Gravity Control, In MHA

Chapter 28 - Internship and troubles... for who?

I swear to God, some of you are criminally bad with names.

Thankfully some people had some awesome names which helped me a lot. Even those who were down bad were useful as I laughed hard.



The tournament was finally over.

The audience which was filling the stands a few minutes ago was now walking calmly walking from the emptying stadium.

The pro-heroes were all over-excited by the last attack from Kotei.

They knew that he had all his chances to become the next Number One hero, and if they could make some sort of connexion with him before he could grow beyond their reach, their fame would be boosted too.

An hour or so later, Kotei could be seen leaving the stadium too. His face was as inexpressive as ever, but when he spotted a certain periwinkle-haired girl running toward him, his mouth morphed into a happy smile.

Catching the girl in his arms, they stayed like that for a few minutes before he decided to break it.

"Let's go home Nejire."

Happily nodding at him, she brought his arm between her c.h.e.s.t and they continued to walk toward the car waiting for them.

As Kotei felt that going now on the train would be a pain since a lot of people would be recognizing him and thus bothering his peaceful moments with Nejire.

A few minutes cuddling in the car with Nejire later, the Juryoku's personal driver stopped the car.

"Young master, we are here."

"Thank you for your hard work." Saying that Kotei left the car through the opened door with Nejire latched on his back like a koala.

Once he walked through the main door, the maids were all waiting for him.

"It was not much, I will have to thank you for your work instead." Kotei replied, looking at the decorations set up almost everywhere.

He could guess without any problem who asked them to do that.

Not having to look for the person in question, he heard a pair of feet running toward him from the left.


The woman who said that proceeded to hug him with all her strength. From the outside, it looked like she was almost trying to drown him with her c.h.e.s.t as she was pressing his head between her voluptuous cleavage.

"I missed you so much~!"

Lifting her head, she noticed Nejire who was waiting for their little reunion.

"Ara ara~! You two advanced so much in my absence... Come here too Nejire-chan!"

Not waiting for anything else, Nejire jumped into the three-hug-some.

The rest of the day went by quickly as the trio chatted about a lot of topics and celebrated Kotei's victory.

This night, Kotei received a call from his grandpa and his brother as they congratulated him both.

At midnight, Kotei and Nejire went to bed.

"Kotei?" Nejire called him from the shower.

The door was locked and only her voice could attest to her presence.

"Yes?" Kotei replied.

He was a little tired. Not because of the tournament, but because of his sister as she was teasing him about his and Nejire's nightly activities all day long, repeating "Ara ara~" as if she was a pokemon.

Not saying anything after, Nejire went out of the shower. She had on a gorgeous transparent gown made of silk.

Her body was simply perfect in the eyes of Kotei.

"I promised you a reward... didn't I?" Saying that her smile widened, in synchronization with Kotei's smile.

"It's gonna be a long night, and a fight harder than any I did today..." Kotei said and at the same instant, the light was switched on.


After two days of relaxing and having some fun for a certain pair of students, it was time to go to school once again.

It was heavily raining and the clouds above the citizen's head were all of a dark gray, promising a long rain, and some thunder.

Kotei decided to go to school walking today as it was something he deeply enjoyed.

The smell of the rain and the sound of the water droplets hitting the ground was for him, heavily relaxing.

Using his quirk to surround his body with a very thin layer of gravity, he was walking unbothered by the water falling from the sky.

Suddenly, two girls about his age approached him. Judging by their uniforms they were not from Yuei, so he discarded the hypothesis of him possibly knowing them.

The second girl had horns coming out from her forehead, she too had a pretty average height.

Thus, Kotei was seen towering over them as the fact that they were almost shielding themselves behind their umbrella gave the impression that they were even smaller.

"Hum... Excuse me... Are you Kotei Juryoku?" The horned one asked, seemingly gathering all her bravery.

"I am. How can I help you?" Kotei asked, his tone was monotonous as he gazed at them with his purple iris.

Hearing that, the two of them seems to be relieved as they surely thought that he was an arrogant prick.

After all, most would be if they were as strong as he was.

Each one took a piece of paper from their pocket and gave it to him with a pen. Their eyes were twinkling with joy as they were going to ask for an autograph from the one nicknamed by the media "The Demigod of Yuei.".

It seems like not only were his looks above any others, his strength was also through the roof. These factors have contributed to his new nickname.

Kotei looked at the two papers which were pictures of him receiving his medal from All Might.

He took one of the pens and signed on each picture.

"I'm sorry, but I will have to go now." Kotei said, giving them back their stuff.

The two bowed happily and looked at his back, with horny gazes.

"He is so hot!"

"Right?! I felt like melting when he looked at me..."

"Let's always walk there in the future."


Kotei walked inside the class as everyone was chatting excitedly with each other.

Ignoring the silence which grew when he entered, he walked to his place silently as Momo was staring at him more than anyone, her eyes almost shining.

Turning to look at her, he noticed that everyone was seemingly waiting for something from him.

"Have I something on the face?" He asked, tilting his head slightly on the side.

Almost immediately, multiples laughs were heard all around the class.

