Gravity Control, In MHA

Chapter 29 - Internship with...

Once that everyone was done with the name... Almost everyone as Bakugou was still trying to pick one, Aizawa lazily stood up, almost as if he was in a slow-motion movie.

The moment he got on his two feet, he took a stack of paper from God-know-where and began talking while Midnight was strangely stretching on the side.

"Your field training will be one week long. Here are papers for those who did not receive any nominations." He said, showing a paper where some could see the name of some famous heroes.

"The other will receive a personalized list with the nominations they got. Those who don't, come and get this list of 40 participating workplaces from across the country.

You all need to pick one for the week. You need to put a lot of thoughts into your choice, for example, their areas of operation and expertise all vary." He continued.

"Nice! I want to focus on urban counter-villainism!" Kirishima said, visibly as excited that he always is.

"Something water-related would be nice." Tsuyu said.

"Turn them in by the end of the week." Aizawa said, ending his speech.

He was ready to jump into his sleeping bag and forget about this world.

While almost everyone was panicking, Kotei had his eyes locked on the paper he was reading.

'Endeavor? After our little discussion, he wants to take me as an intern...? No, he probably wants me to train Shoto or something stupid like that. Either way, I don't plan to go to him for sure.' Kotei thought, reading the various names all written on the paper.

There were a lot of pages, and the font was really smaller compared to the other's papers.

"So... Kotei?" A voice shook him out of his thoughts. Turning toward the source, his eyes met Momo's which were locked on him.

"Yes?" He replied, raising a brow at her.

"You got a lot of nominations, will you be able to choose in only two days?" She asked, looking at the big stack in front of him.

"I have a few ideas... And you?"

"I think that I will go for Uwabami, she is level headed hero. I think that she can make me learn a lot."

"Isn't she the... celebrity hero or whatever?"

"I don't know if she can bring you anything useful though. She doesn't seem the best to teach anyone anything besides things to be popular." Kotei replied, turning his head toward the stack of paper once again.

"I did not think about that..." Hearing his words, Momo seems to be pondering upon them.


This night, Kotei and Nejire were cuddling on the bed, in front of a movie.

Lifting her head from his torso, she looked at him and tried to earn his attention by staring at him pretty intensely.

Noticing her almost immediately, Kotei lowered his head and gave her a little smile.

"Something the matter?" He asked.

Hearing him, she gave out a bright smile herself and ask what she had in mind.

"Did you receive a nomination from Ryuko-nee?"

He already knows where she is going with this question.

"Then come! It will be fun I promise! And Ryuko-nee is super kind too!" She said with her usual enthusiasm, trying to rope him in.

"Mhm... I don't know Nejire..." Hearing him, Nejire's cheeks immediately puffed and her face became the definition of pouting.

"... If only some cute girlfriend could help me decide..." Kotei continued to say, feigning to be confused.

Unbeknownst to her, he already chose the 9th pro-hero earlier.

Once she finished processing his words, a beautiful smile bloomed on her face. Then she quickly threw the shirt she had on the side and threw herself at him.

"I will help then!"


A few days later, the beginning of the on-the-job training of the hero department.

"You've all got your costumes right? Obviously, wearing them in public is prohibited, and don't lose them either." Aizawa said, with his usual tired voice.

A few people walking-by were waving at the class.

"You chose Ryukyu, the 9th hero? Lame." Katsuki said to Kotei.

"I hope that Best Jeanist will correct that abhorrent behavior of yours." Was the reply of Kotei almost immediately.

"You fuc-!"

"Calm down. You better not have this kind of behavior in Best Jeanist' agency Bakugou." Aizawa said, immediately stopping Bakugou's stream of insults.


"Be sure to mind your manners, every one of you. Let's go!"


It was nothing too spectacular. It was relatively big and seems to have a sunroof, surely to allow her to fly through the roof effortlessly in her dragon form. Find authorized novels in , faster updates, better experience, Please click #..._51787454360907161 for visiting.

Kotei stopped admiring the view and walked inside.

The reception had a few Chinese decorations and a rather big aquarium where a lot of exotic fishes could be seen swimming happily.

Noticing him, the receptionist went to him.

Like almost everyone in Japan, she recognized him from the Yuei's event.

"Hello to Ryukyu Agency, I am Abei. You are here for the internship I guess? Ryukyu-sama informed us of your arrival."

"Indeed, I am Kotei Juryoku pleased to meet you." Kotei answered politely.

"Follow me, she is waiting for you."

The conversation over, Abei led him toward the garden.

"Here she is. Have a good day." Abei said, and turned around, leaving Kotei and Ryukyu the only ones inside the garden.

Kotei then proceeded to walk toward her.

Hearing his steps' noises, she closed the thermos inside which she was drinking and stood up.

"Kotei Juryoku. You are exactly like Nejire described you." She said, holding her hand for a handshake.

"That's my line. She doesn't stop talking about her fantastic Ryuko-nee who is the embodiment of kindness." Kotei replied, not hiding his smirk.

A little blush appeared on her face as she seems to be a little embarrassed by what Nejire was saying about her.

"I don't doubt of it... This is so Nejire-like."

"I second that."

"Mhm... Let me show you around."


Two hours later, the two of them already came to know each other a little.

"So that's why you named yourself Ryukyu."

"Exactly, that's quite simple and it does the job." She replied, nodding at his words.

Having a conversation with him is quite simple and pleasant.

Even though he has a calm aura surrounding him which seems to scream 'don't do anything which could cost you your head'. Someone like Ryukyu who fought a lot against enemies of various scales of power could see the huge monster sleeping behind the young man with an apathetic face.

"Nejire has something to do this week? She texted me that she could not be present." She asked, trying to shake off the feeling which arises when she tries to gauge his power.

"Yes, it seems like she had a few assignments to do." He replied, nodding.

"That's a shame, she seems to have waited so much for you to come to the agency."

"Yeah it is, but it is not like if we would not be able to patrol together in the future." Kotei replied shaking his shoulders.

She nodded then looked at the time.

"The time went past quicker than I anticipated. I will go to my duties now and let you set up your stuff in the room.

Be sure to rest properly as each day we will patrol early in the morning for one week. Then the afternoon, I will show you some tips to take care of the civilians."


Kotei nodded and she left the room, going to her own affairs.

Kotei then used his phone to look at the notifications he ignored since his arrival.

A few of them were the casual messages of his family talking about things, a big part of them was from Nejire who was complaining about not being able to be present at the agency. The rest were the chat group of 1-A who were talking about each other's first day.

Then Asui pinged him to ask about his day since she saw through the little avatar representing him that he was connected in the chatroom.

"Pretty good, Ryukyu is kind and I can see that everyone here is pretty professional. I can easily see that being here will be pretty useful for me." Was his reply.

Closing the app once again, Kotei pondered about what could happen tomorrow.

"I hope that it won't be boring..."

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