Gravity Control, In MHA

Chapter 23 - Tournament 13

"The first fight will begin! Midoriya from 1-A versus Shinsou from 1-C!" Present Mic announced, hyping the public more than they already were.

In the stands, Kotei was simply looking unimpressed at the two students which were walking toward each other.

He knew that it would be one of the most boring fights he will ever witness.

From what he heard just now from his classmates, Midoriya got briefed on Shinsou's quirk, and knowing it's nature, it won't even be a fight.

'I guess that he will pass this round, he is quite the lucky one huh.' He thought, before leaning back on his seat to take a more relaxed position. He sincerely hoped that all fights would not be like that.

A few seconds passed since the start of the fight and Present Mic's voice shook Kotei's eyes open.

"Midoriya stopped as soon as the fight started?!"

'I take back what I said. He is quite stupid.' Kotei thought, looking at Midoriya who was walking toward the end of the stage.

'Well, the result of this match does not matter.'

"Shinsou's out! Midoriya you advance to round 2!" Midnight said, once a few minutes passed since Present Mic's previous comment.

In the stand, the majority of the 1-A students could be seen as quite happy about their friend's victory.

A few just looked unimpressed at what just happened, and a certain one was literally sleeping.


A few fights later, it was Kotei's turn.

Shiozaki also won against Kaminari as the latter stupidly did not take into account that her hair was completely ins.e.n.s.i.t.i.v.e to electric current. Thus, he was easily beat by the girl from 1-B once his brain was fried by his own quirk.

Then, the fight of Iida versus Hatsume was quite funny since she simply used him to be a dummy to showcase her inventions. The guy got played from start to end as once she was finished, she forfeited by stepping out the limits of the stage.


"The next fight will answer our most crucial question! Is acid stronger than gravity?! Ashido from 1-A and Juryoku from 1-A will be helping us by fighting in this already amazing tournament!"

On one side of the stage, Kotei was stepping out of the corridor his hands in his pocket.

His face was adopting his signature neutral expression as if he was looking at the world through a television screen.

In front of him, Mina was walking toward the stage too where Midnight could be seen at the side waiting for both of them.

She was obviously very nervous as the one she was going to confront was without any doubt the stronger student from their class.

'No! The guys believe in me, I can't let them down.' She encouraged herself and lessened her almost imperceptible shivering.

His actions puzzled Mina but she didn't put many thoughts into it, and took a stance, ready to fight.

She obviously didn't know at the moment, but she just earned the right to showcase all her arsenal before losing.

After all, Kotei knew that the tournament's purpose was just that, showing what you can do in front of the world.

"Are you ready kids?!" Midnight asked, l.i.c.k.i.n.g her lips as she looked at the two students.

Each replied with a nod and thus, she continued.


Almost immediately, Mina ran at him supposedly at her full speed, and began throwing rounds after rounds of acid from her palms from different angles.

Kotei did not move since the start as he just stood there and looked at all the acid approaching him being forcefully attracted to the ground at a fair meter from him.

The scene continued for a while before Mina realized that she was going to exhaust herself before she can manage to make him move one finger.

'Mhm?' Kotei was perplexed by her actions, but still did not move from where he was.

Once she got near enough, she threw the big ball at him.

Kotei was about to push it to the ground when the ball exploded in from of him and at a surprising speed completely blocked his vision as it was almost encompassing him.

"[All Mighty Push]" Kotei simply said as his quirk released a strong gravitational strength, pushing everything in a radius of 2 meters around him.

He suspected that she planned to use the acid to blind him as she went around him to attack from behind.

It would be pretty effective if it was someone who did not know how to fight like the majority of their classmates, but unfortunately for her, as she was approaching him a little after he used his quirk to push her quirk she met Kotei's open palm.

"Nice try." He said, only moving his arm behind him.

Using his quirk, she was suddenly pushed in the opposite direction and stopped rolling on the ground only a little after her body went past the stage's borders.

"Mina Ashido is out bonds! Juryoku advances to the second round!" Midnight announced, and the public went shouting quite wildly.

Kotei could almost swear that he heard Nejire's voice shouting his name.

