Gravity Control, In MHA

Chapter 16 - Breaking a kid's toy

(Writing here because you guys ain't looking at the author note.)

Okay, so it seems like my country is getting confined, again. As a high-schooler, I will stay at home 3 days a week, so I will be able to write much more than what I usually do.

Enjoy the chapter.


"[Gravitational Will: Lesser Celestial Body]"

After saying that, he clapped his two hands together and closed his eyelids, focusing hard on the technique he was currently trying to use.

A few seconds later, he opened his eyes and moved his hands towards the scene below, where a few villains noticed him.

'Theoretically, it should work.' He thought, finally ready to use it.

"[Asteroid Belt]" He said, his voice attracting the attention of everyone this time.

Once he finished speaking, the villains could feel their bodies becoming lighter. Or rather, they weren't as much attracted to Earth as before.

"What's happening?!" "Hey! You brat, stop what you are doing right now!" "Haaah!"

Some villains were shouting in fear, others in anger. and a few were trying to hurt him. Trying being the keyword as they couldn't even reach him, much less their attacks. But either way, Kotei was done with the preparation of his technique.

"Mobs like you should learn their place." He said as he began the true phase of his technique.

Dirt, parts of the broken ground, and even some of the surrounding trees and such were being attracted to the fleet of flying villains, turning them into multiple large floating boulders, leaving their head untouched.

A few seconds after, they began to revolve around something, or more like someone.

Kotei in the center of the mini-asteroid belt was quietly standing there as he observed the few which escaped his attack.

A few dozen villains seem to have used their quirk to dodge or destroy the debris before they could hinder their movements and completely immobilize them.

'There are more of them than I thought' He thought, lowering the villains-boulders to the ground.

"Juryoku! What are you doing here?" Aizawa asked Kotei, who was slowly descending toward him.

His cape was slowly floating behind him and his eyes behind his helmet were glowing a dark purple.

"You seem like you needed some help, so I came." He replied, floating a few meters in front of him.

Sighing a little he replied. "Just don't go around getting yourself killed."

"It wasn't in my plans either way."

A few dozens of meters in front of them, the villain from earlier with the severed hands all over his body was... trying to fuse his fingers with his neck?

'Is he trying to fuse his fingers with his neck?' Aizawa and Kotei thought simultaneously.

"Those f.u.c.k.i.n.g trashes!" He shouted, clearly furious.

"What are you waiting for?! Go and kill them~!" His voice becoming even creepier than what it was already.

"He must be the boss, cover me." Aizawa said to Kotei, rushing into the dozen villain rushing toward them.

Not bothering to reply, Kotei floated behind him and began to beat the villains which weren't fast enough to catch Aizawa.

[Repulsive Blow]

Each one of his punch or kick were sending the receivers a few dozens of meters away as the weight behind the hits were significantly amplified by the gravity pushing them.

Seeing that the villains weren't worth anything and that Eraserhead easily by-passed them, the 'boss' seems to lose patience as he ran towards the fast approaching Aizawa.

Sending him his scarf, the blue-haired villain easily caught it, making Eraserhead tsked in annoying.

Once they were close enough, the villain sent his palm toward the head of the pro-hero, thankfully, Aizawa dodged by crouching low, sending his elbow toward the abdomen of the villain.

"Looks like you are beginning to tire... No wonder after all the fight you did." He said, his left hand firmly grabbing the elbow of Aizawa, which seems to crumble as if it was some cracked and dry earth.

"What!" Aizawa exclaimed, seeing what was currently happening.

"Don't bite off more than you can chew Eraserhead..." The blue-haired villains once again opened his mouth, letting his voice escape.

Punching the villain with his left hand, Aizawa jumped back to retreat as his elbow was free from the villain's grasp.

'My elbow's broken!' He thought, assessing his injury.

Luckily he had enough time to focus on the situation as the mobs surrounding were either unconscious or still in their debris' prison.

"You're so cool, so cool you are... Oh by the way hero." He spoke, loud enough so his voice could be heard by Kotei and Aizawa.

