Gravity Control, In MHA

Chapter 13 - don'tknowwhattoputhere

"Aren't you... the invisible girl? Toru was it?" Kotei said, holding out his hand to help her back on her feet.

"Hu-uh? Ah! Yes, it's my name, thanks Kotei-kun!" She replied, taking his outstretched hand.

To her surprise, he easily pulled her up, sparing her the slightest effort.

"We better go to the classroom now." He said once she was done dusting her clothes.

Kotei resumed his walk in the corridor, not looking if she was following or not.

"Yes! You are right!" She said, walking closely behind.

'I wonder where she was running to... That's highly sucsspi- suspcsi-, sus.' Kotei said to himself before he immediately shook his head in disinterest.

A few seconds later, they arrived in the classroom, the majority of students were already there, waiting for the bell to ring.

His arrival alongside Toru was not unremarked but was quickly overlooked as they began to talk among themselves.

A few minutes later, all students were there and they were waiting for their homeroom teacher.

They didn't have to wait for too long as Aizawa opened the door, stepped inside, and closed behind him. The eyes of the students were locked onto his figure as he sat in silence.

"Hope you are rested from yesterday's battle trial. I looked at your marks and evaluation." He said, looking at the students in front of him.

"Bakugou, stop acting as a Trump's rip off, you are wasting your own talent."

"Tch... I know." The concerned one replied.

"And you, Midoriya are you planning to always gamble an arm?" Aizawa asked the green-haired student who was fidgeting on his seat.

"If you keep going 'I can't adjust my quirk so I have no choice' you'll never get terribly far."

Receiving a nod he continued talking and giving some advice to Midoriya, but at this point, Kotei already muted what they were saying as he was lost in his thoughts.

'For now, I will use it passively to support my gravity quirk as it put a lot of strain on my body and brain. With enough training, I will be capable of going beyond my new gravity quirk... I wonder wh-'

"We need to pick a class president." Aizawa declared, cutting his thought.

Not long after, the class erupted in a loud cheer as they rejoiced, being able to do a normal highschool's task.

They then proceed to raise their hands, visibly very excited by the thought of being the class president.

Kotei, not interested at all, just laid back and continued to observe the class with his uninterested expression.

"Be quiet!" Iida, the one with the motor legs took the chance to make a speech as useless as the existence of Karen.

"... which is why this must be settled by a vote!"

It would be pretty m.a.t.u.r.e of him if his hand wasn't raised higher than anyone else.

Asui turned around to look at him. "It's still too early to have developed any trust in each other, everybody will just vote for themselves!"

To which he replied. "And that's precisely why the person who does manage to earn multiple votes will be the truly appropriate person for the job, no? Is that alright sensei?!"

"As long as you all decide by the deadline, anything's fine." Aizawa said, getting in his sleeping bag.


After the votes, Momo got tied with Izuku, having 3 votes each.

As Kotei didn't present himself, they couldn't vote for him, which saved him a lot of trouble as he could sense that some of them wanted to.

As they were tied, Midoriya being the spineless bast- human that he is, decided to be the vice-president, letting Momo be the president.

A few hours after, Kotei could be seen eating some curry in the school's refectory, with Momo, Kyoka, and Toru.

They were talking about music and their favorites bands, artists and whatever a girl talk about.

"Don't tell me that you are like those BTS stans?" Kyoka asked her invisible friend who just confessed to liking Korean music.

"Huh?! Not at all! It just that some of their songs are... good? But I won't be saying that they are the greatest or whate-" She replied or at least, tried as the siren of the school rang, followed by a mechanical voice.

"[Security level 3 has been breached. Students, please promptly evacuate.]"

'Level 3? If I remember correctly it means that someone infiltrated the grounds.' Kotei thought remembering what he read on the school's website.

As Kotei and company were standing up, the wave of flying students hit them, pushing them toward the windows.

Thankfully, Momo locked her hands on his neck and he had enough time to grab Kyoka and Toru by the waist as he used his quirk to float above the wave of students, thus successfully dodging being accidentally harmed.

Still, in the air, Kotei turned his head toward the window, realizing what happened as his eyes fell on the scene outside.

"Reporters...?" He whispered, seeing their figure flying the scene. It seems like they were scared by the alarm and the few teachers who came seeing what happened.

"Ah? It looks like it is nothing dangerous finally." Momo said as she looked at the scene too, after putting her head on his shoulder.

At this exact moment, Iida did a few backflips in the air, finally landing above the 'exit' sign in a weird position.

"It's okay! It's just the press, there's nothing to panic about!" Shouting a few more times, as all the students came to a stop before some verified his words definitely calming the crowd.

'Nothing to worry about... huh?' Kotei thought, looking at the destroyed metal door with narrowed eyes.


"In the end, I think that Iida would be a way better vice-president than me." Midoriya said, receiving some praise from a few students, agreeing with his choice.

Getting up, Iida put a hand behind his back, the other high above his head as he declared. "If it's the wish of the vice-president, then I can't refuse!"

"Do us proud, Mr. Emergency Exit!" "Yeah! Emergency Exit Iida!"

Like that, the day was over pretty quickly.

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