Gravity Control, In MHA

Chapter 20 - The Grand Event 24

"It's the freshman stage and the students are making their entry now!!" A voice was heard through the speakers all around the stadium.

"This is I, your favorite hero Present Mic! Who will comment on the whole event!" He continued, presenting himself.

"Let me guess, all you miscreants came to see them, right? The freshly formed miracle stars that shrugged off a mass villain assault with wills of steel!

The department of heroics, the class 1-A, right?!!" He shouted, making the crowd react in a wilder way.

The 1-A was walking through the exit and under the cheers of the audience. Some were nervous and some others...

Looking at the mass of people, Kotei couldn't help but be impressed. A school event gathered so many people, it was almost unbelievable.

Searching for a few seconds, his gaze landed on the person he was looking for, even though there were so many people.

He lifted his hand and waved at her, smiling a little before he turned around and kept walking toward the gathered students.


At the same moment, Nejire was waving back with all her might as she was strangely proud.

"See that! I told you that he could see me even here, Mirio!" She said, very proudly.

"I mean... yeah seems like he did. Does he have an ocular quirk? Otherwise, how is he able to do that?" Mirio replied, pretty impressed.

"No, he does not! I guess that it is... love power?" She said, her reply sounding like a question.

"What do you mean by lo-" The guy at the side, that even the author almost forgot tried to ask but his sentence was cut by Midnight's voice.


"Now now, fair play!" Midnight said, making her whip crack in the air.

"Juryoku Kotei of 1-A, come here and make a speech as the freshmen's representative!"

A few murmurs passed through the crowd as the students were looking at him walk toward the platform.

Standing behind the microphone, Kotei waited until everyone was quiet enough.

"I won't say bullshit things like 'good luck' and his variants because if I am against you, you will need way more than that to win." He said, making the crowd of students get wilder than ever.

After a few seconds of insults and threats to his class and himself, the students were calm enough for him to talk again.

"I am above you until you show me the opposite." He said, making the crowd once again roaring in anger.

Descending the platform, he went to his class and waited for the rest, ignoring the threats from the other students.

"Hum... Was that a really good idea?" Kyoka asked, looking at the hostile surrounding.

"They wanted me to motivate them... Anger is the best motivation." He replied.

"So you deliberated cornered yourself?" Momo asked, pretty impressed by his action.

"Cornered?" He asked, looking at the hostile gazes he received. "Who cornered who is the true question." He replied, a small smile on his face.

It was definitely getting more interesting.

"All right! Calm down, with that we can move directly onto our first event!" She said, a hologram appearing behind her.

"This year's first round of destiny is... this!" She said, making a pause as she pointed with her hands the text on the hologram.

"Obstacle race." Someone said.

Midnight began explaining what was the race. "It's a race between all 11 classes! The course makes a nearly 4 kilometers ring around this stadium! We always sing about our freedom on campus, that's why you're free to do anything so long as you remain within the course!"

A few minutes later, everyone was standing behind the giant door, the lights signifying the start of the race were starting to light up.

Kotei was currently on the front, at his side were Katsuki and Todoroki.

Kotei was standing tall, not in any running stance.

When the last light turned on, the voice of Present Mic was heard, marking the beginning of the race. "Staaaart!"

As the gate was way too narrow, it made the students which couldn't stand out pile on top of each other.

The students which stand out the most were two of the 1-A. The others students which were at the front crowd couldn't help but look at their departing back with anger.

Why? Because some had their feet frozen by Shoto and some others were being immobilized by the increased gravity.

Looking behind him slightly, the flying Kotei said to Shoto who was sliding with all his might. "Surprised to see that you were able to bypass my [Gravitational Domain: Heavyness]."

"You can't stop me with such ridicule attempts." He replied before trying to slide faster.

"We won't let you get away that easy!" The explosive blond said, using his quirk to fly above the frozen area.

Some others from the 1-A were running behind too using their quirk in a way or another to get ahead in the race.

'They really look determined.' Kotei thought, before flying faster than he was already, leaving Shoto lagging 10 or 11 meters behind.

Feeling movements in front of him, Kotei quickly look at where he was heading to as he recognized a zero-pointer.

"Here come the obstacles, and so suddenly! From the very outset, the first barrier will be a zero-pointer from the entrance exam!" Present-Mic said, informing the audience.

"Zero-pointer or whatever you call it, it's nothing against gravity." Kotei said, not slowing down.

Kotei slammed against one zero-pointer and pierced him right through, not stopping he did that for the rest of the robots in front of him.