"I may be the boss, but I'm not the favorite... by the way my name is Shigaraki."

Turning his head at the unmoving purple figure behind, Kotei couldn't help but narrow his eyes.

'So it is their trump card? It doesn't look human at all.'

"Don't move from there Juryoku!" Aizawa shouted, stopping his student's steps.

"I don't think that you are in a state to refuse my intervention Aizawa-sensei." Kotei replied, but not moving from his place.

"We did it!" Hearing a voice, Kotei and Aizawa turned both of their head toward the pond, where the figures of Midoriya and Tsuyu were making their way out.

"[All Mighty Push]!" He said his palm turned toward the fast-approaching figure.

The monster seems to stop for a few seconds in the air before he began to fly to where he came from.

Finally arriving in front of Aizawa, he couldn't help but be alarmed at what he felt earlier.

'Why is it so heavy? It felt like I pushed a dozen men at least.'

The Nomu stopped his slide with the help of his finger, which was digging in the ground for a few meters.

Aizawa took a step back as he sensed himself that he couldn't react to the speed of the monster.

'Still, I can't let him fight this thing alone...' He thought, grabbing his elbow.

His right arm seems to be unusable, and his eyes were hurting like hell now.

"We will help you sensei!" Midoriya's voice resonated from behind them as they were running toward them.

"Don't come near! It is way too dangerous just go back upstairs and wait for the class!" Aizawa shouted, making them both come to a stop.

"We can't let you two here sensei, ribbit ribbit." This time Tsuyu talked, not satisfied with his order.

"Don't make me repeat myse-!" Aizawa didn't have enough time to end his sentence as he was pushed toward the two students by Kotei's quirk, making him unconscious. It seems like the man was really on his loose-ends.

"Take care of him." He said to the two students which were carrying Aizawa's body far from the place.

Blocking the Nomu's fist with his own, enhanced by his quirk. Their fists parting after a few seconds of contestation, Kotei only had one word in his mouth.


Looking at his right hand which was used, he saw the second quirk, enveloping his hand with a dark flame as it was healing it.

'I had to use way too much strength in that attack, so much that my hand was broken by the pressure on it. It really was used to kill All Might.'

Hearing a laugh behind the Nomu, Kotei saw Shigaraki laughing at was he witnessed.

"This Nomu was created to kill All Might! He is stronger and even has a shock-absorbing quirk, you can't do anything to him!"

'Why reveal to your opponent such information? Guess that villains are really way too stupid.

Shock-absorption? I just have to hit it so hard that it can't absorb all of it.' Kotei thought, getting ready to confront the Nomu once again.

At a blinding speed, the Nomu ran up to Kotei, his arms c.o.c.ked back, ready to swing it.

"Then I will break your toy."

[Gravitational Combo: Grave Digging]

Using his quirk past the limit of his body, his arms up to his shoulders were wrapped by the thick purple flames which were healing his body at a frightening pace.

The two pairs of fists were hitting against each other at a blinding speed, leaving some after-image between them.

Meanwhile, the students which were scattered around the USJ were arriving and all were awe-struck at the scene taking place in front of them.

"How the f.u.c.k is he doing that..." Bakugou asked out loud, but this time nobody could reply to him, as they were voiceless by the fight.

Not only Kotei was hitting the body of the monster, again and again, sometimes colluding with its fists, but he was also dodging the punches of the Nomu.

Unfortunately, it was taking a huge weight on his body as he was using his brain not only to control his two quirks perfectly but also to dodge and strike back at the perfect time.

However, it was bound to meet an end as a black portal appeared in front of him, teleporting his fists through, thus failing to stop the ones of the Nomu.

Being hit by the fists, Kotei's body was launched far away, making his body fall in the middle of the large pond.

It seems to bring everyone else awake as they understood the danger of the monster in front of them.

"Kurogiri! You took a while, if you weren't useful right now, I would have killed you." Shigaraki said to the mist-like man which just appeared at his side.

