Gravity Control, In MHA

Chapter 31 - What a night! 12

The next day of the internship was pretty uneventful. Kotei continued patrolling the city with Ryukyu. Sometimes he had to sign some autographs to people which while it did not displease him, it was pretty boring doing that for almost 30 minutes a day.

His popularity was raising each day, and even more, since the footage of his first day was released to the public.

Some fans already began to speculate about his personal life, and his relationship with several pro-heroes even though he may have never encountered them.

It was obvious that Kotei, now more known as Nova was a student already more famous than some new pro-heroes.

The fanbase he had was almost constituted of only girls, each one trying to earn his attention, whether in the street while being 'by chance' on his patrol path, or just using their connections to gain as much information on him to try and seduce him.

Kotei himself felt pretty indifferent with all of that, as he only looked for interesting things which could help him progress or just have some fun.

Some women trying to bring him in their beds were the least of his problems.

Ryukyu seems to notice that the city was too calm for him and that the week was going to be unfruitful if she could not even teach him anything useful in a practical fight.

After a few minutes of debate with herself, she seems to have a quite good solution.

"Kotei?" She called him, walking into the room he currently occupied.

"Yes?" He answered, turning at the woman's figure walking inside.

"No problem, but can I ask why this city in particular?" Kotei asked, this time fully turned to her.

"We will chase the infamous Hero Killer. I know that you want some field training and since the city is pretty calm with villains relatively weak enough to be beaten by my side-kicks, a real villain would help you become better, I think." She said, making Kotei nod in agreement.

"And... to be honest I know that you are strong enough to beat the majority of villains and heroes out there. That's why you and I are gonna chase and put an end to his barbaric acts." She continued.

"...Thanks for your trust, I will not disappoint you." Kotei said after a small time of contemplating her words.

This time it was her time to nods before turning, ready to leave.

"I almost forgot..." She said, stopping at the door.

She seems to be looking for something between her... b.o.o.b.s?

"Here, bring it with you tomorrow. If we were to get separated, it will give you the right to act as a hero. I know that you are responsible enough to not abuse this power, in fact, it is only if the police try to cause you trouble." Ryukyu said, holding a golden card to Kotei.

Taking it, he inspected the card on which he could see his name and codename as well as 'Provisional side-kick under Ryukyu'.

"That's all-natural. Just call me Ryuko." She said one last time, before leaving the room and letting Kotei alone inside.

Falling back on his bed, Kotei looked at the card while several thoughts were racing in his head.

"... Hero Killer was it?" He whispered, unknowingly letting a smirk appear on his face.

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The next day, Kotei and Ryukyu were walking through the city of Hosu, looking for any suspicious individual having a slight resemblance to their target, the man named Stain.

"It's getting pretty dark, and we have not seen anything related to him." Ryukyu said, looking at the time.

"Yes, but I did not think about getting him on day one. We have some time left until I have to go back to school after all."

"You are right." She agreed. "Let's just continue this way. I have a bad feeling about this part of the city."

A few minutes later, some smoke could be seen in the distance. The commotion was immediately noticed by our duo.

"..." Kotei did not answer and began to immediately fly toward the rising smoke, becoming denser and denser each second.

A few seconds later, Kotei stopped above the scene of a fight quite pathetic.

In fact, saying that it was a fight was more like a euphemism as the two noumus here were wiping the floor with the pro-heroes trying to stop them.

The following second, Ryukyu arrived in her dragon form.

"Nova, take care of the black noumu!" She said, rushing toward the flying one who had someone in his grips.

Acknowledging her orders, Kotei fell toward the ground.

The moment his feet touched the concrete, it literally crumbled under the sheer gravity Kotei emit, letting him float a few centimeters above the small crater he created.

The noumu seems to have noticed the new presence and turn his eyeless head toward him, ignoring the pro-heroes.

"Let's dance." Kotei said to the noumu.

The two fists descended on Kotei who simply awaited in a punching stance.

"Kid! Get the hell out of here! It is not a game!" Some pro-heroes shouted on the back, but their intervention was promptly ignored by the concerned person.

The attack the noumu issued was completely blocked by a barrier like surrounding Kotei.

Indeed, the gravity was so strong that even the strength-enhanced strike could not even enter Kotei's personal space, let alone graze him!

"[Shredding Gravity]" Kotei announced as he punched toward the stomach of the monster.

Immediately, a large chunk of his body detached from it and have visibly been turned into meat paste.

Roaring in rage, the noumu took a step back and the wound was visibly closing itself.

"Regenerative quirk? Again? I am starting to believes it grow on trees." Kotei said, quite annoyed.

The noumu seems to want to try its luck again.

However, Kotei could see through his moves with ease and jumped on its head effortlessly.

"I believe that this exposed brain of yours is quite important..." Kotei whispered to nobody, even though his next actions spoke for himself.

He wrapped his right arm with his gravity and shaped it like a blade, adding power to its piercing capabilities.

Immediately after he was done, his arm went through very smoothly in the noumu's head until his hand emerged through its throat.

Even after that, the monster was on his feet, trying to shake off Kotei from its back.

It tried to grab him, but the gravity forcefield surrounds Kotei was blocking each one of its attempts.

Kotei then used his quirk [Amaterasu] to burn the inside of its head.

The noumu continued to cry for yell for a bit before it gradually became weaker until he simply collapsed on its stomach.

Noticing that it was finally dead, Kotei removed his arm from the cadaver.

They were completely getting demolished by a monster he took by himself and without the slight difficulty!

Shame was an understatement of what they were feeling about themselves!

Meanwhile, Kotei was completely ignoring their reactions as he turned toward the other fight ongoing.

The bits of brain and the bloodstains were nowhere to be seen as they got burned earlier.

Turning back his attention to the body in front of him, he said...

"This guy... Was a hothead for sure."

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