Seeing that he did not have any time to collect his thoughts, Shoto slammed his hand on the ground and froze the robot in front of him just enough that he can pass without issue.

But even though he did as quickly as he could, he saw that he was getting behind further every second.

"Shit!" He couldn't help but curse, what kind of stamina did Kotei have? He thought that with a quirk as strong as his, he would have to eventually pause to not overexert himself, but here Kotei was proving him wrong.

"1-A's Juryoku Kotei had completely ignored the robots! He just slammed against each one who was in his way and passed through without a scratch!

And we can see that Todoroki Shoto of his class is following behind just after he froze the robots!" Present-Mic shouted, completely professionally.

"They seem to have removed themselves from the whole competition! It feels kinda unfair but it is their right!" The commentator continued.

Behind, a lot of students from 1-A were going through the robots still working and the scraps left of them.

"As expected, of those who've run past, lots are from class-A!"

In front, Kotei was running at a frightening pace, as he was followed by Shoto, lagging due to the fatigue of using his quirk so intensely.

"You can still run? I'm impressed." Kotei said, genuinely impressed by the student's stamina.

"Look who's talking..." Shoto replied.

"Our first two students are at the second obstacle, the Faaaaaall!"

Kotei stopped as he looked at what was in front of him.

Seeing that Kotei stopped, Todoroki took the opportunity to rush past him as he created a bridge of ice to quickly walk toward the nearest platform.

When he reached the platform, the bridge collapsed behind and he continued with his strategy.

"Todoroki went past the singularity of 1-A!"

"Can't lag behind now." Kotei said to himself, flying once again thanks to his gravity.

"And here we have the singularity coming to the first position once again!" The pro-hero announced, making Shoto raise his head as he saw Kotei flying on his back, arms crossed to each c.h.e.s.t.

A few moments later, Kotei and Shoto resumed their places as they were running, one in front of the other, several meters separating them.

"Go my Kotei, gooo~." A periwinkle-haired girl cheered not that her voice could reach him.

"Now we come to the final form of the obstacles! The last and final barrier is the minefield right out of Rambo 3!"

This time both Kotei and Shoto stopped in their tracks.

Shoto hesitated lightly before he rushed into the field, still making sure he doesn't step on a mine.

He knew that Kotei was simply going to fly above the field but he also knew that the boy couldn't go as fast as earlier as he saw him slightly pant when he landed and began to run.

"Tsk." Kotei tsked before using his quirk to fly once again.

However this time he only activated the fly at a low height and flew toward the exit, passing by Shoto once again.

The bi-color hired boy was going to freeze the ground to go quicker but a voice behind alarmed him.

"This obstacle doesn't mean anything to me!" Katsuki shouted, flying by Shoto with the help of his explosions.

Looking behind, Kotei saw that more competition just came.

The two behind began to almost attack each other as they were fighting for the lead.

Suddenly, a giant explosion was heard through the field as Present-Mic announced.

"Class A's Midoriya mounts his charge... using shock waves?!"

'Clever as f.u.c.k, I must admit.' Kotei thought, seeing the flying Midoriya approaching Shoto and Katsuki.

Kotei stopped running and began to fly away to maintain a certain distance between them as he saw that the two elites used their quirk to caught up with Midoriya's speed.

As he was gonna be passed by the two, Midoriya slammed the metal plate he still had in his hand against the floor, making the mines explode and him being thrown just behind Kotei.

It was gonna pass by him when...

"Sorry, not sorry." Kotei said, waving at the approaching Izuku.

The gravity immediately began heavier making the green-haired boy fall on the floor as Kotei just resumed his run toward the finishing line.

A few seconds later, he went through the door, making him the first one to end the race.

"In an amazing demonstration of control and power, we have the man who dominated the wall course from the beginning to the end, Juryoku Kotei!"

Just behind, Shoto followed by Katsuki and Midoriya went through.

"Again...! Shit! Goddamit!" Katsuki said, very frustrated about losing.

Shoto however just looked toward Kotei without saying anything.

Midoriya was seemed happy to have been qualified.

A few moments later, everyone qualified arrived. A total of 42 students.

"And so it's over! Now everyone, here are the results!" Midnight said, letting the hologram display it.

Juryoku Kotei n°1

Todoroki Shoto n°2

Bakugou Katsuki n°3


The 42 at the top have earned the right to advance! I'm sorry for the kid who failed, but take heart! This festival's showstopper is still being prepared!

So, here's the second event, be prepared!"

Once she said that the hologram appeared once again, with new words.

"Behold! The human Cavalry Battle!"

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