Gravity Control, In MHA

Chapter 4 - Small incident and little time skip

In a jewelry store, a handsome young man was standing beside a beautiful necklace of a bright azure blue.

His hair was dancing above his head, his hair's color was a mixture of silver and very very black.

A serious expression on his face, he was looking at the necklace in front of him. He was visibly lost in his mind.

'It will be good for her...' He thought.

"Have you made your choice sir?" An employee came toward him, as he was looking at the necklace for ten good minutes straight.

"Yes, I will take this one."

"Good choice sir, will you have it wrapped in gift wrap?" She asked, putting the expensive necklace with great care in a package.

"Yes, it is for someone's special." He replied, paying with his credit card.

"Thanks for your patronage! Have a great day." She waved her hand at the leaving Kotei.

Walking with the small box in his right hand, he went to his parked car and entered it.

However, he didn't drive away as he noticed a commotion at the end of the road.

"What is it this time?" He asked himself, leaving the car. The gift sheltered inside the luxurious car.

Approaching the scene, he looked through the crowd of people and saw a few heroes trying to prevent the citizen from approaching.

He then saw an enormous sludge with a blonde kid being trapped inside.

'Mhm... The guy will die at this rate.'

Stepping inside, he used his quirk to make himself fly in the air.


'I can certainly use it better than usual... but controlling it is more difficult.' Sighing at this, he whispered.

"What a pain."

Flying above the whole scene, he looked at the commotion better than when his sight was obstructed by the people.

"Mhm. Should I help him?"

While he was wondering about his next actions, a green-haired guy ran toward the sludge and threw his schoolbag at the villain, momentarily blinding him.

He then frenetically clawed at him, trying to extract the trapped kid from there, however, he only gave him a little breathing room. He was also yelling something that Kotei couldn't hear with the shouts of the onlookers and the raging flames around them.

Unknowingly to everyone, a tall blonde man was looking at the scene and was getting ready to jump into the scene, to save the two boys. However, Kotei's action saved him from doing that.

"[Gravitational Domain]"

The sludge who was making the heroes and audience powerless had immediately been reduced to nothing but a puddle by an invisible force.

'I- I can't move!!' The green-haired kid thought in panic.

The blonde one who was trapped inside the villain was free of his movements. He fell on his knees and cough, removing all the sludge who was choking him.

Kotei's figure then landed gently on the ground, his stretched hand toward the downed villain, who wasn't able to move. The gravity pressing on him was way too heavy for him to move. Otherwise, he would immediately rush toward Kotei to try to swallow him whole.

Seeing that the hero was only looking at him shocked, he yelled at them, not understanding why they didn't rush yet to seize the villain.

"Are you waiting for DiGiDix's return?" He yelled, confusing a few of them before they finally rushed to seize the villain.

The spectators who were previously watching the scene with unbelievable eyes began to exclaim at the scene.

"Incredible!" "Did you see his entrance?!" "Is that a telekinesis quirk?" "He isn't a pro-hero is he? He is young!" "What am I going to eat today?"

They first yelled at the green-haired kid to have jumped into the danger without thinking.

The blonde one having recovered enough was only sitting on the ground, an angry expression on his face. Some heroes were comforting him and praising his quirk.

'Embarrassed? I would be too.' Kotei thought briefly looking at him.

He then shifted his attention to the heroes in front of him. At first, they scold him for having used his quirk but it was very short-lived as they immediately praised his quirk and the feat he just achieved.

Not bothering to reply to them with more than a few words such as "Yes.", "No." and "Shut the f.u.c.k up you are annoying." He gave his information to a policeman for the report and left the scene.

He was beginning to be uneasy because of the insistent gaze of Mt. Lady on his body.

Rapidly moving toward his parked car, he jumped inside to escape the persistent journalists who ran after him for an interview.

Unknowingly to him, he left behind him a blonde guy who was hoping to kick his a.s.s one day.

"I wasted enough time here. I hope Onee-chan didn't watch the news, I saw a few cameras..."

"Welcome back young master Kotei!" A maid said to the arriving Kotei.


"Mistress Miko is waiting for you in the relaxation room."

"Hgh." He g.r.o.a.n.e.d knowing that she was gonna lecture him for a long time.

Stepping inside the relaxation room, he closed the door behind him then looked at where his sister was standing.

