Gravity Control, In MHA

Chapter 38 - Improve or disappear?

"What? So Class A needs supplementary lessons?" A blonde boy wearing Yuei's uniform said smugly, restyling his hair.

His classmates behind seemed a little too much accustomed to his behavior, to the point where they did not even try to ask him to stop trying to belittle the other class.

"Isn't that weird? Isn't that strange? I thought Class A was supposed to be superior to Class B?! Huuuu?!" He continued, very proud of his words.

The other students from his class didn't intervene probably because they have someone on guard for his behavior.

Thus, an orange-haired girl came from behind the crowd of students from 1-B, an almost visible vein on her forehead expressing her rising anger.

In a swift and fast way, she knocked him out with a karate chop at the back of his neck.

His body plumped on the ground and she quickly began to drag him toward their own bus, not wanting to antagonize more than necessary the other class.

"Sorry about that." She quickly said, continuing to move away.

Kotei who was almost being shouted on as he was the closest to him, simply shook his head before looking in a certain direction, looking at something regular people could not see.

'It stopped for good I think.' Was Kotei's thoughts.

The signals he kept sensing suddenly stopped a few hours ago. In the past 24 hours, it grew so weak that it was almost imperceptible. Finally, it completely stopped, and Kotei believes that it was the last time he would sense such a signal.

'I will try to search its energy signature later. Gravitational quirks let residual energy whenever they are used after all. It will not be difficult at all hopefully.'

His family members had unique energy, in the same way, Uraraka or himself has. However, he learned that not everyone can sense gravitational energies as only his sister can while his brother or Uraraka can't.

A few minutes later, the two classes jumped in the buses and began the trip toward what the students believe was the forest lodge.


An hour or so later, Class's A bus stopped at a rather isolated place, just above a forest.

The students left the bus, ready to go pee or whatever they wanted to do at a rest spot.

"Huh?! That's not a rest stop?"

A few students began to ask if Aizawa wasn't wrong on the location.

"Heeey! Eraser! It's been a while!" A feminine voice called the teacher, bringing everyone's attention toward them.

Two women and one little boy, having a rather grumpy expression.

Seeing that everyone had their eyes on them, the women wearing what seemed to be their heroic costume began to present themselves, posing a little strangely.

"With sparkling eyes, we rock on! Cute, cat, stinger... We are the wild and wild P.u.s.s.ycats!"

Aizawa on the side simply sighed at their quirkiness and introduced them, in a more understandable way.

"As you heard, they are the professional heroes, the P.u.s.s.ycats."

Following the introductions, Midoriya began to fanboy, much to the disp.l.e.a.s.u.r.e of some students.

The black-haired woman then pointed at a faraway mountain with her clawed glove.

"The place you'll be staying at is on the base of that mountain as this entire area is more or less our domain." She announced.

"Huh? Then why did we stop if we're only halfway there...?" Uraraka asked, making some of them realize what was next.

"Don't tell me..." Sato began to say, speculating on what the heroes wanted them to do.

Some students began to complain as the distance between their current location and the supposed destination was really far, even more traveling on foot.

Not letting them recover, she continued to announce even more shocking things... at least for some.

"It's currently 9:30 am. The kittens that don't make it before 12:30 won't be eating."

At her sentence, some even tried to run back to the bus, but her colleague was faster, using her quirk to move the earth in a way where it pushed every student off the cliff, almost buried by the soft earth. Thankfully it also helped to nullify the fall.

Kotei stopped himself midair, some mud falling from the cocoon-like barrier surrounding him.

'We have three hours huh?' He asked himself, putting his hands into his pockets ignoring the sounds of the fight below him.

'They seem to even have put some attraction for us. Though it is way too useless for me.' Kotei remarked, briefly looking at the ground.

There was some kind of earth beasts fighting his classmates. However, the fact that the students so easily disposed of them, showed the fact that they were more or less, fodders.

Some kind of beasts began to jump in the air, reaching him with little to no effort as he was flying just above the trees.

"Mhm..." Kotei let a low amused noise as he used his quirk to blast them away the moment they approached too much.

However, he understood that the main purpose of this was going through the forest itself so he did just that.

Falling back on the ground, he began stretching his legs a little before breaking in a full run, far exceeding Midoriya's current Full Cowl by a rather large margin.

Kotei only used his physical abilities, not using his gravitational quirk nor his Amaterasu quirk.

His stamina seemed almost endless as he simply ran through the forest, blasting through the different earth monsters fruitlessly trying to tire him or even slow him down.

