much, she only passed out after receiving a heavy hit on her stomach. She will wake up pretty soon."

"I see..." All Might said with a sigh, reverting to his weak form.

A complete silence took place in the office, only broken a few minutes after by the song of Recovery Girl's voice, talking to Toshinori.

"Is it really important to be a 'natural born hero' or 'the symbol of peace'?"

The pro hero lifted his head to look at the back of the old woman.

Taking a solemn tone, he replied to her question. "... Without such a symbol, the society of superhumans would fall to evil.

Such is the responsability of he who holds this power!"

"If that's the case... you better need to learn how to be a proper guide to him all the more."

She said, looking at the sleeping Midoriya.

"... I will do my best." He replied, looking at his inheritor.


An hour or so later, Uraraka came back to the class in her school uniform, without any visible sign of injury.

Some students went to see her and congratulate her on what she did during the trial even though she lost pretty badly to Kotei.

The rest of the day was pretty mundane to Kotei, as nothing interesting happened, and he was getting ready to leave the classroom as the school just ended.

"Oh hey Midoriya! Nice job back there!"

Lifting his head toward the door, he noticed that some students were, just like how they did to Uraraka, flooding him with all sort of questions and remarks due to the battle earlier.

Making his bag gravitate around his head, he proceeded to walk toward the door to exit the classroom with slow steps. He couldn't care less about the green-haired boy and his new fanclub.

Not knowing that, the remaining students in the classroom, noticed his movements and couldn't help but imagine what would happen in the next seconds with a mixture between nervousness and fear for Midoriya.

Even though they knew that Kotei wasn't like Bakugou, they couldn't help but be impressed and look at each one of his actions with great caution as he was one of the strongest student and likely the most impressive one.

'Oh right, Nejire got a surprise for me today. I wonder what it is.' He thought, not caring about the silence which took place in the room, and the eyes locked on him.

A few seconds after, he stopped just before Midoriya. Not because he wanted, but because he was standing in the way, blocking the exit.

At this point, every eyes were locked onto him, waiting for his next actions.

In front of him, Midoriya was looking at him with almost watery eyes as he didn't understand why one of the strongest student was looking for him.

Finally noticing the tense atmosphere and the eyes of his classmates on him, Kotei snapped out of his thoughts, and locked eyes with Midoriya in front of him.

Frowning a little because of the stupid situation, he opened his mouth and slowly said...

"Begone from my way."

Some students immediately understood what happened, and some others were only confused at how the situation was developping.

Seeing that he finally moved, Kotei proceeded to exit the classroom, in slow steps as always. Leaving behind confused students not understanding why he didn't do anything, ashamed students who assumed immediately that he was going to be harsh with the green-haired kid and some indifferent ones.

A few seconds later, after exiting the school grounds, Kotei walked toward the car waiting for him.

"Hello young master."


"Do you want to go somewhere before going to the mansion?"

"No. Let's just go there."


In the car which was driving off the school, he saw the Midoriya kid and Bakugou who were talking to each other. It was as if he was looking at a telenovela. A really weird telenovela as All Might appeared at his turn and grab Bakugou's shoulder.

At this rate it was going to be a weird love triangle.

Before seeing something which would traumatize him for all his life, Kotei immediately turned around.

'... What the f.u.c.k was that?'


A few minutes later, they arrived at the mansion, and Kotei left the car.

"Good night."

"Good night young master." The man replied, looking at his young master's back.


[[?Little? R.-.1.8]]

Going inside the mansion, Kotei immediately got welcomed by a sight which could blind even the purer man.

In front of him was Nejire in a french maid's costume. Her cleavage was really generous. Her thicc t.h.i.g.hs were also exposed to the world, making Kotei swallow his saliva.

Seeing his gaze on her body, Nejire couldn't help but blush furiously.

She was embarrassed and extremely happy to see that he was so much impacted by her.

"Welcome home~ master~" She said, a mad blush on her face.

She wasn't used to be so l.e.w.d, and doing it in front of the man she loved from the bottom of her heart, made her feel even more restless.

Before she even had time to register what happened, Kotei lifted her and dashed in his bedroom, almost leaving his shadow behind.

"Kyaa~!" She said, feeling herself weightless for a moment before she gracefully landed on the bed, on her back.

In front of her was Kotei, looking at her with a small blush on his face.

"So... that's the surprise?" He asked, positioning himself above her.

Always blushing, she put her arms around his neck and brung him down for a long and heated kiss.

"Make me yours Kotei~" She whispered in his ear, undirectly answering his earlier question.


They then continued to kiss for a few minutes before they began to undress each other.

Kotei first removed her skirt, while he continued to c.a.r.e.s.s her t.h.i.g.hs, very near the danger zone.

"Hmm~..." M.o.a.ning at his touch, she didn't forget to remove his shirt so she can admire his body too.

A few minutes of foreplay later, Nejire was wet enough to begin the act.

Kotei put his member in front of her wet entrance which was slithtly vibrating after the earlier foreplay.

In fact, it was so good that Nejire felt almost satisfied for the night. She came more time that she could remember, and it felt so good to be in Kotei's ambrace that she lost track of the time.

Lifting her legs a little more, she nervously outstretched her hands to him and said, looking at his d.i.c.k kissing her lower lips.

"From now on Kotei~ You are mine and I am yours..."

"Let's be one Nejire..." He whispered back, moving his hip to finally connect their bodies.

"Ngh!" Feeling his d.i.c.k inside her, Nejire gasped loudly as she felt his member stretch her inside and she felt a great pain for a few seconds before it graduatly dimmed.

Kotei felt a great tightness on his d.i.c.k and a hot thing flow on his d.i.c.k, probably her blood.

A minute or so after they finally connected, Nejire's breath became more regular.

"I will begin to move Nejire."


In the first ten minutes, Kotei's movement were slow and controlled as he gently wrapped his arms around her body. She did the same as she tried to acclimate her p.u.s.s.y to his d.i.c.k.

After that, their movements were growing wilder and wilder as Nejire's m.o.a.ns were heard through the whole bedroom, louder and louder.

After lots of time after, they finally were done with their first night as they both climaxed at the same time.

Nejire felt limp on the bed as her p.u.s.s.y mercilessly clentched on his member who was delivering juices in her insides.

Kotei who was taking her by behind removed his d.i.c.k from her p.u.s.s.y after a few seconds of c.u.m.m.i.n.g.

He then collapsed down at her side and opened his arms as she immediately went to cuddle against his torso.

"Thanks Kotei~" She whispered, looking at his face for a few seconds before she closed her eyes and drifted in her dreams.

"... It is I who must thank you Nejire." He said, falling in his dreams too.

[[End of the R.-.1.8]]

The next morning or more like a few hours later, the two lovebirds were still in the bed, cuddle against each other.

Unfortunately, the scene didn't stay like this eternally as Kotei's phone rang, awakening him.

Groaning a little, he turned his head toward the phone and used his quirk to pull it toward him.

When he saw that it was very early in the morning he couldn't help but swear at whoever was calling at this hour.

Answering the unknown number calling him, Kotei's sluggish expression immediately got replaced by a more serious one as it was his grandfather's voice on the other end.

"Kotei, my grandson!"

Moving a little away as to not awake Nejire who was still sleeping, Kotei went to sat on the other end of the bed and answered.

"Grandpa. How can I help you?"

"Remember the discussion we had a few days ago?"

"It wasn't a discussion at all as you-"

"Exactly! Be sure you are ready in a few minutes!"

Sighing at his grandfather's behavior, Kotei couldn't help but ask for what he should be prepared.

"Ready for what?"

"Haha! You will obviously...

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