Gravity Control, In MHA

Chapter 30 - Flawless intervention



The sun was slowly, like each day raising from the horizon, flooding the city in its morning light.

Some were beginning to wake up, their skin brushed by the warm rays.

Some were already up and doing their daily activities, like the majority of heroes and their side-kicks.

In a certain city, a young man in what seems to be a hero costume was walking side to side with one of the most famous heroes of Japan, the 9th hero, the dragon hero Ryukyu.

His golden cape was majestically floating behind him and his head was uncovered by the helmet he has previously worn in Yuei. It was replaced by a rather big golden halo floating behind his head, more precisely at a dozen centimeters.

Every person observing him had the feeling of looking at something that they could not even comprehend, something so grand that their mind was oppressed by an invisible pressure.

The feeling was something deeper than they could imagine, it was primal fear! A feeling so deep that it integrated into their very genes. Something that every animal felt when they meet a being that can kill them with ease.

"So that why you changed your helmet into this halo?" Ryukyu asked Kotei who was looking around.

"The helmet was restricting my sense, and the halo is not only decorative. I can enlarge or shrink it to capture people." He answered once he stopped looking around and looked at her.

"That is very smart. I remember when I started and that I did not have any side-kick I had to restrain the villains manually until the policemen arrived." She complimented.

"I can imagine the situation being quite annoying."

"You have no idea." She sighed.

"There was this one time when a villain peed on my han-" Her sentence was cut mid-off by a loud noise resembling the one from an explosion, coming from a nearby street.

Not wasting a single second, the two of them rushed toward the street, following the screams of the civilians.

"I will run straight to the scene while you will fly and take the villains by surprise, from above." Ryukyu said, not stopping to run.

"Understood." Kotei replied, disappearing with a blinding high-speed.

A few seconds later, Ryukyu arrived at the scene of the blast and saw the devastating facade of a bank.

Some voices were heard from the inside.

"Hurry up before some heroes bitches arrive!"

"Stop giving me orders idiot!"

"You two stop wasting time!"

A few seconds after, the first person was visible. He had no particular remarkable traits.

"F.u.c.k guys! It is that hot girl Ryukyu!"

Immediately after, two other figures were through. They were similar in appearance but one could notice that they carried themselves differently from the other one.

They had black horns coming from their forehead and carried two big bags, probably filled with the money just stole.

"How is she here so fast?!"

"Count on me! I will crush then make her my bitch!"

Ryukyu who was until then simply observing began to morph into her dragon form.

At the same moment, the guy named Gere was becoming taller and taller until he approximatively reached Ryukyu's size, albeit a lot smaller.

Kotei who was just floating in the sky observing the situation glanced at Gere who thought that he could equal Ryukyu's power before his eyes fell once again on the two figures who were trying to run toward a nearby vehicle.

"Hehe! Gere is really stupid! He thought that we were gonna share this much money with him?!"

"I swear that he is haha!"

"Surrender." A voice stopped both of them in their tracks.

It was also probably the fact that their body felt almost 5 times heavier than a few seconds ago.

The two of them could not do anything besides falling on their knees and trying to support their body with their hands once they let the bags fell at their sides.

Their eyes met the face who is considered to be the winner of the Yuei Festival a few weeks ago.

Kotei was slowly approaching them from above, with his arms crossed in front of his c.h.e.s.t.

Even though he approached them, he did not stop floating a few meters from them, looking at them from above with what seemed to be a disinterested glaze.

"Surrender." He asked again, seeing that they were still trying to struggle free from his gravitational domain.

"I won't be beaten by a kid!" One of them said, suddenly rising to his feet. The ground was showing cracks under his feet, probably the result of the gravity he was undergoing.

'A strength-enhancer quirk?' Kotei asked himself.

The man now on his feet wanted to rush toward Kotei but his voice made him hesitate.

"Your actions are futile. This will be the last time I reiterate my command. Surrender."

"Please bro! Stop!"

At the first step, nothing could be noticed, besides the obvious effort, the man put behind each of his actions.

At the second step, some cracks could be heard. It was unknown if it came from the ground he was stepping on or his bones, supporting his weight.

The third step was finally the one where every bystander heard the horrifying sounds of bones breaking under gravity and his body collapsing followed by his cries of pain.

"I take that as a sign of surrender." Kotei said, stopping the gravitational domain on this guy's body.

"You are more suited to be a villain than a hero, damn kid!" The brother who was lying powerlessly on the ground spat to Kotei.

"He had the choice. His current state is not my responsibility." Kotei replied, turning his head toward the now unconscious man.

He made a sign to the newly arrived paramedics to come and take care of the unconscious guy while two policemen came to take care of the other one lying on the ground, still affected by Kotei's gravity.

"You did very well for your first time. As expected from the demigod of Yuei." Ryukyu said, walking at his side.

"It was not truly a fight, to be honest." He simply answered.

"I see."

Not a second later, a lot of reporters surrounded them, trying to ask various questions about Kotei and his internship at Ryukyu's agency.

They were here a few minutes ago and recorded the whole fight against the villains.

"A question at the time." Ryukyu said, trying to keep in check the scoop-hungry journalists.

"What is your hero name?" A man asked, trying to push his microphone the closest possible to Kotei even though there was a barrier keeping them from approaching more than necessary.

"Nova." Kotei replied shortly.

"What are you feeling after beating your first villains?"

"Nothing special. I just did what I was asked to do."

"Why did you choose Ryukyu's agency? Do you know her personally, or is it some other reason?"

"No comment." Kotei replied.

The last thing he wanted was to expose his private life to these guys, attracted to information like piranhas to blood.

"What do you think of his performance today Ryukyu?" Seeing that they could not grab any private information from him, their target switch from him to the pro-hero mentoring him.

"Nova's actions were perfect from the start to the end. It will be hard for me to teach him anything useful during this week, but I will try my best." She answered, with her usual calm tone.

They then tried to ask more questions, but Kotei and Ryuko quickly left.


The rest of the day was pretty calm, with Kotei and Ryukyu eating quietly on a roof overlooking the city which was, after the failed robbery pretty calm.

"What did you thought about today?" Ryukyu asked suddenly, looking at her intern.

"It was better than what I expected. You also taught me a few things about heroes that I did not know too well. To sum up, it was pretty useful." He answered, between two bites of his tacos.

Hearing his words seems to put her in joy.

"I am happy to ears that! I was really worried that you found it boring since there were not a lot of things to do besides walking through the city."

"No, it was fine. Fighting some weak-ass villains is boring either way. Besides, the bank-robbery from this morning is already making my fame grow through immeasurable heights. Too much even."

Tilting her head to the side she raised the only visible eyebrow she had and asked.

"What do you mean?"

"Some of my friends sent me the different fan sites on me." Kotei said, lightly sighing.

Hearing that, Ryukyu began to laugh for a few seconds, putting her hand in front of her mouth.

"You will get used to this, even though the feeling is still as weird as it was the first day."

"... I hope so."

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