Gravity Control, In MHA

Chapter 32 - What a night! 22

Kotei stomped onto the head of the corpse a few times to ensure that it stayed dead, ignoring the looks of the nearby heroes.

Turning to them, he furrowed his brows as he did not understand what they were doing procrastinating here.

"What are you waiting for? Go evacuate civilians."

As if his voice awoke them from their stupor, they regained enough clarity to leave or search into the rubbles.

One hero came to him, a metallic cord in his hands.

"Hum... Can I tie him up? Just in case he... come back to life?" The unknown hero asked Kotei who had his gaze locked onto the fight of the dragon hero.

'She doesn't look in difficulty.' Kotei thought, seeing that Ryukyu had the upper hand in the fight.

He turned to look at the hero with the cord and called him.

"I will be leaving now. The probability of it coming back to life is close to zero so you should be alright, however, don't let your guard down. We don't know how many monsters are out there." Kotei declared, before flying to the sky.

Stopping mid-air, Kotei felt his phone vibrating in his pocket.

"I did not switch it off?" He asked himself, looking at the screen.

It was a location from Midoriya. He seemingly sent it to the whole 1-A.

It was an alley quite hidden as it was deep between the buildings.

Putting the phone back in his pocket, he flew toward Ryukyu, choosing to have her authorization before going alone.

Ryukyu who was currently fighting the flying nomou saw the monster being sent into the ground by an invisible attack.

Immediately after, Kotei appeared at her side and began to talk.

"I received a distress signal from one of my classmates. It is in an alley, I believe that it is the hero-killer." Kotei said to the dragon.

"If it is in an alley then go, I won't be able to do much inside a narrow space after all." She said, pressing the winged-monster with her claw.

Nodding at her words, Kotei turned, ready to leave.

"Don't forget to send me your location! I will bring other pro-heroes in a few minutes!" She shouted at his flying figure.

Kotei heard her words and immediately sped up toward his destination.

This person was Kotei who surrounded himself with his fire to ignore the wind who was quickly becoming a nuisance.

Seeing that he was approaching his destination, he slow down and began to descend inside the alley directly.

He could observe the presence of 5 people.

Three of them were on the ground, and two were facing each other.

He recognized one of them as Shoto as he was using his ice and fire to protect the other three on the ground.

He was struggling to fight the other one that Kotei deducted as being Stain.

Shoto received threw knives in his arm from Stain who was above, ready to bisect him with his sword, when a gravitational blast came slamming into him, forcing him to backflip into safety.

All of the people in the alley turned their heads toward the newly arrived person.

"Juryoku!" Midoriya said, surprised to see him here.

"It's Nova, Deku." Kotei said, not turning to look behind him.

"Shoto, take them to safety, they will only be liabilities here." Nova ordered the injured teen.

"... Fine." Shoto said, moving to obey.

He knew better than anyone that he will only be a dead weight in a fight with Kotei. He hated the fact that he was not strong enough to fight at his side, but couldn't do anything at the moment besides lifting the most injured one, ignoring his injury, and running toward a fairly safe place.

Iida who had his head still facing the ground gritted his teeth and shouted at Nova.

"Stop! I'm the one who had to do it! That man... I-I'm the one who-" However, his voice was cut by Kotei's.

"Shut the f.u.c.k up. Being a hero is not for the weak-willed. If you can't accept that, then don't open your mouth in my presence." Kotei's voice was clear and devoid of any pride or anger.

It was as if he just stated a fact.

Iida didn't have enough guts to raise his voice again, and just whispered things to himself.

"Hahaha!" Another voice who stayed quiet since Kotei arrived erupted in a laugh.

"What's so funny?" Kotei asked, turning back his head toward the villain in front of him. Find authorized novels in , faster updates, better experience, Please click #!-2-2_52018458388397380 for visiting.

"This is the same thing I said earlier! A true hero can't be driven by revenge!" Stain answered, a creepy smile on his face. "Are you a true hero?"

"True hero... I couldn't care less. I am here to make you bite the dust, that's all." Kotei replied calmly, cracking his knuckles.

"Then-!" Stain didn't have enough time to finish his sentence as he was forced to block a heavy punch from Kotei who appeared almost instantly where he was standing.

A trail of black flames could be seen behind him from his last position until where he was standing.

The sword he used to block the punch wrapped in gravity showed signs of cracks on its surface as even the ground on which he was standing began to crack.

'What strength!' Stain couldn't help but think when the sword and Kotei's fist disconnected and he was sent flying toward the wall.

Doing a back-flip to break his speed, Stain lands on the wall, vertically, and used his position to throw knives at Kotei. He lunged himself at the approaching teen, waving his machete.

Using the other machete on his left hand to block the hit, Stain was still pushed back, and the knife instantly broke.

'If I take one of these hits, I would be done!' Stain thought, throwing the broken knife at Kotei who once again ignored it, this time slightly tilting his head to the left.

"You are becoming slower." Kotei stated, looking at Stain.

In the alley, only him, Stain, Shoto, and the unparalyzed Midoriya were present.

"Tsk." Stain clicked his tongue and was ready to rush toward his opponent once again when Kotei's fist impacted his stomach.

The speed at which he moved was so high that it looked like teleportation.

The only indicator of his actions not being teleportation was the two footprints where he was a second earlier.

Stain was thrown like a ragdoll on the wall, the sound of bones breaking was clearly heard.

On the ground, the hero-hunter was grunting because of the pain and was struggling to breathe.

"It's over." Kotei said, his hand reaching for the halo behind his head.

The circle enlarged and Nova threw it toward him.

The thing surrounded Stain and tightened, blocking the use of his arms.

"Incredible..." Shoto whispered.

"He arrested a villain that pro-heroes could not beat..." Midoriya added, mouth agape.


A few minutes later, the other pro-heroes were here. The policemen were present to arrest the noumus and Stain.

The reporters were super excited to have the images of Kotei giving the hero-killer to the authorities. They were even more excited to know that he arrested him himself, saving the lives of his classmates and a pro-hero who got attacked by Stain.

Soon, the news of Nova, the student of Yuei known as Kotei Juryoku, arresting the hero-killer Stain and beating one of the monsters attacking Hosu was propagating like a wild-fire, making his fanbase grow even more.

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