Gravity Control, In MHA

Chapter 37 - I ain't joking

Read the author note please guys.


"I hate to say that some of you have failed the exercise." That was what Kotei heard once he left his meditation state.

Lifting his head to look at the black-haired teacher at his office, he waited for his next words.

"As such, you will all go to the forest lodge!" He announced a weirdly excited face for someone as lazy as him.

The four students who failed were more than overjoyed once they heard his words.

They previously were so down to have been the only ones to have failed that a gloomy aura oozed from their very beings.

Ignoring their antics, Eraserhead continued to talk, further explaining the situation.

"None of you failed at the writing exam. For the practical, however... Satou, Kirishima, Ashido, Kaminari, and Sero all failed.

In the exam, we gave you a way to win while gauging how you faced the challenges we set for each of you."

"So when you said that you were coming at us intending to crush us..."

Aizawa nodded, before clarifying with words.

"That was to drive you into a corner. The forest lodge is a boot camp, to begin with. The students who failed are the ones who need it the most.

To put it simply, it was a logical ruse."

Some students exclaimed, repeating quite loudly his last words.

"A logical ruse?!"

'It certainly brought most of them to go beyond their limits for sure.' Kotei thought, nodding at their actions.

He found it quite logical and clever since most work better if there is something at stake.

"That's not all." He said, making the students calm down almost immediately.

"Failing grades are still failing grades after all. The ones who failed have all earned special remedial periods. Their training will be harder than it would have been. Prepare yourselves, it will be one hell of a week."


At the end of the day, the students were getting ready to leave. Some were still talking to each other in the class, but some others were already leaving.

Toru, the ever-invisible girl butted in the conversation of some of the boys, as she had what she considered as an 'amazing' idea.

"Ah! Since some do not have what's necessary for the forest lodge, let's go shopping together tomorrow! C'mon! It will be fun I promise!" She proposed, jumping around clearly excited.

Some agreed, some already left, and some declined either too proud to accept going shopping, or already had some plan.

Kotei did not bother listening to Toru's proposal, his feet moving and nearing the giant door.

One step from the exit, a voice calling his name reached his ears as he turned to look at the green-haired boy.

"Kotei-san! Are you free tomorrow?" He asked, walking toward Kotei.

Kotei opened his mouth, ready to ask what he wanted to ask before he remembered that Nejire asked him to take her somewhere tomorrow.

"I have something to do. So... no, sorry."

With that said, he continued to walk, leaving the classroom for good.

"Heh. I wonder what he's doing tomorrow..." Kirishima mused.

"Who knows? Maybe throw meteors on a ninja's army?" Kaminari speculated.

They both looked at each other before laughing really hard.

So hard that they had some trouble breathing.

Maybe because it was too funny to even be true, or maybe... They could almost imagine the ridiculous scene.

But there again, who really knew?


"Look Kotei! Let's go there later! And there! Oh! Look at that!" She continued, as energetic and bubbly as she ever is.

"Yeah, yeah, Nejire. Let's just go eat for now okay?" Kotei replied. Even himself, sometimes has trouble following her.

The two of them were wearing simple clothes, but it was obvious that they were leagues above the common folk from just the aura they had.

It is useless to had that their couple was surely the shinier they ever saw, way above international stars.

They continued to walk through the mall with Nejire making them stop to look at a few things before they finally arrived at the nearby fastfood.

Kotei and Nejire sat at an empty table as the two of them began to look for what they would eat.

To be true, the situation was simpler than that.

Kotei was currently waiting for her to choose so he can go and order it.

"Huuuh... I think I will take this! Oh no wait... This? Mhm..." Nejire mused to herself, seemingly in an hard dilemma.

Suddenly, Kotei's eyes caught sometimes he did not expect to see today.

A certain head full of green hairs.

But what truly gain his attention was the man at his side, an hand on his shoulder.

His features were hidden by the hood but he could clearly sense and see that something was wrong. Midoriya was completely still, as if afraid to do anything.

Usually his speeches are accompanied by a few movements to describe what he want to say in precision.

"Mhm... Wait for me a few seconds Nejire, I will be back quickly." Kotei said, standing up suddenly.

"Ah? Okay, don't make me wait too much then!" She said, flashing him a smile before returning her attention to the menu.

Kotei went out, his path clear enough for anyone observing him.

With a quick and smooth move, he put an arm around the unknown man's neck, surprising him greatly as shown by his sudden face turn.

Kotei's eyes widened a little before going back to his neutral expression, a small smile on his face.

