Gravity Control, In MHA

Chapter 17 - Aftermath

"Told him I would break his toy." Kotei said, slowly standing on his feet.

The fight although the fight was short, it was so intense that he had to constantly use his regenerative quirk so that his body doesn't fall apart in the middle of the fight.

"Are you alright young Juryoku?! Don't move too much, you seem exhausted." All Might said, helping Kotei to stand, as the latter was staggering.

"I'm alright, just a little tired." He replied, but not refusing the hero's help.

"That was unnecessarily reckless of you, young man! However, I must admit that your actions were brave beyond words!" All Might said, helping him to walk toward the rest of the students which immediately rushed toward him, expressing their admiration for him.

'Where are the other ones though?' Kotei asked himself, but after looking around for a few seconds, he did not spot any of the main villains anymore.

'They got lucky this time... I won't play anymore if I see them again.' He thought as he was berated by the Momo who was expressing a mix of her feelings which consisted of relief, fear, and anger.

'If Momo reacts like that, I can't even imagine how Nejire will...'

In an empty bar, two guys could be seen standing face to face.

The first one was furiously scratching his neck, ignoring the bits of skin he was peeling off. His teeth were gritted beyond anything a normal human could do, his face was something that could send any child into a psychiatric hospital for his whole life.

"Th-thi-this f.u.c.k.i.n.g guy! He destroyed all my plans! He is a f.u.c.k.i.n.g cheater, how was he able to do that?!" He shouted, scratching his throat even more furiously than before.

"Calm down Shigaraki, he got lucky this time, next time we will have even more material to take him down, even All Might would be powerless." The other man, a mist-like body said, moving to the bottles of alcohol behind the counter. "Besides, I think that there's someone who must talk to you..." He said, taking a glass in his hands, and cleaning it with a cloth.

"Wh-?!" Shigaraki began to say, but he was interrupted by the sound of a computer.

He turned himself toward the now lightened screen and stared at it as a blurry figure appeared on it.

"Shigaraki." The person said, his voice calm but couldn't completely hide the atmosphere it brought.

"Master... the operation was a failure, we couldn't even fight All Might." He said, his face lowered, he was thinking about what happened earlier.

"No. You should think even more deeply than that. We were able to identify a student with a powerful quirk, powerful enough to fight and beat a Nomu made to kill the Symbol of Peace. There is also the fact that All Might was not able to finish the Nomu immediately, like what he would have been able to do." The man said, his voice still calm but more dominant than before.

"You are saying that..."

"It is an acceptable success. Now learn from your errors and make better plans." He said, finally cutting the communication and leaving silence to take his place.


At UA Highschool, the heroes and professors were sitting at a big table, all waiting for two persons.

What happened a few hours ago was the sign that they should improve the means used to protect the students.

The noise of a door being open was heard by all, as their gaze turned toward the newcomers, they recognized the current Symbol of Peace with the principal following behind.

In silence, they took their places. The atmosphere was grave as one of their colleague was hurt and a class got attacked by a group of villains.

They were all tense and furious that such a thing happened without anything they could do.

"You all know why you are here?" Nezu said, putting his small hands on the table, slightly leaning his body ahead.

"Yes, the assault of one of our class by villains! How did they even enter the grounds?!" Vlad King said, clearly furious.

"I guess that they went in the other day when the door got destroyed. It can't be a simple coincidence." Nezu replied, making some of them remember the incident. The others already guessed.

"The students said that the league of villain came for All Might?" Cementoss said, looking shortly at the hero. "How did they know that he would be here? They waited for a moment where he would be away and isolated from the rest of the school." He continued some professors were starting to question the situation.

"It's the problem Cementoss." Nezu said, taking a sip of the tea that seems to have appeared when nobody looked at him. "They clearly knew the schedule and organized everything. So it means only one thing..."

A heavy silence took place once again, and some were realizing what it means.

"There's a traitor among us..." Midnight whispered, breaking the silence.

"Yes, it is exact." Nezu simply replied, his gaze falling on each of them.

Outside, it seems as if he was relaxed, but in fact, he was slowly and carefully observing the reactions.

Nezu simply knew how to analyze the different reactions he got from them.

Meanwhile, the teachers began to look at their colleagues suspecting each one of them.

In this type of situation, it is perfectly normal for humans to become a little paranoid. It is simply in their nature.

"... But." He said, making them look at him once again.

"The traitor could be among the students." He said, dropping another bomb.

For some, it would seem like a very stupid thing to do as it would encourage the traitor to be even quieter.

Nezu was in fact, waiting for such a thing. As he can't immediately flush him out, he would make him restrict himself, making the possibles moves against the Highschool fewer than it originally would.

Well, this strategy could only work if the traitor is among the teachers, if not then he can only look among the students of 1-A.

"What about the student who fought against the monster... Kotei Juryoku was it? And Eraserhead, how is he? " Ectoplasm asked about the condition of Kotei and Aizawa as the latter seems in a poor condition.

This time, All Might answered. "Kotei is alright, only tired because of the over-exhaustion of his quirk. Recovery Girl said that he will be alright after a good night of sleep as for Eraserhead, he got a few bones broken but nothing her quirk won't be able to heal.

"I'm relieved..." Present Mic said, wiping some imaginary sweat off his forehead.

"We will do another meeting tomorrow to talk about what is going to change from now on. Until there, good night." Nezu said, putting an end to the reunion of the UA high school."


Meanwhile, inside a certain Juryoku's room...

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