"Sorry, this kid put me out of commission a few minutes earlier. And I think that while I was out they called some help-" However his voice was cut by the door being heavily slammed by something, or rather someone.

"Have no fear! For I have come!" All Might's voice sounded way deeper than his normal voice.

In fact, one could see that his face didn't have his usual smile. A deep frown replaced it, showing that this situation was actually pissing him off pretty badly.

Rushing toward the scene, he tackled the Nomu away as he was approaching the pond, where Kotei sunk.

Some students like Tsuyu and Momo were getting ready to jump in the waters to go search for Kotei, but the water seems to divide as the floating figure of Kotei was emerging from it.

His arms and torso were wrapped in dark purple flame and a part of his helmet was missing, showing his lower face. His mouth was showing his gritted teeth with some dried blood near his mouth.

Behind all the fire, it could be seen that his torso was b.a.r.e from any clothes as it got destroyed by the punches he received when the portals appeared.

Once he got way above the water, his eyes fell upon the fight currently ongoing.

All Might was struggling against the Nomu as some portals appeared there and there, making his attacks miss and some of the Nomu connect.

Kotei was ready to go in the fight, this time determined to use all his means to destroy the chimera, but a portal appeared below All Might which just german suplexed the Nomu.

The Nomu grabbed All Might, and used his fingers to dig into his sides.


Suddenly, Midoriya ran toward the scene, with tears falling from his eyes.

"Fool!" Kurogiri appeared in front of him, ready to... teleport him away?

But before it could happen, Bakugou grabbed him by the metal on his neck, immobilizing him on the ground.

"Outta the f.u.c.k.i.n.g way Deku!"

Meanwhile, the Nomu's right side was frozen by Shoto who finally decided to step in.

"The symbol of peace won't go down as easy as you clown." He said, ready to freeze more of the Nomu.

However, the Nomu just began to move, ignoring the frozen limbs, resulting in him having half of his body snap away.

"Stand back all of you! Wasn't his quirk a 'shock absorption' quirk?!"

"I never said that it was the extent of his abilities... As you can see he also got 'super regeneration'." Shigaraki answered All Might who was looking worriedly at the Nomu having his limbs regrowing in front of his eyes.

"It is a human sandbag artificially crafted to the height of physical fitness in order to withstand your 100%."

The Nomu then suddenly rushed toward Bakugou and Kurogiri, at such a speed that Bakugou couldn't move away.

Seeing that, All Might jumped toward them, ready to withstand the blow and push Bakugou away.

Fortunately for him, Kotei had enough of this.

"End of the joke, second round." He said, suddenly appearing in the Nomu's path delivering him a kick on his face, which sent him flying against and through a lot of trees.

"Young Juryoku! It is not an opponent that you can with-"

Not listening to him, Kotei rushed toward the Nomu which had barely stood up.

Seeing him coming, the Nomu swung his right arm toward Kotei. However, Kotei planned such a primitive attack as he moved his two hands, palm turned toward the approaching fist.

"I'm not playing anymore. [Gravitational Glove: Shredding Maws]"

At this moment, the whole arm of the Nomu seems to be reduced to a mass of flesh, bones, and muscles, as if it passed through a grinder.

Not fazed at all, the Nomu just swung his left arm, not learning from his errors.

This time, Kotei just leaned toward his left and swung his left palm toward the head of the chimera.

"[Gravitational Will: Oblivion]" His head disappearing from his torso at a mind-blowing speed.

"..." All of the people present seems to be way too shocked to react as they saw the monster which was fighting the Symbol of Peace in equal terms just collapse after his head disappeared from his torso by one student's attack.

Falling on his knee, Kotei looked at his left hand which was wrapped by the purple flames, some bone could be seen as it was like if his hand got ripped open until even some of the bones weren't intact anymore.

Rushing toward him, All Might look a few seconds at the Nomu, looking at if it was still capable of harming before he turned toward the kneeling Kotei looking at him.

"Told him I would break his toy."

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