Shigaraki's face went to shock from anger to the point were he was definitely going to try to kill Kotei. However his next words stopped him immediately.

"A single movement and I liquefy you on the spot... If you see what I means." Kotei threatened, his smile still on his face.

It gave him a very fearsome look as he casually talked about putting an end to his life without blinking. For one of the first time of his life... Shigaraki was paralysed by the fear.

It was like if Death had its scythe on his neck. It was the exact same feeling that he just gave to Midoriya, but this time... He was not as happy and as before.

Midoriya could feel it too. Contrary to what Bakugo kept repeating like a pokemon... Kotei was way, way more serious.

Not beating around the bush, Kotei asked what he wanted to know.

"Tell me. What were the two of you talking about? It seems pretty interesting since you came all the way to a Yuei's student right?"

Shigaraki seems to muster enough courage to reply.

"I wanted to know... Why is the Stain bastard so much famous? Why is no one paying attention to me?"

"I see. Do you want my sincere advice?" Kotei asked, the smile on his face enlarging.

He noticed another weird one spying on them even thought he made sure to not reveal himself yet.

Shigaraki saw his smile, and felt eanesier each second. But he still wanted to know. He still wanted to see what kind of advice this living cheat could give him.

"What is it?" He asked, immediately feeling as if there definitely is something wrong.

At the side, Midoriya now free from Shigaraki's hand was quietly observing their interaction.

He could not help but worry about Kotei since he deliberated put himself at risk to save him.

"... Break a leg... Or two." Kotei said to him, a smile fully blowing on his face.

At the same time he put an hand on his mouth, muffling the scream which followed immediately after.

Shigaraki had now his two legs bent at unusual angles, and if one looked closed some bones were even visible sticking out from his pants. Weirdly enough, the blood was not flowing down as it should have.

It was mainly because Kotei used his quirk to put enough pressure on his injury to stop any blood staining the floor and leaving a trace of the encounter.

"Your babysitter is there. Let's not make him wait right?" Kotei casually announced, not perturbed at all by his own actions.

Midoriya who saw this couldn't help but open his mouth wide from the shock. He knew that Kotei had violent tendency much like Bakugo, but like that, it seems like pure torture!

Shigaraki who felt Kotei's hand leaving his mouth, took heavy pants, like if at the verge on out.

The way Kotei destroyed his two limbs was particularly excruciating, almost as if it exploded from the inside at multiple spots.

"Y-yo-ou... will... pay..."

Cold sweat was dripping from his forehead, using his sheer will power to remain conscious.

"I will wait." Kotei said, shrugging his shoulders before letting Shigaraki fall on his back.

Immediately, a black portal appeared and swallowed him whole.

It happened so fast that only Midoriya and Kotei saw it.

"Well. That was funnier than what I thought for sure." Kotei said, standing up.

"Why did you let him go?!" Midoriya asked, visibly shocked at the boy's actions.

"This guy is visibly very important for their organization. Putting him behind bars will simply lead to a prison-break. And even if I gave him to a pro-hero, they surely would have sent someone to help, him. It was not worth the effort to be honest." Kotei said without looking at Midoriya before he began walking in a certain direction.

"Wait Kotei!" Izuku called him, making him stop in his tracks.

"Deku you are here! I was searching for you!" The green-haired boy turned around, looking at the newly arrived Uraraka.

"Wait I have something to say to...?!" Izuku turned back, but his eyes met nobody since Kotei visibly disappeared as fast as he appeared.

Looking at the floor, he couldn't help but feel even weaker.

Despite training with Gran Torino, he still was way to weak, being a dead weight for everyone around him.

'I still need to be stronger!' Izuku shouted in his mind, feeling the urgency more than any time.


Kotei him, after saving his little schoolmate had just went back to Nejire.

She went and took the same thing as he did since she just could not choose herself.

While they were eating their hamburger, Nejire lifted her head and looked at him with her clear blue eyes.

"Where were you again?" She asked, looking at her boyfriend lift his eyes to meet hers.

"I saw a schoolmate in need, and some manchild being... childish?"

"Your schoolmates are here?" Why didn't you tell me!" She asked, pouting a little.

"They are still here. If you want we can go and find them. However I doubt that we will have enough time to do all your purchases." Kotei said, shrugging.

'It is the only thing all women loves. Shopping.' He thought, looking at her expression. Once again she was debating with herself.

After a few moments, she finally decided.

"Let's go shopping!"

'So predictable...' He thought, shaking his head. A small smile on his face.

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