"It's funnier than I thought." Kotei said out loud, a smile on his face.

Each one of his punches and kicks was causing craters where it would land. Yet, strangely enough, he seems to be very careful to not damage any tree or wildlife around him, only breaking the ground and sometimes boulders.

Pixie-Bob continued to create more and more monsters in his path unfortunately for her, he was like an unstoppable force, ignoring the obstacles. Even his stamina did not seem to have any end since his pace did not slow down since the very beginning.

It's been 15 minutes since he last saw any of these golems.

She must have stopped using her energy uselessly since it clearly did not affect him in the slightest.

Kotei stopped and began to walk toward Aizawa who did not look surprised at all to see him so soon.

"As expected from you. Go wash and settle down. They will surely not be as fast as you."

"Alright." Kotei nodded, walking toward the building, taking his luggage with him.

He was too focused on his luggage to see the weird glint in Pixie-Bob's eyes as she left her focused state just to stare at him.


At 5:00 pm, they finally arrived.

Aizawa, the two pro-heroes, the child that Kotei learned the name of, Kouta, and Kotei himself were waiting for them at the exit of the forest.

Kotei who changed in Hawaiian clothes as if he was a vacationer, drank a little of his coconut before looking at them, a small grin on his face.

"What took you guys so long? You look awful by the way." He said, making them deadpan.

"If I wasn't so tired I would blow this f.u.c.k.i.n.g grin off your face." Katsuki said between tired groans.

"Sounds like a sorry excuse." Kotei replied to the blond boy, taunting him.

"Man... 2 hours my ass! I feel like I'm going to starve to death..." A few of them commentated, ignoring the duo on the side, one trying to blast the other who dodged everything with little to no efforts.

Mandalay replied to their complaints. "My bad... I meant by our standards. Besides, Kotei here did actually made it in time."

"Hey man, you left us behind, not cool." Denki said to our main character, making Katsuki and Kotei stop their little spectacle.

"Yeah, that's was not manly at all." Kirishima added, agreeing with the rip-off Pikachu.

Kotei looked at them for a moment before removing his sunglasses, letting his purple eyes almost shine on them.

If they were honest, they were greatly intimidated at the moment.

"I ain't your babysitter. I won't always be there to save you and ease all trials in your path. You need to learn to be more... independent."

Kotei announced to them. They knew he was right.

Some of them were not too bothered by the idea of going through the whole forest at first as they believed Kotei would just carry them all with ease.

However, when he clearly was not with them, they actually realized... They began to be overreliant on him. To the point where they did not know if they could actually exit the forest.

Some just began to realize that some did not see him as a beacon of light in an empty night but maybe just as a model or a rival to surpass.

"Juryoku is right. You all did not need him to grab your hands through this whole trial. You did it yourselves and can be proud of your success." Aizawa stepped in, grasping all their attention.

"However, it is far from being the end of this week. When you have settled into your rooms, grab dinner in the dining hall and then go take a bath and unwind. The real deal starts tomorrow."

Before they all left, Midoriya asked what he wondered for a while.

"Are one of you that child's mother?"

Mandalay turned around and made a motion for him to approach them.

"Oh no, that kid is my nephew.

Kouta! Come say hi, you're going to be living with them for the next week." She said to him.

Listening to her, he approached Midoriya to which the green-haired boy responds by holding his hand for a handshake.

"Nice to mee-"

Ignoring his hand, Kouta punched his family jewels mercilessly.

"Kouta!" Mandalay shouted at him, very apologetic and ashamed at her nephew's behavior

He then walked back, leaving a sentence that was probably written in advance to make him 'cooler' probably.

"I'm not going to f.u.c.k around with a bunch of losers who want to grow up to be corny a.s.s heroes."

"'F.u.c.k around'? How old are you?!" Iida interrogated, visibly shocked.

Once the students left for the dormitories, Mandalay and Pixie-Bob left too, the latter not forgetting to wink at Kotei.

In front of the building, only Kotei and Aizawa remained.

The pro-hero turned toward his student.

"You really left them because you wanted them to grow by themselves?" He asked.

Kotei seems more the genre to simply left them behind they were annoying or dead weights.

"I believe that we all have a faculty which over time... made us improve or fade away."

He put back his sunglasses and looked at his teacher.

Aizawa could not read his expression nor if his words were what he really thoughts, but it did not seem too much farstretched from his usual behavior.

"So you wanted a response to..." Aizawa began, already knowing what Kotei would say.

"Will they improve or disappear?" A small smile forming on Kotei's face.

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