'Surely an auditory hallucination.'

Kotei then walked toward his classmate who was sitting on the ground quite dizzy after the crazy roll her body just experienced.

Once he was near, he helped her to stand up.

"Thanks, Juryoku! You are too strong!" She said, relying on his shoulder to not fall.

"It's nothing, you fought quite bravely you too." Kotei replied, nodding at her.


After the not surprising result of the fight, the two students came back to the stands where they were congratulated by their classmates.

The following match was Tokoyami against Yaoyorozu.

"Good luck Momo." Kotei said to the black-haired girl stopping her thoughts on if she was worthy enough to win.

"Thanks, Kotei-kun. I will do my best!" She said to him before going to the arena.

The match was a close one as Momo was pushed to the edge by Tokoyami's quirk.

If there were not any bonds, she would have developed a strategy good enough to win. Unfortunately, it isn't the case and she could only come back to the stands and be recomforted by Kotei.

The next fight after this one was Tetsutetsu against Kirishima aka the two copycats against each other.

This one too was quite close as Kirishima won after they did an arm-wrestle. The arm-wrestle was the only result after their fight came to a draw.

Finally, the last fight of the first round was one of the most awaited, and almost everyone could guess what the result would be.

Nevertheless, the atmosphere was quite tense.

"Bakugou Katsuki of 1-A against Uraraka Ochako from the same class!"

A few minutes later, the fight was at its climax as Uraraka used her last desperate attack which got blown away by Katsuki with the biggest explosion he made since he came here.

'That's... impressing.' Kotei thought seeing this.

He then looked at the public which was going very loud because of his actions.

They seem to think that he was playing with her, but in fact, he was fighting very carefully because of the nature of her quirk. One-touch and he would lose.

Katsuki was gonna rush at her when...

'That's over huh.'

Uraraka simply collapsed on the ground.

'Gravity quirks are very costly in stamina. It seems that it is her limit.'

"Uraraka is unable to move. Bakugou advances to the next round!" Midnight announced saying that Uraraka is still lying on the ground.

She was then brought to Recovery Girl by two bots on a stretcher.


After that, a few minutes of pause were announced. For everyone to rest a little.

The next fight was Todoroki versus Midoriya.

Kotei could be seen on the stairs leading to his class' stands. He was currently coming back after he went see Nejire during the pause.

Once he reached the top, he continued to walk toward his previous place.

However, he was stopped by one of his classmates who curiously sat beside him.

The green-haired girl, Asui as he remembers began to talk once he was sat.

"Juryoku, who do you think will win?"

"Asui right? The result is pretty obvious I think." He replied, shortly.

"Call me Tsu, and what do you mean by obvious?"

"Then feel free to call me Kotei. And to answer your question, let's be frank here. Even though Midoriya's determination is admirable, he can't win against Todoroki. The difference is simply too big. From what I saw since the start, Midoriya is clearly the one with the least chances to win. Even if he can win here..."

"He will be too injured in the next fights." Momo finished his sentence sitting behind them.

"You really think that he can't win?" Tsu asked once again.

"He can win. Only if Todoroki acts all and doesn't fight seriously."



The fight was over. The last attack from both sides was pretty impressive, it completely destroyed the arena and forced Cementoss to use his quirk to reduce the impact. Shoto even used his left side for once.

In the end, Midoriya was out of bounds and unconscious.

"Todoroki advances to the third round!"

The next fight was Iida versus the girl from 1-B, Ibara Shiozaki.

Iida won by pushing her out of bounds.

"Here's the fight which will once again showcase the capabilities of 1-A students as two of them will fight against one other!

The eternal winner, Juryoku Kotei against his classmate, the mysterious Fumikage Tokoyami!" Present Mic announced.

Kotei's participation made the public go crazy as each one of his fights was a mix of control and power, very impressive to see from a student.

The two of them were faced with each other.

At one side, Tokoyami took a combat stance and got ready to use his quirk.

On the contrary, Kotei had a relaxed position and his hands were in his pocket.

His eyes were closed but the aura surrounding him screamed that he was very dangerous right now.


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