"Kotei-kun you cute idiooot~!" She said, flying onto him.

Rubbing her face on his torso, she hugged him tightly in her arms.

"What were you doing there?"

"It's a long story."

Glaring at him, he felt an invisible pressure on his very soul, was it the famous sister's stand?

"It's a short story."

"I am listening."

"I was out to but a gift for a certain person..."

"Who?" Cutting him she asked, more interested to hear who the person was than why he was at the incident's area.

"... Nejire."

"Ara ara... Is my little brother finally becoming a man?"


"Mhm? By the way, is it me or you changed?" She asked, turning around him, noting his physical changes.

"You became thinner, are you eating well? Your hair's color also changed is it to seduce Nejire?"

"What is it?"

"Nothing much, I merged with my quirk and this happened. It is dangerless."

Opening his shirt, she looked into the evermoving black hole.

She immediately closed it back, not wanting to know what the f.u.c.k that was.



"I am pretty sure that something looked at me."

"When you look at the void, the void looks back at you."

A moment of silence fell again in the room, none moving an inch.

"Let's forget what's happened."

"I am more than happy to say yes."

"What did you buy for Nejire-chan?"

"A beautiful necklace, I think that it will go perfectly with her hair's color." He said, removing the necklace from the box and putting it in her delicates hand.

"Did your quirk changed your personality as well? You are more talkative than you ever were."

"I am persuaded that it is the case. But I don't feel any different."

"As long then you are feeling good, there is nothing to worry about then!" She replied happily leading him to the couch.

"Let's talk about my soon-to-be sister-in-law!"

"I sincerely don't want to."

"Let's talk about the way you stupidly flexed on them at the sludge's incident scene about how I will punish you for that? Cute Kotei-kun~!" She asked, her smile still as bright for other people but for Kotei it was even darker than the black hole who serves as his heart.

"What do you want to know about Nejire-chan?" He said not wanting to irritate her.

"Ara ara. I was waiting for you to say that! Let's begin with..."


An hour or so later, Miko was finished with her never-ending questions which concerned his feelings for Nejire.

'If someone would have said that I would express my emotions to someone else to such a point, I would have silently laughed at him before leaving without looking back. Now I feel like not talking about it with someone as close as my sister, would have been against my very nature. It's a strange feeling...

I will have to look more precisely at my changes later.'

"Let's go eat the dinner now little man." Pulling him out of his thoughts, Miko called him to eat. Waiting for him at the doorframe.

"Yes, I am hungry after this interrogation." He replied, walking toward her.

"Is it wrong for a big sister to want to know more about her little brother now that this one is suddenly more open? I don't think so."

"Heh. Whatever I guess."


The next morning, Kotei woke up in his bed as he always does.

Looking at the rising sun, he stood up and walked toward his training corner.

The last time he ate way more than he usually does. He must have eaten more than two-time what he usually eats. But strangely enough, he doesn't seem to be uncomfortable with the quantity he swallowed.

Stretching as each morning, he then went to look at his body in the mirror.

'Did my body's muscles came back to their previous condition?' Flexing his muscles he corrected himself.

'No, they are still as condensed than yesterday I feel like they became even more powerful even if it didn't reach a crazy level.'

"Good enough." He said, then looked at the black hole in his c.h.e.s.t.

"What am I going to do with you?" Kotei asked himself, looking inside the black hole with insistence.

"Wow, I know what Miko-nee felt yesterday. The void is staring back."

Looking around the room, his eyes finally locked with a book one random guy at school slipped in his schoolbag. He still doesn't know who did it, but it isn't as if he searched too.

The title was "The way of Arouf Gangsta". It was the dumbest thing he ever dared to touch, let alone touch.

Grabbing it with his right hand, he inserted it inside the swirling black hole, then released it. It was floating in the void, visible to all through the hole before it disappeared after a few seconds.

Looking at the black hole and all possible changes, Kotei stayed in front of the mirror, for a few minutes.

"I don't feel any different. Let's take it back."

Putting his hand inside, he moved his hand looking for the floating object.

Not even a second after, he grabbed something and pulled it out.

However, the previous black hole changed to a white hole at the passage of the book.

Looking at the unspoiled book in his hand, Kotei had a small grind on his face, imagining all the possibilities.

