Gravity Control, In MHA

Chapter 19 - The Grand Event 14

A figure was currently standing on the sand of the Takoba Municipal Beach Park, the park located in Musutafu.

The person had baggy clothes and his hair was hidden under his sweatshirt's hood.

The person was standing there for almost half an hour as he seems to be deep in thought, or some could say in meditation.

Suddenly, a gust of wind removed the hood from the person's head and let the hair wave freely, ignoring the gravity.

Opening his eyes, Kotei looked at the scenery in front of him, still unmoving.

"Tomorrow is the festival, I wonder if there will be interesting people." He thought aloud, removing his right hand from his hoodie's pocket, he turned his palm toward the approaching wave.

"[Gravitational Will: Repulsion]" He said lightly, looking at the now unobstructed scene.

His technique made the wave disappear from in front of him.

To be more precise the technique left an emptiness in the sea until some things at the bottoms could be seen. Obviously, the sea just filled the gap after a few seconds, and his previous feat could not be seen anymore, not that someone was here, stalking him...

'Only this quirk is still a problem, I can't say that the progress is particularly astounding.' He thought, bringing his outstretched palm closer to him.

Kotei couldn't sense the heat the flames emitted, but he knew that it was not something to be careless with.

As if to show the extents of the quirk's heat, he crouched and took in his still blazing hand a handful of the beach's sand.

Gripping it with strength and increasing the fire's heat he stayed like that for an indefinite amount of time. It was not the first time he did this exercise.

He did it since the day he was bandaged by Nejire as he didn't know how to train it more efficiently besides being injured.

He knew that what he was doing was not something that could be done by random people.

Usually, so much heat condensed on the surface of the quirk's user body would burn him severely, even though the guy had some resistance against his fire. Kotei however, was an exception as his fire was only supposed to heal him.

Judging by the substance he could feel on his palm, Kotei gradually reduced the heat of the quirk, still gripping it hard.

After a few moments, he guessed that it had enough time to become more or less solid enough as he lessened the pressure and opened his palm.

Looking at it for a few seconds, he smirked and placed the thing on the sand as he sat in front of it, looking at the setting sun.

Switching his gaze from the sun to the ball he just created, he couldn't help but smile once again.

It was the first time in a week he succeeded in his attempts.

A thing he thought only possible in theory was made real.

Picking the item once again, he marveled at the clearness of the glass ball.

"Guess that only time will answer some questions..." He said, looking at the sun through the ball.


The next day...

"Nejire why are you so excited to see the festival this year?" A young man, cartoon-looking asked his blue-haired friend which was happier and more energetic than she usually is.

"Because this year someone special is participating!" She answered, not wanting to spoil the surprise too much.

"Huh? Did you get a friend in the first years? I hope you are not tiring this person too much." The same blond young man said, making a gloomy young man at his side nod in agreement.

"Humpft!" She pouted, turning her head toward the arena.


In the 1-A waiting room, the whole class busy doing their things when...

"Everyone, are your preparations complete? We're set to enter in no time!" The vice-president said, making strange robot motions with his arms and hands.

Kotei was currently playing cards with the explosive blond which was literally fuming from the balance-breaking luck he got.

"You've got to be cheating!" He said through gritted teeth.

"I am not, you even made me roll up my sleeves. This game is pretty fun let's play again next time." Kotei answered, showing a royal flush.

"Heh? Bakugou didn't you tell us that you were a pro at this game? How are you losing to a beginner?" Denki said, suppressing his laugh to the best of his capabilities.

"Shut the f.u.c.k up!" Bakugou almost went exploding the Pikachu rip-off but was held back by Kirishima.

"That's not manly at all!"


"Wh-what is it Todoroki?" He asked, surprised by the sudden call.

"On an objective basis, I'm far above you in terms of practical strength."

"Wha?! Hum, yeah..." He answered, spinelessly.

"You've managed to get All Might's eyes on you right?" He continued with his rhetorical questions.

'They are... gonna compete for All Might's attention? What are they? Teenager girls?' Kotei asked himself, very confused by the reason for the sudden competition.

"I'm gonna beat you." He said, not waiting for Midoriya's answer, he walked toward Kotei who made his best to not attract his attention.

He absolutely did not want to be added to the competition for All Might favors!

Standing in front of Kotei, he said what he had to say.

"Same goes for you Kotei, today is the day where I will demonstrate that I am better than you." He said, looking at Kotei's face.

"I'm happy for you." Kotei simply answered, making the atmosphere more awkward than anything.

To be honest, Kotei simply did not care and cut the sound when he began to talk, he said the first thing which appeared on his mind. However, for Shoto, it was like if he was laughing at his war declaration.

Opening his mouth to reply, the Todoroki was cut by the green-haired boy's voice who finally had enough courage to talk.

"I have no idea what you want from me... Yes, you are definitely stronger than me... Looking at it objectively, I think the vast majority of people are probably no match for you...

Everyone is aiming for the top with all their might! So I can't lag behind them, I'm going for it with all my might too!" He said, definitely determined.

The silence once again took place, but this time it was not awkward. The atmosphere was... tense.

"... Oh." Shoto said, forgetting what he wanted to said earlier.

'... Going with all your might huh.' Kotei thought, standing up.

It was time.

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