Gravity Control, In MHA

Chapter 15 - Dao of Cliffhanger

"I wonder if he'll show up if we kill the kids?" The man with the severed hands said, a disgusting smile hidden behind the hand on his face.

Instantly the faces of some students morphed into horrified expressions as this type of situation where they were confronted against true villains is completely new to them. Some were even shaking as they saw the number of villains increasing every second.

"Sensei! What about the intruder alarm sensor?!" Momo asked, turning toward No. 13.

"Of course we have some set up around the place..."

"They were surely disabled." Kotei replied, pausing for a few seconds, observing the villains approaching the lone hero standing in front of the stairs.

"One of them talked about All Might, they surely came here hoping to beat him."

"If All Might is their target, it must be the only place they are attacking as it is isolated from the campus. They came prepared." Shoto said, coming beside Kotei who was still observing the situation below.

Aizawa seems to be capable of defending the stairs well enough as he was maneuvering through the sea-like of villains which were struggling with his speed and technique.

Seeing the second-rate villains being beaten like mere insect seems to frustrate the 'hand' man as he began to furiously scratch his neck.

"God, pro heroes are such a pain. If we were just any rabble, we wouldn't stand a chance. Kurogiri."

Up there, No. 13 turned around and was ready to guide the students outside the site as the mist from earlier appeared in front of them.

"I'm afraid I can't let you go." He said, the scattered mist coming to form the shadow of a human body, a metal plate on what seems to be his neck.

"Greetings, we are the villain alliance. I apologize for the presumption but we took it upon ourselves to enter Yuuei academy the base of heroes.

Why? Simply to engage with Mr. All Might and see if we might be allowed the opportunity to extinguish him, you see. Wasn't his presence at this juncture?"

'They seem to be pretty well informed.' Kotei thought, noting this fact in his head.

"Or was-" Interrupting his tirade, Bakugou and Kirishima jumped toward the misty villain.

The mist-man quickly reformed himself, uninjured as he continued to talk leisurely.

"Oh, right you are the 'golden eggs' of the heroes... I will just scatter you and let you be tortured." He said, his body exploding very suddenly, engulfing the majority of the class.

"Quickly! Run!" No. 13 said to the two of them, who were still in front of the villain.

Thankfully, some of them managed to dodge on time, launching themselves on the ground or to the sides.

"..." Kotei didn't say anything as he observed the current situation from the air.

Some of them seem to have disappeared from the area, surely teleported somewhere near as they couldn't let the students go outside to alert the pro heroes.

Iida shouted once the mist completely disappeared.

"Is everyone still here?! Can you confirm?!" He asked Mezo who was using his quirk to hear their localisations.

"We're scattered and in disarray but we're all still within the park limits." He replied, taking his ears off the ground.

"This is a teleportation quirk. He can become intangible and teleport you if you go through his mist. Be cautious." Kotei said, making the rest of the class unconsciously take a step back.

"... Class vice-president!" The last pro hero present called Iida, making him even stiffer than what he already was.


"I entrust this to you! Please dash as fast as you can back to school and relay to the school that we need help! Our communications don't work and the alarms never triggered."

"B-but! It would be a disgrace to the class if their vice-president were to aban-"

Cutting him, Rikido pushed him toward the exit. "He said go to the emergency exit!"

Hanta supported him. "You can alert the outside of what's going on! They won't chase you if you make it out!"

"Yeah! You're our best hope class president!" Ochako said, encouraging him as Mina was furiously nodding beside her.

"I may not be able to stop him, but I am surprised to see that such simpletons still exist. Who in their right minds could spout off their plans while in the company of their enemies?" Kurogiri said, ready to use his quirk.

"They aren't the brightest lights out there for sure."


"I said [Gravitational Field: Heaviness]"

"Ugh!" Quickly falling on the ground, Kurogiri seems to have been immobilized by the heavy gravity focused on the metal part of his 'costume'.

"It was pretty easy to understand that it was your main weakness as it seems to be the only 'solid' part of your body." Kotei said, keeping him on the ground thanks to the metal plates around his 'neck'.

"I would like to talk with you all night, but I have a few things to do. Good night I guess." Kotei said, applying enough pressure on him to make him stop his useless struggle.

Just like that, Kurogiri of the league of villains was defeated by a first-year, fainting under his increased gravity.

Turning around, he saw the rest of his class looking at him with mouths agape and wide-opened eyes.


"While you were busy with doing nothing useful, villains came up and blocked the path toward the emergency exit." Kotei said, pointing at the little crowd of villains in front of the giant door. "And come take him, he is unconscious."

"Ah! Yes, quickly we must go and open a path for Iida!" No. 13 said, quickly pulling herself together and the unconscious villains.

"Yes! Quickly let's go!"

As they began to run toward the door, No. 13 saw that Kotei was unmoving, his head turned toward the fight ongoing in front of the stair.

"Juryoku, what are y-"

"Go ahead, you all are plenty enough for the villains there." He said, disappearing from the spot where he was standing on, breaking the ground, and almost launching No. 13 a few meters from the place.

In fact, he just launched himself in the air with the help of his quirk. It was one of his very new techniques, [Gravitational Move: Divine Step]. As his body just regenerate itself almost immediately, he could use a very high level of gravity force, without any drawback.

Looking at the scene below him where the villains were slowly drowning the tired Aizawa, he said.

"[Gravitational Will: Lesser Celestial Body]"

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