"So... When I put a thing inside, the item doesn't seem to deteriorate... more testing is necessary. When I retrieve it, the previous black hole becomes a white hole and it becomes a black hole again after a few seconds." He said, writing all his observations inside a notebook in which he always writes his observations about his quirk.

"... It's training time. For the next ten months, I guess.' Sighing at his own words, he unenergetically went to take a shower.


Alone on the training ground, he first wrote something in his notebook, who was until then inside his black hole. It was practically a pocket for him.

"Let's begin with a little gravity push." He said, his hand pointed toward a training mannequin.

"[Gravity Push]"

He intended to push it just enough to make it wobble, however, it was immediately pushed toward the sky, making it fly for at least several hundred meters.


Even the birds who witnessed this shut up. If it was because they were shocked or if they were afraid of them being the next targets will always stay a mystery.

"Good thing at the sludge incident I used a simple technique such as [Gravity Domain], otherwise the other kids would have been crushed too.

Mhm... Now I know that using attacks technique is too difficult to control in my current condition. I should try to have better control then I would create new techniques from the differents new feat that I can achieve."

'Let's try it again.' He thought, holding his hand as he previously did.

'[Gravity Push]'


Ten months passed in a blink of an eye.

[A/N: Literally lol.]

The whole Juryoku family was gathered around the table and were eating peacefully.

"So Kotei-kun, I heard that you were going to pass the exam as any normal student tomorrow? Why aren't you taking the recommended slot?" The big brother asked his little brother. His question aroused the curiosity of the grandpa and the sister who at their turn, turned their head to look at him.

"I want to try a few things. During these months I tried to have as much control as I could over my quirk, but it is too powerful to be used against villains without crippling them or kill them. I want to see the limits of what I can use during the test tomorrow." He answered when his mouth was filled with food.

"It is a good thing, I am glad to see that you are taking our little trade seriously." The old man said, looking at his now big little grandson. A hint of proudness was seen in his eyes.

"I hope that even with your job as a hero you won't forget about Nejire!" Miko added, looking at her little brother.

Turning his head to avoid her glare, Kotei silently implored Rurai to save him. Sometimes his sister was embarrassing him when he couldn't escape.

"Haha, let him breathe a little, I am sure that he won't, the next time he even went to see her during the storm. I can say that his love for her is very strong." He said, at first earning him a grateful nod from his brother then a small "Tsk."

'I knew that I couldn't rely on him, as always I must endure her constant teasing. Why Antlike, why?!' Kotei thought, spouting nonsense.

"By the way, how was the week at the mountain? Did something... Good, happened?" Miko asked looking closely at the small blush on his face.

"... Nothing of the genre happened." He replied after a few seconds of silence, where they all looked at him as if he was a sect's guru.

"Booo~!" "So I am not waiting for grandchildren..." "You are not a man yet little bro."

Being pissed off by their fake disappointment, he spoke to them, his voice filled with a little haughty tone.

"... You all are sore-losers in relationsh.i.p.s. Contradict me if it isn't the case."

"..." "..." "..."

Kotei was replied by an embarrassed silence. He then resumed eating, followed by the burned losers.

Being done with eating, they prayed before going to their occupations.

In his room, Kotei texted his girlfriend Nejire for a while before he got ready to sleep.

Do you want to see the scene were they confessed? Well... It is a story for another day...

Kotei was ready to turn off his phone to sleep, but he suddenly received a message making him stop in his tracks.

Looking at the person who texted him, he got perplexed.

"Momo? So late?" He asked himself.

Momo Yaoyorozu was a friend he made at his old school. She was one of the few who didn't care about his family's power or his quirk. She was in the same situation so they easily related to each other and became close friends. For both, it was difficult to find people who won't have any other ulterior motives.

Looking at the text he received he was even more perplexed.

{Good luck for today Kotei-kun! (Few thumbs up smileys)}

Finally understanding her intention, he only replied.

{I guess I was supposed to see that tomorrow... I still appreciate it tho.}

{Ah~ Usually you sleep at this hour are you excited to pass the exam?}

{Nope, now I need my beauty sleep and I think that you need it too Momo-chan.}

{Night night Kotei-kun!}

{Good night Momo-chan.}

He replied, finally turning off his phone.

"I will be able to test my new techniques during the test. I hope that I will be able to let loose and have some fun."

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