Gravity Control, In MHA

Chapter 12 - Beyond humanity

Sorry for the lack of chapter, I had some personal problems to take care of. It should be good now, and I will try to write as much as possible.

Shout out to the guy who commented "ECRIS FDP ECRIS!!!", it made my day.

Enjoy the chapter y'all.



"Haha! You will obviously... inherit the regeneration quirk!" The white-bearded man said, confirming the speculations of Kotei.

'To the tone of his voice, I don't think that there is much to say to convince him to abandon this idea... Well, whatever I guess. It will be extra security.' Kotei thought after a while, finally agreeing with the situation.

"Fine then, where do I go to receive it?" He asked the man at the end of the phone.

"Don't move! We will be coming in a few minutes, you can just relax and give me a lot of grandchi-" But before he could finish his sentence, the call was cut by Kotei who had a weird expression on his face.

"I guess that even the maids can be gossips." Kotei murmured as he moved to the bathroom.


A few moments later, Kotei was seen sitting in the garden, in his school uniform. He had his eyes closed and face turned to the sky.

His tranquility was soon disturbed by the sound of a cart being pulled on the grass.

"Kotei!" The old man in front of the group walked towards Kotei and hugged the now standing Kotei.

"Grandpa, can we be over with this already?" Kotei asked he was not too comfortable with the thing inside the cylinder.

It was as if it had an ominous aura surrounding it.

"Don't be in such a hurry, let me present you the gentlemen accompanying me today." He said, turning toward the men behind him.

One of the men advanced and he extended his left hand toward Kotei, exchanging a handshake with him.

"This old branch here is the one who will transfer the quirk to you. He is an old friend of mine."

Presenting himself with a little vein on his temple, he smiled at Kotei which was observing the next actions of the man.

"Hello Kotei, your old and senile grandfather praised you a lot. My name is Joseph Joestar, call me grandpa Joseph." Insulting the old Juryoku in passing, (Did you notice that I forgot his name?) he presented himself with a very 'American' smile at the end of his sentence.

"Hello... grandpa Joseph." Kotei said, looking at the man in front of him.

Even if his beard was as white as the snow, one couldn't tell his age because of the muscles which were even more prominent than in a bodybuilder. He also had a kind of above-average face, one could say that he was handsome.

After looking at old Joseph, Kotei turned toward the man who was waiting, arms crossed at the side of the now standing black cylinder.

He didn't have any intention of moving and only nodded at Kotei who nodded in return.

He was glad that he was not going to chat uselessly.

The old Juryokyu turned to the man and presented him, he was clearly aware of the fact that he was not going to talk.

"This is Mohammed Avdol, he is accompanying Joseph and the black cylinder. I heard that they have a trip to the desert after, they also have to fight a vam-."

"Cool, I don't care. Can we be done already?" Kotei replied, knowing perfectly that his grandfather was going to drag on the topic and explain all eight parties.

Sighting at the personality of his grandson, the old man made a sign to Joseph and Avdol to make them proceed with the operation.

A few minutes later, the preparations were done and Avdol was ready to open the cylinder, inside which the burning body of the unknown man was lying.

From Joseph's explanations, the man stopped thinking a long time ago, because of the perpetual pain on his whole body.

Even if Kotei didn't care much, he was a little relieved of the fact that he at least stopped suffering.

"Let's go Avdol!" Joseph said to the man in funny clothes who used his quirk which was a red humanoid with a bird head, to open the cylinder.

Immediately after, the heat from inside the coffin seemed to be even more prominent, threatening to burn everything near.

Thankfully, Joseph used his quirk which seemed to be green vines from his hands to dive into the burning body. They didn't have any sign of being burnt by the heat of the ominous black flames.

"Be ready Kotei! This thing is hot hot hot!" Joseph said, pulling a black orb from somewhere in the body of the living corpse.

The vines clenching on the orb swung toward Kotei's body, which remained motionless even though he wanted to dodge the thing. It was as if he was hypnotized by the strange swirling thing which was held by the vines.

Not even a second later, the vines still holding the orb dove into Kotei's b.a.r.e torso, just beside his swirling black hole.

"And... hop!" Joseph said, pulling the vines, which disappeared once it was outside Kotei's body.

Avdol quickly put back the charcoal-like body which was now lifeless inside the black coffin.

Kotei's grandpa immediately went toward Kotei to ask him how he was feeling.

"Kotei, how do you feel?"

Kotei who until there had a lost look on his face, seemed to regain focus as his eyes fell on his smiling grandpa.

"... Different, I guess?"

"That's immortality for you!" He replied, hitting his back strong enough to make the slapping sound resonate in the garden.

"Not really immortality though, just a strong regenerat-" Before Kotei could finish his sentence, his voice was cut by the loud shout of Joseph who had a hand on his cheek, and the other pointing at Kotei's c.h.e.s.t.


Even the usually poker-faced Avdol had an incredulous look on his face, when he looked at Kotei's torso.

When Kotei and his grandpa looked at where their line of sights was pointing at, they couldn't help but have a little change of expression.

The previously swirling black hole on his c.h.e.s.t was being covered by the previously black flames.

Not even a second later, the black flames totally covered the hole and it disappeared, letting the flawless torso of Kotei once again whole.

"..." X 4

"Oh no... Anyway." Kotei said, ready to resume what he was saying before being interrupted.

"What do you mean by 'anyway', wasn't the black hole like... a part of you?" Joseph asked, pretty surprised at the way he reacted.

"To be honest, I don't really care."


"Furthermore, if it was really a part of me, the regeneration quirk wouldn't have reacted like that. It also seems to have somewhat mutated as the black flames weren't in the original quirk were they?"

"Not really, no." Joseph answered, a pensive look on his face.

"Mhm... I guess that only the future will answer our questions." The old grandpa said, making Avdol and Joseph nod in agreement before they laugh for absolutely no reason.

'What question? You know what I won't even ask.' Kotei said, looking at the three weirdos.

"I will go now, I don't want to be late for school. Goodbye, Avdol, and grandpa Joseph." Kotei said, putting back his clothes.

"Take care and don't forget to tell me if there is the slightest problem with the quirk." The old Juryoku said, waving at Kotei's leaving figure.

Once he was out of sight, the three men looked at each other for a few seconds before Avdol said.

"He will become very strong."

"Actually..." Joseph began, putting back his hat on his head. "... he already is."

Meanwhile, the grandpa of the young man thought... 'I wish that they would see... how much you have grown since then.'


Walking through the empty corridor of UA, Kotei was looking at his hand as he could feel the new mutated quirk that he couldn't control... yet.

'How could I train it efficiently?' He thought, browsing inside his own ideas.

However, they all required him of harming himself.

'I really don't want to act like a m.a.s.o.c.h.i.s.tic but... it seems to be the best scenario. I would also have to use the mysterious flames if I-' Once again, he was interrupted as something bumped against him.

The person was sent to the ground as the running momentum of the person wasn't enough to stop his walking force.

Looking at the ground, he said aloud.

"Aren't you..."

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