Smiling at this, Momo replied.

"No, they were just looking at the 'Demigod of Yuei'."

"What?" He asked with a confused raised eyebrow.

"You don't know? That's how the media nicknamed you." Sero said, answering and clearing Kotei's confusion.

"I see..." Was the simple answer from Kotei.

He looked to be lost in his thoughts.

A few minutes later, everyone was there and Aizawa walked him. This time he did not have any bandages on his body. He looked to have recovered enough to not look like a mummy.

"Morning. Let's set immediately begin with today's hero informatics period which is a little special..."

At his words, everyone seems to have a different idea of what he meant by 'special'.

His next words however were pretty explicit.

"It's time to formulate your codenames, your hero names."

Immediately after, the class burst into a loud cry of joy, as they were very excited to do so.

Aizawa used his quirk to silence them as his hair began to float and his aura was relatively frightening.

"This is related to the draft nominations by pros I mentioned the other day. The nominations you are getting this year are more akin to expressions of 'interest' in your future potential."

Toru Hagakure talked lifted her hand as we wouldn't have noticed it anyway.

"So, the nominations we received are like personal hurdles then!"

"Yes. Now, the tally of nominations is as follows." Aizawa said, using a small controller in his hand.

Some names with numbers appeared.

"Typically the results are more balanced, but this year all the attention leaned towards three of you."

His sentence was understandable as three names were clearly above the rest.

Kotei was first with almost 5000 nominations, followed by Todoroki who had a little over 4000, and finally with Bakugou with 3500. The rest were not above 500.

The class began to talk once again. Some of them were proud and excited because some pro-heroes noticed them, some others were talking about the fact that Kotei, Bakugou, and Todoroki had just too many nominations.

"Based on this... regardless of whether or not you received any nominations, I will be having you all go get some so-called 'work-place experience'." Aizawa said, relieving a lot of students who did not have any nominations.

"And cuz of that, we need hero names huh?!" Rikido Sato said.

Nodding at his words, the dark-haired pro-hero continued.

"Of course, placeholding names are fine too, but something appropriate..." His sentence was cut by Midnight's voice.

"Because if not, it'll be hell from there!" She said, entering inside the classroom.

"The names you pick now will be the names you come to be known by the worlds as now!"

"She is correct. I'll be having miss Midnight evaluate your naming sense." Aizawa said, being ready to jump inside his sleeping bag.

"The way your futures end up will approach the image projected by the names you choose. It's all down to that old phrase 'names and nature often agree'... for example All Might."

"This is bad..." Kotei whispered.

Hearing him, Momo tilted her head to the left.

"What is bad?"

"I have no naming sense." He said, a grave face on.

"Huh? But I heard some of your techniques names, aren't they amazing?"

"It is thanks to my sister. She gives me all those names and I use them randomly hoping they match."

"I see... Just do your best and Midnight would be here to correct you if it is really that bad."

"Yeah... why not." Kotei said, scribbling something on the board he received.

15 minutes later, a few of them already came up with names and presented them to the class.

"The name of the sparkling hero: I cannot stop twinkling." Aoyama said, showing his board, really proudly.

Almost immediately, he was sent back to his seat.

The second one was Mina as she too was sent to her seat. Her codename sounds like the title of a horror film "Alien Queen".

The third one was Kotei. When he walked to the front of the class, the pressure built up as all of them thought that they were going to hear one of the most important names in the future.

"The Gravitron 3000." Kotei said, showing his board at the class.

"The heck does that number even come from? Go take one who doesn't give suicide vibes."

Midnight said to Kotei, making him sigh and go back to his seat while erasing the codename from the board.

At this point, the atmosphere shifted from a serious one to a comedy routine.

A few minutes later, a few ones chose more normal names, which were accepted by Midnight as they suited them and were quite good.

Bakugou then went to the front and his 'King of Explodo-kills' was unsurprisingly rejected without a second thought by Midnight.

After him, Kotei went to the front once again, showing his name.

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"Stop right there. Do you plan to destroy the world?" Midnight asked.

"Guess 'Doom' is crossed as well?"

"..." Midnight's expression seemed to worsen as she asked how anyone could pick such gloomy hero names

Going once again to his seat, Kotei racked his brain in search of a good name.

A few minutes went by, as the only ones left were Bakugou and Kotei.

"Baron of Explodo-kills!"

"Again, that won't fly."

Picking his board, Kotei walked to the front while Bakugou was sent to revise his codename for the third time.

"Do you have one which doesn't give bad vibes Juryoku?"

"I hope so..." Kotei said, showing his board.

"Symbol of Fear: Nova"

"It is a good name, but who are you planning to frighten?"

"My opponents."

"... Not the villains?"

"Did I stutter?" Kotei asked the pro-hero.

Strangely, his impassible eyes made her shudder in a strange ecstasy. She put the feeling aside at the moment as the whole class's eyes were turned on her, waiting for her decision.

"Mhm... I guess it is pretty accurate as everyone would be frightened having a meteor fall from the sky on their head."

In the head of every student present, a single name could be heard, echoing in their thoughts.


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