Gravity Control, In MHA

Chapter 24 - Tournament 23

"Start!" Shouted Midnight cracking her whip in the air.

Almost immediately, Tokoyami's quirk Dark Shadow extended from his body and rushed toward Kotei with a surprisingly high speed.

The shadowy entity used his right claw to strike Kotei, but unfortunately for him, he was still too slow as Kotei simply jumped at the side, completely dodging the claw.

'He is really fast!' Tokoyami couldn't help but silently exclaim.

Even though his quirk was not at its peak right now as there were not many obscurities on the stage, the number of clouds above their head still assured the power of Dark Shadow.

Looking at the ground which was easily dug into by the claw, Kotei said to Tokoyami.

"For such a great quirk, it has a strange name for sure."

"Don't be fooled by Dark Shadow's name! The power it contains is too powerful to be measured by a simple mortal!" The student replied.

"Stop dodging!" The entity said to Kotei who was still jumping there and there, each time letting the claw dig where he was a few seconds ago.

"If that's what you d.e.s.i.r.e."

Kotei stopped dodging and faced Dark Shadow which was now between Tokoyami and himself. There was still a great distance between them.

"Dark Shadow now!" Tokoyami shouted in the back.

At the same time, the sentient quirk seemed to become more powerful under the big shadow of the cloud just above their head. Its claws grew way bigger than what it had shown until now and it was not crazy to speculate that its speed and strength got a fairly impressive upgrade too.

In a burst of speed, Dark Shadow rushed toward Kotei, hoping to deal him a blow incapacitating him before he could even hope to react.

Unfortunately for Tokoyami and his quirk, Kotei was forced to put an end to their plan as the taller boy squatted and extended one of his hands toward the ground.

"He is up to something! Quick Dark Shadow stop him!" Tokoyami shouted but was once again, too late.

Kotei put his right palm on the ground and whispered, loud enough for Tokoyami and Dark Shadow to hear him.

"[God's Hand]"

At the same moment, everyone in the stadium and everyone at home watching the fight couldn't help but shudder at the scene happening in front of their eyes.

Half of the stage, more precisely Tokoyami's stage was destroyed by a very strong gravitational pressure which, as proof of its existence, left behind a giant handprint!

"What the hell are you feeding your students Eraserhead?!" Present Mic shouted, as impressed as everyone looking at the fight.

"Nothing much, what you saw today was simply their own talent and strength." Was the reply of the ever so tired black-haired teacher.

Even though some pride could be discerned deep hidden in his voice.

The spectators weren't less impressed as a wave of excited shout could be heard once the stupefaction phase was over.

The students looking at the fight were, pretty scared and relieved of not going against such a monster.

"Whaa! That's like their class is a whole existence ahead of us..."

"Depressing right? I pray for the villains who will piss him though."

"I'm glad that they are on the same side as us, especially him."

On the stage, Kotei was slowly standing up, as he looked at the destroyed zone in front of him.

There was a cloud of dust, blocking his vision of his opponent, but he was sure that such a weak attack was not enough to get rid of him.

"Like I thought." Kotei suddenly said, moving his right forearm wrapped with a repulsive gravitational strength in front of him, successfully blocking a dark claw that just emerged from the cloud of dust.

"Are you alright?" Dark Shadow asked Tokoyami who simply nodded, removing the small blood trail that flowed from his beak.

"I was careless, it won't happen again. I am ready to discharge the darkness sealed inside myself."

About ten meters in front of him was Kotei, who had his hands back in his pocket.

"If you take me lightly don't blame me for frowning you in the darkness of Dark Shadow!"

They surely thought that after such a big attack, he could not repeat it.

Big mistake.

"[God's stomp]" Kotei said aloud, this time using more than 20% of his strength.

His right knee was brought at the same level as his waist as he prepared his probably last strike.

Tokoyami's and Dark Shadow's eyes widened as they realized that they could probably not make it out as they did previously.

The moment Kotei's feet made contact with the ground, a more monstrous footprint appeared, reducing more than half of the stage in nothing but dust!

This time even Midnight could not fully dodge the attack as she was pushed on the ground.

A heavy silence could be heard through the stadium, as they all looked wide-eyed at the spectacle in front of them.

The previous handprint was replaced by a gigantic footprint!

A few seconds of silence later, he shook his head as if in disappointment.

He released the gravity pressure and looked toward Midnight who was standing up as best she could.

"Sensei can you announce the result of the fight?"

Hearing him, she turned her head toward the destroyed arena and waited a few seconds that the dust settles down.

Once she saw the sight of Fumikage lying face down, and no sign of his quirk or any movement, she declared.

"Tokoyami Fumikage is unconscious! Juryoku Kotei win!"

Immediately, the crowd erupts in a wild way, as Kotei could even swear that he heard some heroes shouting his name to carry his babies or something along the line.

"What a stunning fight! Juryoku has splendidly shown the power that the next generation of heroes will have! Be aware villains, you are all doomed!" Present Mic praised, the youth who was currently walking toward the exit, under a crowd of people, all excited to see his next fight.


Kirishima could not land a single hit on Katsuki because of his speed and maneuverability thanks to his explosions.

Bakugou was slowly tiring down the other's boy stamina with the multiple explosions on his rock-hard body. Kirishima could not do anything more than trying to strike back and fail each time.

Kotei was observing the fight when Tokoyami approached him.


"Yes?" Kotei turned toward him and listened to what the boy had to say.

"Thank you for not underestimating my sealed power and going all out." He said, slightly bowing.

"Don't worry about that, it is simply normal to respect your opponent, without forgetting that you are rather strong." Kotei replied, turning his attention once again on the fight below.

The fight was finally approaching its end with Kirishima falling on the ground, unable to maintain his hardness on anymore, and Bakugou's hand pressing on his throat.

"We have a winner! Bakugou Katsuki go to the next round!" Midnight announced.

"We will first have Todoroki versus Iida! Then the last fight of the semi-finals Juryoku against Bakugou!"


Merry Christmas y'all.

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